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海外留学是个机会,也是个挑战。找一所理想的大学,选择您想读的科系,是为你日后追求事业生涯做准备的绝佳机会。如何适应一个截然不同的校园环境,让美国留学经验更充实这将是每个留学海外的留学生面临的问题。处身一个大部分是美国学生和美国教授的课堂上,你可能会有很惶恐的感觉。在中国,做学生的总是静静地坐在自己座位上,抄写笔记或只要按着教科书的内容循序渐进,正确记下教材,大致就可过关。在美国上课原则上并无两样,但是常需要学生积极参与讨论,对国内学生来说,会很不习惯。美国教授常要求学生参与课堂讨论、发问或发表个人意见。事实…  相似文献   

本书出自一个胸怀大志,求学海外的高中生。他用平实生动的语言,介绍了留学伊始的重重问题以及留学美国的见闻、感受。精彩的课余生活、中美文化的差异、饮食的差异、可贵的美国精神……一一呈现在读者眼前。本书不仅给即将出国的学生以借鉴和启迪,也给希望了解海外生活的学生以阅读的乐趣。  相似文献   

美国《门户开放报告》的相关数据显示,近年来美国高校学生出国留学人数增长迅猛,出国留学生在学位和年级分布上呈现"橄榄型"分布,白人仍是出国留学生主体,但少数族裔大学生出国留学人数呈攀升趋势.美国高校学生出国留学呈现出驻留海外学习时间较短、研究型大学派出绝对数量多、留学目标国家趋向多元等显著特征.作为高等教育发达的美国,其高校学生近年来出国留学人数猛增,有着高等教育国际化发展的必然需要,但提升国家竞争力和维护国家安全是根本驱动因素,美国社会对大学生海外经验的重视是重要现实因素.此外,通过学生国际流动来构建美国与世界他国和地区新的交流方式、增进国际理解也是不可忽视的隐形推手.  相似文献   

黄金十月,正逢申请2010年海外名校秋季入学的关键期,为了全方位第一时间为中国学生提供权威客观的留学信息,10月15日,启德教育将在京广中心新世界酒店举办“2009国际名校招生会”,届时将邀请各热点留学国家包括美国,英国、澳洲、加拿大及欧亚等12国近200所海外名校参加。  相似文献   

人民币对美元的持续升值为许多考生提供了另一种选择——海外留学,而美国优质的教育资源则吸引了越来越多人的目光。2011年中国学生赴美交流持续升温.呈现出一些新的趋势。  相似文献   

华尔街金融风暴引起全球关注,而当下正是2009年美国学校招生“宣传战”的关键时期。由于金融危机的影响,美国院校为扩大海外留学市场,会给中国学子带来更多的留学机会。当然,同时,奖学金也有可能会缩减。2009年留学美国的走势究竟如何?  相似文献   

鉴于美国的特殊国情及其在国际上的特殊地位,吸引更多美国学生来华留学并攻读学位,将对世界上其他国家的学生来华留学起到引领和示范的作用,从国际关系的深层次和国家发展的长远角度来考虑,将对中国的政治、文化、社会、经济、教育等国家利益产生难以估量的影响。本文从独特的视角阐释了吸引更多美国留学生来华学习的一个多赢的突破口。  相似文献   

在美国联邦政府国务院教育及文化事务管理部资助下,美国国际教育研究中心当天发布的(2006年开放门户》国际教育年度报告指出,2005至2006学年,美国赴海外学习人数达20.6万,比上一学年增长8%,其中赴中国学习的学生数量在所有非英语国家留学目的增幅最大。  相似文献   

8月1日 北京:2009海外名校专场留学咨询会开幕 由新东方前途出国咨询有限公司主办的“2009海外名校专场留学咨询会”将于8月1日盛大开幕。届时.除有来自美国、加拿大、英国.澳大利亚等国家的数十所著名高校现场招生之外.还将有众多资深留学专家为到场学生做一对一免费咨询并制定合理的留学发展规划。  相似文献   

新西兰是最早向中国开放自费留学市场的国家之一,由于完整承袭英式教育体系、留学费用和英语语言准入门槛相对较低等优势,近年来,新西兰已成为中国学生留学海外的首选目的地之一。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国出国留学的各类学生人数不断增长,进入21世纪以后,更是呈快速增长态势,在中国社会形成一股强劲的潮流。导致留学潮形成的主要因素包括政府政策,社会、经济的发展和居民的教育消费心理等等。留学潮给中国乃至世界带来巨大深远的社会和经济影响。中国出国留学人数强劲的增长趋势在可预见的未来仍将延续,根据最近四年的增长速度预测,2013年出国留学人数将突破45万人。社会各方应理性看待与应对居民的留学热情并予以积极正确的引导。  相似文献   

