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In the context of international consensus that the knowledge economy requires more highly educated people, the Australian federal, state and territory governments agreed on a set of policies and targets for lifting the minimum level of educational attainment of young people, which are analysed in Part 1 of this paper. This Compact with young Australians will have the most impact on the quarter of young people who in the past would have left school early. The second part of the paper explores the transition experiences of early leavers who move on to a ‘second chance’ school. Based on their experiences, the paper concludes that to genuinely enable more young people to complete senior secondary education requires recognition of a broad range of benefits, rather than focusing mainly on economic outcomes, and support for re-entry through second chance education rather than coercing young people to remain in mainstream schooling.  相似文献   

Females are more likely to attend Canadian universities and their participation rate has been increasing faster than that of males, generating a 15 percentage point gap by 2005. We investigate the determinants of attending university and explore the reasons for the increasing gender gap. As in the US literature, we find that conventional decompositions, averaging over the whole sample, attribute most of the gender gap to differences in variables, notably the University Premium. The average sample approach in these decompositions abstracts from the evolution over time of the participation rates by gender and from important detail at specific points in time, features that we try to overcome. We find that the rising level of the university participation rate for both women and men can be explained by changing societal norms, the dynamic influence of parental education, the University Premium, tuition fees and real income. The 2005 gap between the female and male participation rates can be accounted mostly (9 percentage points) by the gender differences in the University Premium and, to a lesser extent (6 percentage points), by differences in the coefficients in the female and male participation equations.  相似文献   

Cinema has always represented a powerful medium for influencing audiences (including in political and ideological ways). Therefore, exploring how the image of the Western world has been transforming in Soviet and Russian films is still relevant today. This study seeks to accomplish the following: define the role and place of the changing portrayal of the Western world in Soviet cinema between 1946 (the start of the postwar ideological confrontation) and 1991 (the break-up of the Soviet Union) while comparing these developments with trends from the modern era (1992–2016); study the political, ideological, social, and cultural context as well as the main stages, trends, and goals of filmmakers; study the concepts that these filmmakers used to interpret this theme in Soviet and Russian films; and classify and perform a comparative analysis of the ideology, content models, genre modifications, and stereotypes of Soviet and Russian cinema that came to be associated with the portrayal of the Western world. To achieve these goals, we have used theoretical methods, including classification, comparison, analogy, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, modeling, etc., as well as empirical research methods, including the collection of information about the topics that are addressed in the study.

The chronological scope of this study was limited to films produced between 1946 and 2016 and excluded documentaries, animated films, television programs, and an extensive set of feature films related to the topic of World War II (though these films are very specific, and they deserve a separate conversation). As a rule, international co-productions with Russia that reflect how the West views the Russian world were also excluded from this analysis.  相似文献   

This article aims to reconstruct the pedagogy of Leonor Serrano, a Spanish school inspector working and developing her theories between 1914 and 1939. We use an interrogative-analytical methodology based on content analysis of her texts to reconstruct her educational theory. The theoretical deductive elements are uncovered in the analysis of the answers Leonor Serrano gives to the “basic questions of education”, issues that provide the bases for the scientific field of the theory of education to define a specific pedagogy and are identified through a process of historical-educational review. The study outcome is an explanatory narrative. The paper ends with a discussion of the method and the results.  相似文献   

A very important world problem——in fact,I think it may be the most important of all the great world problems which face us at the present time——is rapidly increasing pressure of population on the land.  相似文献   

1.Thereisalittlelighthouse.Helivesoutonthesea.Foryearsheshines(放射出)hislighttoguide(指引)theships.2.Onecoldlonely(孤独的)nighthesays,“I’mtiredof(厌烦)shiningmylight.Nobodyneedsmeanyway….”Sohegivesup(放弃、停止)hislight.3.Thentherecomesaterriblestorm.Oneshiphits(撞上)arock(礁石)becausethereisnolightinthedark.Itbeginstosink(下沉).4.Thelittlelighthousefeelssorryforhim-selfandcriesallnightandday.Thenalittlebirdcomesandsays,“Ashipneedsyourlight!Sople…  相似文献   

But what about population?The population of theworld today iS about 6,000,000,000.That is anenormous number,yet it is known quite accurately,because there are very few parts of the world whichhave not carried out a modern census.China was the bigunknown quantity untill 1953,when a census wascarried out.The population is over 1,200,000,000.  相似文献   

Wanted(招聘).Thebestsalesmanintheworld.Topsalary(高薪).1.Paulisahandsome(英俊的)boyandheis20yearsold.2.Onedayheseesanad.(广告)onawall.3.Paulgoesintothebuildingandtalktothemanager.4.Themanagertakesaboxofcandyoutofhisdesk.I’mthebestsalesmanintheworld.Givesmethejob.Iwanttogiveyouatest.Lastweek,Ibuyathousandboxesofthiscandy(糖).Sellthemall,thenyoucanhavethejob.脑筋急转弯参考答案:1.年龄2.空气和光3.反穿裤子5.Paultakestheboxesofcandyandleavestheoffice…  相似文献   

李世荣 《初中生》2007,(36):56-57
在奇异有趣的动物世界,有这么一群特别的"动物爸爸",它们担当起哺育、照顾后代的重任.现在,让我们来认识一下这些"动物爸爸".  相似文献   

From 1563 until the death of the last teacher in 1851, there was a prebendary in the Cathedral of the Canary Islands in charge of the education of children. In fact, it could be said that this prebendary was the only continuous secondary school teacher there was in the Canary Islands until the beginning of the nineteenth century when the High School of La Laguna was founded in the island of Tenerife. This member of the cathedral chapter was called ‘racionero’ in Spanish and his position ‘ración’. This article will examine this interesting Chair of Grammar from its venue to the teacher’s salary, the students, the teachers or the rights and duties of these teachers.  相似文献   

The admission of women to the teaching field was conditioned by many different circumstances that varied depending on time and place. This article will examine the evolution of this process in Spain in an attempt to identify some of the contributing factors: a patriarchal mentality which held that women had a special aptitude for teaching; a segregationist and sexist conception of education; the intention of some of the reformist sectors to broaden work opportunities for women; and the struggle of women themselves to enter the workforce, owing to the lack of opportunities for study and work offered to them. I will also examine some of the resistance they had to overcome to gain access to this profession.  相似文献   

立春TheBeginningofSpring雨水RainWater惊蛰TheWakingofInsects春分theVernalEquinox清明PureBrightness谷雨GrainRain立夏TheBeginningofSummer小满LesserFullnessofGrain芒种GraininBeard夏至TheSummerSolstice小暑SlightHeat大暑GreatHeat立秋TheBeginningofAutumn处暑TheE  相似文献   

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