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1.【原句】H ow often do you w atchT V?(U1)【真题】—do you have a sports m eet-ing?—Tw ice a year.(2005四川省)A.H ow soon B.H ow oftenC.H ow long【解析】how often意为“隔多久”,用来提问动作的频率,常对频率副词always,usually,often,som etim es,hardly,ever,never等进行提问。how soon意为“过多久”,通常对表示将来的短语如in two days等提问。how long意为“多久”,通常对表示一段时间的状语如fortwo days,since...等提问。答案为B。2.【原句】She says it’sgood for m y health.(U1)【真题】多喝水,对你的身体有…  相似文献   

1.【原句】—H ow often do you w atchT V?(P.2)你多久看一次电视?—T w ice a w eek.一周两次。【短语】how often的意思是“多久一次”,用于表示频度,其答语一般有:every day,usually,som etim es,never,once a week,twicea m onth等。表示“次数”时,“一次”用once,“两次”用twice,“三次”以上用“基数词+tim es”来表示。【考例】—Eating vegetables is good foryour health.do you eat them?—Twice a day.(2004玉林市)A.H ow long B.H ow oftenC.H ow m any D.H ow soon【解析】选B。从答语来判断,所问的应该是“多久一次…  相似文献   

【原句1】—H ow often do you watch TV?—Twice a week.(P.2)【考点】—do you have a sportsm eeting?—Twice a year.(2005四川)A.H ow soon B.H ow oftenC.H ow long【解析】选B。how often通常用于对动作发生的频率进行提问,意为“多久一次”。【原句2】—W hat does he do onweekends?—H e som etim es w atches TV.(P.2)【考点】O ur teacher goes on a picnic w ithus at tim es.(选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的一项)(2005福州课改实验区)A.som etim es B.som e tim esC.som etim e D.som e tim e【解析】选A。at tim …  相似文献   

1.【原句】T hat sounds nice.(P.14)那听起来很好。【单词】sound是连系动词,意思是“听起来”。【考例】—The best thing to do in H ainanIsland is scuba diving.The fish and the coralreefs are beautiful。—That really cool。(2005沈阳市)A.looks B.soundsC.becom es D.feels【解析】选B。这四个词都可用作连系动词,从上下文来判断,应是“听起来”之意,故选择B。2.【原句】—H ow longare you staying?你要在那儿停留多长时间?—Just for four days.(P.15)只停留四天。疑难解密【短语】how long的意思是“多久”,用来对“…  相似文献   

how long,how often和how soon都有“多久”的含意,但实际上它们的意义和用法有较大的差别。how long用来询问谓语动词所表示的动作延续的时间长度有“多久”。它常与延续性动词的现在完成时连用,但有时也与延续性动词的一般将来时(或动词前有情态动词)、一般过去时或过去完成时连用。例如:1.—How long have you known her?—For about four years.2.—How long will it take you to finish the work?—Ten days.3.How long can you stay here?4.How long did your mother teach in the school?5.He asked me how long I had lived in …  相似文献   

【短语突破】1.how long how long的意思是“多久;多长时间”,一般用来对时间的长短进行提问。例如:—How long did you stay there?你在那儿呆了多长时间?—For about three days.大约三天。与how long相近的短语还有how soon,  相似文献   

1.H ow long have you beencollecting shells?collect的意思是“收集”,是及物动词。例如:H e likes collecting stam ps.他喜欢集邮。【中考题】W e’d better keep(收集)w astenew spapers for recycling.(2005大连市)【解析】填collecting。因动词keep后面要接v-ing形式,所以填collecting。2.I’ve been skating since I w asseven years old.since的意思是“自……以后”,可用作连词,用来引导时间状语从句。例如:I’ve known him since we werechildren.自孩提时起,我就认识他。【中考题】—H ave you taught for a long tim e?—W…  相似文献   

