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文章从国际贸易学的比较优势理论视角探讨了高校在竞争日益激烈的办学市场中能够形成比较优势的主要因素.地方本科院校由于其服务地方经济社会发展的历史渊源和占有地方资源的便利条件,可以在与重点院校的竞争与合作中形成某些比较优势,从而形成特色.并以怀化学院为例,从占有地方资源的角度阐释了新建地方本科院校创造专业特色的几个基本途径.  相似文献   

优势理论发展经历了注重资源的比较优势理论和注重核心竞争力的竞争优势理论两大理论范式,我国高职院校的发展也经历了享有政策资源的比较优势和依靠核心竞争力的竞争优势两个阶段.文化品格的提出,为高职院校开发竞争优势提供了一个新基点.高职院校的文化品格包括高级职业文化底蕴、强势职业竞争力和有文化品位的高级技能服务理念,能够为高职院校带来比较优势和差异优势.高职院校文化品格的培育要从三个方面进行:以高级职业文化奠定高职院校的文化底蕴;以核心竞争力塑造高职院校的强势职业竞争力;以高级技能和文化品位提升高取院校的服务理念.  相似文献   

文章从国际贸易学的比较优势理论视角探讨了高校在竞争日益激烈的办学市场中能够形成比较优势的主要因素。地方本科院校由于其服务地方经济社会发展的历史渊源和占有地方资源的便利条件,可以在与重点院校的竞争与合作中形成某些比较优势,从而形成特色。并以怀化学院为例,从占有地方资源的角度阐释了新建地方本科院校创造专业特色的几个基本途径。  相似文献   

高职院校艺术设计专业随着当今市场发展需求以及高职院校办学发展需要实现了在招生规模上的不断扩大,新增的艺术设计专业不断涌现.与此同时,问题也在逐步显现.为了我国高职院校艺术设计专业快速且健康的发展,关于其人才培养的研究和探讨则显得格外重要.本文就针对我国职院校艺术设计专业人才培养中出现的问题及对策进行探讨和分析.  相似文献   

随着社会经济转型、人口红利临近消失、信息资源公开、院校排名等外部环境变化,高职院校竞争加剧,对市场竞争情报需求强烈,高职院校情报工作体系必须完善机制、转变职能,借鉴竞争情报理论,开发竞争情报系统,强化外部市场信息管理,以促进专业竞争能力的提升。  相似文献   

针对地方高校新增专业教学团队年轻薄弱的实际情况,结合教育部"质量工程"建设的大背景要求,对地方院校教师队伍建设现状和新增专业教学团队的特点进行分析,提出新增专业教学团队建设的策略,以期对地方院校新增专业教学团队未来的建设提供参考.  相似文献   

高职院校作为一种组织,其内部资源在发展过程中会演化成不同层次的结构体系,而不同层次的资源对高职院校竞争优势形成的作用也是不同的.组织"动态能力"战略观理论认为,组织只有形成独特的竞争能力,才具有不可替代的优势.因而,高职院校资源结构层次要努力朝着战略资源独特能力成形阶段发展.  相似文献   

资源整合是高职院校内涵发展的重要内容.资源依据整合内容和水平不同分为基础层资源、职能层资源、竞争层资源与战略层资源.这些资源分别通过资源开发整合、资源协调整合、资源学习整合和资源战略整合等层次,可促进高职院校职能力、核心能力和核心竞争力的发展,推动高职院校从规模扩张、内涵建设、优势竞争到战略发展等阶段的升级转化.  相似文献   

高职院校专业群建设是培养复合型高素质技术技能人才,增强职业教育适应性,推动高质量发展的重要之举。但在2022年“双高计划”建设中期绩效评价中发现,外部对接机制不健全,难以适应产业发展的需要;内部知识体系封闭,难以整合内外资源;组织协作不畅,难以形成建设发展的合力;知识创新能力不足,难以构成持续的竞争优势等依然是当前高职院校专业群建设的突出问题。因此,需要对专业群建设的理论逻辑、突出问题及未来路向进行重新审视和再次梳理,建议基于集群优势竞争理论,以构建开放性知识系统为突破口,强化组群逻辑、整合教学资源、重构管理组织、开展有组织科研等,推动高职院校专业群竞争力提升。  相似文献   

刘冰 《考试周刊》2013,(76):166-167
自然地理与资源环境专业为2013年新设置专业,其前身为资源环境与城乡规划管理专业.自然地理与资源环境专业在课程设置专业上广而综合,许多综合性大学、理工院校、师范院校、财经院校、农林院校等不同类型院校对开设其专业.对该专业的定位、培养模式的选择、课程设置等都没有参照体系,该专业的培养模式不是很清晰,就会导致学生就业与专业设置目标存在较大偏差,学生在就业市场上与多个专业竞争.作者认为,自然地理与资源环境专业可以根据各类院校自身特色与条件,实施分类培养模式,明确培养目标与专业定位,满足社会经济对人才的需求,提高专业的竞争能力.  相似文献   

Local mate competition (LMC) was firstly used to explain extra-ordinary female-biased sex ratios. However, some observations have found that the sex ratios of some species are more female-biased than the predictions of LMC and its extensions; there is not yet a theory that accounts for the mechanisms of more female-biased sex ratio. Here, we assume that LMC occurs at a destructed habitat that reduces the resource for production, and present a new extension for the LMC model. Consequently, our model shows that the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) for sex ratio depends on two parameters: the number of foundresses and the degree of habitat destruction. Moreover, the sex ratio decreases as the degree of habitat destruction increases, i.e., the proportion of female increases. These results generally agree with experimental data, and may provide a new basis for the evolution of female-biased sex ratios in local mate competition and a new theory support for conservation of some species  相似文献   

American universities, colleges and schools are uniformly moving toward modernisation and innovation in their academic programs. Nowhere is this more evident than in professional degree programs. The impetus behind the move is overall to produce quality graduates prepared for the changing environment and its demands of the 21st century. Another impetus is survival in the academic competition for students and revenue. A force that affects both impetuses is technology, both the technology of professional practice and the technology of educational delivery.

