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教师队伍是学校发展的第一资源。为了尊重教师个体专业能力,发挥教师群体的工作能力,进一步优化学校干群关系,需要在传统的行政管理和市场交易模式之外,增加学校教师队伍"治理"的工作方式。教师与教师、教师与学校之间要有"共同事务",这是学校教师队伍治理的前提条件;把共同事务做好的意愿和把共同事务做好的能力,是学校教师队伍治理的目的和专业保障。为此,需要在育人使命上实施共享策略,在专业与行政冲突上实施求同策略,在教师专业发展上实施自主策略,在教师参与治理能力上实施培育策略,从而为教师和学校在达成育人使命的同时,也高品质地实现教师的专业价值和高效率地履行好学校的教育职责。  相似文献   

传统教学管理在一定程度上制约了幼儿园教师的专业发展,而教学领导却对教师的专业发展具有现实意义,它赋予了教师专业发展的自主权,可以激发教师专业发展的内驱力,给教师专业发展提供条件和保障.促进幼儿园教师专业发展,应实现从传统教学管理到教学领导的转变,包括转变观念和提高教学领导力、建立学习型组织、提供专业支持、给予政策和制度上的保障.  相似文献   

人为合作文化对大学教师专业发展一定程度上起着阻滞作用.自然合作文化,可以形象地称之为"流动的马赛克"文化,是对人为合作文化的超越,是教师自然合作与自我发展的有机融合,时于大学教师专业发展而言是较为理想的一种文化形式.构建"流动的马赛克"文化,促进大学教师专业发展的自然合作,加强教师之间、教师与管理者之间、教师与学生之间的平等对话是行之有效的重要策略.  相似文献   

通过在线交互时教师进行专业培训已成为信息时代教师专业发展的新途径.作为一种由现代网络技术支持且在虚拟学习社区中进行的专业发展活动,教师在线专业发展因其能够"有效地帮助教师学习""最大程度地促进教师的自主学习和个性化的专业发展"而前景看好,但种种因素如缺乏行政部门的支持、缺乏经费和时问的支持、缺乏教师职前教育的支持、缺乏信息技术的支持,也制约着它的有效实施和大面积推广.  相似文献   

与美国对优秀教师的评价相比,我国对"好教师"的评价在一定程度上阻碍了教师的专业发展:"好教师"的评价标准模糊了教师专业发展的方向,"好教师"的评价模式阻碍了教师专业发展的全员参与,"好教师"的评价程序削弱了教师专业发展的自主性。  相似文献   

上海市"二期"课程改革实施以来,新课程改革带来全新的要求给教师造成不同程度的心理压力,不少教师在课程改革中出现了心理上的消极反应,在很大程度上削减了教师对课程改革的热情和精力投入,进而影响教师的身心健康、专业态度、工作效能和专业发展。  相似文献   

用信息化促进教师专业化发展,就是要实现教师对传统教学方式、学习方式的彻底改造。网络不但要成为学生成长的学校,更要成为教师专业化发展的学校。作为教研与培训的工作机构,有责任、有义务把现有的教师进修院校、中小学组织起来构成一个崭新的网络联盟,使全市10万教师能够在信息技术环境下工作、学习与研究,逐步实现自身的专业成长。高度信息化的现代社会,教师教育水平和教师专业发展在很大程度上取决于教师的信息素养。我院在探索教师专业发展信息化的道路上,把学会应用信息技术作为教师专业发展的必修课,扎扎实实地推进。按照市教育局要…  相似文献   

"经验+反思=成长"和"优秀教师=教育过程+反思"的公式,异曲同工地表达了"教学需要反思""教师需要反思"的必要性和重要性.事实上,教师专业发展存在一定的规律和周期,当发展到一定程度就会缺乏目标感和成就感,专业方向不明朗,这就进入了专业发展的必经阶段——高原期.这既是教师专业发展走向阶段性成熟的表现,也是教师专业发展的瓶颈.不仅如此,教育心理学的研究和教育实践也表明,教师的专业知识、学历层次、年龄经验与学生成绩、教学效益之间并不存在统计上的正相关.对教学最直接的影响来自于教师在不断变化的教育、教学实践中积累和发展的专业能力和教学智慧.而能否想得好、教得好取决于教师是否具有主动性、创造性、研究性精神的内容、方法和层次,这也是建构富有成效的教学行动的首要环节.  相似文献   

