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美国家庭高等教育费用的结构及特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周保利 《江苏高教》2004,(2):120-122
美国家庭承担的高等教育费用包括固定费用和非固定费用两个方面。随着总量的不断增加,美国家庭承担的高等教育费用也呈现出一些新的特点。对美国家庭承担的高等教育成本的结构和特点进行研究,对于改革我国高等教育的收费体制,是非常有意义的。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,美国公立高等教育财政责任从州政府向学生及其家庭转移的趋势被学术界称为"私有化"。这种从财政角度界定的公立高等教育私有化主要表现为三种路径,即州高等教育拨款水平下降与公立院校的学费依赖,主要公立大学的私有化,以及公立大学的部分私有化。美国公立高等教育的私有化对高等教育的入学途径、结构、质量以及公共利...  相似文献   

2002年2月6日,美国高等教育委员会(ACE)公布第三次全国调查结果。这次调查的主要目的是了解公众对公立大学价值、费用、质量的看法。调查的背景是国家预算减少,公立大学资金短缺,学费上涨。调查显示美国公众相信美国的高等教育提供了高质量的教  相似文献   

当前,我国高等教育费用给低收入家庭造成沉重负担.以家庭为单位付费的传统模式对学生、家长和教育都造成不少负面影响,理应通过完善助学制度、加大政策宣传和加强执行监督,转向由学生自主承担高等教育费用,如此可望促进高等教育机会公平.  相似文献   

高等教育贫富不均,已经成为美国大学特别是精英大学最大的挑战。如今各校都相继有新政策出台,并且彼此展开竞争。去年哈佛大学已宣布免除家庭年收入在4万美元以下的学生的教育费用。普林斯顿大学则早在四年前就用奖学金代替了学生贷款,让学生毕业时不至于负巨额的债务。耶鲁大学最近宣布加大对低收入家庭的资助力度,其中家庭年收入在45000美元以下的学生,费用全免。维吉尼亚大学可以说是最好的公立大学,也对家庭年收入在38000美元以下的家庭大开方便之门,用奖学金代替了贷款。  相似文献   

十多年来,美国很多公立大学一直采取“敞开入学”的方法,以保证州内每一个高中毕业生都有进入大学深造的机会。但由于近年来高等教育费用昂贵,里根政府新近又削减联邦与各州的教育经费,所以,很多公立大学不得不考虑改变“敞开入学”的招生方法。  相似文献   

随着高等教育规模的不断扩大,完全依靠国家承担高等教育费用已不再可能。我国于1997年全面实行高等教育收费以来,相当一部分学生家庭越来越无法承担日益上涨的高校学费。高校收费对高等教育公平的影响如何?收费的上涨会不会引发新的高等教育不公平?为进一步促进高等教育公平,探讨完善高校收费的各种配套措施是很有必要的。  相似文献   

美国公立大学私营化是自20世纪80年代以来在美国公立高等教育领域兴起的一种改革浪潮。私营化在某种程度上使公立大学摆脱了公共经费和投入不足的困境,并提升了效率。在基于世界私营化大师萨瓦斯的私营化原因分析框架的基础上分析得出美国公立大学私营化的兴起主要是由于公立高等院校财政紧缩、高等教育规模扩展、知识商品观、高校之间的市场竞争以及平民主义影响等综合因素形成。  相似文献   

学生满意度调查在美国大学管理中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
美国是世界上高等教育最发达的国家,也是高等教育市场化程度最高的国家。由于高等教育资源实行市场调节,在高等教育机构的管理中,无论是私立大学还是公立大学,管理模式均以学生为本 (student-hased),围绕教育品质的提升,竭力与学生  相似文献   

美国各州政府的财政赤字直接造成了社区大学和四年制大学的学费快速增长,虽然各州预算尚未完全定案,但削减高等教育补助已是在所难免。许多公立大学宣布学费上涨15名,而加州大学系统的学费更将上涨30%,让许多家庭难以负荷。  相似文献   

We investigate how the benefits of publicly financed higher education in Turkey are distributed among students with different socioeconomic backgrounds. We use a dataset from a nationally representative sample of university entrance exam takers together with data on government subsidies to public universities. We compare the characteristics of students who succeed in the exam to those who do not and those who enter public universities to those who go to private ones. Our econometric analyses based on a three-stage selection model reveal that students from wealthier and more educated families are more likely to be successful at university entrance. Unlike the findings in other countries, students who enroll in private universities come from higher income and more educated families. Among those who enter public universities, students from higher income and better educated families are more likely to go to universities that receive larger subsidies from the government.  相似文献   