This paper is in two parts. The first part provides a comparison of changes in four professional degree programs in U.S. institutions, Accounting and Engineering at the baccalaureate level, and Business and Law at the graduate level. The second describes early efforts in the application of “total quality management” to curriculum planning and implementation.  相似文献   

In a time of growing competition among colleges and universities for the most able students, degree-granting programs must be designed with the needs of the prospective student in mind. Traditionally, the development of academic programs relied on the energy and enthusiasm of a few faculty champions who saw new degree programs as a reflection of faculty interest and competence rather than of market demand. Conjoint analysis is a tool that has been used extensively in developing products since 1971. During the 1980s its use was expanded to help design services in such industries as banking, health care, computers, and hospitality and tourism. This multivariate technique allows prospective customers to make trade-offs on various product or service attributes. Those customer choices enable the development of utility functions for each service feature and thereby form the basis for configuring offerings that may optimize customer preference and market share. This article reports the use of conjoint analysis to determine the graduate management needs of undergraduate business alumni. At question was the type of degree program preferred by this growing population. The results of this study suggest that an accelerated and abbreviated M.B.A. program would be preferred to an M.S. degree. Such a new program would not substantially cannibalize existing programs nor would this shorter M.B.A. program be perceived negatively by potential students.  相似文献   

文章通过对应用型本科院校土木工程专业存在的问题进行分析,提出适合学校发展定位的校企共建办学模式,符合国际标准的创新人才培养模式,"双师型"教师队伍建设和课程与教学资源建设等一系列创新人才培养体系的构建方法,并在实践中运行、检验,在教学研究、实践能力、社会资源、学生就业和学科竞赛取得了一些实际成效,以期为同类院校提供借鉴和帮助。  相似文献   

高校后勤企业人才流失问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在市场经济条件下,企业之间的竞争是人才的竞争,人力资源丰富程度决定了企业产品和服务的竞争力高低。随着高校后勤社会化和市场竞争加剧,高校后勤企业由于人事政策欠合理、缺乏良好的企业文化、员工职业生涯风险成本高、吸引人才困难等原因而面临严重的人才流失问题。全文从树立正确人才观念、领导重视人才、建立公平公正的人事制度、建设企业文化、完善激励机制等五个方面控讨解决后勤企业人才流失问题的对策。  相似文献   

文化资源开发中政府监管的产业组织思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化资源开发模式不同,政府的干预程度、市场的完善程度、企业间的竞争情况、优秀资源和先进方法的需求程度等都有不同,并且导致了各自策略的技术扩散机制也有所不同。考虑到文化资源开发的特殊性以及我国转型经济的现实特征,在文化资源开发过程中,有必要引入并进一步强化政府的作用,通过政府的合理介入与有效监管,以形成良好的文化资源开发格局。  相似文献   

论区域经济增长的动力模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
经济增长理论研究方法的缺陷,使之在解释区域经济增长动力方面缺乏说服力。为解决区域经济系统的动力问题,作者提出了一个区域经济增长的动力模型,认为经济增长的推动力来源于制度,投资技术,企业家等四方面,在不同的发展阶段,各个推动力的作用是不同的,而且只有当其形成合力时,才能以最低成本获得经济增长。随后,作者应用该模型分析了目前中国经济增长的推动力问题,并指出落后的传统文化阻碍了西部的发展,而资金和技术是解决目前西部发展的关键;相对而言,东部地区提高推动力的关键是加强管理和创新。  相似文献   

新经济时代的组织与组织之间的竞争归根到底是人才的竞争,而人才竞争力的整合与配置又历史地落到新一代的人力资源经理肩上。本从品格、业务能力两方面系统地分析了人力资源经理应具备的特质,提出:中国的综合国力的提升在一定程度上有赖于企业组织的人力资源经理人特质的培养,以尽快形成一批中国自己的职业CEO和人力资源经理人。  相似文献   

针对我国饭店业中存在的过度竞争与竞争不足的典型现象,饭店企业有必要发展合作竞争观念,将其与竞争对手的关系由对抗转向合作。文章从资源协同的角度出发,在对饭店业资源的类型及其协同的本质进行分析的基础上,提出了饭店业资源协同的方式及其具体建议。  相似文献   

Academic deans annually negotiate for a fair share of university resources. Without quantitative accreditation standards to serve as minimum guidelines, the competition is more difficult. Peer institution comparison, derived from the analysis of quantitative data on resource and productivity variables, assists by providing less biased justification for budget requests. In this study, data from a national study of doctoral-granting teacher education programs was used for a factor analysis of key resource and productivity variables. Seven alternative cluster analysis methods were used and compared. Three follow-up procedures (analysis of variance, discriminant analysis, and classification analysis) tested the cluster analysis results to verify the differences between clusters and their internal homogeneity on three different cluster solutions. The classification analysis showed that 88.2% of the 76 programs were correctly classified on the five-cluster solution produced using Ward's minimum variance method. The practical use of such data suggests that Cattell's pattern of profile similarly is a useful beginning to compare programs on factor scores; following that, raw data on each key variable might be used to prepare individual program profiles for more specific comparison.  相似文献   

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