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韩国春 《海外英语》2011,(11):334-335
The use of "however" by Chinese learners’ writing is studied through a comparison of its use in CLEC and in BROWN and found that "however" is overused in the front of a sentence,underused in the middle of a sentence and misused as a disjunctive conjunction,as is followed by the analysis of three attributable factors,i.e.the writing style,confusion with "but" and negative L1 transfer.  相似文献   

童薇 《海外英语》2011,(13):259-261
Jane Austen is one of the most famous female novelists in the world.Among her works,"Pride and Prejudice" is her most outstanding representative.The story of "Pride and Prejudice" happened in Britain in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century.At that time,Women regarded marriage as goods to climb up the upper class and to obtain the financial support and their attitudes towards marriage was affected by material factors in determine way.The story of this novel and the behavior of the characters develop around marriage.It mainly talks about Elizabeth,Jane,Charlotte and Lydia these four young ladies’ marriages.There are three kinds of motivations of or attitudes towards marriage that are presented for manifestation.First,Charlotte’s marriage to Mr.Collins is just for money and social position.Second,Lydia’s marriage to Wickham is for beauty regardless of personal morality.Third,is the marriage of Elizabeth and Darcy and that of Jane and Mr.Bingley which are for love and personal merits.Their love stories reveal different views to marriage among young women of the middle class and express Jane Austen her own attitude towards marriage.What’s more important,we find that Jane Austen concerns about women’s lives and their unfair conditions by means of her feminine consciousness.By examining Jane Austen’s social conditions that she lived in and her experiences and analyzing these four marriages,this paper attempts to find the Austen’s views of marriage and her feminine consciousness that reflected in this novel.  相似文献   

宋晓思 《海外英语》2013,(2X):189-189
e.e. Cummings’Poetry’s theme is the cycle of life, and"black against white"could be indicating life death versus life. It shows that even though a leaf falling may be an indication of death, falling of leaves is an integral part of the whole life cycle of the tree. !blac may seem like a simple mess of words, but in reality is much more complex than that.  相似文献   

王永亮 《海外英语》2013,(6X):116-118
Empirical studies suggest that research, by use of a systemic approach, should follow a set of procedures that are clearly described and then can be justified. However, it is worth noting that no approach is perfect, in particular, when it comes to the studies related to ethnographic studies. In view of this, this critique aims to reconsider empirical studies using brainstorming strategy to develop L2 learners’writing techniques. Firstly, this paper looks at the theoretical framework and the aims of these studies. Following this, this paper simultaneously summarizes and critiques these previous findings in terms of genres in writing, new assessment criteria, practicality in English pedagogy, data collection and analysis, findings and pedagogical implications. The final section presents the further inquiry in the language education context. This paper concludes that the brainstorming strategy in the teaching of writing can only be used in some genres, and both the product-oriented and process-oriented approaches should be applied to teaching writing.  相似文献   

邹世琴 《海外英语》2011,(6):275-278
The novel Sons and Lovers, which is Lawrence’s best acclaimed work, is of autobiographic air. It is called the best representation of Sigmund Freud’s "Oedipus Complex"theory by critics, though Lawrence denied having read Freud before writing the novel. However, it can shed new light on the novel when read in a different point of view. Paul’s road to become a real man can not be separated from his mother, Miriam and Clara, who is Paul’s first and second loves respectively. This article will analyze the novel in feminist perspective and concentrate on the three women’s sacrifice to Paul’s growth in a man-centered society, in hope of better understanding the intension of the novel.  相似文献   

张莉 《海外英语》2012,(6):211-212
This essay mainly discusses the attitude that modern ladies should preserve towards love since people treat love and divorce as less seriously as before.It reveals the idea that to be reserved in front of love should be considered by nowadays people according to analyzing the characteristic of the female image,Jane Bennet,in Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice.  相似文献   

