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This article focuses on the effect of economic crisis on women in higher education in Europe, Australia, the United States and Japan. It looks at women's access to higher education as students, women's choice of subjects, the employment prospects of women who have earned university degrees, and women as teachers in higher education. The data suggest that as societies face fiscal crisis, greater emphasis has been placed on articulation between universities and the job market, there has been a tendency to increase fees and decrease student loan possibilities, and universities have curtailed hiring. This has meant that the trends toward equalization which characterized the past two decades are in some jeopardy.  相似文献   

The analysis of the association between educational status and fertility decline is performed 1) by examining the rates of enrollment in primary and secondary schools by gender and 2) by assessing the effects of the change/spread in rates of enrollment between 1965 and 1986. 59 countries were involved in the cross-sectional analysis. Variables included the logged crude birth rate, total enrollment rates, enrollment rates by gender, male-female ratios, the growth rate for each educational measure by world system status (core, peripheral, and semiperipheral countries), control variables (economic growth, family planning, multinational corporate penetration, women's labor force participation, child mortality rate, social insurance programs), and enrollment changes. The evidence reflects a strong association between levels of enrollment of girls in primary and secondary school and gender inequality and fertility declines. Caldwell's theory of the flows of wealth and the spread of education effect was found to have little support. High levels of female enrollment and low levels of gender inequality in access to schooling are associated with fertility declines. Caldwell's theory is that this indicates a decline in patriarchy, change in women's familial roles and a shift to a more egalitarian family structure. Increases in female education mean higher status and more power for women.  相似文献   

Aspects of decline in the demand for higher education have become apparent in most Western systems of higher education in the mid-seventies. Although these are usually associated with deteriorating labor markets and falling relative earnings of university graduates, analyses of enrollment trends in Belgium, the United States and France reveal that other factors have an important influence upon enrollment levels. In the comparatively elite Belgian university system the maintenance of rigorous academic standards in secondary schools and the universities appears to be responsible for the stagnation in enrollments since 1971. The surprising decline in the enrollment rates of white males in the United States seems to be due to both worsening labor markets and declining academic achievement levels. French university students have responded to the devaluation of university degrees by decreasing the time and effort applied to university study; but even under these circumstances the traumas of the 1976 confrontation have apparently discouraged potential students from enrolling. These developments suggest that the expansion of higher education has reached a set of inherent limitations created by social conditions and educational organization; and that inducing further expansion would do little to raise real educational levels or further social advancement.  相似文献   

西方早期女子学院为不能进入传统大学学习的妇女提供了接受高等教育的机会。美国走在了西方女子高等教育的前列,这一点突出地表现在早期女子学院的创办和发展上。女子学院作为一种专门提供给妇女的男女分校式的高等教育,其特点非常鲜明。早期女子学院的创立和实践改变了整个高等教育的结构,并且作出了严肃对待妇女接受高等教育的历史贡献。直至今日,女子学院仍是世界各国女子高等教育的一个重要组成部分。  相似文献   

从大众高等教育到普及高等教育   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
新信息技术的发展要求对普及高等教育的本质进行反思 ,并对其所需条件的认识进行更新 ,这涉及到高等教育制度结构和对待高等教育态度的深刻变革。精英形式的高等教育需进行重新定位。本文在比较的背景下主要分析了美国及欧洲社会的高等教育在走向普及形式的过程中面临危机的原因 ,认为美国特有的结构特征和文化特征赋予了其独特优势。而技术发展的不确定性及各国经济、社会结构的差异性决定了通过新技术扩大入学机会将采取不断实验的方式进行  相似文献   

英国女子高等教育在世界女子教育史上占有重要地位,然而由于种种原因,国内对英国女子高等教育问题的研究明显薄弱。本文对英国女子高等教育的发展历程进行全面的梳理,并认为工业发展是女子高等教育发展的重要动因,广大女子的积极争取是女子高等教育发展的现实基础,高等教育规模的扩张是女子高等教育发展的重要诱因,政府对女子高等教育的重视是女子高等教育发展的有力保障。  相似文献   