1.你愿意跟我一块去吗?【误】W ould you like going w ith m e芽【正】W ould you like to go w ith m e芽【析】 意为 想要 愿意 后接名词 代would like “ 、 ”, 、词或动词不定式 短语 不接动名词 ( ), 。 feel 后接动名词形式like 。2.我怎样才能帮助孩子们不为考试而烦恼?【误】H ow can I help the children not worryabout their exam s芽【正】H ow can I help the children not to worryabout their exam s芽【析】动词 之后可接不定式作宾语补足语 , hel…  相似文献   

1.H ow often do you exercise?你多久锻炼一次?问:how often通常是对句子的什么成分提问?它与how long,how soon之间有什么区别?答:how often通常是对诸如three tim es a day之类的频度状语提问的。how long用于对动作或状态延续的时间段提问,而how soon是对“in 一段时间”这  相似文献   

1【.原句】H ow do you getto school?【讲解】疑问副词how意为“怎样;怎么;如何”,常用来询问(交通、通讯、处事)方式、(身体、天气)状况等;当它用来询问程度时,常与形容词或副词连用。例如:how tall,how far等。【真题】Many people now keep in touch witheach other by e-mail or QQ.(对划线部分提问)(2006江苏省连云港市)_________________________________【点拨】答案为:How do many peoplenow keep in touch with each other?划线部分是方式状语,应当用how来提问。本句用的是一般现在时,且主语不是第三人称单数,故疑问句要借助于…  相似文献   

1.—What does your friend looklike3你的朋友长得什么样?—She is medium build and shehas long hair.她中等身材,留着长发。【解码1】look like意为“看起来像”,后接名词或代词。例如:The girl looks like her mother.那女孩看上去像她妈妈。【提醒】What does he look like1和What’s he like1是固定句型,其中what不能用how替换。【解码2】句中build是名词,意为“体格;体形”。build作动词时,意为“建造;修建”。例如:He is a man of strong build.他是个体格健壮的人。2.She always wears...她总穿着……【解码1】always是副词,意…  相似文献   

1.【原句】How often do you exercise?【讲解】how often意为“多久一次”,用于提问动作发生的频度,常用频度副词al-ways,sometimes,hardly,never及一些表示频度的短语every day,once a week等作答语。【真题】—______is Lucky52Show onCCTV-2?—Once a week.(2006湖北省黄冈市)A.How longB.How oftenC.How many timesD.How soon【点拨】选B。答语“每周(一次)”表示动作发生的频度,A、C、D项分别意为“多长时间”、“多少次”、“(再过)多久”,所以只有“多久(一次)”与答语相吻合。2.【原句】She often goes to the movies.【讲解】often是表示频度的副词,这类词按频度大小排列如下:always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly ever,never,它们通常位于行为动词之前,be动词、情态动词和助动词之后,但often被quite,rather等表程度的副词修饰时,也可以位于句末。例如:She ...  相似文献   

1.H ow m uch is this T-shirt?这件T恤衫多少钱?H ow m uch are these socks?这些短袜多少钱?how m uch“多少”,通常用于就“多少钱”进行提问。询问某个物品的价格,常用表达方式为:H ow m uch is...?”在回答这个句子时,常用“It’s 价格”这个句型。询问多个物品的价格常用句型“H ow m uch are...?”。在回答这个问题时要用“They’re 价格”,其中They指代问句中的那些物品,They’re是They are的缩写形式。例如:—H ow m uch isyoursw eater?你的毛衣多少钱?—It’s40dollars.40美元。—H ow m uch are these pants?这条裤子多少钱?—They’re thirty yuan.三十元。【知识延伸】询问商品的价格,另外一种表达方式为:W hat’sthe price of 主语?例如:W hat’s the price ofthe book?这本书多少钱?W hat’sthe price ofthe books?这些书多少钱?在这个句型中,动词be要...  相似文献   

how long,how often和how Soon都有“多久”的含义,但其用法有区别。一、how long意为“多久”,是用来表示动作的延续时间的状语,而且常与延续动词以及since和for连用。例如: 1.How long has he kept the magazine?He has kept it since two weeks ago.  相似文献   

