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This article traces an alternative to the evidence/memory dichotomy in archival discourse by highlighting the nexus between archival ideas about the nature, value, and use of records as viewed and imagined through the lens of an archival concept of evidence as a relation between record and event. This article then explores how “the archival nexus” provides a different framework for understanding the various meaning-making processes surrounding archives both within and outside the archival repository, and for rethinking the role of the archivist and the position of the archival discipline with regard to other disciplines that explicitly address and engage with the archive.  相似文献   

The dilemma of implementing macroappraisal is to transform theory and methodology into selection and preservation of archival records through disposition procedures. Having shifted the focus from the record to the function from which it derives, how does a program or an appraisal project committed to the macroappraisal approach get back to the record to ensure compliance and accountability? This paper uses the experience of Library and Archives Canada (LAC) as a form of case study (a model for success) which examines how applied theory and program practice come to terms with each other. It analyses the tensions, the challenges, and the creativity that inevitably arise when turning macroappraisal from an appraisal methodology into a fully articulated archival disposition program whose final “deliverable” is the archival record. Making things simple, it turns out, is complicated.  相似文献   

Archival systems have been based on the conventional understanding of the relationship between record subjects as third parties and record creators as the principal parties to the record transaction, thus limiting the rights of those captured in and by the record. An alternative approach is a participant relationship model which acknowledges all parties to a transaction as immediate parties with negotiated rights and responsibilities. A number of legal and archival concepts support a participant model of co-creatorship and associated responsibilities in relation to ownership, access and privacy. The application of the participant model to Indigenous Australian record subjects, in particular to records about them held in archival institutions or in creating organisations would enhance Indigenous rights in records. Indigenous claims to ownership over archival sources of Indigenous knowledge can be characterised in the legal concept of a bundle of rights that recognises more than one interest to control, disclose, access and use records. Human rights principles in international and national human rights instruments also support the assertion of Indigenous rights in records. Archival and legal reform is required to fully implement the participant model but a number of archival, ethical and legal strategies would accelerate its implementation. The re-conceptualisation of the record subject as a record co-creator can also be applied to non-Indigenous contexts and therefore has significant archival and legal implications.  相似文献   

档案界对档案定义一般采用“属+种差”的逻辑形式,因而揭示档案本质、确定档案属种就成为档案定义的根本问题。档案记忆理论认为,档案是记忆的物质形态。档案以自身历史选择的必然性和逻辑结构的客观优势,成为人类自觉建构的外脑记忆的典型形式。作为用来建构原始记忆的历史文件,档案在物质形态上表现为档案实体,在逻辑关系上表现为记录和再现两个维度。以档案实体为基点,沿时空维度,向后回溯是档案记录关系维度,在档案记录关系的另一端是档案记忆的历史事实,这是档案记忆的客体;向前表述是档案再现关系维度,在档案再现关系的另一端是档案客体加以证明的回忆事实,这是档案记忆的证体。在这种逻辑结构中,档案实体即档案本身是档案“二维”逻辑关系和档案“三重要素”的物质载体。档案现象的实质就是以“二维”逻辑关系,凝聚“三重要素”的实践过程。  相似文献   


Many archivists regard the archival imagination evidenced in the writings of David Bearman as avant-garde. Archivist Linda Henry has sharply criticized Bearman for being irreverent toward the archival theory and practice outlined by classical American archivist T. R. Schellenberg. Although Bearman is sometimes credited-and sometimes berated-for establishing “a new paradigm” centered on the archival management of electronic records, his methods and strategies are intended to encompass all forms of record keeping. The essay provides general observations on Bearman's archival imagination, lists some of its components, and addresses elements of Henry's critique. Although the longlasting impact of Bearman's imagination upon the archival profession might be questioned, it nonetheless deserves continued consideration by archivists and inclusion as a component of graduate archival education.  相似文献   

