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失独家庭问题,近年来逐渐成为社会关注的一个焦点问题。失独家庭除了要面临丧失子女的痛苦,还要担心疾病和养老等一系列现实的问题。本文以纪录片《夕阳红》为例,分析了失独家庭面临的困难、以及如何从精神层面关爱失独家庭。以供参考。  相似文献   

随着失独家庭数量增多,城市失独家庭医疗服务问题已经成为一个日益突显的社会问题,需要构建城市失独家庭医疗服务体系。这是解决其医疗服务的需要,也是解决其养老困境的需要,还是政府关爱失独家庭责任的体现。城市失独家庭医疗服务体系包括大病医疗、日常医疗和临终关怀医疗等多个方面,我们要通过完善医疗保险制度、建立家庭医生制度、开辟绿色看病通道、发挥社区医疗服务功能、组建志愿者服务队伍和做好失独老人临终关怀等政策设计,以构建完善的城市失独家庭医疗服务体系,使其享受满意的医疗服务。  相似文献   

失独家庭面临着经济、心理、精神等多重困境,得到政府的经济扶助是失独家庭较为迫切的需求,对失独家庭的特别经济扶助包含了社会救助、社会优抚和社会保险三重性质。近几年来我国政府对失独家庭的经济扶助力度不断加大,对缓解失独家庭的经济困难发挥了重要作用,但依然存在一些问题。对失独家庭经济扶助制度的完善需要从建立动态调整机制、改善政策服务水平、完善扶助方式、发挥社会力量的作用等方面着手。  相似文献   

失独老人是具有中国特色的老龄人口群体,其养老问题是我国人口领域迫切需要审慎思考、应对和解决的问题。失独老人养老不得不面对物质基础薄弱、缺少精神归宿与寄托等现实性困境。缺少完备的立法和养老保障体系、家庭养老支柱缺失、新时代下的生育观念等是造成失独老人养老困境的主要原因。加快失独老人社会保障法律建设,充分发挥社区的养老功能,完善社区护理机制,在全社会营造热心慈善、关爱失独老人的良好氛围及充分发挥社会公益的力量等,是失独老人养老问题的纾困之道。  相似文献   

失独老人问题是我国人口领域存在的严峻问题。失独老人的产生与我国长期以来严格施行的计划生育政策密切相关。人口自然增长率和总和生育率两个指标反映出计划生育政策在控制人口规模方面发挥了积极作用,但同时也明显降低了个体家庭抵御意外风险的能力,为失独老人群体的出现埋下了伏笔。失独老人在养老保障和法律体系建设方面存在诸多问题,适时调整计划生育政策;完善立法,强化法律执行,建构有针对性的法律救助体系;建立失独老人养老保险;推动政府、社会组织参与失独老人养老工作,从精神和物质双向维度加大对失独老人的扶助和关爱是解决现实困境的题中之义。  相似文献   

当代"失独群体"的形成不仅是个人问题和家庭问题,更是一个社会问题。这个曾被忽略的群体,正在进入公众视野。计划生育政策的实施、现代生存安全隐患、中国传统的养儿育女思想、国内养老制度不完善、社会救助不健全等都是导致失独群体难于走出空巢的困境。为了使失独群体走出中年丧失子女的困难局面,思想政治教育工作者应树立"以人为本"的观念,重视失独群体在经济上的困难和精神上的打击,主动与社会、家庭、社区合作,同时还需要注重思想政治工作与失独群体的实际问题相结合,既要借鉴国外的成功经验,也要吸收相关教训,营造合力,帮助失独群体摆脱晚年困境。  相似文献   

对生活在特殊家庭、困难家庭的学生给予关爱,使他们能健康地成长,是学校家庭教育工作的一项重要内容。它既能帮助身处困境的青少年走出家庭不幸的阴霾,又能给不幸家庭带来欢乐和希望,同时也有利于社会的稳定和发展。因而.做好这项工作具有重要的意义。那么,如何做好这件工作呢?实践证明,把关爱献给这些学生是做好此项工作的重要前提,精神激励和物质帮助二者有机结合是此项工作取得成功的重要途径。  相似文献   

