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Although epidemiological data provide evidence that early life experience plays a critical role in human development, the mechanism of how this works remains in question. Recent data from human and animal literature suggest that epigenetic changes, such as DNA methylation, are involved not only in cellular differentiation but also in the modulation of genome function in response to early life experience affecting gene function and the phenotype. Such modulations may serve as a mechanism for life‐long genome adaptation. These changes seem to be widely distributed across the genome and to involve central and peripheral systems. Examining the environmental circumstances associated with the onset and reversal of DNA methylation will be critical for understanding risk and resiliency.  相似文献   

Determining the factors that influence young adults’ engagement in environmental action is critical to further developing their active and important participation in environmental issues. In this paper, we designed two studies to identify life experiences of Chinese college students that foster environmental action. In Study 1, we used an open-ended survey to ask 34 young environmentally active citizens about the life experiences influencing their current engagement in environmental protection. In Study 2, we developed a significant life experience scale based on the results of Study 1 and recruited junior and senior students from seven universities to participate in an online questionnaire. We analyzed 606 valid questionnaires to understand whether the significant life experiences identified in Study 1 can distinguish environmentally committed students from other students and to what extent the significant life experiences can predict environmental action. Our results suggest that environmental organizations, college education, natural experiences and life principles could be important factors influencing the formation of environmental action, while other life experiences may also contribute to this process.  相似文献   

核酸穿过核膜或细胞膜等穿孔行为,是重要的生命活动之一.为进一步了解核酸穿孔过程,建立DNA粗粒化模型,运用分子动力学方法模拟DNA穿孔行为.结果表明,孔长越长,孔内拉力越大,DNA链在孔外等待的时间越短,穿过孔所需的时间越短;但其中各因素的单独影响作用都比较有限;孔右侧力场对穿孔时间影响显著,一定条件下对穿孔过程起决定性作用.  相似文献   

The domestic dog is an ideal model species in which to study the genetic and environmental factors that influence play behavior. Dogs exist in a wide variety of breeds and frequently engage in multiple forms of play. In the present study, we investigated whether the levels of solitary and social play differed between dogs of three breed types with distinct predatory motor pattern sequences (herding dogs, retrievers, and livestock guarding dogs [LGDs]). Furthermore, we investigated how environmental factors (social and nonsocial contexts) influenced play in dogs of these breed types. Groups of breed-matched dyads with working experience and of equivalent age, sex, and neuter status ratios were exposed to four experimental test conditions and two control conditions in randomized orders. With respect to solitary play, environmental context did have a significant effect, with toys reliably producing the highest levels of solitary play across all breed types. Retrievers engaged in significantly higher levels of solitary play overall than LGDs, and there was a trend in comparison to herding dogs. In contrast, neither environmental context nor breed had a significant effect on social play levels; however, neuter status of the dyads did have a significant effect on social play, with mixed-status dyads engaging in significantly higher levels of social play than same-status dyads. Our findings provide experimental evidence for identifying proximate, environmental stimuli that reliably facilitate social and solitary play and discuss possible genetic (i.e., breed type) and lifetime influences on the form of play in domestic dogs.  相似文献   

DNA生物传感器研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA生物传感器在检测特定序列基因时因具有灵敏度高、响应快、操作简便、价格低廉、所需仪器简单等优点已经被广泛应用在疾病诊断、食品检验、环境监测以及军事反恐等领域.为此,通过大量的文献资料对DNA生物传感器的研究内容和设计原理、DNA生物传感器的分类、DNA生物传感器的应用等进行阐述,并且对DNA生物传感器的发展趋势进行探讨.  相似文献   