This study describes trends in educational attainment among women in Peru, and examines the determinants of educational attainment, labor force participation and employment, and earnings. Data were obtained from the Peruvian Living Standards Survey among a sample of 5644 women aged 20-59 years. Findings indicate that parents' educational variables had a positive and statistically significant relationship with the educational attainment of their daughters. The impact declined over time from older to younger cohorts. School reforms improved women's access to education. Education became more universal and compulsory over time. Daughters of mothers with white collar occupations had higher levels of schooling than farmers' daughters. The effects of fathers' education was larger. There was a wider gap between farmers and nonfarmers. Textbooks, teachers, and number of grades offered were the only primary school inputs that showed any clear cohort trend in their effect on years of schooling. As primary schools became more available, textbooks had a greater impact on school attainment. The impact of textbooks was larger for women than for men. The number of grades offered had a large positive effect which increased across cohorts from older to younger. Findings suggest weak effects of school reforms on women's likelihood of participating in the paid or unpaid labor force. Years of schooling had a very small and negative effect on total labor force participation. Woman's paid employment was influenced by age, education and training, household characteristics, and family's unearned income. Educational attainment had a small positive effect on participation in paid employment for younger women and no effect for older women. The average rate of return in paid employment to primary education was about 12%. Primary education had the highest rate of return. The return to job tenure was higher for younger women.  相似文献   

社会组织是研究教育治理的重要组成部分。纵观美英两国的研究生教育治理体系可以发现,两国社会组织在参与本国研究生教育治理的具体方式和方法上虽有所差异,但在实施研究生教育质量评估、开展研究生教育咨询服务和多途径参与政策制定等方面存在诸多共性。借鉴美英两国社会组织参与研究生教育治理的方式,加快研究生教育治理体系和治理能力现代化建设,实现我国研究生教育的高质量、内涵式发展,既需要多元主体以协调思路助推社会组织长久发展,政府充分发挥自身的"元治理"作用,培养单位吸纳社会组织参与内部质量保障,更需要社会组织主动作为。  相似文献   

Educational expansion, long a goal of many LDCs, has become a difficult policy to pursue. Growing populations, shrinking national incomes and higher marginal costs of schooling as schooling reaches more rural dwellers have caused policy makers to take a hard look at factors which influence educational demand and expansion. This paper examines the case of Peru where rural areas have yet to attain the nearly universal enrollment of urban areas. The study examines 2500 rural households to explore reasons why children do not attend school, drop out of school, and begin school at later ages. The study finds that the monetary costs of schools (fees and other costs) have a substantial influence on parental decisions regarding school attendance and continuation. Sensitivity analysis reveals that mother's education has a bearing on their children's educational participation, particularly in low-income households. Sensitivity analysis also reveals that school attendance of low income and female children are most strongly affected by simulated changes in school fees.  相似文献   

The dramatic growth in student numbersassociated with the shift from elite to masssystems across virtually all developedcountries is central to current transformationsin terms of structure, purpose, social andeconomic role of higher education. As a part ofthis process of expansion and heterogenization,new groups of students who, for a complex rangeof social, economic and cultural reasons weretraditionally excluded from orunder-represented in higher education, mightbe expected to participate in increasingnumbers. The paper develops the concept ofnon-traditional learners and demonstrateshow an examination of ways in which highereducation systems respond to such learners canprovide a fruitful basis for a comparativeanalysis of change in higher education acrossten countries – Austria, Australia, Canada,Germany, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden,United Kingdom, and the United States. Theprimary emphasis in the study was on theinstitutional and policy issues which appearedto either inhibit or support participation bynon-traditional learners. On this basis sixfactors were identified which seemed to beparticularly influential with regard to theparticipation of non-traditional students andthe associated moves towards a lifelonglearning mode of higher education.The evidence suggests that, while progress canbe reported on a number of dimensions incomparison with a similar analysis ofparticipation by adults students in the samecountries undertaken just over a decadeearlier, high participation rates do notautomatically imply that the functions ofhigher education in social selection andreproduction are obsolete, or that issues ofaccess and equity can be regarded as featuresof the past.  相似文献   

This article makes a comparison across the unique educational settings of law and business schools in the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia and New Zealand to highlight differences in teaching methods necessary for culturally and ethnically mixed student cohorts derived from high migration, student mobility, higher education rankings and host governments promoting educational services. The approach of grounded theory is used, drawing data from instructor interviews and class observations of their teaching styles. While instructors from universities with higher numbers of international students are under pressure, the findings indicate there are positive consequences that result from these settings. Outcomes include experimentation in teaching methods, increases in the use of technology and more teacher training. There are concerns about English-language entry tests, a possible reputational risk for the higher education industry. This research contributes to the debate on changes in teaching methods that result from student mobility towards English-medium universities.  相似文献   

