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Many machine learning algorithms have been applied to text classification tasks. In the machine learning paradigm, a general inductive process automatically builds a text classifier by learning, generally known as supervised learning. However, the supervised learning approaches have some problems. The most notable problem is that they require a large number of labeled training documents for accurate learning. While unlabeled documents are easily collected and plentiful, labeled documents are difficultly generated because a labeling task must be done by human developers. In this paper, we propose a new text classification method based on unsupervised or semi-supervised learning. The proposed method launches text classification tasks with only unlabeled documents and the title word of each category for learning, and then it automatically learns text classifier by using bootstrapping and feature projection techniques. The results of experiments showed that the proposed method achieved reasonably useful performance compared to a supervised method. If the proposed method is used in a text classification task, building text classification systems will become significantly faster and less expensive.  相似文献   

Ranking aggregation is a task of combining multiple ranking lists given by several experts or simple rankers to get a hopefully better ranking. It is applicable in several fields such as meta search and collaborative filtering. Most of the existing work is under an unsupervised framework. In these methods, the performances are usually limited especially in unreliable case since labeled information is not involved in. In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised ranking aggregation method, in which preference constraints of several item pairs are given. In our method, the aggregation function is learned based on the ordering agreement of different rankers. The ranking scores assigned by this ranking function on the labeled data should be consistent with the given pairwise order constraints while the ranking scores on the unlabeled data obey the intrinsic manifold structure of the rank items. The experimental results on toy data and the OHSUMED data are presented to illustrate the validity of our method.  相似文献   

针对钢板表面缺陷图像分类传统深度学习算法中需要大量标签数据的问题,提出一种基于主动学习的高效分类方法。该方法包含一个轻量级的卷积神经网络和一个基于不确定性的主动学习样本筛选策略。神经网络采用简化的convolutional base进行特征提取,然后用全局池化层替换掉传统密集连接分类器中的隐藏层来减轻过拟合。为了更好的衡量模型对未标签图像样本所属类别的不确定性,首先将未标签图像样本传入到用标签图像样本训练好的模型,得到模型对每一个未标签样本关于标签的概率分布(probability distribution over classes, PDC),然后用此模型对标签样本进行预测并得到模型对每个标签的平均PDC。将两类分布的KL-divergence值作为不确定性指标来筛选未标签图像进行人工标注。根据在NEU-CLS开源缺陷数据集上的对比实验,该方法可以通过44%的标签数据实现97%的准确率,极大降低标注成本。  相似文献   

Transductive classification is a useful way to classify texts when labeled training examples are insufficient. Several algorithms to perform transductive classification considering text collections represented in a vector space model have been proposed. However, the use of these algorithms is unfeasible in practical applications due to the independence assumption among instances or terms and the drawbacks of these algorithms. Network-based algorithms come up to avoid the drawbacks of the algorithms based on vector space model and to improve transductive classification. Networks are mostly used for label propagation, in which some labeled objects propagate their labels to other objects through the network connections. Bipartite networks are useful to represent text collections as networks and perform label propagation. The generation of this type of network avoids requirements such as collections with hyperlinks or citations, computation of similarities among all texts in the collection, as well as the setup of a number of parameters. In a bipartite heterogeneous network, objects correspond to documents and terms, and the connections are given by the occurrences of terms in documents. The label propagation is performed from documents to terms and then from terms to documents iteratively. Nevertheless, instead of using terms just as means of label propagation, in this article we propose the use of the bipartite network structure to define the relevance scores of terms for classes through an optimization process and then propagate these relevance scores to define labels for unlabeled documents. The new document labels are used to redefine the relevance scores of terms which consequently redefine the labels of unlabeled documents in an iterative process. We demonstrated that the proposed approach surpasses the algorithms for transductive classification based on vector space model or networks. Moreover, we demonstrated that the proposed algorithm effectively makes use of unlabeled documents to improve classification and it is faster than other transductive algorithms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a machine learning approach to title extraction from general documents. By general documents, we mean documents that can belong to any one of a number of specific genres, including presentations, book chapters, technical papers, brochures, reports, and letters. Previously, methods have been proposed mainly for title extraction from research papers. It has not been clear whether it could be possible to conduct automatic title extraction from general documents. As a case study, we consider extraction from Office including Word and PowerPoint. In our approach, we annotate titles in sample documents (for Word and PowerPoint, respectively) and take them as training data, train machine learning models, and perform title extraction using the trained models. Our method is unique in that we mainly utilize formatting information such as font size as features in the models. It turns out that the use of formatting information can lead to quite accurate extraction from general documents. Precision and recall for title extraction from Word are 0.810 and 0.837, respectively, and precision and recall for title extraction from PowerPoint are 0.875 and 0.895, respectively in an experiment on intranet data. Other important new findings in this work include that we can train models in one domain and apply them to other domains, and more surprisingly we can even train models in one language and apply them to other languages. Moreover, we can significantly improve search ranking results in document retrieval by using the extracted titles.  相似文献   

