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University teacher training has become an important topic in recent years due to the curricular and methodological reforms introduced by the Bologna process. Despite its acknowledged importance, evaluations have been limited to measures of participants’ satisfaction, and little is known about its impact on teaching practices. This study seeks to analyse the effects of the different delivery methods used during workshops that aim to enhance academic teachers’ pedagogical competence and teaching practices. Moreover, the study analyses to what extent individual characteristic and job requirement also have an effect on training outcomes. The study draws on data collected through a self-reported questionnaire administered to academic teachers two years after they participated in training workshops at a Spanish university (n?=?204). The results show that specific delivery methods have a significant effect on the outcome variables, especially those related to the design of learning activities and assessment tools.  相似文献   

求职过程是求职者全面展现自身综合素质的过程,求职技巧作为综合素质的表现始终贯穿于求职过程的全部。目前,中国的就业形势比较严峻,求职者面对的竞争越来越大,企业对求职者的要求也越来越高,面试方式更趋多样化,为此,对求职者进行求职技巧的训练和指导对求职成功与否起着至关重要的作用。本文采用实例法进行研究,从阐述求职技巧的内涵及求职技巧训练与指导的重要作用出发,针对求职者求职技巧的现状进行分析,提出求职技巧训练与指导的具体措施。  相似文献   

王东毅 《成人教育》2019,39(4):56-59
技能水平是新生代农民工的择业基础,提升新生代农民工技能水平依赖于技能培训工作的开展。在当前培训资源较为紧张的情况下,为发挥资源的最大效益,需要对新生代农民工技能培训需求进行科学分析。新生代农民工在培训意愿、培训主体、培训内容、培训方式、培训时间和培训出资方式等方面的需求具有自身的特点,通过建立良好的培训舆论环境、发挥政府的政策支持作用、合理选择和设置培训内容、灵活确定培训方式和时间、积极发挥企业的主体作用等,可以更好地满足新生代农民工技能培训需求。  相似文献   

作为近几年发展起来的一种新型本科院校,独立学院有其自身的发展定位和办学特色。注重应用型人才培养的目标定位要求其师范教育专业培养的学生必须成为基本功过硬、岗位适应性较强的中小学准教师,现代社会对专业化教师的迫切需求以及独立学院学生知识结构的特点也决定了必须注重对师范生进行教师职业技能训练。文章试图揭示独立学院师范教育专业在对学生进行教师职业技能训练时存在的问题,并提出相关改进策略,以促进我国高校师范教育专业的发展。  相似文献   

We examine the link between math skills and labor-market outcomes using a resume-based field experiment. Specifically, we send fictitious resumes in response to online job postings, randomly assigning some resumes to indicate stronger math skills, and measure employer responses. The resumes that are randomly assigned to indicate stronger math skills receive more interest from employers than the comparison resumes. Our findings add to the body of evidence showing that stronger math skills positively affect labor-market outcomes.  相似文献   

本文针对本专业实践教学中存在的问题,对校内实践教学体系采取了相应的改革措施。改革独立实验课的运行方式和管理方法;建设校内实习基地,利用校内实验设施建成校内小型环境监测站和水处理站,模拟实际操作岗位对学生进行职业技能培训,与校外实习基地形成互补。通过三门独立实验课对基本操作能力的培训和实习基地的顶岗培训,分阶段、循序渐进地完成了学生的职业技能培训。  相似文献   

Discussions of workforce development emphasize stackable training, and assume linear advancement and alignment, through college and career paths. Stackable credentials have become a best practice for community colleges across the United States as they struggle to advance the college completion agenda and ensure that students graduate with the skills needed to find gainful employment. This study examined the concept of stackability in culinary arts at Kingsborough Community College in Brooklyn, New York. It compared employment and education opportunities for students enrolled in short-term training to those of students enrolled in an associate degree program. Its goal was to explore gaps between employer demand for trained workers and long-term investments in education. The study also aimed to suggest ways in which we can meaningfully support students in their pursuit of degrees, even as they seek employment in a high-growth sector for which education, experience, and job titles are often an imprecise match.  相似文献   

The work presented is part of a study that the research group CIFO (Research Team in Training for the Labour Market, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona) has carried out, relating to the training needs analysis and basic competences and skills in the environment of sheltered employment centres (SECs) in Catalonia (this study was undertaken in collaboration with the Coordination of Workshops for People with Mental Disabilities in Catalonia). The analysis and assessment of needs is useful from the perspective of training, as a starting point for planning adapted to the reality of disabled workers in SECs. To do this, various elements such as skills, knowledge and attitudes of individual and social nature have been considered from a systemic approach. By placing ourselves in clearly defined contexts (SECs), we bear in mind the characteristics of workers, the features of the job context, the types of activities performed, the skills related to work activities carried out, the definition of competence profiles required on the basis of the essential skills and the real training needs, through the characteristics of workers and those skills related to the labour activities that are performed as well as the needs for training perceived by workers. Identifying training needs in relation to basic skills and job requirements allows us to meet the challenge, as a trend that supports a competence basis for any worker, of raising general actions that may govern and underlie the training proposals, yet without undermining the specific competences. The importance acquired by what workers themselves have considered about their positioning is understood from the standpoint of its validity, so as to assume conclusions through triangulation processes.  相似文献   

