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《远大前程》是19世纪英国作家狄更斯的一部经典著作。小说生动地刻画了代表着英国底层阶级的主人公皮普对远大前程脱离困境的一种渴望和所历经的磨难。小说中的乔是不可缺少的次要人物,他出现的安排对小说中主人公的丰满成长有着至  相似文献   

纵观世界各国奇幻小说的创作,英国的奇幻小说无论在数量还是质量上都最能体现奇幻小说的文类特征。通过对英国奇幻小说的发展历程进行梳理和综合分析,以期对其传统和创新进行阐释。英国奇幻小说是促使中国当代奇幻小说形成的主要力量,对中国当代奇幻小说的创作和发展影响深远。  相似文献   

《南方与北方》是盖斯凯尔夫人的另一部工业体裁小说。这部小说以19世纪英国社会的劳资矛盾为线索,反映了资本主义价值观在当时英国社会的主导地位,以及在19世纪工人运动中所遭遇的抗衡,预示着资本主义价值观的衰落。而小说里对工人运动的描写则反映了当时英国工人运动的趋势。  相似文献   

19世纪英国现实主义小说为读者津津乐道。本文探讨了19世纪英国现实主义小说所共有的艺术特征,并指出,正是这些艺术特征使这些小说获得了成功。同时,为了证明19世纪英国现实主义小说与19世纪之前的英国作品在艺术特征方面的不同之处,本文对它们进行了粗略的比较。  相似文献   

简·奥斯丁(1775——1817)是英国文学史上的一位重要作家,对英国小说有很大贡献。她继承了理查逊善于描写人物心理活动的现实主义手法及菲尔丁对不合理现象的讽刺手法,给我们描绘了一幅幅鲜活的十八世纪末、十九世纪初英国乡村中产阶级家庭生活的画面。她发展了戏剧小说,解决了詹姆斯、狄更斯等作家无法解决的问题,创造了圆形人物,打破了西方文学史上正面人物完美无缺的传统。她的客观描述手法也是英国小说史上的首创。她对于女性小说的贡献更是前所未有的。她被誉为是莎士比亚式的世界永远知名的英国小说之母。  相似文献   

正18世纪小说的兴起是英国独特的文化现象,要了解这种现象产生的原因,首先应该熟知文学作品产生、书物出版及印刷行业的发展进程,具体体现在要深入了解小说主要面向的读者群体、读者喜好及小说对读者产生的影响。当英国工业资产阶级日益发展成一个独立的阶级时,几乎同时英国兴起了一种新的文学形式——小说,小说与工业资产阶级的生活息息相关。工业资产阶级的社会心理及社会定位的变化表现在他们对社会文化、文学素养的需求方面,直接反  相似文献   

《哈利波特》等电影在国内的热播带动了其同名小说的热销,激发了学术界对英国儿童奇幻小说的研究热情。然而,国内学术界目前对英国儿童奇幻小说的研究存在很多的不足,缺乏创新的指导理论,覆盖面不够丰富。国内的研究现状与英国儿童奇幻小说在文学史上的地位不相称,也与国外在此方面的研究有相当的差距。因此,国内的研究应该加大对指导理论、研究对象及研究视角的挖掘力度,从而繁荣对英国儿童奇幻小说的研究。  相似文献   

福斯特是英国爱德华时期最重要的小说家之一.《霍华德庄园》被称为“最后一本‘英国状况’小说”,而福斯特本人也被称为“最后一个英国人”.通过对文本的细读,深入剖析小说中人与自然以及人与人之间的关系问题,以图揭示福斯特这位“最后一个英国人”深刻的道德关怀.  相似文献   

“愤怒的青年”们的小说继承了英国小说的现实主义创作传统。它的发展与20世纪50年代的英国社会有着必然的联系。就其创作背景,对“愤怒的青年”产生的原因进行了分析,并归纳出小说的创作风格。一,主人公们多为出生卑微的社会底层人物;二,主题都是反映战后英国的现实生活和道德问题。三,手法直叙平铺;语言质朴平实。  相似文献   

英国作家康拉德的小说《吉姆老爷》现在越来越受到读者与评论家的关注,并被现代西方评论界视为英国小说史上的一座丰碑。本文首先从小说的叙事技巧的分析入手,继而阐释了该书叙事技巧对于道德主题的深化与延伸的重要意义,目的在于引起人们对该书中叙事技巧对主题发掘所起重大作用的关注。  相似文献   

简要介绍了基于认知语言学和体验哲学理论原则的体验式教学法的提出,及其在英关文学阅读教学中的应用。此教学法从英美文学阅读的教学需要出发,可以引起学生的情感体验,帮助学生准确地理解教学内容。从而促进他们的外语学习和全面发展。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether school climate and social–emotional learning impact teacher commitment. The sample included 664 public schoolteachers from British Columbia and Ontario in Canada. Participants completed an online questionnaire about teacher commitment, school climate, and social–emotional learning. Binary logistic regression analyses showed that positive school climates significantly predicted three forms of teacher commitment: greater general professional commitment, future professional commitment, and organizational commitment. Of the school climate variables, student relations and collaboration among staff predicted commitment. In addition, stronger beliefs and integration of social–emotional learning predicted two types of teacher commitment: greater general professional commitment and organizational commitment. Of the social–emotional learning variables, the support and promotion of a social–emotional learning culture across the school and comfort with and regular implementation of social–emotional learning in the classroom predicted greater teacher commitment. Implications for practice and research are discussed. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