The numbers of UK students choosing to study abroad for a period has increased steadily over the years, with many students citing academic, professional, linguistic and cultural reasons as their key motivations. However, while there is an abundance of literature on the advantage of study abroad (SA) for linguistic learning, there is less known about the academic impact of studying abroad. In addition, because SA is largely a process of self-selection, this makes it difficult to derive unbiased estimates of its impact on academic achievement. Using data on students from a London-based Russell Group university, and categorising SA students as those who participated in credit-seeking SA programmes through Erasmus or bilateral/multilateral agreements with partner universities, this paper uses individual fixed effects to compare the post-SA grades for students who sojourned with their expected grades had they not sojourned, as well as with their non-SA counterparts. The results are quite robust across subgroups and indicate that grades in year 3 are less than expected for the SA group, given their pre-sojourn grades. To tackle the problem of self-selection, outcomes for SA students were compared to the group who applied but did not eventually study abroad, and to the outcomes for students who did not apply.  相似文献   

This paper explores student mobility among Irish higher education students. It specifically focuses on the profile of ‘stayers’, that is, students who have no plans to study abroad, thus addressing an underexplored topic in existing literature on student mobility. The article aims to identify factors that impact on students’ decisions not to pursue study abroad. Drawing on a national survey of students, Eurostudent V, the findings demonstrate that immobility is predicted by mother’s level of education and family income, showing the salience of socio-economic factors. Age and language proficiency are also visible factors, with the main obstacles to mobility being finances, language barriers and not wanting to separate from family and friends. Trends are also visible in the education institution a student is enrolled in, with those in institutes of technology more likely to be immobile than those in universities.  相似文献   

Relying heavily on case or regional studies, higher education institutions market the perceived global skills that students acquire from education abroad as a value-added commodity. As industries increase their global reach, understanding the labor market effects of education abroad from a national perspective is necessary and timely. This study isolates many factors known to influence education abroad using the 2008–2012 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study dataset (B&B: 08/12). Through a 2-level hierarchical linear regression analysis model, earning levels of graduates of undergraduate programs are analyzed, offering a national perspective. The findings revealed that students who participated in education abroad earned more money within the labor market, even during harsh recessionary times. While income differences observed between men and women existed in both samples, initial incomes during the first three years post-graduation demonstrated significantly higher wages for some students who studied abroad when compared to their non-participating peers.  相似文献   

This essay offers suggestions for faculty who are designing study abroad (SA) experiences by outlining a three-week Maymester study abroad to Reggio Emilia, Italy, and a semester-long study abroad to Brussels, Belgium. The authors reflect on commonalities in planning, recruiting, preparing students, and conducting each trip, as well as some of the differences in the experiences for both students and faculty.  相似文献   

南洋兄弟烟草公司是清末民初以民族资本发展起来的公司,该公司注重出资兴学,投资教育。其中资助优秀学生出国深造是出资兴教的重点,这一点在普通民众中产生了一定的影响,亦给企业塑造了良好的形象,使其在与资本强大的英美烟草公司竞争中立于不败之地,对促进南洋烟草公司以及社会经济的发展起到了不可估量的作用,其选派方法对现今亦有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This study is based on a survey in 2007 of 12,961 senior secondary final year students in seven major cities in China, and shows that students in less developed cities manifest a stronger intention to study abroad than students in better off cities, controlling for students’ other demographic characteristics and their major perceived attractions of study abroad. The intention to study abroad of students in less developed cities becomes increasingly lower than the intention of students in better off cities for every unit increase in the perceived attraction of better quality instruction if the students expect to fund their overseas studies by self-financing or loans.  相似文献   

中国地质大学(北京)从2000年开始派学生自费出国留学,到2007年已经向俄罗斯国立莫斯科大学、俄罗斯地质勘探大学、俄罗斯伊尔库茨克大学、加拿大滑铁卢大学和比利时Group T鲁汶工学院共5所大学派出108名学生。本文通过分析学生出国留学的现状及其成因,提出了3点工作建议。  相似文献   

相比于北洋政府时期和抗战爆发之后的航空留学教育,南京国民政府建立之后至抗战爆发前(1927~1937)的航空留学教育与之有很大差别。这一时期国民政府制定了许多航空留学教育的规章制度,以加强对航空留学教育的管理。我国航空留学生,主要由中央政府和地方实力派组织派遣。其中,中央政府派遣的航空留学生主要包括学习飞行技术和航空工程的人员,其留学的主要国家是美国和意大利。而地方实力派派遣的航空留学生主要是学习飞行技术,其留学国别较杂,留学时间短,成效一般。抗战前南京国民政府的航空留学教育开始走向正规化、制度化,并形成了陆海空三军留学局面。同时,南京国民政府又加强了自费航空留学生的管理与控制,特别是1935年出台文件,禁止其他集团或组织机构私自派遣航空留学生。此外,这一时期我国在航空留学生派遣资格上,出现了学生与学员的区别。  相似文献   

Short-term study abroad is the fastest growing area of international education and there is increasing interest in the role of modified applications of this form (e.g. faculty-led, field/environmental, and/or educational travel) in influencing global citizenship. Using an empirical database of over 650 students registered for a study abroad course in sustainable development offered in Australia and New Zealand, we explore the effect of short-term educational travel programs on environmental citizenship. We also identify differences among key student characteristics (past study abroad experience, gender, and program destination) in influencing citizenry. Results show that participation in the educational travel program significantly moderates (decreases) the difference in environmental citizenship scores for first-timers (vs. those with past experience in study abroad) and program destination, but increases the difference in environmental citizenship for males vs. females. Implications for destination image and national brand marketing of environmental-oriented educational travel programs are discussed.  相似文献   

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