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学习文件夹是用于收藏学习过程中的学习记录的,体现学生在较长时间内在课程的一个或多个领域中所做出的努力、获得的进步和成绩。文件夹评价法应用于高职课程教学,评估对象是高职学生。评价的对象除知识、态度外,尤其注重技能、倾向性、创造性等需要长期努力才能形成的综合能力。所以,应以高职高专课程考核实施为视角,以文件夹评价法为考核手段,从文件夹应用于高职高专课程教学的适用性、实施过程及意义等方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

在众多的评价方式中,指导学生建立成长记录袋评价体系是全面、有效地对学生进行评价的方法之一。一、建设学生成长记录袋的功能和作用成长记录袋是每个学生都拥有的一个文件夹,主要往文件夹里收录由教师或学生有系统、有目的的收集的,与教学内容相关的资料,通过对比就能了解学生学习的努力、进步、过程和成就。它在科学课的教学评价中具有以下几方面的作用:1.成长记录袋能将评价与教学紧密结合,从而使得评价的过程也成为优化教学效果、促进学生发展的过程。如学生收集每次实验的设计方案、实验报告。在日后评价学生实验探究能力时,这些资料…  相似文献   

教学课题:资源管理器(二) 知识目标:掌握文件夹的创建、文件的复制操作 能力目标:培养学生的综合认知能力以及发现问题和解决问题的能力情感目标:培养学生团队合作的精神 教学重点:文件夹的建立、文件的复制操作 教学难点:学会发现问题、寻求多种解决问题的方法  相似文献   

网络学习文件夹在综合学习活动中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究针对综合学习网络课程实际学习中存在的问题,从评价学习过程、激发学生学习动机及引导学生反思的角度设计开发了“学习小档案”网络文件夹系统及其应用方式。长达一年的应用效果研究证明了网络文件夹对于学习的促进效果。  相似文献   

基于产出导向法的高职公共英语教学模式的构建,有效融合了以“输出驱动—输入促成—评价”为教学流程的课堂教学、第二课堂微教学以及信息化手段和平台,旨在培养学生的英语实际应用能力,切实提升高职院校的英语教学效果。实践证明,基于产出导向法的高职公共英语教学模式有利于提高学生的英语语言能力和实际应用能力。  相似文献   

问题导学法对于初中数学教学具有重要性和应用价值.文章首先概述了问题导学法的内涵和初中数学问题导学法的特征;其次,阐述了初中数学应用问题导学法的意义,包括有助于提高学生解决问题的能力和有利于提高学生的自主学习能力;最后,介绍了初中数学教学环节中问题导学法的运用策略,包括营造活跃民主的课堂氛围,合理设置导学问题,利用导学问题培养学生的思维,利用导学问题进行讨论和多元化评价机制.  相似文献   

学习文件夹评价 最早采用学习文件夹评价法的教育研究实践事例是美国哈佛大学教育学院开展的“零点项目”。到了1972年,“零点项目”由于得到了提出“多元智能”  相似文献   

辅助性网络课程的教学应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辅助性网络课程是为配合本门课程的课堂教学而设计开发的,本文结合<大学计算机基础>辅助性网络课程的教学实践,对其教学应用作了相关分析:第一,在学生自主学习中,辅助性网络课程提供了课程内容、上机实验和与课程学习相关的资源;第二,提供了师生交流、互动的平台,组织学生参与网上交流、互动;第三,在学习评价中,提供多元化的评价方法,包括对实验教学的及时评价、自评与互评相结合、使用量规评价及建立个人文件夹的评价方法.  相似文献   

在科学文件夹上做观察记录是发展学生科学探究能力的重要方法。科学课十分重视学生的探究活动,打开小学的科学课本,就能发现许多课文采用文件夹的形式为学生展示了观察记录等,同时,在课文中还设置了许多“框框”要求学生试写,编者的目的是想让学生学会记录,正确使用科学文件夹。怎样做才能更好地发挥文件夹的作用呢?  相似文献   

