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舒·比·阿伯德的<语言>,以文化交流与碰撞为背景考察了阿拉伯语的发展动因,从古典、中世纪、现代三个时期论述了希腊哲学、西方文化科学技术对阿拉伯语言的影响,以及围绕阿拉伯语言的发展和阿拉伯语的未来在阿拉伯学者中发生的争论.以语言发展为切入点考察了阿拉伯学者在伊斯兰文化如何面对外来文化的挑战这个问题上的不同看法.  相似文献   

“很久很久以前,有一个阿拉伯的故事……”对许多人而言,“阿拉伯”是一个遥远而略带神秘色彩的名词。然而,无论在历史上还是现实中,阿拉伯都占有重要的位置:阿拉伯帝国曾经横跨欧、亚、非三大洲,阿拉伯人普遍信奉的伊斯兰教是世界三大宗教之一,阿拉伯语是联合国五大工作语言之一……  相似文献   

刘辉 《华章》2007,(11):78
从阿拉伯伊斯兰主义的角度看,苏丹南北内战是当局推行的一系列阿拉伯化伊斯兰化政策的结果.苏丹南方、北方各有其独特的历史和文化.1956年独立后,领导者在南方强行推行伊斯兰教和阿拉伯语,试图通过阿拉伯化伊斯兰化同化南方,此举遭到南方人的强烈反对.战争就是最佳的证明.2005年,南北双方达成了全面和平协议,内战结束.然而,苏丹构建一种为南北都接受的国民文化道路依然漫长.  相似文献   

从8世纪中期到10世纪末的阿拉伯百年翻译运动改变了阿拉伯民族的落后状态,并由此催生了阿拉伯-伊斯兰强势文化。这种强势文化汇集和融合了中东地区多种古代文明的精华,具有强大的向心力和凝聚力。阿拉伯-伊斯兰文化的强势地位主要体现在它的文化成就和文化传播覆盖范围等方面。这种文化的强势地位使阿拉伯帝国境内各部族和各种族人民的共同心理认知得以形成。而强势文化和共同心理认知的结合又为近现代的伊斯兰复兴运动、泛伊斯兰主义、伊斯兰社会主义等思潮的产生和发展提供了历史文化基础。  相似文献   

人类在不同的地域创造了不同的文化,构成了不同的文明区域。古埃及文明、两河流域文明、印度文明、中华文明基本上是以地域为核心的独立文明。希腊—罗马文明虽然直接或间接地吸收了其他文明的一些成果而发展为欧洲文明的基石,但这是一种有限的综合文明。人类文明第一次真正的大融合是在阿拉伯帝国时期出现,并在融合中发展出一种独特的不是纯宗教和民族的阿拉伯—伊斯兰文明。论文对阿拉伯帝国时期人类文明的大交汇大融合作简要阐述,以此凸现阿拉伯—伊斯兰文明的吸收性和包容性,这在文明冲突的今天有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

阿拉伯语是整个阿拉伯民族的共同语言、世界上六大通用语言之一,但是在日常生活中,阿拉伯人却极少使用标准的阿拉伯语,而使用方言。本文通过纵向回顾综述标准阿拉伯语的形成与发展,了解标准阿拉伯语所处的社会地位,从外来语、方言和教育体制三个方面分析标准阿拉伯语面临的挑战,并针对这些挑战提出应对策略。  相似文献   

网络用语是一种新型的媒体语言,在文化因素的干涉下,不同语言的网络用语逐渐形成自己鲜明的个性,其应用范围也正在向社会的其他领域辐射,对语言的发展产生潜移默化的影响。阿拉伯-伊斯兰语境下的网络用语,在一定意义上颠覆了阿拉伯人现有的文字体系,并呈现出鲜明的民族宗教特色。  相似文献   