Word sense ambiguity has been identified as a cause of poor precision in information retrieval (IR) systems. Word sense disambiguation and discrimination methods have been defined to help systems choose which documents should be retrieved in relation to an ambiguous query. However, the only approaches that show a genuine benefit for word sense discrimination or disambiguation in IR are generally supervised ones. In this paper we propose a new unsupervised method that uses word sense discrimination in IR. The method we develop is based on spectral clustering and reorders an initially retrieved document list by boosting documents that are semantically similar to the target query. For several TREC ad hoc collections we show that our method is useful in the case of queries which contain ambiguous terms. We are interested in improving the level of precision after 5, 10 and 30 retrieved documents (P@5, P@10, P@30) respectively. We show that precision can be improved by 8% above current state-of-the-art baselines. We also focus on poor performing queries.  相似文献   

Many machine learning technologies such as support vector machines, boosting, and neural networks have been applied to the ranking problem in information retrieval. However, since originally the methods were not developed for this task, their loss functions do not directly link to the criteria used in the evaluation of ranking. Specifically, the loss functions are defined on the level of documents or document pairs, in contrast to the fact that the evaluation criteria are defined on the level of queries. Therefore, minimizing the loss functions does not necessarily imply enhancing ranking performances. To solve this problem, we propose using query-level loss functions in learning of ranking functions. We discuss the basic properties that a query-level loss function should have and propose a query-level loss function based on the cosine similarity between a ranking list and the corresponding ground truth. We further design a coordinate descent algorithm, referred to as RankCosine, which utilizes the proposed loss function to create a generalized additive ranking model. We also discuss whether the loss functions of existing ranking algorithms can be extended to query-level. Experimental results on the datasets of TREC web track, OHSUMED, and a commercial web search engine show that with the use of the proposed query-level loss function we can significantly improve ranking accuracies. Furthermore, we found that it is difficult to extend the document-level loss functions to query-level loss functions.  相似文献   

The research field of crisis informatics examines, amongst others, the potentials and barriers of social media use during disasters and emergencies. Social media allow emergency services to receive valuable information (e.g., eyewitness reports, pictures, or videos) from social media. However, the vast amount of data generated during large-scale incidents can lead to issue of information overload. Research indicates that supervised machine learning techniques are suitable for identifying relevant messages and filter out irrelevant messages, thus mitigating information overload. Still, they require a considerable amount of labeled data, clear criteria for relevance classification, a usable interface to facilitate the labeling process and a mechanism to rapidly deploy retrained classifiers. To overcome these issues, we present (1) a system for social media monitoring, analysis and relevance classification, (2) abstract and precise criteria for relevance classification in social media during disasters and emergencies, (3) the evaluation of a well-performing Random Forest algorithm for relevance classification incorporating metadata from social media into a batch learning approach (e.g., 91.28%/89.19% accuracy, 98.3%/89.6% precision and 80.4%/87.5% recall with a fast training time with feature subset selection on the European floods/BASF SE incident datasets), as well as (4) an approach and preliminary evaluation for relevance classification including active, incremental and online learning to reduce the amount of required labeled data and to correct misclassifications of the algorithm by feedback classification. Using the latter approach, we achieved a well-performing classifier based on the European floods dataset by only requiring a quarter of labeled data compared to the traditional batch learning approach. Despite a lesser effect on the BASF SE incident dataset, still a substantial improvement could be determined.  相似文献   

