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句子的理解是一个心理过程。读者首先通过句法策略与语义策略来分解句子的组成部分,然后建立各个命题,并把这些命题之间的关系联接起来。从句法策略、语义策略引发出释句、分解、语境、词类、句型、句法、标点符号。逻辑连接词等理解英语句义的策略。以利于培养学生掌握正确理解英语句义这一阅读技能。  相似文献   

语言学中命题结构理论是对句子语义的基本理解之一,句子命题结构是以语义学和逻辑学的基本原理为基础,把词语的指涉表现与命题的主、谓项位进行排列组合,从而形成句子的语义。本文以俄罗斯学者的逻辑语义句义理论为基础,采取称名学研究方法(从意义到形式的方法),以俄语的句子结构模式为参照,全面对比俄汉英简单句四大逻辑语义类型,即品评句、存在句、命名句、等同句。  相似文献   

句子与句群的关系是指这么两个方面的内容:一、句群内的每一个句子与整个句群的关系.当两个或两个以上的句子靠句序或关联词组合成一个句群时,每一个句子就成为这个句群中的一部分,对表达句群的中心语义有不同的功用.根据各句在句群中所处的位置及功用,它们与句群的关系分别是:始发句提出句群的话题,揭示中心语义.始发句指句群的第一个句子,或第一和第二两个句子.后续句在整个句群中起承上的作用,说明中心义.后续句即紧接始发句后面句子,可能是一  相似文献   

逻辑连接词是衔接的一种主要方式,能实现语篇的连贯。本文分析了逻辑连接词作为一种语篇衔接手段在阅读理解中的作用。文章首先解释了逻辑连接词的定义及分类,接着论述其在阅读理解两个方面的作用即对阅读策略的影响和阅读速度、效果的影响。文章最后进一步强调逻辑连接词在阅读理解及其主要问题中的极强解释力。  相似文献   

笔者认为阅读应该强调理解。因为理解是阅读的基础,具有决定作用,这应是阅读教学的“精髓”。理解首先是语义的理解。语义的理解主要指对句子和句子之间关系的理解。因为字词的理解可借助工具书,语段篇章的理解则主要依靠于句子与句子之间关系的理解,而  相似文献   

连接性词语的功能在语法上起连接作用,在语义上体现小句之间的逻辑一语义关系。在句子、段落和篇章层次上,连接性词语也同样体现句子之间、段落之间、篇章内部的逻辑——语义关系。  相似文献   

在50年代发展起来,70年代成为语言学中一个独立分支的篇章语言学在很大程度上改变了世界英语教学的传统面貌.外语教师的着眼点,不再仅限于词汇以及词汇所构成的孤立的句子,而从句平面扩大到比句子更大的语言单位——语篇.语篇的结构、句子的排列、句际关系、会话结构、语篇的指向性与信息度、句中及句际衔接及语篇的语义连贯都成为教师、学生在英语课堂教学中的分析内容.本文拟从语篇的衔接与语篇语义连贯的关系出发,谈谈分析语篇的衔接对英语阅读理解的作用及其对英语阅读教学的影响.  相似文献   

江蓉 《文教资料》2006,(18):108-109
逻辑连接词作为衔接手段,是篇章连贯的机制之一,因而对这类词的掌握对阅读理解起着重要作用。本研究通过对124名在校大学生的测试,旨在调查英语学习者在阅读理解中对逻辑连接词的应用及对逻辑关系的识别。结果表明,中国英语学习者在阅读中尚缺乏自觉利用逻辑连接词的能力,其识别逻辑关系的能力也有待进一步提高。  相似文献   

训练点1.理解文中重要句子的含意所谓"重要的句子",是指文中特殊的句子。例如主旨句、概括句、比喻句等。阅读时如果不理解这些句子,就难以理解文章。从近几年的高考试题看,主要是这样一些句子:含意比较含蓄,利于发挥的句子;表现整个作品主题思想或脉络层次的关键语句;内涵较为丰富的句子,比较形象生动的句子;文章的中心句、总结句、过渡句  相似文献   

索绪尔语言学中,句段关系和联想关系保证了一串语音链或语符列(通常所说的句子),同时在横向和纵向上构造出一个立体、动态和开放的结构体系,它是句子得以被理解的基础.文本和句子是同构的,这一结构体系同样是文本得以被理解的基础.具有不同"视阈"的创作主体和阅读主体的创作和阅读活动促成了文本结构的开放性.  相似文献   

Popular culture images of reading tend to portray readers as solitary individuals deeply immersed in reading a single text in a quiet, undisturbed spot. Yet, in our documentation of adolescent students reading in Singapore secondary schools, we find that there are many ways and modes of reading, much of which is social in nature. Through the use of comparative, critical visual analysis, this paper expands the understanding of what it means to read and to understand how adolescent readers experience reading in school contexts. Visual images serve to disrupt dominant readings of what counts as reading to elicit new considerations for engaging adolescents in reading.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of studying a causal diagram on comprehension of causal relationships from an expository science text. A causal diagram is a type of visual display that explicitly represents cause-effect relationships. In Experiment 1, readers between conditions did not differ with respect to memory for main ideas, but the readers who studied the causal diagram while reading the text understood better the five causal sequences in the text even when study time was controlled. Participants in Experiment 2 studied only the causal diagram or only the text. There were no differences in memory for main ideas or the causal sequences between these groups. Results indicate that causal diagrams are not merely redundant with text and that causal diagrams affect understanding of causal relationships in the absence of a text. These findings supported the causal explication hypothesis, which states that causal diagrams improve comprehension by explicitly representing the implicit causal structure of the text in a visual format.  相似文献   