互联网政务服务平台建设是整体型政府改革的突出表现,强调信息资源的集中管理与共建共享,这与我国档案管理的集中统一原则以及档案信息资源整合共享思想具有相同内核。在回顾上述原则与思想的基础上,论文指出档案信息资源集中统一建设、档案共享利用和“事前”统筹规划是互联网政务服务背景下档案管理的新要求。基于实地调查与案例分析,论文结合我国当下分别以行政审批档案为整体和以电子证照档案为整体的两种思维,总结出互联网政务服务档案资源建设的两种模式。最后,论文提出“整体观”管理是指,互联网政务服务档案资源建设要涵盖横向与纵向两个业务层面,并根据前端业务模式及档案部门所面向的利用需求,对体制机制、管理制度、系统平台与档案实体等要素进行统筹规划与协调管理。  相似文献   

社交媒体档案是信息时代一种新的记录类型。本文将档案学与法学相关理论结合起来,基于证据视角,以微信为例,简要分析了社交媒体档案的特点,择其要点解读了《关于办理刑事案件收集提取和审查判断电子数据若干问题的规定》对社交媒体档案作为法律证据的要求,并在此基础上总结出社交媒体档案管理应该关注的几个问题。  相似文献   

Traditional premises in archival theory and practice hold that archival records are authentic as to procedure and impartial as to creation because they are created as a means for, and as a by-product of, action, and not for the sake of posterity. Such Positivist assumptions about the nature of records have come under sustained scrutiny in the archival literature over the past decade. The post-Positivist view of records embraces the record as a socially constructed and maintained entity. This paper situates itself within this new paradigm in an exploration of the beginning of the life of the record. It is therefore concerned with the creator (or recorder) and the social construction of the record. In expanding beyond a purely administrative- and juridical-based theory of records, this paper draws upon research from other disciplines, such as sociology, in order to place records and record keeping within a framework that allows for an understanding of their social nature. In particular, the goal is to determine the underlying social factors that directly influence and shape the creation and keeping of records and to begin to understand how these factors manifest themselves in the construction of the record.  相似文献   

通过对宋代相关文献的分析,我们认为:宋代档案原件意识是明确的,在多数场合下都是受到重视和强调的。首先,这一意识表现为宋代档案工作中存在与“原件”相关的名词,这些名词分别是:“元本”“正本”“底本”及“真本”。其次,这一意识表现为在宋代档案工作中皇命文书和官文书都需按要求保管原件。最后,这一意识表现为档案原件在信息的核验、诉讼和国土争端得以广泛利用并发挥着证据价值。以宋代相关史实为基础,进而我们相信传统档案管理中“档案原件”意识的确立时间应大大早于已有研究者所提出的“近代以后”。  相似文献   

For the past two decades, scholars in archival science have begun to question traditional assumptions about the nature of the record. Drawing on theories from fields such as sociology, organization theory, and science studies, and on their own ethnographic studies, they propose more inclusive definitions and widening the contexts of analysis of record making and recordkeeping. This paper continues this critical consideration of the concept of record by examining the nature of nonprototypical records in the scientific world. The paper focuses on the system of specimens and field notes established by biologist Joseph Grinnell at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (University of California, Berkeley) as a means of examining several aspects of the nature of the scientific record: materiality, representation, and the triad evidence/memory/accountability. Focusing on the creation and management of these scientific records, the paper argues that further analyses of scientific record making and recordkeeping are bound to benefit both scientific work, which depends more and more on databases and archives, as well as archival science, which is becoming more relevant beyond its traditional realm of the legal/business/administrative world.  相似文献   

数字时代“,参与”已成为档案实践领域的重要特征和档案理论研究领域的核心概念。本文在提出参与式数字档案资源建设概念模型的基础上,对数字档案资源建设中的各类参与式实践进行识别、归类和特征描述,并将其分为“内部授权个体参与”模式、“内部授权组织参与”模式和“服务用户参与”三类模式。本文所阐述的全面系统的参与式数字档案资源建设模式既为档案实践提供了多种创新路径,又为档案学术研究提供了若干值得深入研究的课题。  相似文献   