学习文件夹评价法的理论与方法   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
学习文件夹是用于收藏学习活动过程中的学习记录的。学习文件夹评价法是根据这些记录来估计学习目标实际达到的程度 ,由此来修正学习方向的一种评价方法。它的关注点是学习活动过程。评价活动由追究、修正和回顾等构成。评价的对象除知识、态度外 ,尤其注重技能、倾向性、创造性等需要长期努力才能形成的综合能力。它的基本原理是 :评价是为了促进学习 ,它必须根植于学习过程之中。因此 ,学习文件夹既是物品 ,又是一种思想方法 ,还是一种做法  相似文献   

In an effort to gain better understanding of the assessment of prior informal and non‐formal learning, this article explores assessors’ approaches to portfolio assessment. Through this portfolio assessment, candidates had requested exemptions from specific courses within an educational programme or admission to the programme based on their prior learning. The assessors judged the portfolios according to set rating criteria, and subsequently discussed their approaches. Their decision‐making processes, perception of portfolio use in the Assessment of Prior Learning (APL), deciding factors in portfolio assessment and use of the rating criteria were key elements in this discussion. The results show that they do use the rating criteria as an indicator in decision‐making, but have mixed perceptions regarding the fairness of APL portfolio assessment. They perceive the portfolio evidence in combination with sound argumentation as the deciding elements in portfolio assessment.  相似文献   

教育界已经开始呼吁利用学习档案对学习和教学进行形成性评价,培养学生自主学习能力和反思能力。在这一背景下,本研究选定安徽科技学院英语专业某班学生为受试者,研究在他们学习语言学的过程中,学习档案对其产生的影响。结果表明:学生的自主学习和反思学习意识大大增强;学习档案有力地督促了学生坚持规划和实施学习。多数学生对学习档案持认可态度。发现的问题有:尽管学生自主学习和反思学习的意识增强了,但还未来得及彻底转化为有效行动。有些学生未能充分理解这一形成性评价工具的目的和作用,影响了学习档案的效果。  相似文献   

Portfolios have gained wide acceptance as a learning and assessment tool. Yet, little research has been reported on the practices of teachers who are actually using portfolios within their classrooms and how those practices are moderated by contextual variables. This research examined the instructional, learning, and assessment roles of student portfolios and explored, from the perspective of the classroom teacher, variations in portfolio applications associated with teaching level (primary vs. intermediate) and classroom environment (self-contained vs. multiage-teaming).

Kindergarten through Grade 5 teachers in 13 elementary schools completed a survey questionnaire regarding the instructional and assessment uses to which portfolios are put within their classrooms. To further examine for patterns of portfolio use, a subset of teachers was interviewed to explore the perceptions that teachers hold about the impact of student portfolios on themselves and on their students. The results suggest that Kindergarten through Grade 5 teachers make deliberate decisions regarding uses of their students' portfolios, decisions that appear heavily impacted by the maturity or skill level of the child, the purposes of the application, and the classroom environment within which the application occurs. They also depend on whether the portfolio product is in a formative state (working portfolio) or final state (performance portfolio).  相似文献   

Student portfolios are increasingly used for assessing student competences in higher education, but results about the construct validity of portfolio assessment are mixed. A prerequisite for construct validity is that the portfolio assessment is based on relevant portfolio content. Assessment criteria, are often used to enhance this condition. This study aims to identify whether assessment criteria can improve content, argumentation and communication during teacher moderation while judging student portfolios. Six teachers scored 32 student portfolios in dyads with and without assessment criteria. Their judgement processes were qualitatively analysed. Results indicated that the quality of their judgement processes was low, since teachers based their judgements mainly on their own personal opinion and less on evidence found in the portfolio. Teachers barely paid attention to quality checks and easily agreed with each other. When teachers used assessment criteria, the quality of their judgements slightly improved. They based their judgements more on relevant evidence, used less personal experiences and more often checked the quality of their judgement processes. It is concluded that the quality of teacher portfolio judgement is low, and that the use of assessment criteria can enhance its quality.  相似文献   