维吾尔族是我国各民族中唯一使用三种音乐体系(中国、波斯一阿拉伯、欧洲)的民族.本文围绕波斯-阿拉伯音乐体系是如何在维吾尔族民族民间音乐中产生、发展进行探究:1、维吾尔族民族文化产生的历史背景.2、地理位置、生态环境和人种语言等方面的影响.3、伊斯兰文化对维吾尔族民族文化的影响.4、阿拉伯音乐对维吾尔民族音乐的影响.从而阐明民族音乐文化的产生、存在和发展,不可能是孤立的,它不仅同该民族、社会、历史发展分不开,而且同周边的国家、民族、社会历史分不开.  相似文献   

一阿拉泊逻辑和伊斯兰逻辑,这是字面上截然不同而在内容上又难以分割的两个概念。“阿拉伯”一词,与其说是民族范畴,不如说是地域范畴语言范畴。“阿拉伯文化”实际上是多种民族文化的融合,创造这一文化的有阿拉伯人、波斯人、科威特人以及并入阿拉伯帝国版图的其他少数民族。他们都是用居于统治地位的阿拉伯语进行创作,为繁荣和发展阿拉伯的文化作出了不可磨灭的贡献。作为阿拉伯文化重要组成部分的阿拉伯逻辑学也不例外,他也是多民族智慧的结晶。当时,阿拉伯逻辑学是作为阿拉伯哲学的一部分在阿拉伯哲学怀抱里成长起来的;反过来讲…  相似文献   

阿拉伯文学课中基本上讲解的都是阿拉伯语原版作品,但其难度不适合普通高校的阿拉伯语专业学生,使学生学习负担加重。本文尝试在阿拉伯文学课中融入中国文学作品的阿拉伯语译本,以削减学生的学习难度,提高学生的学习效率,并使学生了解阿拉伯人如何理解和表达中国文化。  相似文献   

作为世界三大宗教之一的伊斯兰教,其产生时间晚,且发展迅速,尤其在当今世界更显现其强劲的发展态势.本文通过伊斯兰教的产生、发展状况及社会现实剖析伊斯兰教在阿拉伯国家建立、发展中的凝聚作用;各种教派矛盾斗争中的调和作用;阿拉伯国家社会前进探索道路上的激励作用.正是这些独特作用,才使阿拉伯国家的伊斯兰教充满活力,经久不衰.  相似文献   


The beginning of modern Arab education coincided with the Arab Awakening in the nineteenth century. The modern educational system witnessed its most important developments in the Arab world, as shown by the case of Egypt, under the Ottoman Empire. Examining a new model of education as shown in the literary sources of the Arab Awakening, one finds that there were difficulties in presenting the various scientific texts in a lecture format. The students were unfamiliar with the new scientific terminologies, and the professors, in turn, did not have suitably accurate scientific terms within the Arabic language. This article discusses the crisis of terminologies that challenged the development of a new educational system. It also describes the expertise acquired by local scholars from foreign experts during their educational missions to Europe. The knowledge they gained enabled them to modernise the Arabic language upon their return. Eventually some of the terminology used within the new educational system filtered through to everyday use within the wider culture.  相似文献   

Despite the considerable capacity of most Arab governments to invest in education for development, relatively little has been achieved in the vocational and technical sector. Yet, as is well known, it is the production of good quality technicians that is crucial to sustainable industrial development at a national level. In this paper we attempt an analysis of the situation — to identify key issues that need to be addressed if progress is to be made. Two broad problems underlie the contemporary crisis: aspects of Arabic culture that tend to constrain wider involvement in vocational and technical employment, and the low status of technical education in the Western model of education bequeathed to these nations by the legacy of colonialism. Some recommendations are made to assist the resolution of the problem.  相似文献   