This observational study of 74 families investigated 3 areas of maternal psychological functioning (emotional distress, authoritarian child-rearing values, negative perceptions of children) that might mediate the relationship between 3 separate dimensions of family demographic characteristics, conceptualized as chronic environmental stressors (i.e., financial, structural, and historical circumstances), and the emotionally affective behavior of mothers. Demographic conditions accounted for 52.9% of the variance in mothers' psychological characteristics and as much as 36.6% of the variance in positive and negative behaviors to children. The psychological characteristics explained as much as 15.1% of the variance in maternal behavior. Both chronic stress and the psychological variables had an independent influence on the general emotional tone of maternal behavior. The findings provide tentative support for the conclusion that the psychological characteristics examined here partially mediate the influence of some demographic or stressful life conditions on the positive and negative behaviors of mothers.  相似文献   

在信息时代,影响电子档案信息安全的不仅有载体寿命因素、环境因素、社会因素, 更重要的还有技术因素和管理因素.因此,必须有针对性地从强化电子档案信息安全保障意识入手,建立高效的应急防范机制,运用先进网络信息安全技术,注重全过程管理和科学规范的管理制度,并为电子档案信息安全创造良好的环保条件是确保电子档案信息安全的重要举措.  相似文献   

大学生活是大学生在校期间所开展的各种各样的活动总和。大学生活在育人功能方面主要有专业性、过渡性、包容性、渐进性和环境性等特点。大学生在大学生活中所受到的主要影响和熏陶有:思想得到了解放,心灵得到了释放;独立生活能力增强;人生体验和感悟更加丰富;自尊心得到保护,自信心得到张扬;集体意识得到了提高,学会了宽容理解。强化大学生活的德育功能要进一步加强环境育人的内涵建设和教育引导,要加强"自下而上"对大学生进行生活教育,要切实加强对教职工日常生活中的职业道德教育与管理。  相似文献   

混凝土结构耐久性环境区划标准的目的就是为混凝土结构耐久性设计提供合理的设计参数.混凝土结构耐久性环境区划标准在结构全寿命周期成本原理基础上考虑了环境对结构的影响,并将结构的重要性、结构形式和功能等多方面因素一并纳入考虑之中.首先给出了混凝土结构设计耐久性环境区划标准的概念和建立该标准的3个基本原则,其次根据自然环境条件和结构重要性等确定了区划的主要影响因素,然后以浙江省公路桥梁结构耐久性环境区划图的编制为例说明了混凝土结构耐久性环境区划的可行性与实用性,最后根据区划图给出了耐久性区划标准的若干设计规定.  相似文献   

DNA的甲基化修饰在基因表达、植物细胞分化和植物的系统发育中起着重要的调节作用,从DNA甲基化机理、调节机制及其在植物生长发育中的意义3个方面阐述了DNA甲基化的研究进展.  相似文献   

基因调控网络数据分析方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA微阵列技术获得了大量的基因表达数据,为基因调控网络的研究提供了技术支持,基因表达数据分析成为目前生物信息学研究的热点和重点。利用教学模型和人工智能技术,研究分析基因表达数据之间的关系,构建合适的基因调控网络模型来模拟生物系统的行为,从中发现生物学规律,进而认识生命现象的本质,成为了生物信息学研究的重要内容。本文介绍了基因调控网络构建中常用的基因表达数据分析方法以及最新的研究进展。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relative importance of various categories of influence and formative life experiences on the development of environmental educators’ knowledge and concern for the environment. The authors analyse the ways in which the importance of influences may change through time or be affected by the subject's age. Conclusions are drawn and discussed, including the crucial role of the family and of childhood experiences outdoors in promoting the development of concern for the environment and pro‐environmental adult behaviour.  相似文献   

价值观教育对于道德教育具有基础作用,未成年人价值观的发展和形成与他们的年龄增长、生活阅历、认知发展、环境影响以及内在的矛盾冲突有密切联系。价值观教育应该以此为依据来确定方法措施。  相似文献   

