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This article presents research about school counselors' attitudes toward breaching confidentiality that the authors conducted immediately before and after the tragic shootings at Columbine High School in April 1999. Two groups of school counselors were demographically similar but differed significantly in their predictions as to whether they would breach confidentiality and in their attitudes toward certain aspects of school counselor practice such as informed consent. School counselors at all levels of employment reported that they were less likely to breach confidentiality after the highly publicized high school shootings and that they were more responsible to their minor clients than to the parents of those clients. Implications for policy makers are discussed.  相似文献   

This investigation follows an earlier attempt to evaluate the use of paid clients in practicum work. Pre- and post-counseling responses of paid and unpaid clients, counselors, and counselor supervisors were tested by Fisher's exact probability tables. Before-counseling paid clients were found to be different from unpaid clients only in that paid clients did not expect counseling to make them more independent in their relationships with other people. Post-counseling responses did not reveal any significant differences between paid or unpaid clients. Counselors saw paid clients in the way that paid clients saw themselves. Counselor supervisors did not expect significant differences between paid and unpaid clients. The only significant difference in post-counseling ratings was that neither counselors or counselor supervisors had anticipated that paid clients did want counselors to offer alternative solutions to problems. Differing pre-counseling responses of unpaid clients and of counselors and counselor supervisors reflected unfounded expectations that unpaid clients would have greater counseling needs than paid clients. All those involved in the study evaluated paid-client counseling as being a worthwhile experience. The writers encourage further investigation and evaluation.  相似文献   

According to several US Supreme Court decisions, minors have the right to abortions, yet various conflicts cause some uncertainty for counselors and other professionals working with minors. In defining the role of the school counselor with regard to abortions, Duncan and Moffett (1974) explained that counselors should establish a setting for clients to examine feelings and evaluate alternatives. They advised counselors against imposing their views and attitudes on clients. Walleat (1975) summarized the counselor's responsibilities as follows: view abortion in relation to the student's total involvement rather than a crisis situation; work in conjunction with other community and school programs; help students "process" information; and help students use information about abortion, even when schools fail to supply that information. Additionally, Walleat emphasized that there were possible legal and ethical issues regarding schools providing abortion information. The extent to which schools can or should provide abortion information to minors is unclear. Burgum and Anderson (1975) made some recommendations to help counselors avoid lawsuits regarding abortions. They suggested that counselors give advice only in those areas in which they are competent according to their education and work experience. In view of the proposed legislation and legal shift toward parental notification, counselors of minors should strongly encourage their clients to discuss their situation with parents. The major questions are: how far must counselors go in providing information to parents of minors; and is the legal responsibility strong enough to require counselors to break confidentiality under certain conditions. Until a major court case or legislation addresses these questions, the school counselor's role is undefined. Because parental notification about abortion for minors is unclear, professional guidelines are urgently needed to aid counselors. Professional counseling groups need to address the unresolved issues in a position paper or other materials. Until such time, the following recommendations should prove of value to counselors: counselors should urge minors to discuss abortion plans with parents and involve families in the counseling process, if possible; counselors should consider the social mores of the community; counselors should work through their national, state, and local professional organizations for directions and guidelines on abortion counseling and dissemination of abortion information for minors; and counselors should be knowledgeable about appropriate referral agencies dealing with abortions.  相似文献   

Results in the literature indicate that high levels of moral development are positively correlated with high levels of empathy. However, the issue of moral reasoning style and its relationship to empathy remains unclear. The role that moral reasoning style (care vs. justice orientation) plays in counselors' ability to relate empathically to clients was investigated among a sample of 44 counselors‐in‐training. Results indicate that counselors were able to respond equally to clients with the same moral reasoning style as themselves and to those with a different style. Counselors with a care orientation were no more able than justice‐oriented counselors to respond empathically. Findings contribute information about measures of moral reasoning style and suggest that matching of counselors with college‐aged and young adult clients based on moral reasoning style is not an issue of concern for college counselors.  相似文献   

Counselors should view the computer and its associated technology as partners in helping students and clients achieve their counseling goals. The extent to which this collaborative effort is feasible or considered desirable, however, is related to the theoretical perspective the counselor adopts. Affective theoretical positions, in which high touch is seen as a powerful remediating force, will view the computer as a much less welcome partner than will cognitive theoretical perspectives, in which systematic processes and learning goals can be defined. For the future survival of the profession, it is essential that the appropriate merger of high touch and high technology be accomplished and that counselors be trained to implement the synthesis.  相似文献   

辅导员是高校学生工作的基层领导者、组织者和协调者,需要将国家方针政策和学校的各项规章制度及时地传达给学生,引导学生全面发展,因此辅导员对于学生工作发挥着不可替代的作用。辅导员又是大学生们最接近的群体,做好高职辅导员工作,对于高职人才培养等工作中具有重要的意义。辅导员工作应不断探索新的方式方法,从而提升辅导员工作的效果。  相似文献   

Conclusion Counseling can help provide a meaningful frame of reference for career information. Computers and other technology offer an increasing variety of presentation methods, each having different impacts on individual clients. Counselors need to be knowledgeable about what information sources and resources are available. They also should be skillful in the use of information with clients who are operating along a continuum of developmental levels. The context of this information, the labor market, is constantly changing so counselors need to keep up to date in regard to career information resources and delivery services.Mary Elizabeth McCormac is Occupational Information System Specialist for National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee, 2100 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037.  相似文献   