教育生态学是一门新兴的边缘学科,本文试图运用该学科的相关理论来指导高校英美文学课堂教学的建构,最终达到使学生学到知识的同时还养成自主学习的态度,享受积极的情感体验。  相似文献   

Emotion is a growing focus for contemporary thinking about leadership in public policy and corporate arenas. In British education systems, three imperatives are evident: the idea that transformation is essential; leadership succession in crisis; and, more recently, that leaders must be able to run organisations that address the emotional well-being of staff and students. Viewed as a key outcome of schooling, its importance is mirrored in school leadership, especially professional development. This article considers whether this represents a step-change in leadership development praxis or is, instead, an invasive form of emotional engineering redolent of long-established orthodoxies of control and domination. If so, it is argued, leadership development as the advocacy of emotional acumen presents moral technology as a new form for intervening in leaders' emotional selves, thereby distracting them from addressing fundamental aspects of education for which they are primarily responsible.  相似文献   

This paper presents a critique of the educational model of emotional and behavioural difficulties in British education. In the wake of strong criticisms of the so-called medical model of maladjustment (pre-1980s), educational policies have defined the 'disturbing' pupil as having emotional and behavioural difficulties, and have more recently shifted towards reconstructing such difficulties as matters of discipline within school. The arguments from social science, semantics and ethics that were brought into play in the anti-medical critique are considered here in view of their consequences today for the construction of the 'disruptive pupil' and dilemmas for practitioners.  相似文献   

在我国学习技能支持并未引起足够的重视,英国开放大学网站上对于学习者的学习技能支持值得借鉴和参考。英国开放大学学习技能支持的特点包括:注重基础,着眼于提高学生的素质和能力,关注技能掌握和心理情感,注重学生个性需求,重视引进新技术等。我国远程教育学习支持服务需要从注重学习技能支持服务,充分发挥作业功能和效用及改变评价方式等方面进行完善。  相似文献   

Studies examining the well-being of British children find that about 5–10% are at risk of developing problems. This study aimed to examine the emotional and behavioural development of six to eight year olds in an area of socio-economic deprivation in Glasgow (Scotland) and compare this with UK norms. Furthermore, it aimed to look at overlap between the problems children had. It was a population-based survey involving parents and teachers of 1658 children. The study found that the overall emotional and behavioural development in this deprived population was surprisingly similar to UK norms. There was however a small group of children with overlapping problems. There is an emphasis within Glasgow on supporting young people's social, emotional and behavioural needs, particularly with regard to nurture and attachment. Implications of Glasgow initiatives are discussed, and their potential role in helping children from deprived backgrounds maintain levels of emotional and behavioural development in line with UK norms and, in particular, this group with overlapping problems is explored.  相似文献   

Trait emotional intelligence (trait EI) covers a wide range of self-perceived skills and personality dispositions such as motivation, confidence, optimism, peer relations and coping with stress. In the last few years, there has been a growing awareness that social and emotional factors play an important part in students’ academic success and it has been claimed that those with high scores on a trait EI measure perform better. This research investigated whether scores on a questionnaire measure of trait EI were related to school performance in a sample of British pupils. Results showed that high performing students had higher trait EI scores than low performing students and that some aspects of trait EI (motivation and low impulsivity) as well as total trait EI were significant predictors of academic achievement after controlling for prior attainment at school. Therefore, initiatives to develop the emotional and social abilities of schoolchildren might be worthwhile and more effective than concentrating solely on teaching and curriculum activities.  相似文献   

Motivated by very different goals, various interest groups argue that the British government should address problems with citizens’ emotional well‐being. Concerns about emotional vulnerability and poor emotional well‐being amongst growing numbers of children, young people and adults produce ideas and approaches from different branches of psychology and psychoanalysis. These compete for legitimacy throughout the education system. In part, such developments can be seen as the latest manifestation of a long‐running tendency to psychologise intractable educational and social problems. The roots of the psychologisation of emotional vulnerability also lie in a deeper philosophical and political disenchantment with an externally‐seeking, autonomous human subject and forms of curriculum knowledge that support it. One effect of these related trends is an epistemology of the emotion that privileges an emotionally vulnerable identity as integral to contemporary human subjectivity. One outcome is to offer emotionally‐focused pedagogy and knowledge, particularly for those deemed to be educationally and socially disadvantaged. The paper argues that, despite being highly unfashionable in sociological, political and philosophical theory, a humanist view of subjectivity challenges the new inequalities and diminished forms of pedagogy and knowledge this epistemology offers.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationship between different forms of childhood trauma and eating psychopathology using a multiple mediation model that included emotion dysregulation and dissociation as hypothesised mediators. 142 female undergraduate psychology students studying at two British Universities participated in this cross-sectional study. Participants completed measures of childhood trauma (emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional neglect and physical neglect), eating psychopathology, dissociation and emotion dysregulation. Multiple mediation analysis was conducted to investigate the study's proposed model. Results revealed that the multiple mediation model significantly predicted eating psychopathology. Additionally, both emotion dysregulation and dissociation were found to be significant mediators between childhood trauma and eating psychopathology. A specific indirect effect was observed between childhood emotional abuse and eating psychopathology through emotion dysregulation. Findings support previous research linking childhood trauma to eating psychopathology. They indicate that multiple forms of childhood trauma should be assessed for individuals with eating disorders. The possible maintaining role of emotion regulation processes should also be considered in the treatment of eating disorders.  相似文献   

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