档案袋评价是形成性评价的一种。本研究主要针对档案袋评价是否能提高学生的口语水平以及学生对档案袋评价的态度两个方面。通过实证研究发现,档案袋评价对学生的英语口语水平有积极的促进作用,特别是语言表达能力,而对朗读部分则提高的不明显。研究还发现学生对档案袋评价持肯定的态度,认为档案袋评价能提高他们的口语水平,能真实地反映他们的学习,有利于发现自己的优缺点,有利于和同学之间相互理解与合作,同时还能提高他们学习英语的兴趣和自信。  相似文献   

This study focuses on students’ learning approaches in the context of a competency‐based program on Applied Sciences, with portfolio assessment as its core mode of assessment. The study examines students’ perceptions of these assessment practices and the relationships to their learning approaches. Additionally, differences in perceptions and learning approaches between first‐year students and second‐year students, who already have one year of experience with the portfolio assessment practice, are investigated. A total of 110 students completed two questionnaires at the end of the academic year: the Revised SPQ (Study process questionnaire) was used to measure their approaches to learning and the AEQ (Assessment experience questionnaire) was used to measure their perceptions of the assessment practice. The results indicate that, when implementing portfolio assessment, feedback is essential. Moreover, it seems not to be the assessment design, but rather how it is implemented, and how students’ learning is stimulated through the assessment, that influences the quality of learning.  相似文献   

This study explores the perspectives of students, teachers and parents to evaluate the use of digital portfolios as an additional way to capture and enhance the learning of elementary students in a public school setting and as an opportunity to communicate this learning to parents. The research questions address four problems: complex assessment of learning, parental participation, and student and teacher satisfaction and the impact of the portfolio on teaching methods. Particularly, we are interested in the subjective satisfaction of students, teachers and parents in the portfolio development process. We are also interested in whether students learn to reflect constructively on their work, whether teachers have changed their teaching methods and whether parents believe the portfolio was used or could be used for enhanced communications.  相似文献   

This article describes the ways two second grade teachers implement portfolio assessment in their classrooms. It emphasizes multiple purposes for evaluation such as judging performance and progress toward predetermined goals, providing responses that help children identify, clarify, and progress toward self-selected goals, and generating narrative accounts of students as self-aware learners. The article also suggests that portfolio use can have a direct influence on teachers' instructional practices and beliefs.  相似文献   

Personal theory and reflection in a professional practice portfolio   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Portfolios are widely used in the assessment of professional learning. Although claims are made that portfolios promote reflection, the nature of such reflection and the mechanisms that promote it in the portfolio process are not well understood. A four‐year action research project investigated a professional practice portfolio for high stakes assessment in a post‐graduate programme for special education resource teachers (RTs) that was preparing them for a paradigmatically different role. This paper focuses on the requirement to submit a personal theory (PT) statement in the portfolio. Although tension between the summative and formative purposes of the portfolio was evident for some RTs, a more comprehensive understanding of reflection was evident and many RTs reported that articulating their PT (often for the first time in their career) impacted positively on their ability to reflect on practice.  相似文献   

Portfolio appraisal: In search of criteria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two inherently contradictory forces are pushing for reform in portfolio assessment. On the one hand there is a felt need for creating more rigid standards that operate to promote uniformity of ratings in appraisal practice to certify achievement. However, on the other hand, critical questions are being raised about separating acclaimed portfolio goals aimed both at appraising achievement while also improving quality of student learning and development. The position of portfolio assessment, which is widely used nowadays in teaching and teacher education, comes into debate. In our study, we look for actual practices in portfolio appraisal in search of criteria used for rating the quality of portfolio materials. It is our interest to find out how appraisal criteria are selected and used to evaluate achievement or to improve the quality of development and learning. In the context of teacher education, we have examined both the espoused criteria of both assessors and collectors of portfolios as well as the actual appraisal practices by looking at the judgmental orientations and supervision styles used by portfolio assessors. In addition, we offered an authentic portfolio document to be rated by different assessors to gauge and compare their quality of rating and criteria use. The actual processes we detected point to a most common practice of employing judgmental, usually normative evaluations based on assessor dependent, more or less pre-decided criteria which permit a “checkbox” approach to appraisal.  相似文献   

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