刘丽曼 《海外英语》2012,(11):183-184,199
"A Farewell to Arms" is one of the most famous works written by Ernest Hemingway.It displays two main interwaving themes of war and love by the narration of a young soldier ’ s experience and his love affairs with a beautiful nurse in the first world war.The novel reflects the author ’ s strong hatred of war and exposes that the war is the real root of the couple ’ s tragedy in this novel and the "Lost Generation " in the real society.  相似文献   

Celie,the female protagonist of The Color Purple,has suffered a lot since her stepfather raped her when she was only fourteen.However,in that patriarchal society,Celie can only write letters to God instead of telling others for help.Fortunately,by the help of her friend and lover,Shug,Celie begins to awake and fight back.At last,she becomes an independent woman.This thesis will focus on the process of Celie’s awakening and how she could do that.  相似文献   

樊文娟 《海外英语》2014,(15):49-51
The previous studies show that the major problems faced by the students in writing can be classified into two categories, that is, they don’t know"what to write"and"how to write". The researchers found that the specific problems existing in their writings are identified as poor content, incomplete generic structure and misuse of cohesive devices. Therefore, on the basis of the previous studies, this study attempts to use Martin’s genre theory to resolve the existed problems of the Professional College English major’s students in writing and enhance students’ discourse writing ability. Meanwhile, this study tries to answer the following questions:(1) Compared with the traditional writing teaching methods, whether the genre-based writing method has a significant effect to improve students’ writing skills;(2) Whether the genre-based writing method is possible to increase students’ interest in writing. The experimental result and the questionnaire show that genre-based approach in ESL writing teaching really can improve students’ writing achievement and enhance students’ interest in English writing.  相似文献   

邴照宇 《海外英语》2013,(15):184-185
Catch-22,which is written by Joseph Heller,can be recognized as the "Modern Classic" of American literature,and this fiction uses a distinctive non-chronological third-person omniscient narration,describing the stories from different figures’ visual angles.The novel features tragic content with comic form,anti-hero and illogical narrative structure.Catch-22,which no one can get out of,is not a simple rule;in other words,it’s really a snare and this no-win situation exists in every corner of people’s daily time.  相似文献   

"势"(energy)与"语势"(energy in language/energy of language)是研究庞德翻译理论的重要概念。庞德通晓十几种外语,试图通过大量的诗歌翻译为英诗注入新的活力与动势,力图改变维多利亚时期抑扬格五音步抽象说教的诗风。因此,庞德采取了"解释性翻译"和"原文写作"(亦"创作新诗")的翻译策略。在翻译中浸入原诗氛围及诗人"情绪",极力移植"强烈的情感"。"势,即情寓于形"的观点使庞德在翻译中通过音象、形象及义象等"有机形式"或"内容派生"取势。他在翻译中强调"创新",强调声音、节奏、措辞、词语并置及位移。  相似文献   

近松门左卫门的情死剧创作集中展现了町人和游女的爱情悲剧,构成了其剧作中“町游恋”的创作导向。“町游恋”悲剧揭示了当时社会存在的“义理”与“人情”的矛盾,展现了江户时代商品经济发展带来的价值观念的碰撞、冲突与变迁,同时也反映了元禄社会的生死观与宗教观。剧作《曾根崎心中》《冥途飞脚》和《心中天网岛》,反映着“町游恋”生成和消亡背后的各种社会文化因素的碰撞,“町游恋”的创作导向展现了的近松门左卫门的情死剧创作的人文关怀以及社会批判意义。  相似文献   

明清时期,戏曲艺术教化移情的效果非常突出。《牡丹亭》中杜丽娘的情梦具有显著的情爱教育效果。杜丽娘的情梦具有生理层面和幻想层面的双重意义,成为促发杜丽娘主动追求情爱实现的教育载体。杜丽娘情梦的情爱教育内涵,表现为明清女性借情梦倾诉内心对意中人的梦想,充分肯定杜丽娘以梦承载情爱理想的情爱实现方式,从形而上的意义上倡扬两性情爱之梦的真实性,成为明清女性自我价值的实现和自我存在的标志,赋予了女性精神解放的历史意义。  相似文献   

