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非线性叙事结构作为影视剧作品中应用最多、最灵活的一种叙事结构类型,在小说中也得到了应用。它抛弃了时间的序列性,具有多维度、多视角、时空错乱与倒置、立体感强烈、没有明显的逻辑思维走向等特点。本文在区分线性与非线性的基础上,通过对几部比较典型的小说进行分析,大致总结出小说中的几种非线性叙事结构类型:倒叙与插叙、复调结构等。复调又可分为不同声音的复调和相同声音的复调。  相似文献   

王维雅  赵文艳 《科教文汇》2014,(16):111-112
非线性叙事结构作为影视剧作品中应用最多、最灵活的一种叙事结构类型,在小说中也得到了应用。它抛弃了时间的序列性,具有多维度、多视角、时空错乱与倒置、立体感强烈、没有明显的逻辑思维走向等特点。本文在区分线性与非线性的基础上,通过对几部比较典型的小说进行分析,大致总结出小说中的几种非线性叙事结构类型:倒叙与插叙、复调结构等。复调又可分为不同声音的复调和相同声音的复调。  相似文献   

谢禾华  梁辰枫 《今日科苑》2009,(14):183-183
Little Britain是英国的一部幽默连续剧。它的叙事方式与传统电视剧大不相同,其非线性叙事、非经典叙事、语言叙事等叙述特色使该剧大获成功,让观众在大笑之余思考,回味无穷。  相似文献   

文章以中国新时期知青小说叙事为研究对象,主要围绕在知青小说经历过伤痕叙事之后出现的一个新的知青小说叙事方式——理性叙事,从政治自省、情感自省与生命自省三个层次入手,来对中国新时期知青小说理性叙事方式进行了深入的探讨分析,以供参考。  相似文献   

讲述了材料非线性、结构非线性和材料结构双重非线性三种类型,同时分析了非线性问题的解决方法以及几个典型的非线性结构问题.  相似文献   

伍光琴 《科教文汇》2007,(7X):158-158
詹姆斯乔伊斯在早期作品《死者》中,借鉴了音乐创作中对位、和声、重复等结构。这种叙事结构加上与小说情节互涉的音乐素材,增强了作品艺术表现力。本文探讨《死者》的音乐性叙事结构。  相似文献   

詹姆斯·乔伊斯在早期作品《死者》中,借鉴了音乐创作中对位、和声、重复等结构.这种叙事结构加上与小说情节互涉的音乐素材,增强了作品艺术表现力.本文探讨《死者》的音乐性叙事结构.  相似文献   

分析了《法国中尉的女人》的两种结尾这一独特的叙事手法,指出小说叙述结构方面的后现代特征,突破了传统小说中全能作者的固定模式,让读者参与小说结构的建构中。这种开放的结尾模式使得读者在阅读文本中产生不同的解读结果,小说的可能结尾也就可能是三四种抑或更多。  相似文献   

唐媛 《科教文汇》2009,(12):226-227
分析了《法国中尉的女人》的两种结尾这一独特的叙事手法,指出小说叙述结构方面的后现代特征,突破了传统小说中全能作者的固定模式,让读者参与小说结构的建构中。这种开放的结尾模武使得读者在阅读文本中产生不同的解读结果,小说的可能结尾也就可能是三四种抑或更多。  相似文献   

杨艳 《科教文汇》2009,(25):242-242,244
简·奥斯汀的《诺桑觉寺》作为她的小说中唯一一部采用作者型叙事声音的作品反映了作者在小说理论方面的一些见解:介乎于理查逊式与菲尔丁武之间的创作风格,超越时代的“元小说”叙事手法中对小说结尾和小说精练简洁的要求,对哥特小说和风俗小说的戏仿中透出对这两种小说模式的批评,以及直接介入小说提出对小说和小说家的期望。所以这部小说虽不被评论界誉为奥斯汀的上乘之作,但通过对它的研究却可以了解作家本人的小说创作理论。  相似文献   

本文从应用的角度,提出了一种基于核方法和最小二乘回归分析相结合的多元非线性回归分析方法。通过理论分析及实例验证,指出该方法可以较好的进行多元非线性回归分析,具有较强的适用性,并能降低计算的复杂度。  相似文献   

A new, Romantic type of mathematical story appeared in the early nineteenth century that was radically different from the sober narrative characteristic of the previous generation of mathematicians. At the same time, a new mathematical practice emerged that differed sharply from the understanding and practice of mathematics during the Enlightenment. These parallel developments are inseparable: the new type of mathematical practice went hand in hand with the new mathematical story.  相似文献   