The contextual approach gives the impression that we are moving into the 21st century with three competing scientific traditions of interpretation. Another understanding is the systemic view, which indicates a paradigm with complementing traditions of interpretation, depending on ontological level. The paradigm of archival science is, like that of many other sciences, influenced by positivism, systems theory and hermeneutics. The relevance of the paradigm depends on personal beliefs. The hermeneutic understanding of archival science emphasizes the context and deconstructs central concepts. Hermeneutics emphasizes the influence of conceptual changes and technological advances on perception. Hermeneutics stresses the need for a socio-cultural and historical orientation of archival science. The positivistic tradition is coloured by the myths about an ideal science. This is reflected firstly in the analogy comparing archives with nature, and secondly in the deductive method. Positivism is instrumental in its demands for distinct definitions of concepts and its insistence on the record as the basis of archival science. The flexibility of systems theory highlights the complex relations between context and record. Systems theory can, at its best, serve as a meeting-place for researchers, archivists and users and accordingly form the basis for new knowledge and theory formation. Systems theory enables a materialistic/dialectic epistemology based in reality and inspired by other relevant sciences. The result may be the foundation of a systemic-functionalist archival science with activities, records creation and evidential values in focus.  相似文献   

蒋冠 《档案学研究》2015,29(4):14-18
如何翻译“records”,是一个关系国内档案学理论创新与实践发展的关键问题。将“records”对应于“文件”是学界的惯例,近年来却出现了“records”翻译之争。笔者试从国内档案专业发展的角度,探讨“records”的中译表达,提出应将“records”对应于“档案”,并立足“档案”构建新时期我国档案管理理论与实践体系。  相似文献   

文章基于实地调研,从理论层面构建了“风险—价值”模型,以华为为研究对象,对华为“四位一体”全球化文档管理框架进行了分析,发现华为在应对风险时,采取了如下的价值定位策略:发挥法律价值,科学制订全球化文档管理计划;发挥业务价值,提高文档管理流程的自动化;发挥记录价值,构建完善的全球化档案监管制度;发挥知识价值,推进境外档案资源的共享利用。建议企业在制定企业境外档案管理策略时,将法律价值视为痛点,将业务价值视为重点,将记录价值视为盲点,将知识价值视为增值点。  相似文献   

通过学习和领会习近平总书记对档案工作重要批示中“记录好”与“留存好”两大要点,本文结合以人民为中心的发展思想,在论述常态归档接收之重要价值的基础上,揭示出归档接收的被动性及其在视角与内容上的局限,并提出档案部门从常态归档接收到与主动记录留存并重的工作转向。在主动记录方面,可通过参与和规范两种方式主动形成记录;在主动留存方面,重点阐释了对于主动形成的记录进行优选的必要性,以及主动优选的内在含义。  相似文献   

This paper explores the nature of the archival body and the ways in which it is temporally situated and yet also always in motion. Applying transdisciplinary logics, it argues that the affective nature of archival productions follows the machinations of metamorphoses and (un)becoming. Using two queer/ed and transgender archives as sites of inquiry, the paper explores the erotic and affective nature of accessing the archival body in its multimodal forms. Although touching, smelling and stroking what remains of distinct material lives might elucidate arousal and certain other affective and haptic responses within the visitor to the archives, the records themselves hold and cradle their creators and their storytelling techniques along with their relationships to longing for and belonging in the archival body of knowledge. This approach suggests that understanding of the record and its affects can be enriched by temporal perspectives that acknowledge distinct and diverse temporalities and promote generative understandings of potentially meaningful progressions of time and everyday rhythms embodied within archival materials.  相似文献   

本文从理论联系实际的角度出发,对电子政务系统中档案管理的六个核心问题进行再思考。首先,提出应结合我国本土的工作实际,明晰电子文件、电子档案的概念及其与“documents”、“records”等词的对应关系;其次,将“归档”分为预归档和正式归档两个步骤,并明确电子档案管理实际工作以归档为逻辑起点;再次,指出全程管理与前端控制理论在实践中难以实现,档案部门应明确自身在电子文件与档案管理全流程中的定位;具体地,本文又从电子档案的真实性与长期保存两个方面对档案部门的职责角色与工作原则进行深入分析,提出对电子文件的真实性应有所包容,对电子档案的真实性及其长期保存则要实行维护性管理;最后,通过对电子档案双套制、双轨制的现状、根源与趋势进行分析,提出应加快推动我国电子档案管理单轨化。  相似文献   

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