在莎士比亚的文学作品中,最为著名的就是十四行诗集,莎士比亚的十四行诗集是其开创的独有的英国式十四行体,是英国文学发展史上的瑰宝。莎士比亚十四行诗集是个美丽富饶的秘密花园,其中各式百花装点了它,花朵、苞蕾、老树枯叶、大宇宙、小宇宙等,这些诗中的隐喻其实是代指了现实社会中的农耕、作文赋诗、工业、宇宙论、天文学等。莎士比亚诗歌中的这种作诗方法其实就是拓扑心理学中的隐喻方法,它可以将各种不同的意义粘贴在同一个几何空间之内。莎士比亚是如何通过拓扑学空间展柘的手段将自己的爱情观表达出来的,俨然成为了人们在对其作品研究的一个重点问题。  相似文献   

虹影的类自传书写与生活之间存在着“时间差”。她以个人的生活经历切入写作.在真实与虚构相交织的文本中,表现自我,追求自我,塑造自我。她集生活、家庭、写作于一体,又加入想象和虚构的文字,呈现出一个虹影心中的个性化虹影。  相似文献   

以《萤窗异草》为例,探讨对"情"和"痴"的思考以及对自由人生和本真状态的追求。《萤窗异草》在"情"这方面既肯定和赞美情爱领域内的情,主张"凡人有情";又将情扩大到人的欲求领域,认为"情"是欲望的根源,只有突破情关,才能获得自由状态,主张"圣人无情"。在"痴"的方面有三个层面,一般意义上的傻、智障;出自肺腑的天真和善良;绝无所欲,绝无所求,是纯天然没有经过世俗污染的一块心灵净土。  相似文献   

?韩柳文研究法?一书,寄托了林纾为古文保存精华的理想,体现了他在文法与鉴赏两大版块突出的理论成就。文法论,是古文创作的技法理论:立意上,崇尚意在笔先、忌露贵掩;结构上,追求关合照应,制局有法;用字上,讲究锻炼字眼,因字见义。鉴赏论,是古文阅读与批评理论,主要表现为对揣摩创作心理和“博观”、对比等鉴赏方法的运用。?韩柳文研究法?是林纾古文理论的实践,问世后也备受关注,梳理其中文学思想,于文学写作、文学欣赏都有很大的启发作用。  相似文献   

在1920年代中后期的革命文学运动中,以“革命 恋爱”为题材的作品曾风行一时,但也遭到了当时及后世批评家的严厉苛责,以至于在很长一段时间内都被无情地打入了“另册”。其实,“革命 恋爱”是有极强的流行潜质的,这不仅因为革命与恋爱的冲突反映了一代知识青年共同的心路历程,而且“革命 恋爱”作品所流溢出的近乎武侠、言情的通俗文学气息,也迎合了广大读者的阅读口味。这为当时新兴“革命文学”的普泛化发展起到了极为重要的作用。  相似文献   

传统礼制限制男女交往,推崇"父母之命,媒妁之言"的婚配方式,于是束缚了鲜活的生命。但是,力比多会突破这种限制,情歌就是其中一个重要的导流孔,也是一个爱情乌托邦。这个爱情乌托邦之能展现,还在于它有一个郊野山岭的狂欢化广场,其中也流露出一些客家民性特征。  相似文献   

陀思妥耶夫斯基一生复杂离奇,曾经历了三次重要的爱情,这三位女性给他的人生烙下深刻的痕迹,也给他的文学创作带来巨大的影响.在他的长篇小说和中篇小说中也塑造了大量的女性形象,这些女性形象在复杂的社会环境下显得性格复杂、形态各异:有的为了家庭可以无条件地牺牲,有的爱着却又要无休止地折磨,更有复仇的施虐性,这些形象折射着作者自己对社会、人生和爱情的理解.尤其是作者的三次重要的爱情,给予了这些作品很多的影响.在这些形态各异的女性形象中,又有着相似的地方,我们把这些相似的地方归纳起来,用三个词语概括就是"崇高"、"神经质"和"施虐性".  相似文献   

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