1.how much,how many how much通常用来询句价格或数量。其后接名词时,必须是不可数名词。而how m any用来询问可数名词的数量,其后接可数名词复数。例如:H ow m uch does this w atch cost?这块表要多少钱?H ow m uch m ilk do you w ant?你要多少牛奶?H ow m any students are there in your class?你们班有多少学生?2.each,alleach意为“每一个”,强调个体,在句中可作主语、宾语、定语、同位语等。each作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;作定语时,修饰可数名词单数;作主语的同位语时,谓语动词的单、复数形式应由句子的主语的人称和数来决定…  相似文献   

1.【知识要点】—How long did you skate today0—For six hours.【中考考点】1)—have you been here.—For a month.(2004辽宁省)A.How often B.How farC.How long D.How soon2)—What a nice dogD How long haveyou had it.—two years.(2005山西省太原市)A.For B.Since C.In【解析】1)选C。从答语来判断,所问的应该是“多长时间”。2)选A。介词for后面接表示一段时间的时间状语。2.【知识要点】Thanks for sending me the snowglobe of the monster.【中考考点】Thank you for my grandpawhen I was away.(2005陕西省)A.looking after B.look overC.looking at D.look for【解析】选A。Thanks/Thank youfor...意思是“因……而感谢……”,介词for后面可接名词或动词-ing形式。...  相似文献   

1.how often,how soon,how long,howm any tim es这组形似意近的短语在使用时,一不小心就会用错,注意它们之间的区别:A.how often意为“多久(一次)”,用来询问某动作间隔多久进行一次,通常是对一些表示频率的副词进行提问,如always,usually,of-ten,som etim es,hardly ever,never等;也可以对表示“多久几次”之类的短语进行提问,如twicea year(一年二次)。请看对话:—H ow often does Li M ing do his hom e-work at hom e?李明多久在家做一次作业?—Five tim es a week.一周五次。B.how soon是“过多久”的意思,用于将来时态的问句中,回…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择1.—yesterday?—It w as N ovem ber24th.A.W hat tim e was itB.W hat day was itC.W hat was the dateD.W hat was the day2.—have you been to Shanghai?—Twice.A.H ow often B.H ow m any tim esC.H ow soon D.H ow long3.—do you usually go to the m ovies?—Twice a w eek.A.H ow soon B.H ow longC.H ow often D.H ow far4.—will it take us to get there bybus?—A bout tw o hours.A.H ow soon B.H ow oftenC.H ow long D.H ow quick5.—will the m eeting be ready?—In an hour.A.H ow soon B…  相似文献   

1.【原句】What are you doing for va-cation?【讲解】句子时态是现在进行时,但表示的却是将来的意义。现代英语中,用现在进行时来表示将来,意味着动作马上就要发生。表示位移的动词,如go,come,leave,begin,start等都有这种用法。【真题】—Jim,can you help me to wash the dish-es?—Sorry,Dad.I______to the shop.(2006江西省)A.go B.wentC.am going D.have been【点拨】选C。按逻辑来推理,吉姆当时不能帮他爸爸洗碗的原因是他正在或将要去干某事,C选项表示“将要”,故选C。2.【原句】When are you going?【讲解】本句中的when是疑问副词,用来对时间进行提问,意为“什么时候”。【真题】—______did you see a cat run from be-hind the door?—As soon as I entered the room.(2006山东省临沂市)A.What B.WhenC.Where D.Why【点拨】选B。As soon a...  相似文献   

1.【原句】How often do you watch TV?你多久看一次电视?【解析】how often意为"多久(一次)",它引导的特殊疑问句用来询问某动作发生的频率。how often通常是对一些表示频率的副词提问,如:always,  相似文献   

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