Computers and associated technology have become central to modern life. In a society where the population is rapidly ageing, the acceptance and utilisation of developing technologies by an older population is becoming increasingly important. This review highlights similarities and differences between the attitudes and acceptance of technology by older and younger people, leading to the conclusion that similar factors influence both age groups—hence, older people could well be taught to use technology in a similar manner to younger people. While all learners, irrespective of age, should receive sufficient time for training in a positive and supportive environment, this review suggests that due consideration ought to be given to the amount of time allowed for older users to learn new skills and the manner in which learners are treated in a positive and valued manner.  相似文献   

This ethnographic study extends the findings of earlier research that authenticated the impact of workplace design features on newly acquired communication skills back on the job. The qualitative nature of the earlier study, however, limited quantitative measurement of workplace design features that may have an impact on learned skills. This study examined supervisor perceptions about the relative importance of organizational factors that affect transfer and prioritized the importance of specific design features to support learned communication skills. Research findings validate earlier research that workplace design is another work environment influence that may facilitate or impede the ultimate success of a training intervention for performance improvement.  相似文献   

Vocational education and training has received substantial policy attention in recent years that is paired with the ambition for the UK to become a leading country for jobs, productivity and skills. Recommendations from two recent reviews form the basis for substantial policy reforms within the 14–19 curriculum. Discourse of employer engagement has been a persistent theme in the reform agenda and the pressure on employers to engage has been intensified. Recent policy documents, particularly within the 14–19 phase, carry the exhortation for employers to jump ‘in the driving seat’ when it comes to qualifications development. This article examines employer engagement in two recent reforms; Diplomas (2005–2010) and 16–19 Study Programmes (2011-present). It reflects on the extent to which employers are able to fulfil policy expectations and what lessons could be learnt from previous attempts to engage them in qualification design and delivery. The article concludes that employer engagement within the 14–19 curriculum continues to be encouraged. The level of employer engagement, however, must be carefully matched to the expertise, experience, capacity and motivation of employers. It is argued that lessons should be learnt from previous experiences of qualifications development to avoid employers abandoning the journey completely.  相似文献   

在推动台湾经济体转型过程中,如何提供充沛而质优稳定的人才,成为产业稳定发展的关键因素。随着科技的升级和知识经济的兴起,过去以训练高职领域为主的公办职业训练机构,面临转型和升级的挑战。在技职教育体系,由于服务业快速成长,普设技术学院和科技大学,加上出生人口趋近负成长,许多技职领域大学生由于技能不够好或者为了较轻松的工作环境,舍弃制造业而加入服务业。大学生技能达不到业界的基本要求,引起了就业单位的不满。因此,引导社会关于技术人才的价值观,充实技职校院实务能力是技职教育的重大挑战。台湾中部科学园区位处中部科技走廊之输钮,结合中区资源共同协助中科及邻近工业区厂商做好教育、训练、研发及提供优质人才的任务。公共职训机构与科技院校将剩余之空间开辟为合作之据点,成立产学训服务处,这一举措为中部科学园区和邻近的工业区厂商提供服务,缔造了产学训的新境界。研究最大之关键不但在"产学训"充分联结,更加重研究发展的机制,以冀望能在产业研发与训练的领域有所贡献。  相似文献   

Generic skills development is increasingly being embedded into UK higher education curricula to improve the employability and lifelong learning skills of graduates. At the same time universities are being required to benchmark their curricular outcomes against national and employer standards. This paper presents and discusses the results of a study mapping the outcomes, delivery, learning and assessment of an embedded generic skills curriculum and benchmarking these against externally agreed standards. By collecting data from students, supervisors and curriculum documentation across the whole five year course in a UK medical school it evaluates the success of the generic skills programme in achieving its objectives. It goes on to discuss how data from the maps might also be used to encourage student learning. It recommends the adoption of this methodology to map embedded skills curricula with the aim of highlighting skills delivery for curriculum designers and skills development for students.  相似文献   

以有效培养学生职业能力、职业道德和职业发展潜力为核心,将CDIO教育理念融入到化工基本技能训练的教学内容和教学模式的改革中,逐步建立起具有高职化工类专业特色的化工基本技能训练课程教学内容新体系,为后续专业课教学和学生岗位需求提供必备知识和技能  相似文献   