This article is an investigation into the Reading Partners scheme at a large inner London comprehensive school in England; this research comes from a small scale study I carried out as part of my Masters of Teaching at the Institute of Education, University College London. Reading Partners is a project whereby younger and older students within the secondary school education system are paired up to read aloud together in the school library every week over the course of a school year. The purpose of my study was to explore the relationships between these readers and to further understand what is gained from such shared reading. I argue that such collaborative reading aloud provides fertile ground for students’ development and that the sessions go beyond ‘just’ reading and, in fact, make reading become a ‘social’ activity. The significance of the personal relationship these students build and all that happens ‘beyond’ reading texts together should not be underestimated.  相似文献   


Both inside and outside educational settings, reading literature is emphasized as something good, perhaps even something that makes us better people. This paper aims to open the ‘black-boxed’ conception of reading by studying how reading and (non)readers are conceptualized in relation to young people taken into custody. I examine a policy document describing a reading project in detention homes for young people as a case in which reading is perceived as having specific effects. Actor-network theory is used as a methodological approach to call attention to the way ideas, values, and knowledge about educational content are produced. The analysis shows that the seemingly coherent policy document produces radically different versions of what reading is and who the readers and non-readers are. I conclude that conceptualizations of reading and literacy always involve the creation of ‘a dark side of reading’; the strong construction of ‘reading as doing good’ has marginalizing effects.  相似文献   

The study investigates dyslexic and normal Hebrew readers’ perception of words containing a vowel letter in different orthographic and morphological contexts. In the first experiment, 72 undergraduate education students (half diagnosed with reading disabilities and half normal readers) were asked to judge pointed words with different morphological structures with and without the grapheme W. Half of the words had consistent (obligatory) W and half had inconsistent (optional) W. In the second experiment, the same procedure was repeated using the same words without pointing marks. Response latencies and accuracy were measured. In both experiments, dyslexic readers did less well than normal readers. They had lower scores on accurate lexical decisions and they took more time over these decisions. They also exhibited some deviant patterns, indicating that they cannot make use of orthographic and morphological cues that are available to normal readers, especially in the pointed experiment. Processing pointed words placed a heavier cognitive burden on the dyslexic readers. These findings are in line with other studies of adult dyslexic reader/writers, and support a reading / spelling processing model, which claims that internal orthographic representations of words are increasingly strengthened with each exposure during reading, but not all graphemes are strengthened equally. The general implication is that the ambiguities that exist in the relationships between orthography, phonology, and morphology underlie spelling knowledge, and are particularly difficult for dyslexic readers.  相似文献   

Twenty Grade 5 and 6 students with reading disabilities, 20 average readers in Grade 3, and 20 average readers in Grades 5 and 6 were taught to use a self-questioning strategy for the identification of main ideas. They were randomly assigned to either a standard instruction or a generalization induction condition. In the latter, informed training and self-instructional training techniques were employed to promote generalization of strategy use. Subjects were posttested under both a cued and an uncued condition in their homerooms. Results indicated that the self-instructional training succeeded in facilitating the identification of main ideas among students with reading disabilities and in helping them to maintain their improved performance when they were no longer prompted to use the strategy in a transfer setting.  相似文献   

从图式理论的视角看阅读理解的心理过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阅读理解是个复杂的心理活动过程,在这个过程中,读者往往借助“自下而上”和“自上而下”两种信息加工方式的交互作用来解读阅读内容。因此,图式理论将阅读过程解释为读者所具备的背景知识和阅读材料相互作用的过程。影响阅读理解的主要因素是内容图式和形式图式。对图式理论的研究,有助于揭示阅读理解的认知心理过程并对外语教学有所启示。  相似文献   

This study examined relationships among text characteristics, situational interest, two measures of text understanding, and personal responses when reading a literary text. A factor analysis of ratings made after reading revealed six interrelated text characteristics. Of these, suspense, coherence and thematic complexity explained 54% of the variance in interest. Additional analyses found that situational interest was unrelated to a multiple choice test of main ideas; but was related to personal responses and holistic interpretations of the text. These results suggest that multiple aspects of literary texts are interesting to readers, and that interest is related to personal engagement variables, even when it is not related to the comprehension of main ideas.  相似文献   

The primary goal of this research is to better understand my students' reading orientations – what they believe it means to be a successful reader. I also seek to identify the relationship between those beliefs and my teaching. The data come primarily from six focal students in my second-grade classroom in an urban public charter elementary school in Oakland, California. Focal students were observed, interviewed, and asked to discuss and rank vignettes of readers with varying reading behaviors, skills, and habits. In addition, I drew on systematic reflections about my own teaching and students. Results showed that focal students shared reading orientations toward aspects of fluency, such as accuracy, and knowledge-level comprehension skills, such as retelling events from a story. Results also showed that students' responses correlated closely with teaching points emphasized both within my classroom and around the school. These results, in combination with data from observations, led me to discover that students' reading orientations may have both public and private aspects. In other words, their stated preferences might differ from their private inclinations. These findings suggest that teachers need to be organized and intentional around the messages that they send to students about successful reading. They also suggest that teachers create environments in which various purposes and reading behaviors are valued.  相似文献   

Using a large adult reading database, we examined the relationships between high-level and low-level reading skills and between multiple reading skills, general cognitive ability, and reading comprehension ability. A principal components analysis found partial dissociability between higher-level skills including reading comprehension, vocabulary and print exposure, and lower-level skills including decoding and spelling in adult readers. Furthermore, follow-up regression analyses showed that the high-level sub-skills (e.g., vocabulary and print exposure) were significantly better predictors of reading comprehension ability than the low-level skills (e.g., decoding and spelling) in adult skilled readers. These findings suggest that higher-level and lower-level skills are dissociable in adult skilled readers and that higher-level skills are more strongly related to comprehension ability in adults.  相似文献   

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