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Whyareflowersdifferentcolors,animalsdifferentcolors,andpeo-pledifferentcolors?Colorcomesfrompigment(色素).Differentkindsofpigmentmakethingsdifferentcolors.Themainkindofpigmentinhumaneyes,hair,andskiniscalledmelanin(黑色素).Itmakesthecellsinlivingthingsbrownorblack.Mostpeople,eventhosewithlightcoloring,havesomemelaninpigmentintheireyes,hair,andskin.Butnoteveryonehasthesamequantityofmelanin.SomeNegroes,forexample,havealotofmelaninpigment.Theireyes,hair,andskinhavealmostnomelaninpigment.Theirh…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 1. My teacher is very young. He ____ short, straight hair. A. with B. have C. has D. having 2. ——Can you cut my hair short and straight? ——Sorry, your hair is so ____ and ____ that I can!t. A. long, curly B. short, curly C. long, short D.  相似文献   

The era of gender confusion is over. After several seasons of fashion shows where male models were sporting a feminine mystique - with long hair, lithe (柔软的) bodies, and pouty (撅嘴的) pink lips - he guys are toughening up. Facial hair, it seems, is the new accessory of choice.At the spring 2003 clothing collections unveiled here last week, 11 members of the all-male modeling crew at the John Varvatos show had facial hair. Only a few were clean shaven. The same look popped up on runways for Marc Jacobs, Miguel Adrover, and Kenneth Cole, where nine models had some variation of the mustache or beard, often groomed to look scruffy and thin.  相似文献   

One day a little girl was sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen sink[水槽]. She suddenly noticed that her mother had sev eral strands[绺] of white hair sticking out in con- trast[形成对比] to her dark brown hair. She looked at her mother and asked, "Why are some of your hairs white, Mom?" Her mother replied, "Well, every time you do something wrong and make me cry or unhappy, one of my hairs turns white."  相似文献   

Older Hair文字难度Author Unknown One day in class, Helen asked her teacher, "Mrs. Collins, why does a man's hair become gray before his mustache and beard do?"  相似文献   

At the Barber's Shop I go to the barber's shop(理发店)every two weeks.I don't like very long hair.When I go to the barber's shop,we al-ways talk a lot.He tells me all his news,and I tell him all mine.He meets a lot of interesting people in his shop every day and he likes to talk with most of them.So he always has lots of news for me.Every year the barber goes to France(法国)for two weeks for his holiday.And when he comes back to England,he has a lot of interesting and funny news.When he cuts my hair,he tells me about beautiful old cities and quiet little villages(宁静的小村庄),  相似文献   

Unit 7 1.What does he look like?他看上去什么样子?(1)这句话是用来询问人的长相的,回答时用He has a medium build.(他是中等体格),或者是He!s tall and thin with brown hair.(他高而瘦,长着棕色头发),或者是He!s short,heavy and he has bald hair.(他又矮又胖,长着稀疏的头发)等。  相似文献   

The following strange statement is found in a 15th-century French treatise on gems:“If you find adromedary engraved on a stone with hair flow-ing over its shoulders,this stone will bring peaceand concord between man and wife.”It is actu-ally a mistranslation of a Latin text,which had“Andromeda”-a woman from Greek mythol-ogy-instead of“dromedary”.  相似文献   

Motherhood is the most emotional experience of one's life. One joins a kind of woman's mafia(小集团). Janet Suzman The house is a mess, the dishes are dirty. I'm too old for this stuff, I'm well over thirty! The car is not clean, my hair is a wreck, And I've already spent next Friday's paycheck.  相似文献   

一、单元教学目标:1.能力目标:(1)能够向别人简单介绍自己的朋友及其特征,如:My friend is strong.He has short hair.  相似文献   

(A) Ten-year-old Barack Obama was one of only three black students at his school in Hawaii,US.He felt very different from most other students. White girls wanted to touch his hair.A white boy asked him whether his father ate people.I lied to them that my father was a Kenyan prince.But I  相似文献   

帽子放床上 很久以前,人们认为魔鬼住在头发里。把帽子放在床上 会带来厄运或引起家庭争吵。 s附i匆a hot on a bod Ploc亩匆a奴”th under the PIllow 帽子放床上 Long ago PeoPIe believed that evil sPirits lived in the hair.Plaeing a hat on a bed would bring bad lue  相似文献   

1.——What does your friend look like?你的朋友长得什么样?——She is medium build,and she has long hair.她中等身材,留着长发。  相似文献   

SOUTH HADLEY,Mass.The surreal moment arrivedso quickly that neither young Brittany Lincicome norher parents knew what had come over them or how toreact to it. Brittany Lincicome,an 18-year-old amateur fromSeminole,Fla.,with blonde hair and wide sparkling blueeyes,had just watched her third shot on the par-5 15th holea 125-yard punched 7-iron out of the rough disappear into  相似文献   

Passage 1 Nearly all the young people like him. He is very quiet and shy. He always hides his small eyes behind his hair. He doesn’t smile very often. However, he has more knowledge on music than you think.  相似文献   

Albert Einstein (1879~1955), world famous physicist, inventor of the theory of relativity, was well known for his unconventional dress. He rarely wore socks and sometimes wore overshoes over his bare feet. He also refused to wear hats, even in bad weather, on the promise that if it rained, his hair would dry faster than his hat.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇运用。( 20 分) A.请根据句意及首字母提示补全下列单词。(10 分) 1. You must wear your u at school. 2. He opened the box and found n in it. 3. Don’t give food to big animals at the zoo because it is d . 4. The teacher tells us not to f with each other. 5. Boys like wearing T- shirts in s . 6. Chinese people have b hair, and Americans have brown hair. 7. He is from Japan. He can speak J . 8. I study in the l every weekend, it’s very quiet there. 9. Li Yong is the h of“Six and Two”.…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.选择填空 1. Harry takes ____ order ____ a pizza. A. a, for B. an, with C. an, for 2. He ____ medium height. He ____ short hair. A. is, has B. has, is C. has, has 3. Do you know the boy ____ the funny glasses? A. on B. at C. with 4. She often ____ a red  相似文献   

(A) Hello!My name is Alice. I'm a pretty(漂亮的) girl. I have four friends. They are Orchid, Leo, Amy and Dream. Orchid is a good student. She learns English very well. She has a fancy(颜色鲜艳的) hair clip(发夹). Leo is a cool boy. Look! He has a computer.  相似文献   

Unit 7 What does he look like?Ⅰ.单项选择1.—What your brother like?—He@s tall with short hair.A.is,look B.does,looks C.is,looks D.does,look2.My friend,Jack,medium build.A.is B.has C.are D.have3.Lily her twin sister.A.look like B.like C.looks like D.looks4.This person medium height,she has short hair.A.is B.has C.are D.have5.Li Lei is stronger than Jim.A.very B.quite C.too D.even6.My parents are doctors.A.all B.both C.either D.neither7.If you don@t feel well,you may just.A.stopp…  相似文献   

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