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目的了解高职教职工的健康状况,分析影响健康的主要原因,为医院预防保健工作提供依据。方法收集872名教职工健康体检结果,分别按年龄、性别进行分析。结果教职工体检的异常检出率较高,为71.56%,其中高血脂、脂肪肝、高血压、肝功能异常、心电图异常、高血糖等为所患的主要疾病。高脂血症检出率18.23%,脂肪肝检出率17.78%,高血压检出率9.06%、肝功能异常率6.42%、心电图异常率5.05%、高血糖4.70%:不同年龄组间的异常检出率随年龄增长呈明显上升趋势。结论高校教职工大部分处于亚健康状态,应定期体检,积极开展有效的健康教育和健康促进活动。  相似文献   

目的探讨影响该高校教职工健康的主要危害因素,以便有针对性进行健康干预和预防疾病发生。方法对2012年该高校2183名教职工健康体检结果进行统计分析。结果①体检结果异常检出率75.03%。②检出前8位疾病为慢性咽炎、高血脂、高血压、心电图改变、脂肪肝、胆道疾病、颈椎病、泌尿系统感染。③高校教师常见病以心电图异常、代谢性疾病居多,其中心电图异常、高脂血症、脂肪肝发病年龄以35-45岁青壮年教职工多见。结论高校教师健康状况不容乐观,应重视定期健康体检,加强健康教育,提高自我保健意识。  相似文献   

金陵科技学院教职工健康状况分析和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
了解我校教职工的健康状况。对我院全体教职工体检结果分析。我院1016位职工健康体检中查出异常者633例,前三位疾病是脂肪肝、高脂血症、高血压。金科院教职工疾病检出率较高,应加强健康教育,促进教职工自觉形成健康的生活方式和行为。  相似文献   

目的:探讨年龄与心电图的异常相关性.方法:随机选取本院健康体检中心800例体检者的心电图,以10年为跨度分组,统计每个年龄段心电图异常率,作统计学处理.结果:800位体检者共有99名患者检查有心电图异常,比例为12.37%,随着检查者年龄增大,出现心电图异常的几率上升.结论:心电图异常发生率和年龄正相关,建议40岁以上成年人定期体检,以利于早期诊断早期治疗.  相似文献   

目的:了解襄城区王府街道办事处两社区65岁以上人群的健康状况,更好地为老年人提供健康服务。方法:对两个社区742名老年人的体检资料进行统计和分析,针对性地采取干预措施。结果:体检项目结果异常的总检出率85.4%,其中男性85.6%、女性85.4%;血压增高占51.5%,血糖增高占26.7%,心电图异常19.1%,血脂异常11.6%,肾功能异常8.9%,肥胖占7.8%,胸透异常3.8%。结论:社区老年人的健康状况不容乐观,应重视对老年人的健康教育,加强对老年人心脑血管慢性病的健康干预,提高其生活质量。  相似文献   

目的了解我校教职工健康现状及其影响因素,为高校预防保健工作提供合理依据。对2006年教职工体检资料进行分析,1229名健康体检者中,检出异常者723例,占58.8%,前四位疾病顺序是:高脂血症、脂肪肝、高血压、糖尿病,以生活方式性疾病为主。在超重人群中,高脂血症、高血压、糖尿病、脂肪肝的检出率明显高于体重正常人群,差异有非常显著意义(P〈0.01)。应对高校教职工应加强健康教育,促进教职工自觉地建立健康生活方式和行为。  相似文献   

目的了解高校教职工的健康状况,为教职工自我保健提供依据,探讨预防措施。方法对四川职业技术学院2013年教职工健康体检资料结果进行分析。结果异常的检出率最高的前4位依次为高脂血症(37.05%)、脂肪肝(22.20%)、高血压(19.51%)、高血糖(7.71%)。结论高校教职工代谢性疾病检出率高,应加强健康教育知识宣传,增强自我保健意识。  相似文献   

目的了解襄阳市高职院校40岁以上教职工的健康状况,分析危害健康的主要因素,为预防保健提供科学依据。方法综合2014年40岁以上教职工体检报告,统计患病率高的疾病种类,分析其年龄段分布情况。结果体检结果异常的检出率为74.9%,约20余种疾病,患病率较高的疾病有高脂血症、超体重、脂肪肝、高血压、高尿酸血症、高血糖;各年龄段疾病的分布存在差异。结论重视中老年教职工的健康,定期体检,早期干预,加强健康教育及预防保健。  相似文献   

