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教育子女是一门学问,我们每个身为父母、渴望子女成功的人,都希望提高孩子的素质,其实,首先应该提高父母与教师的素质。父母、教师的素质,其实就是“前素质教育”。这种前素质教育的成败,决定着整个素质教育的成败。一个人从他(她)做了父亲(母亲)起,就需要一种特殊的素质——教育素质,即教育孩子所需要的观念、方法和能力。这些观念、方法、能力,就构成了父母的教育素质。只有那些具备家长教育素质的人,才能真正成为合格的父母。  相似文献   

利用中国健康与营养调查(CHNS)数据,本研究对农村父母外出务工与留守子女初、高中阶段辍学行为之间的关系进行了实证分析。结果表明:父亲外出务工会显著降低留守子女初、高中阶段的辍学概率,母亲外出务工则会显著增加留守子女初中阶段的辍学概率。此外,免费义务教育政策的实施在较大程度上降低了留守子女的初、高中阶段的辍学概率;与那些父母受教育程度较低的留守子女相比,父母受教育程度越高的留守子女越不容易辍学;家庭子女数和机会成本会提高留守子女初中阶段辍学的概率。因此,为降低农村中学阶段子女辍学率,政府应当增加农村妇女当地就业机会以减少母亲外出的影响、推进户籍制度改革使随迁子女能获得同等的教育机会,并为高中阶段和多子女家庭提供教育补贴。  相似文献   

为探讨农村小学生父母教养方式与生活满意度的关系,采用父母教养方式问卷(EMBU)和青少年学生生活满意度评定量表,对湘潭市1 000名农村小学生进行测评.研究结果表明:农村小学生父母教养方式、生活满意度两者之间存在显著的相关关系.父母教养方式越积极温暖,子女的生活满意度越高.反之,惩罚严厉、过分干涉保护的消极教养方式越多,子女的生活满意度越低;父母教养方式在一定程度上能够预测生活满意度各维度.  相似文献   

父母的教育观念通常指父母在教育和培养子女的过程中,在儿童发展、教育方式、教育途径、子女的可塑性、成功教育的信心、对学校教育等方面所持的观点.该研究采用对鸟鲁木齐市四所幼儿园的254名家长(其中母亲180人,父亲74人)进行了调查,结果表明,父亲比母亲更赞同环境决定的教育观念;家长对孩子上学及择业的期望很高;父母教育观念的维度配对差异不显著.  相似文献   

国外父母数学教育观念研究进展及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
父母教育观念是父母教育素质的关键组成部分,它不仅直接影响父母的教育行为,而且直接或间接影响着儿童的发展.父母数学教育观念作为父母教育观念的重要分支之一,对儿童数学认知发展起着举足轻重的作用.本文对近20年国外父母数学教育观念研究及其成果,特别是父母对子女数学能力的评价、数学学业发展的期望和数学认知发展的归因等三个方面进行了深入的概括分析,并在此基础上提出了对今后父母数学教育观念研究方向与思路的建议.  相似文献   

一、家庭教育的意义 众所周知,人的成才由先天遗传素质、社会环境影响(包括家庭教育)和学校教育三个重要因素促成的。先天遗传素质给人的发展奠定了重要的物质基础。良好的发育,健康的体魄,健全的心理给后天的学习和发展创造了良好的条件。 家庭是社会的细胞,典型的家庭教育往往是社会环境影响的一个缩影。父母是孩子重要的启蒙教师。根据教育心理学中“先入为主”的原则,父母的教育在某种意义上将给孩子的后天教育打下了深刻的印痕,孩子的素质往往成为父母素质的映象,许多身边的教育现象雄辩地证明了这一点。勿毋置疑,家庭教育作为重要社会环境范围内的部分,更有其独特的和起关键作用的意义。 二、家庭教育的特点 1.家庭教育的长期性。作为父母对子女的教育责任是贯穿自孩子出生之前的“胎教”直至自己“呜呼哀哉”之后的相当长期的过程。每个父母对子女的影  相似文献   

<正>作为农村民族小学的一名校长,农村学校的现状让我有很多忧虑和感想。现就当前农村学校的一些困难和问题,以及破解当前困局提出本人一些不成熟的见解。提高国民的素质,增强综合国力,必须大力发展教育事业。我国是一个农业大国,农村人口多,农村教育面广量大。农村小学教育质量的高低,不仅直接关系到农村青少年的德、智、体、美全面发展,而且关系到国家各级各类人才培养和全民族素质的提高。本人在农村工作了35年,耳闻目睹,亲身体验了农村办学的艰难与困境,概括起来主要有以下三个方面的问题:1.农村小学生源萎缩,流失严重。大量生源涌入城镇学校,造成生源减少。原因一:人们对计划生育有了新的观念和认识,晚婚、晚育、只生一胎;其二:父母外出打工,子女跟随父母外地上  相似文献   