This paper explores Indian women’s views on arranged marriages in the United Kingdom. It is based on research carried out with 32 Indian women studying at a university in the South East of England, UK. The article draws on Wenger’s social theory of learning to explore how Indian women’s participation in communities of practice in higher education contributes to their participation in arranged marriages. The concept of ‘social capital’ is used to discuss how women are able to negotiate their participation in arranged marriages, It is used to examine the knowledge and identity resources that women develop through their participation in higher education, which provides them with the means from which to develop the necessary ‘bridging ties’ leading to their active participation in the wider South Asian community.  相似文献   

教育民营化的凸显及对我国民办教育的政策建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪80年代以来,教育民营化风靡英美,在短短的20多年里便传遍了全球。教育民营化是通过竞争来打破政府对教育供给和生产的垄断地位,达到满足公众对不同品质教育的需求,以实现教育资源的优化配置和高效使用的过程。公共选择理论、新公共管理理论与有限政府理论为教育民营化的诞生打下了坚实的理论基础,西方资本主义国家及其教育危机的现状直接催生了教育民营化。民营化不等同于市场化,教育民营化必须保持适当的限度。在教育民营化中,必须对政府、教育组织和教育市场进行规范。  相似文献   

美国高等教育普及化模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1971年美国高等教育毛入学率达到50%,成为世界上第一个实现高等教育普及化的国家,为美国实现从工业化国家转变为知识型国家奠定了必要的知识和人力资源基础。美国高等教育率先实现普及化,具有原发性和创新性特点,在教育制度、发展模式和政策选择等方面有其深刻的历史原因和时代影响,对世界高等教育普及化进程具有重要的示范作用。  相似文献   

肖托夸在美国成人教育特别是大学成人教育中扮演了引领者的角色,主要体现为担当了现代思想传播者的角色,开创了美国大学推广教育的先河,有机地运用诺尔斯学习环境教育理论以及助推了妇女教育。肖托夸运动对当前我国大学成人教育转型发展有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

中美两国高等教育学生规模的比较与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中美两国高等教育在校学生数、招生数和毕业生数这三个绝对指标方面,中国均远远高于美国;毛入学率和每十万人口在校大学生数两个相对指标方面,中国与美国还有不小的差距。但是,由于这两个相对指标的局限性和计算错误,导致了对两国间高等教育学生相对规模差距的高估。因此,在进行中外高等教育学生规模比较时,对毛入学率和每十万人口在校大学生数要合理使用和客观判断。  相似文献   

以国民教育制度的发展与国家、社会发展之间的关系--这一理论框架为背景,从教育社会学的宏观视角分析战后英美自由主义国家从经济民族主义时代向经济全球化时代转型期间的社会经济、文化和政治变迁,并将这一阶段的教育变革历程镶入这一背景中进行相关梳理,就教育和国家、社会的关系进行简要分析,突出这些国有的国民教育在全球经济时代的教育市场化和教育国家化的双重趋向。  相似文献   

This paper examines an important development in Chinese higher education in the late 1990s and early 2000s, namely, its radical expansion of enrollment starting from 1998. After a brief review of the related literature on educational expansion, the paper analyzes the higher education expansion in China in detail. The paper argues that a variety of factors have led to the enrollment expansion, including the expectation to stimulate domestic consumption and to ease the immediate pressure on the labor market, the high public interest in and demand for higher education in Chinese society, and the political will of the Chinese government to develop higher education. The outcomes of the enrollment expansion are also examined. The paper argues that the expected short term impact of enrollment expansion on Chinese economy is not warranted by reality. Enrollment expansion has also put pressures on Chinese higher education to further reform its structure, curricula, and administration. More importantly, enrollment expansion has brought the issue of equity to the front.  相似文献   

美国、英国、澳大利亚的高等教育国际化   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
本文研究美国、英国和澳大利亚的高等教育国际化。通过采用一个共同的分析框架,分析这三个发达国家高等教育系统的国际化背景、国际化战略、政府和专业机构的国际化角色以及国际化的评估,并对个别研究型大学进行个案研究,以说明国际化是如何在大学内落实的。结果说明高等教育学国际化是受大学外部的全球化、科技和竞争等因素推动以及大学内部的文化和组织等因素影响。这三个国家的高等教育国际化在历史背景、广泛战略和评估方面有相同的经验,但在地区政治、传统和政府的角色方面有明显的不同。  相似文献   

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