教师专业成长的现状及问题 深刻地体验每个教师的生活世界,体察每位教师内心独特的专业成长感受,是目前教师研究范式从"技术熟练者"到"反思性实践家"的重大转变.本次讨论的最大特点就是教师们通过一个个鲜活生动的成长故事阐述了自己对"专业挑战"的观点和看法.透过这些故事,我们仿佛活生生地看到了在情感与理智、实践与理论的夹缝中教师的专业成长所面临的现状与问题.  相似文献   

"翻转课堂"对于传统课堂而言是一场颠覆性的变革。这种教学模式下,师生的角色发生了重大改变,加强了教师教与学生学的互动效果。一方面给予了教育对象较多的时间和较大的空间自由,卓有成效地提高了学生学习效果;另一方面在一定程度上提高了教师对工作的满意程度,促进了教师专业化的发展。中学化学教学要充分发挥"翻转课堂"的优势,自然、有效地引入"翻转课堂",以更好地让学生掌握化学知识,培养学生能力,促进学生发展。  相似文献   

Using a dataset covering over 10,000 Australian school teachers and over 90,000 pupils, I estimate how effective teachers are in raising students’ test scores. Since the exams are biennial, it is necessary to take account of the teacher's work in the intervening year. Even adjusting for measurement error, the teacher fixed effects are widely dispersed, and there is a strong positive correlation between a teacher's gains in literacy and numeracy. Teacher fixed effects show a significant association with some, though not all, observable teacher characteristics. Experience has the strongest impact, particularly in the early years of a teacher's career. Female teachers do better at teaching literacy. Teachers with a master's degree or some other form of further qualification do not appear to achieve significantly larger test score gains. Overall, teacher characteristics found in the departmental payroll database explain only a small fraction of the variance in teacher performance.  相似文献   

II: The Conflict     
An environmental project in a native language German class (writing a book on environmental issues) gave the pupils, thirteen‐yea‐old girls, a large scope of freedom for independent group work. When they could not present sufficient results of their work at an interim report stage, a serious conflict resulted in which the teacher reproached the pupils heavily. In the case study this conflict is analysed: its possible causes, processes and some of its effects. Available data were the teacher's own diary and essays in which the pupils wrote frankly how they experienced the conflict. One issue arising from the analysis was the differences between the teacher"s intentions (e.g. to stimulate self‐determination in the pupils) and what he had achieved In this conflict (e.g. showing them how narrow their room for discretion actually was). Another issue was the pupils” sense of responsibility for the project (e.g. the pupils saw the project as the teacher's business and not as their project). One of the hypotheses that emerged to explain the apparent inactivity of the pupils was their perception of “work”, which seemed to have been incompatible with a largely self‐determined activity. The study ends with the teacher's reflections on what he gained from the analysis. One outcome was an involuntary caution in the use of words in his interactions with pupils and a more intense feeling of respect for them as young personalities. Another was a reconstruction of his strategic approach to the design of project work.  相似文献   

Teachers are novices at any stage of their careers when they are faced with incidents that disrupt their expected patterns of teaching and learning. A first-day-of-school incident experienced by the author illustrates the evolution of a teacher's personal pedagogical theory construction, which is ultimately illuminated through the lens of Nel Noddings's ethic of care.  相似文献   

This study focuses on observations of classroom conversation as an approach to assessment of relationships between a teacher's teaching and pupils' learning and identity‐development processes. Detailed observation notes from two conventional conversation situations from a first grade classroom are written down as narratives and analysed within a sociocultural theoretical framework. Three significant themes emerge: (1) How the teacher sees the pupils, (2) How she connects with them, and (3) How she wanders on together with them. Together these themes function as strong “process motors” demonstrating how a teacher's support and scaffolding add positive influences to children's learning and personal growth. The study concludes that writing down information from classroom observations in a narrative genre manufactures excellent opportunities for revealing, describing, interpreting, and evaluating significant relationships between a teacher's teaching and pupils' learning and identity development.  相似文献   