While the English language boasts a century of research into its most frequently-used words, no such attempt has ever formally been made in the Arab world. This pioneering study presents a list of 500 commonly-used words in the Arabic language based on compilations of words gathered from a number of popular reading series in Lebanon, spanning grades K to 3. This list can serve as a powerful tool for language teachers—who face several challenges posed by the inherent nature of Arabic in terms of diglossia, orthography and morphology—and provide them with a handy list of words for their pupils. The study has its limitations in terms of scope, breadth and the nature of the technology used for counting words. Nonetheless, it makes a number of recommendations for the future, including the development of a readability formula based on this list, the expansion of the scope of this word list and improvement to increase its technical accuracy.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate whether Arabic orthography differs from the Latin orthography of English texts regarding context effects among poor and normal readers. Usually, Arabic texts are presented without vowels for normal readers, and with vowels for younger and beginning readers. The Arabic vowels are mostly not alphabetic letters, but strokes above and/or below the letters. The subjects were 60 native Arab eighth graders, 20 poor readers and 40 normal readers of Arabic. Subjects were required to read vowelled and unvowelled words with and without context in Arabic. The results showed that normal as well as poor readers significantly improved their reading accuracy when they read vowelled and unvowelled words in context. Further, normal readers significantly improved their reading of vowelled and unvowelled words in context more than did the poor readers. The findings of this study illustrated the significance of cross-cultural linguistic considerations for the development of comprehensive reading theory.  相似文献   

Sign language in the Arab World has been recently recognized and documented. Many efforts have been made to establish the sign language used in individual countries, including Jordan, Egypt, Libya, and the Gulf States, by trying to standardize the language and spread it among members of the Deaf community and those concerned. Such efforts produced many sign languages, almost as many as Arabic-speaking countries, yet with the same sign alphabets. This article gives a tentative account of some sign languages in Arabic through reference to their possible evolution, which is believed to be affected by the diglossic situation in Arabic, and by comparing some aspects of certain sign languages (Jordanian, Palestinian, Egyptian, Kuwaiti, and Libyan) for which issues such as primes, configuration, and movement in addition to other linguistic features are discussed. A contrastive account that depicts the principal differences among Arabic sign languages in general and the spoken language is given.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to examine the influence of diglossia on linguistic and narrative structures in Arab kindergarten children by testing performance in production and comprehension. The 30 children who participated in our study were asked to retell one narrative text that was read aloud to them in Literary Arabic and another narrative text that was retold to them in Spoken Arabic. Then they were given a comprehension test that included questions pertaining to each of the two stories. In addition, two questionnaires were filled in by their parents, for collecting personal data and evaluating the level of the children’s exposure to Literary Arabic at home. The findings show a significant advantage in the retold spoken text over the retold literary text and in understanding the narrative-discourse. In addition, the findings show that the linguistic gap between Literary and Spoken Arabic seems to impact the level of mastery over linguistic structures in both forms of Arabic. Both of these findings indicate that, despite the fact that the exposure to Literary Arabic at a young age is informal and indirect, pre-school children are able to use linguistic structures from the literary language and to comprehend narrative texts. These results, with a particular emphasis on spoken and literary linguistic knowledge in pre-school children, are discussed herein in light of previous behavioral findings and models of development of narrative abilities in the Arabic language.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of cultural background of second‐language (L2) readers in different social contexts: Israeli Arabs, a minority learning Hebrew in Israel; Israeli Jews learning Arabic as L3; and Arab immigrants in Canada learning English as L2. Participants had to read related and unrelated cultural stories in their L1 and L2/L3. Results revealed that Arab students in the multicultural Canadian context better understood the unrelated cultural stories, while in both Israeli social contexts Arab and Jewish students found it difficult to read unrelated cultural stories. Comprehension results are discussed in light of the role of multiculturalism and ‘melting pot’ policies in shaping minority students’ social orientations.  相似文献   

This paper examines the spread of English as a medium of higher education in the Arab world, addressing questions about the relationship between higher education, language shift and cultural (re)production through such post‐colonial educational bilingualism. Drawing on exploratory ethnographic research, it documents how both Arabic and English have been implicated in the re‐configuring of collective identities through mass higher education in one Arab Gulf country against a context of rapid modernisation with a regional undercurrent of recurrent pan‐Arab and Islamist‐tinged nationalism. It examines how far the resulting linguistic‐cultural dualism amounts to a loss of linguistic–cultural diversity, and how far there is a linguistically‐framed discourse of resistance to such a process. Theoretically, the paper engages with discourses relating to socio‐cultural reproduction, collective identity, educational standardisation, change and cultural chauvinism, and markets. It offers insights into the potential for both language and higher education to act as tools or fields for cultural transformation and for resistance identity construction.  相似文献   

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