某高校教工健康体检及健康教育结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨做好高校教工的保健工作,坚持进行健康教育与健康体检的必要性。方法:2002年与2004年先后两次对某高校35岁以上(含35岁)教工进行健康体检,期间对所选教工进行为期两年的综合性健康教育,对两次结果进行对比分析。结果:2002年203例体检者中查出异常者162例,2004年253例中查出异常者113例,两次体检均显示前三位疾病依次为:高脂血症、高血压、脂肪肝,但前后两次患病率比较均有统计学意义(P<0.01,P<0.01,P<0.05)。结论:两次体检高脂血症、高血压、脂肪肝等慢性疾病发病率高,而通过综合性健康教育措施该人群的健康水平有所好转,故应利用健康体检的机会积极进行健康教育,对疾病做到早发现、早诊断、早治疗,切实做好高校教工的保健工作。  相似文献   

某高校高级知识分子体检结果对比分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 :为了做好高校高级知识分子的保健工作 ,落实预防为主的方针 ,促进健康教育与健康检查 .方法 :2 0 0 2年与 2 0 0 4年先后两次对某高校副高、副处以上教工进行健康检查、存档 ,并对两次结果进行对比分析 .结果 :2 0 0 2~ 2 0 0 4年两次体检高脂血症患病率比较有统计学意义 (P <0 0 1) ,且 5 0岁以上和 5 0岁以下两组人群中高脂血症的患病率分别为 4 6 8%、38 7%、 31 2 %、 15 9% ,两组患病率比较有统计学意义 (P <0 0 1,P <0 0 1) ;另外 ,两次体检中高血压、糖尿病及脂肪肝的患病率均有统计学意义 .结论 :两次体检高脂血症、高血压、脂肪肝等慢性疾病发病率高 ,而通过上次体检结果有所好转 ,故应在结合健康教育的同时 ,坚持每年一次对高校高级知识分子进行健康检查 ,做到早发现、早诊断、早治疗 ,切实做好高校知识分子的保健工作 .  相似文献   

欠发达地区某高校教师健康状况调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对2010年国内某欠发达地区一所高校284名教师的体检结果进行统计学分析,试图找出影响他们健康的主要原因,希望为他们的个人保健和疾病预防提供参考性的依据.结果表明,脂肪肝、高血脂、心电图异常为检出率较高的前3位,他们的总异常率分别是8.5%、19.7%和27.1%;女性教师妇科疾病的发病率很高,总发病率约为30%;另外,结石等慢性疾病的发生也占有一定的比例.该地区高校教师们应该加强预防保健意识,重视科学的饮食结构和加强体育锻炼以改善自己的健康水平.  相似文献   

目的:开展出国人员健康体检,控制传染病在国际间的传播,对两类不同疾病的高危人群进行疾病监测,采取有效的治疗和干预措施,提高国人的健康水平。方法:对孝感市3年共1963名出国人员健康体检结果进行分析。结果:非传染性疾病与指标异常总检出率达14.92%,公务人员高于劳务人员,男性高于女性;传染性疾病检出率呈逐年增高趋势,劳务人员高于公务人员。结论:非传染性疾病成为重要的公共卫生问题,公务人员是非传染性疾病发病的高危人群;劳务人员是传染病监测的重点人群,控制传染病在国际间传播的任务日趋严重。  相似文献   

随着人们日常生活水平的提高,全国心血管疾病患病人数已接近21%,心血管疾病对生命的威胁愈加严重,已成为我国居民的主要死亡原因之一。因此,对心血管疾病数据进行统计分析,提前预警显得尤为重要。为了得到更贴合实际的各指标正常区间,在收集指标时新增“用户自我感觉”指标作为用户身体状况自评数据,并结合各指标已有数据划分健康人群,得到新的正常区间,体检人员一旦有相关指标出现异常便计入高发人群数。以冠心病为例作出高发人群数趋势图,并设计体检信息管理系统,可对上传的体检数据及用户身体状况自评数据进行大数据分析得到疾病预警结论,并告知体检人员身体健康状况。  相似文献   

目的探讨女教职工的妇科常见病及心理健康状况,为改善我院女性教职工的身心健康状况提供有效信息。方法体检包括常规妇科检查、白带常规、宫颈刮片、B超;心理健康调查采用北京师大心理学院伍新春等人根据Maslach等人的倦怠问卷(MBI)和牛津幸福感问卷修订而成的问卷。结果女教职工患宫颈炎最常见(31.3%),其次为阴道炎(17.4%);女教职工的主观幸福感与年龄、职称、课时量、身体健康状况等因素呈明显相关。讨论高校女教职工的身心健康状况不容乐观,应积极关注,并针对其特点,提出了一些对策性建议。  相似文献   

对25例患肺结核的高校学生,在全面监督下不住院化疗进行了临床观察总结,其结果:痰菌阴转率100%,病变吸收率100%,说明此种方法可以收到住院化疗的同样效果,值得在高校推广应用。同时,针对高校肺结核发病率不断上升的情况,采取了一些措施,这样对于预防肺结核,控制传染源,降低发病率是十分有益的。  相似文献   

