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经国际知名开放获取平台DOAJ(Directory of Open Access Journals)的评估,2020年2月13日,由成都体育学院与中国体育科学学会联合主办的英文学术期刊Sports Medicine and Health Science《运动医学与健康科学》正式被其收录(查询地址:https://doaj.org/toc/2666-3376)。  相似文献   

To different extents and the threeaspects of sports training principle,event group training theory and specif ic event training theory,the modern theory of sports training has achieved development and gradually formed, the theory system of competitive sports together with the learnings of sports ta1ents indentificaion,sports competition,and management of copetitive sports. The researches on the training of competitive ability, the process of sports training and the social factors affecting training competition has developed in depth, with some new reseach focuses having come into being. A wide,deep involvement of modern science and technology into the development of theory and prac tice of sports training has become an importannt phenomenon and a significant tendency.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、访谈法对国家建设社会主义文化强国的背景下,高校体育文化的对学生个体自我觉醒与完善的作用进行研究,提出校园体育文化是和谐校园文化的重要组成部分,对促进大学生自我发展起到重要的作用.具体体现在:校园体育文化深层的体育观念有助于“和德”;校园体育运动在智力发展中注入了“自省”思维;校园体育文化活动在人格发展中注入了“塑美”色彩.校园体育文化最终将体育与“德智美”融合,促进大学生自我和谐发展.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、田野、问卷调查、数理统计等研究方法,以河南省郑州市为调研区域,基于区域化视角,全面调查分析了我国城市弱势群体体育参与的真实状况,对城市生理性弱势群体体育参与驱动力的干预机制进行了研究.以期为相关职能部门制定提高城市生理性弱势群体体育参与驱动机制的实效政策提供微观层面的理论依据和实践策略.  相似文献   

体育志愿服务研究在我国已有10年历史,当下学术界对于体育志愿服务的研究主要有国外与中外体育志愿服务比较、体育志愿服务的价值、体育志愿者动机与心理、体育志愿者管理、体育志愿服务法律问题、体育志愿服务组织及体育志愿服务发展等方面的.其特点是研究仍处于初级阶段、缺乏系统性、领域与视角狭窄、未充分考虑中国语境.为更全面地认识、系统地阐述体育志愿服务,其研究需要从以下几方面着手:拓宽视野,置于国家与社会互动的视阈之下;着眼于现实,紧密结合创新社会管理;转移重心,聚焦全民健身;拓展对象,由关注志愿者个体向深化志愿组织研究转变.  相似文献   

梅山武术产生于农耕文明,农村是其重要的生存土壤,随着农耕文明的逐步没落以及梅山地区民间老拳师的相继辞世,梅山武术的生态环境已被严重破坏,在官方和民间都遇到了前所未有的发展危机.因此采用问卷调查法等方法,对梅山武术的发展现状和梅山武术传承人的保护机制等问题进行了研究,指出作为我国村落体育的一种发展模式——“梅山武术”研究的重要性.  相似文献   

运用文献资料调研、数理统计、专家咨询、聚类分析等研究方法,对国外力量训练学术研究领域百年发展历程进行了阶段划分,并对领域发展做出卓越贡献的国家/地区、研究机构、作者、来源出版物、资助基金、学科等要素的分布特征及变化规律进行了分析,识别出了肌肉肥大与力量增长的生理生化基础、抗阻力量训练与内分泌激素的关系、抗阻力量训练中的物质补充、抗阻力量训练与骨骼肌蛋白质代谢的关系、抗阻力量训练对身体成分及骨矿密度的影响、不同肌肉工作方式对力量训练效果的影响以及不同人群(包括各类疾病患者)的力量训练问题研究等7个领域研究的重要主题。  相似文献   

Most sprots forms in Chinese folk customs at all seasons and on national ritcs cmcrged with natural worship, superstition and taboo. Due to differences in natural environment and humane background, sports in various folk customs were divcrsified. After the Wei Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty, with the development of economy and culture of the feudal society, sports in folk customs on national rites gradually turned into recreatively activities in sensonal folk customs (the change was relational late in national minority area). National migration and mergence in the past dynasties led sports in folk customs of different places to absorb cach other and be further developed. Since the Sui Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty, sports such as dragon-boat race, wrestling, football, archery, horsc race, tug-ofwar and height scaling had in fact turned into the common cultural wealth of many nationalities.  相似文献   

In conjunction with the study on the definition and structural factors of community sports, this paper made an investigation into two major administrative forms of sports, community sports associations and community sports stations, in eight local communities in Beijing. A preliminary analysis has been made in terms of organization, participants, activity programs, facilities, funds and instructors. A feasible suggestion for the development oLurban community sports in Beijing has been put forward on the basis of the analysis, so as to offer useful reference for the future development of urban community sports.  相似文献   