Globally, universities are increasingly seeking to equip their graduates with specific “soft” skills to complement traditional “hard” skills so they can function in a rapidly changing and dynamic world. While hard skills are relatively straightforward to define and foster the same cannot be said for soft skills, despite the latter being increasingly acknowledged as equally, if not more, important. This paper assesses the feasibility of an Australian wellbeing course in the context of explicit soft skills training at one Chinese university in a pilot with 29 second-year students. Using an exploratory mixed-methods design, quantitative impact measures were collected before and after the intervention to complement qualitative workshop evaluations. Results clearly show that participants found both the content of the training as well as the participatory social learning approach relevant and acceptable. The training had a statistically significant positive impact on the assessed human qualities soft skills outcomes. Implications of the findings for the current interest in training Chinese university students in the spirit of innovation and enterprise are highlighted.  相似文献   

Transfer of training is the degree to which trainees can apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes gained in training to the job. Currently only between 5% and 20% of what is learned in training is ever applied on the job. At this time, little is known about the effects of work environment factors, such as support, feedback, and goal setting, on training transfer. We utilized a quasi‐experimental between‐groups design using surveys, interviews, and behavioral measures to evaluate the impact of performance‐based work environment factors on training transfer. Results indicated that participants in the experimental group reported a higher level of training transfer than those in the control group. These findings suggest that a performance‐based approach to training can be an effective method to increase the likelihood that employees transfer training knowledge to the job context.  相似文献   

Fact‐based decision making is changing job functions within organizations more than any other technology. Analytics, once the purview of the data scientist, is now spread throughout organizations. No longer is there a single job title, job function, or set of required skills and credentials for an analytics career. Companies have moved away from seeking applicants with a specific degree to now recruiting analytics talent based on required skill sets. For more than a decade, business schools have been developing new programs in analytics in response to industry's needs. However, in developing meaningful career‐ready professionals, business programs must understand the skills required across different analytics job functions. In this article, the authors present a comprehensive assessment of the skills sought by employers when considering a candidate for an entry‐level analytics position. The authors describe the demand for various types of analytics professionals, identify the job titles and functions with the most significant demand, and then draw a comparison of the job requirements of hard skills, soft skills, software skills, and credentials between three of the most sought‐after analytics areas: data science, data analytics, and business analytics. The authors conclude by providing faculty and administrators with recommendations on how to adapt their courses and programs to provide students with the fundamental preparation necessary for careers in data science, data analytics, and business analytics.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is threefold: (a) to explore what 18 adolescents learned while participating in a three week long adventure program, (b) to examine how they learned while on the program, and (c) to determine what program outcomes they considered most applicable to their home environments, or which learning is “transferable”. To address these purposes, 18 participants 13–18 years old on 14 different three-week long sail and dive training courses were interviewed. The study found that participants learned both hard skills (e.g., sailing and diving) and life skills. They learned these skills experientially, by observing and receiving feedback from others, by exposure to new and different persons, and through the authenticity of needing to learn these skills through the course design. Participants reported that the life skills were most likely to be applicable after course completion in the home environment. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Proposals for a technical baccalaureate have received cross-party support in England. The technical baccalaureate is intended to deliver the necessary training to enable young people to fill the UK’s skills gap in intermediate-level occupations in STEM and other sectors. This paper explores how to design and implement a high-quality technical baccalaureate and identifies some of the challenges that are likely to be encountered. We argue that the curriculum of the technical baccalaureate should aim to strike a balance between providing young people with skills needed to enter specific sectors whilst also providing a component of general academic education to help keep options open. We argue that the assessment needs to be both reliable and valid. We also suggest that hurdles – additional criteria that students must meet (e.g. must pass a maths exam) – to gain the Tech Bacc should be avoided, as should aggregating qualifications together to grade the technical baccalaureate. We conclude by discussing the challenges of implementing the technical baccalaureate, including obtaining the necessary employer engagement and provision of information advice and guidance.  相似文献   



Science is being increasingly considered as a social activity that must be harnessed to serve human needs. In many developing countries, science and technology education tend to replicate practices in advanced countries. The challenges of responding adequately to the solution of the problems of society and of meeting the different needs of a country or a region have not been realized. The accelerated social and technological changes that are taking place in many Arab states intensify the variety of problems that have been cited. The guidelines suggested towards adapting education to the state's needs and towards overcoming the problems include: emphasizing the development of intellectual and occupational skills which are significant, retainable, and transferable to everyday life; developing respect for manual skills; revising curricula to introduce topics relevant to society; and making efforts towards developing the home environment and the community.  相似文献   

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