基因工程技术的发展给人类带来了巨大的利益,对人类和社会生活也产生了巨大的影响,它的发展趋势是不可逆转的。面对基因工程技术所带来的前所未有的挑战,传统的生命伦理道德要随着技术的进步提出新的实践规范,基因工程的发展也要适应生命伦理道德的框架。只有在基因工程技术进步与生命伦理道德发展的相互互动中,才能真正减少基因工程技术所带来的伦理问题的负面效应。  相似文献   

绿色产品设计与适度包装   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于环境的不断恶化和世界经济长期发展的需要,保护环境和节约资源的观念已成为人们的共识。污染预防的根本性措施是在产品的设计阶段就考虑产品对环境的影响,在探索中发现:绿色设计和适度包装成为了主流。开放的贸易环境中,各国纷纷建立了非关税"绿色壁垒",我国也提出了绿色设计和包装的要求,加强了以生命周期评价为中心对产品的评价,以提高产品的市场竞争能力。  相似文献   

蕾切尔·卡逊是美国著名的科普作家。她的人生极富传奇色彩,是美国女性自强自立的杰出代表。她从小就与大海结下了不解之缘,一生创作了多部以大海为题材的科普作品,以独特的写作风格深深地影响了美国当时的科普创作和公众对科学的认识。从对大海的研究考察和感受中她形成了一种极为深沉的自然信仰,促使她站在了环境保护的最前沿,成为美国环境保护运动的开拓者。  相似文献   

Two field studies form the basis of this article. The major purposes of Study 1 were to examine significant life experiences affecting the cultivation of environmental activists in eastern Taiwan, and to reconstruct the life paths followed by those active people who engaged in effective environmental action. 40 usable autobiographical memories were collected and content‐analysed to derive 17 significant life experiences. Based on the 17 accounts, a quantitative questionnaire of 24 items on significant life experiences variables was developed for Study 2. Four hundred and thirty valid questionnaires were analysed. Eighty two respondents with a high level of environmental action were determined to be environmental activists, and 153 with a low level of environmental action were determined to be people apathetic towards environmental protection. It was found that the significant life experiences identified in Study 1 could effectively distinguish environmentally committed people from those apathetic to environmental protection. Study 2 also found that 54.6% of the variances in environmental actions could be explained by the significant life experiences.  相似文献   


In this paper, we analyse the status and significance of adopting a Marxist ontological perspective in the field of Brazilian environmental education. We draw on the concept of labour developed by Marx, where labour is used as a category to articulate the relationships humans establish with nature and which, historically, have an impact on their living conditions. Given the ongoing process of destroying the material basis of life under a Capitalist means of production, we argue that environmental educators and researchers require refinements to the theoretical and methodological frameworks they use to understand contradictions between development and sustainability in Brazil. This includes meeting their responsibilities to help others and themselves overcome the current capitalist model governing the social and material production of life.  相似文献   

影响聚式酶链式反应实验效果的基本因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究聚式酶链式反应(PCR)实验中影响其扩增效果的多种因素,寻求反应体系中理想的各因素浓度配比。选取含5+10优质亚基的小麦品种为材料,以特异扩增1DX5基因PCR实验为例,从模板DNA、引物终浓度、Taq酶、二价镁离子、4dNTPs混合液、缓冲液浓度几方面入手,通过设计梯度实验,研究不同因素对PCR扩增效果的影响。结果表明,反应体系6个基本因素,缺少任何1个都扩增不出产物。在反应总体积25μL的PCR反应体系中,模板DNA选用32 ng/μL,Mg2+终浓度2 mmol/L,Taq酶1.2 U/25μL,引物0.8μmol/μL,4dNTPs0.3 mmol/L,缓冲液1×buffer最为合适,能扩增出理想的结果。  相似文献   

This article, like the preceding one in this special issue of the journal, examines the relative importance of various categories of influence and formative life experiences on the development of environmental educators’ knowledge of and concern for the environment. It provides an overview of data deriving from nine countries (Australia, Canada, Greece, Hong Kong, Slovenia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Uganda, UK) and highlights global similarities and differences.  相似文献   

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