作为计划生育政策的外部性效应,失独家庭已经进入了公众视野。暴露在高风险社会下的核心家庭,面对政策风险、家庭风险、观念风险、生理风险等风险,成为失独家庭的可能性大大增加。失独父母面对投资损失、老年失保、情感断续、社会再适应困难等失独问题,其应对模式随政府职能的完善也经历了一个变化过程。建议通过政府、社会组织与失独家庭合力构建社会支持网,为失独家庭实现老有所依提供可能。  相似文献   

“少子化”是造成当前中国社会失独现象的主因。目前对失独家庭问题的讨论主要集中在物质生活层面,对其隔代教育问题较少关注。文章以安徽铜陵微公益创投A项目为基础,深入Z个案失独家庭。通过参与观察和访谈发现,失独家庭隔代教育困境,是祖辈落后的教育观念、不恰当的养育方式,以及祖孙隔阂,而导致的孙辈生活习惯、行为模式、心理健康等方面存在问题。对此,文章运用个案工作方法,从结构家庭治疗模式出发,重塑家庭结构、改变家庭沟通方式、调整责任分工,在一定程度上化解了隔代教育所产生的矛盾,提高了其家庭应对困难的抗逆力。  相似文献   

失独群体是最敏感、最脆弱、最需要关怀的特殊群体。独生子女一旦出现意外,这个家庭就会转化成"残缺家庭"、"悲苦家庭"和"真空家庭"。本文通过对安徽省基线调查数据的整理分析得出,失独家庭主要存在物质生活、家庭关系、精神慰藉、社会再适应、收养、再生育以及医疗、养老等困境,而想解决失独家庭的问题,必须整合政府、社会、社区和个人等多方面的资源,文章主要从转变观念、完善政策、构建新型养老模式以及精神关怀等方面提供建议。  相似文献   

在中国的传统家庭观念中,基于养儿防老和传宗接代的考虑,孩子不仅是血脉的延续,也是父母精神的寄托。然而对于我国如今数量庞大的失独家庭来说,他们的情感依赖和养老保障自然就成了一个越发凸显的社会问题。本文旨在探讨失独家庭存在的心理问题,进而提出有针对性的建议,呼吁社会更多地去关注失独家庭,让他们在失去孩子之后能够更好地走出阴影,安度晚年。  相似文献   

亲子关系对独生子女成长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
独生子女家庭的亲子关系具有如下特点:亲子互动频繁,亲子关系伙伴化;父母对子女的高期望值;偏重子代。而这样的亲子关系对独生子女的学业成绩,性格特征,社会交往能力等多方面都产生了不可忽视的影响。  相似文献   

This paper reports predictors for center care utilization prior to 18 months of age in Norway, a country with a welfare system providing up to one-year paid parental leave and universal access to subsidized and publicly regulated center care. A community sample of 1103 families was interviewed about demographics, family, and child characteristics when their child was 6 months old, and the child's entry into center care prior to 18 months of age was recorded. Utilization rate was 72.2%. Parents’ preference that their child entered center care prior to 18 months of age was the strongest predictor of utilization. Nonwestern immigrant status and lower socio-economic status predicted lower utilization. Age of entry was higher for children in two-parent families. Mother's severe health problems, parents’ preferences for entry prior to 18 months, and high child activity levels predicted earlier entry. Our findings suggest that in a context of universally accessible subsidized center care, family and child factors beyond preferences for center care predicted utilization only to a very limited extent.  相似文献   

根据丽水第六次人口普查资料和专题统计调查资料,以同条件的非独生子女作为参照,分析了丽水市新生代独生子女的现状、特点,并从问卷分析所反映出来的家庭教育问题引发一系列思考,希望能引起社会的广泛重视。  相似文献   

从教育社会学的角度对独生子女家庭教育问题作一些分析,如在对话中达到彼此的理解、在关爱中严格要求孩子、在耐心中期待孩子成才、在信任中促进孩子的发展等,以期引起人们对独生子女的家庭教育进行深入思考。  相似文献   