辅导员担负着培养学生的良好人格、使其对世界具有正确态度并充满信心迎接生活挑战的重任。但目前这一人群存在着职业倦怠、激励机制缺失、职业满意度低、角色冲突等问题。高职院校的辅导员职业心理建设应坚持职业定位的非教师化原则,明确个体发展的良性目标,创建纵向、专业化管理模式,从而构建辅导员队伍的“精品工程”。  相似文献   

辅导员是开展大学生思想政治教育工作的骨干力量,是大学生成长成才的指路者、引路人。在新时代背景下,高校辅导员引导大学生成长成才意义重大。辅导员要在认真分析当前高职院校学生学情的基础上,探索引导高职学生成长成才的策略。  相似文献   

辅导员回归思想政治教育工作主线探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
辅导员是开展大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,其工作主旨是做好大学生思想政治教育。现实中由于各种主客观因素的影响,辅导员疲于学生日常事务的处理而忽视了工作主旨。要以科学发展观为指导,树立以人为本的理念,全面协调好各方面的工作,抓住关键时期与有利条件,促使辅导员回归大学生思想政治教育工作主线。  相似文献   

与学生个别谈话是大学生管理工作、辅导员工作的重要内容。辅导员与大学生个别谈话,要做好"知己知彼"的准备,善于把握谈话的时机,明确谈话沟通的内容,采取恰当的方式。  相似文献   

Counselors and superintendents from Tennessee and Indiana were administered a semantic differential to compare their perceptions of counselor programs as reflected by counselor performance in 11 skill areas. Counselors rated their training programs higher than did the superintendents but did agree with the superintendents that the best counselor preparation was in educational counseling, pupil appraisal, public relations, and guidance program coordination. Counselors also agreed with the superintendents that better counselor preparation was needed in parental consulting, vocational counseling, and research. Primary disagreement between counselors and superintendents centered on personal-social counseling, an area in which counselors feel well prepared.  相似文献   

The presentation of human sexuality information within counselor education programs seems inconsistent, leaving counselors typically underprepared to handle the sexuality-related components of many clients’ distress. Addressing this gap, the present article, using guidance from the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT), proposes 10 human sexuality counseling competency domains to aid counselors in working more effectively and comprehensively with clients. These domains are: Ethical/Professional Behavior, History and Systems, Anatomy/Physiology, Sexual Identity, Sexual Development, Intimacy and Interpersonal Relationships, Pleasure and Sexual Lifestyles, Sexual Functioning, Health/Medical Factors, and Sexual Exploitation. Clinical implications are discussed and include improved case conceptualization and developing counselor competence. Opportunities for future research are presented as they relate to counselor education and training.  相似文献   

辅导员在高校思想政治教育工作中与学生的联系最为紧密,是大学生的人生导师和知心朋友.文章从政治引领、队伍建设和思维创新三个方面讨论新时代对高校辅导员工作提出的新要求,分析高校辅导员育人工作存在的不足及原因,并提出高校辅导员做好育人工作的对策.要加强辅导员理论学习,提高辅导员的政治素养;坚定辅导员职业自信,推动辅导员的队伍...  相似文献   

高职院校辅导员的职业能力,既有着高校辅导员的共性要求,也有着高职院校辅导员的个性特点,表现在教育引导学生树立正确理想信念、开展形势与政策教育、带领学生构建良好年级学风和班风、开展调查研究、对学生事务的应急处理等方面。高职院校辅导员应充分兼顾到高职院校的办学特点,不断提高个人的职业素养和工作技能,以适应新时代高职院校辅导员工作的职责要求。  相似文献   

辅导员是大学生思想政治教育和管理工作的生力军,肩负着培养合格的社会主义事业建设者和可靠接班人的重任.在新的历史时期下,辅导员必须不断更新自己的育人观念,把握好自己的角色定位,重点围绕"导"这一角色的丰富内涵开展工作.  相似文献   

辅导员是大学生在高校成长中最直接的引导者.辅导员要做好学生思想政治工作,促进学生的全面成长,各高校必须建立与现代高等教育现状相符合的专业化辅导员队伍.笔者认为高校辅导员队伍的专业化建设,要围绕辅导员的职业专业化和个人专业化两个方面进行.  相似文献   

The school counselors of one state were surveyed about the methods they employed in releasing pupil personnel information to requesting sources. Results indicated that while the methods used to release such data varied by type of information and requesting agency, complete confidentiality was rarely, if ever, extended to school-age clients. Information concerning the educational progress and vocational development of the client was most readily shared with others. While most requested information was released in some form, other school personnel were most likely to receive unabridged data.  相似文献   

辅导员是开展大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,是高等学校学生日常思想政治教育和管理工作的组织者、实施者、指导者。辅导员要强化思想理论教育和价值引领,要成为学生的人生导师和健康成长的知心朋友,作为沟通学校和学生桥梁的辅导员,在大学生的人生中起着关键性作用。这就要求辅导员不断提升自身综合能力素质,这样才能当好学生健康成长的指导者和引路人。  相似文献   

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