Dialectal Arabic (DA) refers to varieties of everyday spoken languages in the Arab world. These dialects differ according to the country and region of the speaker, and their textual content is constantly growing with the rise of social media networks and web blogs. Although research on Natural Language Processing (NLP) on standard Arabic, namely Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), has witnessed remarkable progress, research efforts on DA are rather limited. This is due to numerous challenges, such as the scarcity of labeled data as well as the nature and structure of DA. While some recent works have reached decent results on several DA sentence classification tasks, other complex tasks, such as sequence labeling, still suffer from weak performances when it comes to DA varieties with either a limited amount of labeled data or unlabeled data only. Besides, it has been shown that zero-shot transfer learning from models trained on MSA does not perform well on DA. In this paper, we introduce AdaSL, a new unsupervised domain adaptation framework for Arabic multi-dialectal sequence labeling, leveraging unlabeled DA data, labeled MSA data, and existing multilingual and Arabic Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs). The proposed framework relies on four key components: (1) domain adaptive fine-tuning of multilingual/MSA language models on unlabeled DA data, (2) sub-word embedding pooling, (3) iterative self-training on unlabeled DA data, and (4) iterative DA and MSA distribution alignment. We evaluate our framework on multi-dialectal Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging tasks.The overall results show that the zero-shot transfer learning, using our proposed framework, boosts the performance of the multilingual PLMs by 40.87% in macro-F1 score for the NER task, while it boosts the accuracy by 6.95% for the POS tagging task. For the Arabic PLMs, our proposed framework increases performance by 16.18% macro-F1 for the NER task and 2.22% accuracy for the POS tagging task, and thus, achieving new state-of-the-art zero-shot transfer learning performance for Arabic multi-dialectal sequence labeling.  相似文献   

Semi-supervised anomaly detection methods leverage a few anomaly examples to yield drastically improved performance compared to unsupervised models. However, they still suffer from two limitations: 1) unlabeled anomalies (i.e., anomaly contamination) may mislead the learning process when all the unlabeled data are employed as inliers for model training; 2) only discrete supervision information (such as binary or ordinal data labels) is exploited, which leads to suboptimal learning of anomaly scores that essentially take on a continuous distribution. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel semi-supervised anomaly detection method, which devises contamination-resilient continuous supervisory signals. Specifically, we propose a mass interpolation method to diffuse the abnormality of labeled anomalies, thereby creating new data samples labeled with continuous abnormal degrees. Meanwhile, the contaminated area can be covered by new data samples generated via combinations of data with correct labels. A feature learning-based objective is added to serve as an optimization constraint to regularize the network and further enhance the robustness w.r.t. anomaly contamination. Extensive experiments on 11 real-world datasets show that our approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art competitors by 20%–30% in AUC-PR and obtains more robust and superior performance in settings with different anomaly contamination levels and varying numbers of labeled anomalies.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with automatic extraction of titles from the bodies of HTML documents (web pages). Titles of HTML documents should be correctly defined in the title fields by the authors; however, in reality they are often bogus. It is advantageous if we can automatically extract titles from HTML documents. In this paper, we take a supervised machine learning approach to address the problem. We first propose a specification on HTML titles, that is, a ‘definition’ on HTML titles. Next, we employ two learning methods to perform the task. In one method, we utilize features extracted from the DOM (direct object model) Tree; in the other method, we utilize features based on vision. We also combine the two methods to further enhance the extraction accuracy. Our title extraction methods significantly outperform the baseline method of using the lines in largest font size as title (22.6–37.4% improvements in terms of F1 score). As application, we consider web page retrieval. We use the TREC Web Track data for evaluation. We propose a new method for HTML documents retrieval using extracted titles. Experimental results indicate that the use of both extracted titles and title fields is almost always better than the use of title fields alone; the use of extracted titles is particularly helpful in the task of named page finding (25.1–30.3% improvements).  相似文献   

