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of life physic     
al education .Furtherly give song useful suggestion for cllege physical education and life physical edcation.  相似文献   

承诺有时是如此神秘,有时甚至让人恐慌。我们总是在今天做出承诺,但是它们却都是关于明天的。坦白说,我们对于明天的一切几乎都无法确定,如果说我们能有所确定的话,那就是未来的这种不确定性。  相似文献   

错位的人生和爱情,在繁华的都市和冷漠的人情里要如何绽放出钻石般璀璨的人生光彩呢?李沁、阚清子、何润东、张勋杰联手,都市情感励志剧《璀璨人生》就将告诉捌门这个问题的答案。  相似文献   

Be whole in life     
Once a circle missed a wedge(楔子).The circle wanted to be whole,so it went around looking for its missing piece.But because it was incomplete and therefore could roll only very slowly,it admired the flowers along the way.It chatted with worms.It enjoyed  相似文献   

What will my own life be like in fifteen years?It is interesting for me to guess. Fifteen years from now, I'll live and work in Beijing. I'll be a teacher and meet a lot of in- teresting and funny children. Also, I'll live in a  相似文献   

从前,一位富有的商人娶了四个老婆。他最爱他的小老婆,让她穿华丽的衣裳,吃美味佳肴。他对她体贴入微,把最好的东西都给了她。商人也很爱第三位老婆。他为她感到骄  相似文献   

Good health is important to people. I read in papers that Japanese are the people who live the longest life in the world now. The average1 people live more than 80s. I am surprised at the news.  相似文献   

In twenty years, I think I'll be a writer,I'll live in Tibet, because in my view, it isreally a beautiful and quiet place. I hate  相似文献   

Since entering Beijing Film Academy as a postgraduate(研究生), Zhao Wei(赵薇) has been diving into her studies and appeared in public much less than before. Not long ago in an interview Zhao Wei talked of her college life, saying that she was burying herself in her studies and had no time to take part in other activities. Now Zhao Wei goes to college for class at eight in the morning and leaves after all classes are over. She doesn't break the college rules just because she is a film star.  相似文献   

Someone once said that to open our minds,we must expose ourselves to many cultures,but this is not as easy as it sounds.I was born in Chile,a long, narrow country squeezed between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes Mountains.It is a place where the boiling weather welcomes the celebration of the nativity of  相似文献   

时光荏苒,如白驹过隙,转眼我已升入初三,真实的生活触手可及。真实的生活,英语谓之true life。8个字母,8个单词,对我的true life的最佳诠释。  相似文献   

你是否觉得生活平淡无奇?你是否在寻找更多的奇迹?你是否喜欢挑战生命中的极限?研究发现,我们的DNA从某种程度上决定了我们是否是喜欢挑战极限的人。让我们走进下面的美文。  相似文献   

袁立 《考试》2006,(12)
Isn't it amazing how one person, sharing one idea, at the right time and place can change the course of your life's history? This is certainly what happened in ray life. When I was 14, I was hitchhiking from Houston, Texas, through El Paso on my way to California. I was following my dream, journeying with the sun. I was a high school dropout with learning disabilities and was set on surfing the biggest waves in the world, first in California and then in Hawaii, where I would later live.  相似文献   

设想一下,如果一个人没有手臂,他就无法抓握触摸,无法与人握手拥抱;如果一个人没有腿,他就无法站立行走——这会是多么艰难的生活啊。可是当这一切都发生在力克·胡哲(Nick Vujicic)身上时,他却创造了生命的奇迹!  相似文献   

小学英语课堂热身环节教师认识学生过程通常包括"问候、了解学生信息、导入新课"等活动。本文按照这三项教学活动过程剪辑鲍当洪老师执教的My life课堂实录,并依据语言顺应理论进行话语分析。[教学实录1]师生问候T:(亲切平和地)Hello,  相似文献   

Born into a poor family, I didn’t liketo speak much and I used to appear to bea cold person.Even my mother couldn’t un-der stand me sometimes.However,one thingchanged me in just a few minutes which I’ll never forget.  相似文献   

当"Long life"真正融入进你的生活,你就会感觉内心世界一片安宁。而且总能悠闲、雅致地去营造自己想要的那种氛围,那份情趣。  相似文献   

There has not been life cycle assessment (LCA) software applicable to China's products. To faciliate the development of LCA software system in China, we built an object-oriented LCA software system plantform based on LCA international standards ISO 14040 to ISO 14043 and the commonness of diverse products. The system includes six modules: disassembly module, data collection module, arithmetic module, drawing module, database module and control module. It evaluates all economic and environmental impacts during the whole life cycle of a product. The integrated life cycle inventory database system allows dynamic expansion, which makes the effort required for data collection reduce with the increase of the system's application. With the improvement of human environmental-awareness, the demand of environment-friendly products is increasing, and ecological design of products has become a critical part in products development. Consummation of the LCA software system will provide a powerful tool for designing and developing Chinese ecological products.  相似文献   

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