Classroom management and discipline are primary concerns of many teachers, especially beginners. The current reform movement in mathematics education advocates a classroom atmosphere and teaching strategies that are substantially different than those that characterize the traditional approach to school mathematics. This paper considers the problems involving discipline and control that arose in the course of a beginning high school teacher's acculturation into the school mathematics tradition. The analysis relates these discipline and control problems to certain tensions and contradictions in the school mathematics tradition and suggests how efforts to cope with these problems serve to reflexively validate the tradition. In addition, the paper suggests some possible reasons for why discipline and control, and not pedagogical content knowledge, are primary concerns for many teachers. Finally, the paper considers how the conditions that foster the emphasis on discipline and control in the school mathematics tradition stand as obstacles in the face of the current reform movement.  相似文献   


Editing includes teaching authors how to write, but the traditional editor's task, like the teacher's, is complicated by the additional requirement of being a gatekeeper of an author's work. When teachers (like editors) see their primary task as judges or gatekeepers, they can become engaged in adversarial relationships that contradict their role as enablers/teachers. The author's editor, on the other hand, is an emerging model of the editor‐author relationship that focuses on helping authors meet the expectations of gatekeeping journal and book editors. Teachers can use the author's‐editor model in the professional writing classroom to minimize the current‐traditional emphasis on the product and emphasize the collaborative nature of the writing process.  相似文献   

In 2005 the Dutch Minister of Education proposed making it compulsory for all schools in The Netherlands to stimulate active citizenship and social integration. Teachers must give these educational goals a tangible form in their practice. What are the teachers' views on citizenship education? Concepts of citizenship education and the teacher's role in it may differ widely, and very different perspectives on values and value development are possible. This article addresses how teachers view citizenship education. We present the results of a survey conducted among a representative sample of Dutch secondary schools. The results show that teachers make clear choices in the importance they attach to certain values. Teachers want students to acquire skills to analyse, communicate and reflect on values, and they want to stimulate the development of certain values. The chosen values relate to different types of citizenship. School level, school subject and the age of the teachers make a difference to the importance teachers attach to different values.  相似文献   

The deep economic, social, technological and cultural changes in Europe represent a real challenge for teacher education. The teacher's role is becoming more complex and demanding, while the expectations of society are rising. Teachers are expected not only to enable optimal development of increasingly heterogeneous groups of pupils, but also to mitigate the effects of social inequality. All this requires qualitative changes in pre-service and in-service teacher education. In this regard, the transition from school/university to professional life — the induction period and early career years — requires special attention. In this phase, a fruitful synthesis of theory and practice can occur if novices are systematically introduced and supported by good mentoring in the transition from study to school life and culture, but a ‘practice shock’ is also possible during which many positive effects of pre-service education are lost. Our aim is to identify some principles and optimal solutions that would foster teacher's professional development in this important phase of their career.  相似文献   

From a pool of 102 elementary school teachers, 30 teachers scoring highest on a measure of personal teaching efficacy and 30 teachers scoring lowest on personal teaching efficacy were randomly assigned to view one of two videotapes of consultation. The two videotapes were identical, with the exception of the teacher's involvement in making decisions at each of three decision points in consultation: identifying the problem, selecting an assessment procedure, and selecting an intervention plan. After viewing the tape, teachers rated the consultant's effectiveness and the intervention's acceptability. Teachers with high personal teaching efficacy rated the consultant as more effective and the intervention as more acceptable. No main effect for level of involvement or hypothesized interaction effect was found. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper draws on interview data gathered as part of a broader study around issues of equity and schooling. It features the voices of the Executive Director and four Head Teachers from one of England's top performing academy chains, ‘CONNECT’. The notion of neoliberal responsibilisation is drawn on to examine, first, the ways in which Head Teachers describe their work and, second, the chain's expectations of them as CONNECT leaders. Responsibilisation of the self was apparent in Head Teachers' construction of themselves as ideal neoliberal workers – performing and enterprising subjects who readily accept the business principles and results-orientation of their ‘data-driven’ environment. Responsibilising of Head Teachers by the organisation was evident in the rigorous ‘non-negotiable’ standards and accountabilities at CONNECT that they were expected to comply with. These non-negotiables cultivated and rewarded Head Teachers’ entrepreneurial identity of achievement motivation. The paper illustrates how such neoliberal responsibilisation is both a crucial and highly troubling element in the work of academy chains as new modalities of state power.  相似文献   

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