父母教育观念误区及导向探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、父母教育观念的误区 (一)人才观 父母的人才观[1]是指父母对人才价值的取向和对子女成长的价值取向.这种价值取向直接影响着父母对子女的期望,从而决定了家庭教育的目标.  相似文献   

教育子女是一门学问,我们每个身为父母、渴望子女成功的人,都希望提高孩子的素质,其实,首先应该提高父母与教师的素质。父母、教师的素质,其实就是“前素质教育”。这种前素质教育的成败,决定着整个素质教育的成败。一个人从他(她)做了父亲(母亲)起,就需要一种特殊的素质——教育素质,即教育孩子所需要的观念、方法和能力。[编者按]  相似文献   

喻泽民 《贵州教育》2007,(15):25-26
现状 一、家长没有意识到家庭教育在子女培养上的重要作用,忽视了对子女的家庭教育 在对农村学生家长的调查中了解到他们对子女教育问题的看法是:"有儿有女交代先生""父母养其身无法养其心",即是把子女送到学校接受教育,把培养教育子女的责任和希望全部寄托在学校,父母承担的主要是提供子女受教育的物质条件,缺乏对子女培养教育的系统考虑.  相似文献   

在河南农村选取了66名被试,通过半结构访谈,分析了我国农村的亲子关系的模式和特点.研究发现(1)农村亲子间的亲密度低,亲子依恋不强,亲子交往的频率低.(2)农村父母对子女有偏爱现象,更加偏爱男孩和排行靠前的孩子.(3)农村儿童对母亲更加信任和依恋,更亲近母亲.  相似文献   

通过使用自编"农村留守儿童学习成绩主观评定调查问卷",调查山西平遥地区80名农村留守儿童对自己学习成绩的主观评价,结果发现:(1)男生学习成绩自我评价良好以上的比例稍高于女生.(2)小学生学习成绩自我评价良好以上的比例远高于初中生.(3)独生子(女)学习成绩自我评价良好以上的比例高于非独生子(女).(4)父亲外出的儿童自我评价良好以上的比例最高.(5)留守时间越长,学习成绩评价为良好以上的比例越低.(6)父亲或者母亲一方监护的孩子学习成绩自我评价为良好以上的比例,高于隔代监护的孩子的评价比例.(7)父母文化程度越高,则学习成绩自我评价为良好以上的比例越高,同时评定为"中等"及以下的情况比例越低.(8)与父母联系频率越高(超过3次/月),学习成绩自我评价为良好以上的比例越高,同时评定为"中等"及以下的情况比例越低.  相似文献   

Poor emotional competence has been identified as a precursor to later social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties in children. Aspects of parenting, including modeling, reactions to and coaching of children's emotions, have been associated with the development of emotional competence in children. In this paper, a parenting program with this theoretical basis is outlined and a pilot study of the program is presented. The six-session parenting program was delivered in preschool centers to 47 parents with a four or five year old child, and data were collected about parenting and children's functioning twice prior to program commencement, following program completion, and at three month follow-up. Pre and post program teacher assessments were also collected. Following the program parents reported that they were more encouraging of their children's emotional expression, used emotion-focused approaches more frequently in interactions with their children, and were less critical and dismissive of their children's emotional expression. Their children showed less emotional negativity and had significant reductions in difficult behaviors, especially those who had behavior problems prior to their parents' participation in the program. This program offers a promising approach to fostering the development of children's emotional competence and consequently enhancing social and behavioral functioning.  相似文献   

The thesis of this article is that child abuse can be most effectively prevented by recasting it as a part of a larger problem of inadequately parented families. Services for these families may be offered for voluntary participation. They need not be thought of as treatments since they would be designed to prevent rather than treat injuries. The goal of the services would be to improve the childrearing experiences of children in two ways: by helping their parents to function more effectively and providing whatever elements of parental functioning (nurture, education, discipline, or protection) which the natural parents could not give. The proposed facilities would provide supplemental parenting and other services for children as necessary. Facilities would include outreach into the homes, family drop-in centers, family half-way houses for parents who can take care of their children only with onsite supervision, and residential facilities and foster homes at which natural parents would be encouraged to visit and participate. The majority of child abuses occur when there is stress on parents who are inadequate because they themselves have received deficient parenting. The proposed services would relieve stress on parents. This sharing of parental responsibilities between the natural parents and the sharing parents encountered in the proposed facilities would provide children with more adequate parenting than they could receive from their natural parents alone. This would give them a chance to grow into adequate, nonabusive parents and thus interrupt the generational cycle of abuse.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