随着我国计划生育政策的推行,"独二代"将成为未来社会的主要现象。与"独一代"相比,"独二代"凸显出更多的特质,这种变化无疑为高等教育管理带来了严峻挑战。本文通过剖析"独二代"特质,探讨高等教育管理如何调整和改革管理理念与模式以应对这种挑战。  相似文献   

The benefits for children at the Pittsburgh site of the federal Comprehensive Child Development Program (CCDP) were examined as a function of family welfare status (Aid to Families with Dependent Children; AFDC) and SES. The CCDP was the largest attempt by the federal government to provide two-generation, case-managed, comprehensive services to low-income families. Participating families could set their own goals and choose services to achieve them, but relatively few services were directed specifically at children. Results showed that more Pittsburgh families in the CCDP treatment group (N = 120) left AFDC than in the control group (N = 120), consistent with results from a national evaluation of the CCDP. Children whose families were on AFDC regardless of treatment group had lower mental test scores, even after controlling for family SES, a result suggesting that AFDC receipt over and above income level was associated with poorer child mental performance. The CCDP was associated with higher children's mental scores plus improvements over time in achievement scores only for children in families who were not on AFDC, even after controlling for SES. Such parents were more likely to choose parenting and child goals and services, which in turn were associated with higher child mental scores. In contrast, parents who were on AFDC tended to choose adult-centered goals and services, which did not benefit children. Therefore, in contrast to the national evaluation, which found no benefits of the CCDP for children, these analyses showed that the CCDP did produce benefits for children whose parents were not on AFDC, who tended to choose parenting and child services.  相似文献   

Although employer-sponsored child care programs have become more common, there is little empirical research on whether these programs affect employees’ satisfaction with child care or their work-life balance, and if effects vary across employee characteristics. In this exploratory study, we administered a survey to employees with children at one large university to gather information on their child care arrangements and experience with their employer's child care voucher program (N = 776). Satisfaction with child care varied with employee and child care characteristics, but not with voucher receipt. Families with preschool children, White families, and those using paid home-based care were more satisfied with their child care arrangements than those with school-age children, minority families, and those using center-based or before/afterschool care. Nearly half of voucher recipients (47%) reported benefits in work-life balance as a result of the voucher. Although demand-side vouchers appear to be a promising employer approach to address child care challenges, these results suggest that attention must also be given to the structure of child care supply as satisfaction and work-family stress are affected by more factors than child care cost only.  相似文献   

It has been claimed that there are universal goals of child-rearing, such as survival of the child or the promotion of their capacity to contribute to economic and social reproduction. Yet in certain circumstances parents appear to pursue child-rearing practices that actively harm children, threaten their survival and inhibit their ability to grow up to be effective adult members of their communities. This article will discuss these issues in the case of one group of child prostitutes in Thailand and their families at a particular point in time. Although the work they did was physically dangerous and difficult, both parents and children claimed that their families were loving and functional and that selling sex was a way to keep the family together. Morality was seen in terms of reciprocity rather than sexual transgression and this article will explore the morality of child-rearing in this context and the relationships between family members.  相似文献   

Research suggests that multiple non-parental care arrangements may have adverse effects on young children, yet little is known about their prevalence, factors associated with their use, or parents’ reasons for making these care arrangements. This longitudinal study reports on 677 children and their families recruited from government-regulated child care centers and family child care services in urban and rural New South Wales, Australia. Multiple concurrent care arrangements were relatively common, with one third of children attending at least two child care arrangements per week. Multiple child care was found to be more likely for children who were older, with better health, or with employed mothers, and who were living in rural rather than urban areas. Results suggest that parents’ reasons for using multiple care arrangements were based largely based on preferences that were made in the best interests of the child and on convenience. The deliberate choice by parents to use multiple child care arrangements to benefit their child challenges the assumption in previous literature that mixed care is not the parents’ first choice.  相似文献   

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