Ranking is a central component in information retrieval systems; as such, many machine learning methods for building rankers have been developed in recent years. An open problem is transfer learning, i.e. how labeled training data from one domain/market can be used to build rankers for another. We propose a flexible transfer learning strategy based on sample selection. Source domain training samples are selected if the functional relationship between features and labels do not deviate much from that of the target domain. This is achieved through a novel application of recent advances from density ratio estimation. The approach is flexible, scalable, and modular. It allows many existing supervised rankers to be adapted to the transfer learning setting. Results on two datasets (Yahoo’s Learning to Rank Challenge and Microsoft’s LETOR data) show that the proposed method gives robust improvements.  相似文献   

Listwise learning to rank models, which optimize the ranking of a document list, are among the most widely adopted algorithms for finding and ranking relevant documents to user information needs. In this paper, we propose ListMAP, a new listwise learning to rank model with prior distribution that encodes the informativeness of training data and assigns different weights to training instances. The main intuition behind ListMAP is that documents in the training dataset do not have the same impact on training a ranking function. ListMAP formalizes the listwise loss function as a maximum a posteriori estimation problem in which the scoring function must be estimated such that the log probability of the predicted ranked list is maximized given a prior distribution on the labeled data. We provide a model for approximating the prior distribution parameters from a set of observation data. We implement the proposed learning to rank model using neural networks. We theoretically discuss and analyze the characteristics of the introduced model and empirically illustrate its performance on a number of benchmark datasets; namely MQ2007 and MQ2008 of the Letor 4.0 benchmark, Set 1 and Set 2 of the Yahoo! learning to rank challenge data set, and Microsoft 30k and Microsoft 10K datasets. We show that the proposed models are effective across different datasets in terms of information retrieval evaluation metrics NDCG and MRR at positions 1, 3, 5, 10, and 20.  相似文献   

Expert finding addresses the task of retrieving and ranking talented people on the subject of user query. It is a practical issue in the Community Question Answering networks. Recruiters looking for knowledgeable people for their job positions are the most important clients of expert finding systems. In addition to employee expertise, the cost of hiring new staff is another significant concern for organizations. An efficient solution to cope with this concern is to hire T-shaped experts that are cost-effective. In this study, we have proposed a new deep model for T-shaped experts finding based on Convolutional Neural Networks. The proposed model tries to match queries and users by extracting local and position-invariant features from their corresponding documents. In other words, it detects users’ shape of expertise by learning patterns from documents of users and queries simultaneously. The proposed model contains two parallel CNN’s that extract latent vectors of users and queries based on their corresponding documents and join them together in the last layer to match queries with users. Experiments on a large subset of Stack Overflow documents indicate the effectiveness of the proposed method against baselines in terms of NDCG, MRR, and ERR evaluation metrics.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new collection selection strategy to be operated in search engines with document partitioned indexes. Our method involves the selection of those document partitions that are most likely to deliver the best results to the formulated queries, reducing the number of queries that are submitted to each partition. This method employs learning algorithms that are capable of ranking the partitions, maximizing the probability of recovering documents with high gain. The method operates by building vector representations of each partition on the term space that is spanned by the queries. The proposed method is able to generalize to new queries and elaborate document lists with high precision for queries not considered during the training phase. To update the representations of each partition, our method employs incremental learning strategies. Beginning with an inversion test of the partition lists, we identify queries that contribute with new information and add them to the training phase. The experimental results show that our collection selection method favorably compares with state-of-the-art methods. In addition our method achieves a suitable performance with low parameter sensitivity making it applicable to search engines with hundreds of partitions.  相似文献   