In this paper, we will give necessary conditions for the exponential stability of linear neutral type systems with multiple time delays by employing the Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional approach. These conditions not only extend the existing results of the neutral-delay-free systems, but also provide a new tool for stability analysis of linear neutral type systems with multiple time delays by characterizing instability domains. As a medium step, we will investigate several crucial properties which are involved with both the fundamental matrix and Lyapunov matrix. Numerical examples illustrate the validity of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

邓小艳 《科教文汇》2013,(14):60-61
《独角兽》是英国小说家兼哲学家艾丽丝.默多克创作于1963年的一部哥特式爱情小说。小说以第三人称叙述视角透析主人公汉娜的复杂心理活动。本文试图基于弗洛伊德的人格结构理论,从本我、自我与超我之间的相互作用和相互抵抗,分析汉娜在盖兹囚禁岁月的隐忍和抗争的心路历程。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes synchronization in finite time for two types of coupled delayed Cohen–Grossberg neural networks (CDCGNNs). In the first type, linearly coupled Cohen–Grossberg neural networks with and without coupling delays are considered, respectively. In the second type, nonlinearly coupled Cohen–Grossberg neural networks both with and without coupling delays are discussed. By designing suitable controllers and using some inequality techniques, several criteria ensuring finite-time synchronization of the CDCGNNs with linear coupling and nonlinear coupling are derived, respectively. Moreover, the settling times of synchronization in finite time for the considered networks are also predicted. In the end, the availability for the acquired finite-time synchronization conditions is confirmed by two selected numerical examples.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the problem of semi-global output-feedback stabilization for a class of switched nonlinear time-delay systems in strict-feedback form. A switched state observer is first constructed, then switched linear output-feedback controllers for individual subsystems are designed. By skillfully constructing multiple Lyapunov–Krasovskii functionals and successfully solving several troublesome obstacles, such as time-varying delay and switching signals and nonlinearity in the design procedure, the switched linear output-feedback controllers designed can render the resulting closed-loop switched system semi-globally stabilizable under a class of switching signals with average dwell time. Furthermore, under some milder conditions on nonlinearities, the semi-global output-feedback stabilization problem for switched nonlinear time-delay systems is also studied. Simulation studies on two examples, which include a continuous stirred tank reactor, are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

区域产业结构演变与城市化响应是耦合的动态演变过程。在此过程中,城市化对于区域产业结构演变的响应表现为两者衡量指标的线性或非线性相关关系。以利用SPSS软件系统进行多元回归模型为主要的定量分析手段,选取黑龙江省作为研究的典型地域,之所以选择超大城市地域,是因为超大城市是东北地区区域发展的核心增长极,超大城市的发育成熟度及城市与区域产业发展和升级相互作用程度在东北地区乃至全国具有深刻的代表性。通过建立模型群,着重分析黑龙江省城市化过程与产业结构演变间的关系。  相似文献   

广西省来宾市经济快速发展,已经步入了工业化发展时期,工业成为来宾市经济发展主动力,但是产业结构发展不均衡,产业技术需要不断更新,人才需求量大,需求专业类型多。面对多重发展机遇,来宾市需要教育先行,合理规划,优先发展区域教育,以振兴区域经济。  相似文献   

This study aims to integrate diverse data within narrative multimedia (i.e., artworks containing stories and distributed through multimedia) into a unified character network (i.e., a social network between characters that appear in the story). By combining multiple data sources (e.g., the text, video, and audio), we attempted to enhance the accuracy and semantic richness of existing character networks that confine themselves to a particular data source. To merge various data, we propose story synchronization for (i) improving the accuracy of data extracted from the narrative multimedia and (ii) integrating the data into the unified character network. The story synchronization mainly consists of three steps: synchronizing (i) scenes, (ii) characters, and (iii) character networks. First, we synchronize dialogues in the text and audio, to discover speakers and time of dialogues. This enables us to segment the scene using time periods when dialogues (in the text and audio) and characters (in the video) do not commonly occur. Through the scene segmentation, we can discretize stories in the narrative work. By comparing the occurrence of dialogues and characters in each scene, we synchronize identities of the characters in the text and video (e.g., names and faces of characters). Thereby, we can more accurately estimate participants and time of a conversation between characters (i.e., a set of connected dialogues). Based on the conversation, the existing character networks are refined and integrated into the unified character network. In addition, we verified the efficacy of the proposed methods using movies in the real world, which are among the most accessible and popular narrative multimedia.  相似文献   

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