All published studies and selected unpublished reports on the incidence of suicide among students at colleges and universities in the United States are reviewed. Compared with studies relying upon official (i.e., governmental) records of suicide, studies relying on informal sources are found to underestimate the incidence of student suicide by about 30 percent. Both sources of data, however, indicate that the incidence of student suicide is significantly and dramatically lower (about 46 percent) than that of non-students. For female students it is only marginally lower (about 91 percent). Institutional size and prestige are not significantly related to the incidence of student suicide, nor is class standing. The presence of psychosis is the most discriminating individual difference variable, increasing the risk of suicide by a factor of 200 over baseline rates in the student population. Contact with campus mental health services is also associated with a significant (six fold) increase in risk for suicide. Depression is upiquitous and signals only a doubling of risk for suicide among students. Method of suicide is a particularly noteworthy variable. Most importantly, male students are half as likely as males generally to employ the most common means of suicide, firearms. The same trend is found for female students. There is suggestive evidence that student suicides occur more frequently than would be expected during the months of September, January and March. The incidence of student suicide is significantly elevated during weekdays (Monday-Thursday. Student suicide occurs disproportionately often during the midnight to 6:00am period, but this finding is only suggestive and may not be a contrast with non-student suicides. The implication of these findings for the prevention of student suicide are briefly discussed. Suggestions for further epidemiologic studies of student suicide are made.  相似文献   

比较分析1995-2005年我国汉族青少年女生体质与健康的动态变化趋势,为进一步改善其体质与健康提供科学依据.选取1995、2000以及2005年全国学生体质与健康调研数据,对我国城乡7~18岁女生的身体形态、机能、素质等均值进行纵向比较与分析.近10年我国城乡女生身体形态发育水平持续提高;各个年龄组肺活量逐年下降;身体素质指标总体呈先提高后下降趋势.结论:我国城乡女生10年来体质与健康水平并未与社会经济的发展同步增长,不少女生与心肺功能密切相关的身体机能和速度、力量、耐力素质指标明显下降.主要原因是生活方式不健康和缺乏体育活动;乡村还受经济因素而带来的营养、卫生、运动场地设施等条件差异的影响.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purposes of this study were: (1) to ascertain the incidence and nature of severe physical child abuse in Wales; (2) to ascertain the incidence of all physical abuse in babies under 1 year of age; and (3) to determine whether child protection registers (CPR) accurately reflect the numbers of children who are physically abused. METHODS: This is a population-based incidence study based in Wales, UK, for 2 years from April 1996 through March 1998. Children studied were under the age of 14 with severe physical abuse consistent with the criminal law level of Grievous Bodily Harm. This included seven categories of injury (death; head injury including subdural hemorrhage; internal abdominal injury; physical injury in Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy including suffocation; fracture; burn or scald; adult bite). Cases were ascertained by a pediatrician surveillance reporting system (WPSU). A criterion for inclusion was multidisciplinary agreement that physical abuse had occurred (at case conference, strategy meeting, or Part 8 Review). The incidence of all babies under 1 year of age with physical abuse was also studied. Ascertainment of babies under the age of 1 year was undertaken from CPR as well as the WPSU. RESULTS: Severe abuse is six times more common in babies [54/100,000/year (95% CI +/- 17.2)] than in children from 1 year to 4 years of age [9.2/100,000 (95% CI +/- 3.6)]. It is 120 times more common than in 5- to 13-year-olds [0.47/100,000 (95% CI +/- 0.47)]. This is mainly because two types of serious abuse (brain injury including subdural hemorrhage and fractures) are more common in babies under the age of 1 year than older children. Using data from two sources (the WPSU and CPRs), the incidence of physical abuse in babies is 114/100,000 (CI 114 +/- 11.8) per year. This equates to 1 baby in 880 being abused in the first year of life. The largely rural Health Authority area in Wales had incidence figures for abuse in babies that were 50% of the three other predominantly urban Health Authority areas. Boys throughout the series were more at risk of being severely abused than girls (p < .025). Only 29% of the babies under 1 year of age on the CPR had actually been injured. Thirty percent of abused babies under the age of 1 year and 73% of severely abused children over the age of 1 year had caused previous concern to health professionals regarding abuse or neglect. Conclusions: Physical abuse is a significant problem in babies under the age of 1 year. Very young babies (under 6 months old) have the highest risk of suffering damage or death as a result of physical abuse. Severe abuse, in particular subdural hematoma and fracture, is much more common in babies than in older children. There is evidence of failure of secondary prevention of child abuse by health professionals, with a greater need to act on concerns regarding abuse and neglect. Interagency child protection work in partnership with parents should focus more on protecting babies under age 1 year from further abuse than on maintenance of the infant within an abusive home. The CPR is not intended as an accurate measure of children suffering abuse. It is a record of children requiring a child protection plan and must not be used as a measure of numbers of abused children.  相似文献   

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