The quality of feedback documents is crucial to the effectiveness of query expansion (QE) in ad hoc retrieval. Recently, machine learning methods have been adopted to tackle this issue by training classifiers from feedback documents. However, the lack of proper training data has prevented these methods from selecting good feedback documents. In this paper, we propose a new method, called AdapCOT, which applies co-training in an adaptive manner to select feedback documents for boosting QE’s effectiveness. Co-training is an effective technique for classification over limited training data, which is particularly suitable for selecting feedback documents. The proposed AdapCOT method makes use of a small set of training documents, and labels the feedback documents according to their quality through an iterative process. Two exclusive sets of term-based features are selected to train the classifiers. Finally, QE is performed on the labeled positive documents. Our extensive experiments show that the proposed method improves QE’s effectiveness, and outperforms strong baselines on various standard TREC collections.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the quality of training data in learning to rank for information retrieval. While many data selection techniques have been proposed to improve the quality of training data for classification, the study on the same issue for ranking appears to be insufficient. As pointed out in this paper, it is inappropriate to extend technologies for classification to ranking, and the development of novel technologies is sorely needed. In this paper, we study the development of such technologies. To begin with, we propose the concept of “pairwise preference consistency” (PPC) to describe the quality of a training data collection from the ranking point of view. PPC takes into consideration the ordinal relationship between documents as well as the hierarchical structure on queries and documents, which are both unique properties of ranking. Then we select a subset of the original training documents, by maximizing the PPC of the selected subset. We further propose an efficient solution to the maximization problem. Empirical results on the LETOR benchmark datasets and a web search engine dataset show that with the subset of training data selected by our approach, the performance of the learned ranking model can be significantly improved.  相似文献   

Measuring effectiveness of information retrieval (IR) systems is essential for research and development and for monitoring search quality in dynamic environments. In this study, we employ new methods for automatic ranking of retrieval systems. In these methods, we merge the retrieval results of multiple systems using various data fusion algorithms, use the top-ranked documents in the merged result as the “(pseudo) relevant documents,” and employ these documents to evaluate and rank the systems. Experiments using Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) data provide statistically significant strong correlations with human-based assessments of the same systems. We hypothesize that the selection of systems that would return documents different from the majority could eliminate the ordinary systems from data fusion and provide better discrimination among the documents and systems. This could improve the effectiveness of automatic ranking. Based on this intuition, we introduce a new method for the selection of systems to be used for data fusion. For this purpose, we use the bias concept that measures the deviation of a system from the norm or majority and employ the systems with higher bias in the data fusion process. This approach provides even higher correlations with the human-based results. We demonstrate that our approach outperforms the previously proposed automatic ranking methods.  相似文献   

Automatic text classification is the task of organizing documents into pre-determined classes, generally using machine learning algorithms. Generally speaking, it is one of the most important methods to organize and make use of the gigantic amounts of information that exist in unstructured textual format. Text classification is a widely studied research area of language processing and text mining. In traditional text classification, a document is represented as a bag of words where the words in other words terms are cut from their finer context i.e. their location in a sentence or in a document. Only the broader context of document is used with some type of term frequency information in the vector space. Consequently, semantics of words that can be inferred from the finer context of its location in a sentence and its relations with neighboring words are usually ignored. However, meaning of words, semantic connections between words, documents and even classes are obviously important since methods that capture semantics generally reach better classification performances. Several surveys have been published to analyze diverse approaches for the traditional text classification methods. Most of these surveys cover application of different semantic term relatedness methods in text classification up to a certain degree. However, they do not specifically target semantic text classification algorithms and their advantages over the traditional text classification. In order to fill this gap, we undertake a comprehensive discussion of semantic text classification vs. traditional text classification. This survey explores the past and recent advancements in semantic text classification and attempts to organize existing approaches under five fundamental categories; domain knowledge-based approaches, corpus-based approaches, deep learning based approaches, word/character sequence enhanced approaches and linguistic enriched approaches. Furthermore, this survey highlights the advantages of semantic text classification algorithms over the traditional text classification algorithms.  相似文献   

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