With a sample of 139 rural, single-parent African American families with a 6- to 9-year-old child, we traced the links among family financial resource adequacy, maternal childrearing efficacy beliefs, developmental goals, parenting practices, and children's academic and psychosocial competence. A multimethod, multiinformant design was used to assess the constructs of interest. Consistent with the hypothesized paths, financial resource adequacy was linked with mothers' sense of childrearing efficacy. Efficacy beliefs were linked with parenting practices indirectly through developmental goals. Competence-promoting parenting practices were indirectly linked with children's academic and psychosocial competence through their association with children's self-regulation.  相似文献   

本研究采用自编"儿童友好家庭自评量表",了解上海市儿童对其家庭儿童友好环境的评价.调查发现:总体而言,上海市儿童对家庭环境持积极肯定态度,亲子关系融洽,生活满意度高;家庭环境体现无性别歧视原则,基本实现男女平等;照料养育与积极管教普遍获得认可,亲子沟通与对儿童的心理支持方面有待加强;一些家庭尚存在不同形式和不同程度的暴...  相似文献   

Sixty-four parents of Chinese gifted children who reported themselves to be traditional or Westernized parents were compared on their endorsement of Chinese traditional and Western parenting values and beliefs as well as their parenting style dimensions in terms of dominating control, guan, and warmth. Regardless of their degrees of Westernization, these parents seemed to be more characterized by collectivistic than individualistic thinking approaches based on Nisbett's conceptualization. More Westernized parents valued nonconformity significantly more than conformity, whereas less-Westernized parents placed more emphasis on the importance of unconditional respect for elders and interdependence than on conditional respect and child independence. Regarding parenting styles and practices, though all parents endorsed the practice of warmth significantly more, followed by guan, and significantly less dominating control, there was suggestive evidence that less-Westernized parents practiced guan more than more-Westernized parents. Implications of the findings for parenting gifted children are discussed.  相似文献   

Maternal beliefs about children's social behavior may be important contributors to socialization and development, but little is known about how such beliefs form. Transactional models suggest that children's characteristics may influence parents. At 2 years of age, the shy and aggressive behaviors of 65 toddlers (28 females) were observed during interactions with an unfamiliar peer; as well, mothers described the extent to which they advocated protective and authoritarian childrearing attitudes. These variables were used to predict mothers emotions, attributions, parenting goals, and socialization strategies in response to vignettes depicting aggressive and withdrawn child behaviors 2 years later. Most child effects were moderated by maternal attitudes or gender effects. Authoritarian mothers of aggressive toddlers were most likely to report high control and anger, to blame their children for aggression, and to focus on obtaining compliance rather than teaching skills to their children. Protective mothers reported that they would use warmth and involvement to comfort withdrawn children, especially their daughters.  相似文献   

As part of larger intervention study designed to facilitate the transition of Head Start children into kindergarten and the early elementary grades, we assessed parents beliefs about former Head start children's abilities and values in several activity domains—academics, sports, and social skills—during the children's kindergarten ten year. Parents' expectations for their children's future also were examined. One hundred and twenty-four parents and 155 children participated; all children had attended Head Start, and the sample is ethnically and racially diverse. One group of children and parents received the additional services, and a second group did not. Parents, were quit optimistic about their children's prospects for the future. There were ethnic differences in parents were quit optimistic about their children's prospects for the future. There were ethnic differences in parents' beliefs about children's abilities and future prospects in different areas. Parents beliefs related both to children's attitudes toward school and to their performance on mathematical and reading achievement tests.  相似文献   

The present study examined the associations between authoritarian parenting beliefs, attributions of hostile intent, negative affect, and harsh parenting practices. General population parents (N = 183; 31.1% fathers) completed self-report measures of authoritarian parenting beliefs and read vignettes describing children engaging in transgressions. Following each vignette, parents indicated the extent to which they would attribute hostile intent to the child, feel negative affect, and respond with harsh parenting practices (e.g., yelling, hitting). As hypothesized, parents who subscribed to higher levels of authoritarian beliefs attributed more hostile intent to the child and expected to feel more negative affect in response to the transgressions. In turn, higher levels of hostile attributions and negative affect were associated with increased likelihood of harsh parenting practices. Results from a path analysis revealed that the association between authoritarian parenting beliefs and harsh parenting practices was fully explained by attributions of hostile intent and negative affect.  相似文献   

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