以内容分析法、文献资料法和逻辑分析法为主要研究方法,通过对《体育和社会问题》(《JSSI》) 2007-2011年发表的122篇论文研究主题的归类与分析,对北美体育社会问题研究主题进行了系统研究.研究主要结论:“性别歧视、种族歧视”等参与体育运动权利等方面研究列北美体育社会问题研究的首位;“体育暴力、兴奋剂”等体育运动中的偏差行为研究位居其次.同时,“体育情感、体育认同和体育亚文化”等研究呈现出逐步上升的趋势.  相似文献   

Neigong (internal execist) in a kind of exercise for health promotion through adjusting body, breath,mind and raising the extent of being in order of the body. The theory of neigong was developed on the basis of Chinese philosophic thought of maintaining softness, calmness and desireless, Chinese medical theory of internal organ channels, and various schools of daoyin breathing. Its research scope includes both fit-keeping exercises and wushu internal exercises. The practice of neigong emphasizes self-consciousness of the main body, an organic conception of the heaven and the man, calmness, and a return to the original essenee. Combining still with motion and making conces sion for advantages, the exercise is charecterizes by an inward inclined detachment. Neigong in China and similar exercises appeared in other Asian countries and areas represents a major school of the Oriental physical culture  相似文献   

To solve the problem of providing scientific training for junior players, observation was made on the effectiveness of comprehensive measures of eliminating sport fatigue. Thirty-one subjects had a relaxtion of 25. 2± 10. 2 mins after training by adopting the comprehensive measures of eliminating fatigue (massage chair, belt massage device, generator of negative ion of water, music, etc. ). The results indicated that this comprehensive measures could de crease the hardness of calf muscles, and inprove blood flow and the function of central nerve system and neuromuscular system. Follow-up observation for two weeks was made on three key players, which indicated that thd recovery of body function was better in the week when loading was relatively heavier.  相似文献   

To start with, I compliment the Shanghai Municipal Port Management with its outstanding performance especially during the recent hectic years. It has brought the port to the top of the world league and it is likely that Shanghai will become the largest port of the world soon. Am I sad because Rotterdam will lose that tide after more than 40 years? No, just a little bit sentimental. More important is that Shanghai is not a com-  相似文献   

This article is an empirical study of the status quo of the logistics services of shipping companies dealing with dry bulk cargos. It expounds the necessity and feasibility of logistics services for dry bulk cargos, explaining basic models of logistics services in shipping dry bulk cargos. Finally, it investigates the selection of models.  相似文献   

渤海建国集团初期组织者乞乞仲象的"舍利"称谓问题在学术界一直存在争议.根据现存文献记载的三位渤海人被称"舍利"的政治背景,契丹社会称呼"舍利"的语境,以及对渤海王室族源相关问题的考证,可以推断乞乞仲象冠名的"舍利",既是尊号,也是官职,它只能是授自契丹,但具有契丹化倾向的乞乞仲象血统并非契丹人,而是粟末靺鞨人.  相似文献   

Salivary testosterone of sprinters and long distance runners be fore and after training sessions and during the recovery period was measured. The study found that salivary testosterone of sprinters significantly decreased after large and medium training loads, and returned to original level after l2 hours. Salivary tesosterone of long distance runners increased after small loading volume, but significant1y decreased after 1arge and medium loading vo1ume, and returned to original level after 6 hours.Change of salivary testosterone of men in a day showed certain regularity, being high in the morning and low in the afternoon. The change of salivary testosterone observed in this study was caused by exercise.  相似文献   

Adopting Mand Bechocardiongram and with ten students from a physical education colelge as the subjects,the study investigated the changes of regional wal1 motion (RWM) and cardial pumping function during intensive ex ercise before and after the treatment of acupuncture on the point of neiguan. The study found that acupunture on the point of neiguan could increase the range of ventricular RWM and improve myocardial blood supply, which was mani fested by increased consistency of RWM, improved efficiency of myocardial contraction, and improved function of heart prumping. It is suggested that the treatment of acupunture on the point of neiguan can be used in sport training as an effective way to relieve myocardial ischemia and improve the pumping function of the heart.  相似文献   

In this study serum axerphthol of 111 samples were measured with HPLC. The values for experimental group and control group (respectively 76. 06± 29. 36μg/dl and 52. 29±24. 26μg/dl; ) showed extremely significant difference.Testing dark adaptation with YA - Ⅱ Dark Adaptor, the values for the two groups were respectively 24. 95±14. 97 and 28. 81±14. 36 seconds. Both indexes reflected that nutrition of Vitamin A of these players was in good condititon.  相似文献   

CLCnumber:H319.9Documentcode:AArticleID:1000-5293(1999)Sup.-0137-04TodevelopastrongandprosperousChina,presidentJiangZeminsaid...  相似文献   

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