高等院校在经历了上世纪末、本世纪初的规模化跨越式发展之后,教育收费的逐年提高,给一些家庭经济困难的学生造成了很大的压力。因此,我们在探讨构建和谐高校的同时,对于贫困生这个群体的心理健康更需要给予特殊的关注。  相似文献   

A unique data set on Taiwan was employed to investigate the socioeconomic family backgrounds of students attending universities. Our empirical study found that individuals attending university are more likely to come from better-educated families than are those who do not attend university. Students attending public universities, which receive higher government subsidies, tend to come from wealthier families. Furthermore, our results show that the relationship between the size of the government subsidies and family background is not purely progressive. Students attending normal universities/teacher training colleges received the highest subsidies but tended to come from the least-educated families. Students attending the top five public universities come from the most affluent families of Taiwanese society.  相似文献   

高校家庭经济困难学生是一个特殊的群体,在生活、人际交往甚至学习上仍存在较大的压力,他们心理疾病的发病率明显高于其他学生。这不仅是一个个的家庭问题,也不仅仅是教育问题,而是普遍存在的社会问题,需要全社会积极关注。本文作者从高校家庭经济困难学生心理健康存在的问题、形成原因以及解决方案三个方面进行了分析、阐述。  相似文献   

By evaluating the impact of policies to financially support university students in Georgia, this article demonstrates the systematic spatial disparities that exist in a context of formally equal competition. The author uses a mixed-methods design, combining quantitative evidence on the entire population of Georgian university applicants in 2005–2009 with data obtained through in-depth interviews with rural families and with policy-makers, to understand the costs associated with attending universities, based on their prestige and location, as well as inequalities stemming from existing policies on the allocation of public funding. She suggests that the distribution of public funding is apparently fair, as urban and rural students incur the same average out-of-pocket tuition costs. Behind the façade of the fair outcome, however, lie serious spatial inequalities based on the complex interplay between the residential origin of higher education applicants, tuition costs, public funding allocations, university locations, and prestige. The analysis shows that urban applicants apply, and gain admission, to more prestigious universities which charge higher tuition than the universities where rural applicants enrol; urban students also manage to obtain higher proportions of the public tuition grant than their rural peers. Thus, rural and urban students purchase higher education of different quality for the same out-of-pocket costs, with urban students being more privileged and rural students relatively less so. Exacerbating this injustice is the fact that rural residents in Georgia earn half of the average urban income.  相似文献   

The influence of prices on graduate student persistence   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The topic of how prices influence graduate student persistence has seldom been examined. Using the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study of 1987 to examine the influence of prices on within-year persistence by graduate students, this analysis indicates that graduate students, especially those enrolled in public institutions, are responsive to tuition charges in their persistence decisions. The major implication of this finding is that universities should examine the potential impact of price changes on graduate student persistence when they consider tuition increases each year.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Eighth Annual NASSGP/NCHELP Research Network Conference, March 21, 1991, San Francisco, CA.  相似文献   

Due to significant government cuts to Higher Education funding in Southern European systems, their already underfunded universities were forced to increasingly compete for students as sources of additional revenue. Concurrently, families and students that continued to afford participation in Higher Education became more selective when choosing a university, realising the riskier investment that Higher Education participation had become. Through a competing destinations model and relying on all Italian private and public universities, this study finds that the competition forces characterising universities’ attractiveness over the last decade have changed since the financial crisis of 2008. In a context of lower demand for Higher Education, the competition for students grew and universities in close proximity were better prepared to face the new challenges, leading to the growth of Higher Education clusters.  相似文献   

随着我国改革的不断深入和经济发展、社会转型、高等教育自身改革和学生群体的不断变化,高校资困助学必须创新工作理念,积极推行"发展型资助",实行由单一资助向多元资助、由无偿资助向相对有偿使用、由解决生活保障向促进学生全面发展的范式转换,真正实现其"帮困扶志、助学立人"的价值旨归。  相似文献   

在新一轮的课程改革中,化学课程实验部分的改革力度尤其突出.为了适应中学课改,高师化学教学论实验课也应进行改革.通过改进实验内容,改革实验教学方式,开放实验室,使师范生较全面地掌握从教的技能.  相似文献   

大学生的心理问题目前已经受到了社会各界越来越多的关注。文章通过调查、研究及对比普通高校学生和农林院校学生结构的区别,分析农林院校学生的心理特征,指出当前农林院校大学生普遍存在的主要心理问题。在此基础上,文章还提出要解决农林院校大学生的心理问题需学生、学校、社会和家庭等各方面的共同努力。  相似文献   

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