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林译小说即林纾在不懂外语的情况下与其口译者合作用古文翻译的外国小说。对于林译小说人们历来褒贬不一。本文从传播学的角度分析林译小说“误读”现象,得出其翻译过程中“误读”现象可以从传播学的解码——编码理论、选择性理论中得到合理解释。  相似文献   

晚清至民初知识界无论是出于当时政治现实需要抑或无意识之因,对西洋小说在特定历史时期的创造性误读,于汉语语言文化产生了深厚影响。晚清知识分子为强调小说对“群治”的重要作用,鼓吹小说乃“国民之魂”,对于其地位作用的误读,引发了小说译介创作的空前繁荣。从晚清强调小说译介以实现文化重塑到民初反对政治功利转而重视消遣怡情的小说观,一定程度上造就了清末民初文学语言“白话化”。而语言作为一种思维方式,其变化同样反应在小说的翻译及创造中,对于语言通俗之追求促成民初通俗文学热。  相似文献   

晚清至民初知识界无论是出于当时政治现实需要抑或无意识之因,对西洋小说在特定历史时期的创造性误读,于汉语语言文化产生了深厚影响.晚清知识分子为强调小说对“群治”的重要作用,鼓吹小说乃“国民之魂”,对于其地位作用的误读,引发了小说译介创作的空前繁荣.从晚清强调小说译介以实现文化重塑到民初反对政治功利转而重视消遣怡情的小说观,一定程度上造就了清末民初文学语言“白话化”.而语言作为一种思维方式,其变化同样反应在小说的翻译及创适中,对于语言通俗之追求促成民初通俗文学热.  相似文献   

王薇 《襄樊学院学报》2009,30(10):77-81
“创造性叛逆”从描述翻译研究的角度出发,总结出文学翻译的一般规律,是特定文化、特定历史时期的文学翻译事实。然而国内翻译界不少学者在接受和运用这一概念时产生了种种误读:混淆了翻译的规定性和描述性两种研究范式;认为“创造性叛逆”脱离了实践;认为“创造性叛逆”提倡胡译、乱译,解构忠实;认为“创造性叛逆”的主体只是译者。通过对误读现象进行剖析,文章指出误读主要源于描述性和规定性两种研究范式的混淆,学者的断章取义,概念本身的表述不清及学科界限模糊四个方面。  相似文献   

“林译小说”中“以中化西”的改写一直以来被后世诟病甚多,但其本质却是对中国传统文化文学的坚守.在晚清特定社会需求以及译者本身文学素养的共同合力下,林纾在译介有关文学规范、宗教道德等文化文学核心内容时,选择了“以中化西”的翻译策略.此举虽在一定程度上损伤了译本原有的文学艺术魅力,但却使得西方小说顺利地进入国人视野,达成了特定的翻译目的.而更为重要的是,在“以中化西”的过程中,林纾有意无意地超越了僵守本国文化文学的立场,实现了文本形式及语言内容的“中西交融”,这不仅促成了中国传统小说内部的文学演变与革新,而且也为当今时下如何真正做到“文化坚守”给予了有益的启示.  相似文献   

本文借助伽达默尔“理解的历史性”原则,重新审视翻译中的误读现象。作者认为翻译文本乃译者的历史性的视野厦时代偏见的产物。因此,我们应将翻译作品置身于相应的历史文化背景中培予合理的评价。  相似文献   

本文从接受美学的角度探讨接受视野中的曹禺剧作 ,主要包括两个方面 :一是曹禺剧作如何被“误读” ,二是造成这种“误读”的主客观原因。文章认为 ,对曹禺剧作的误读主要来自三个方面 ,即来自内容方面的误读 ,来自表现技巧方面的误读 ,和来自剧场效果方面的误读。而所以会有这样的“误读” ,时代的期待视野起了至关重要的作用。在今天看来 ,对曹禺剧作的“误读”虽然迎合了时代期待视野 ,有利于当时观众的接受 ,但同时也将剧本所包孕的丰富内涵简单化了 ,而且导致了主题的单一和人物性格的扁平 ,甚至扭曲  相似文献   

文章指出译论界对盛行全世界的主流翻译理论———奈达理论的三大误读。一种误读是奈达主张译文在意义和风格上与原文对等;第二种误读认为奈达的“Functional Equivalence”原则要求译文在译文读者中产生与原文在原文读者中完全等同的效果;第三种误读认为奈达的Functional Equivalence原则主张功能完全等同。文章指出第一种误读是由奈达的翻译定义的错误中文译文造成的。第二、三种误读是由“功能对等”、“动态对等”中的“等”和对这两个术语的错误解释造成的。文章同时提供奈达翻译定义和Functional Equivalence原则的试译译文,最后呼吁澄清被引用了数千之多的翻译定义的错误译文和存在了20多年的“功能对等”、“动态对等”两个术语及其错误解释在译界所造成的严重误读。  相似文献   

萧红的部分小说被特定时代加以刻意误读,从而使她获得了“抗日爱国女作家”的称谓。然而,其抗日题材小说具有鲜明的独特性,它用超逸主流话语的另类叙事展示了普通人在动乱时代的生活图景和精神面貌,并颠覆了“战争拯救人类生存”的观点。  相似文献   

论题:二十世纪:中西小说叙事传统比较研究 答辩通过日期:2003年5月 学位授予单位:南京师范大学 二十世纪中国文艺学构建的最为突出的现象之一是:小说学的兴起。由于西方文学观念的引进,在中国一向被视为“小道”的小说,获得了“文学正宗”的文化地位。但是,由于这种正宗地位的取得,是以西方小说观念为参照系的,是用西方小说的观念、模式、标准来取舍、研究中国小说的,这就不仅使原本在中国传统分类中属于“小说”的作品被排除于研究视野之外,而且中国小说叙事中的诸多独具特色的文本特征也被忽视、误读和遮蔽了。其  相似文献   

This article explores the rhetorical work done by discourses of professional development in education. In particular it outlines the ways in which the rhetoric of technical expertise, competence and reflective practice are deployed to mobilise professional practices and identities in particular ways and position certain practices and dispositions as specifically professional. The article explores the ways in which audiences are mobilised and the strategies to persuade educators that particular discourses of professionalism are about and for them. This is illustrated through an analysis of a particular discourse of professional development for academics in the UK. The authors argue for and illustrate the illuminating potential of rhetorical analysis to an understanding of different practices of professional development.  相似文献   

Professional development for academics in higher education is increasingly important in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. Promoting better teaching practices through professional development is part of the drive for quality and excellence. However, the focus has been on teaching as a "technical" activity, defined as competence in a particular domain of practice. This has obscured the social and discursive practices through which a very particular sort of teacher identity is produced. It is possible, therefore, to examine the ways in which the standards of competence operate to normalise and fashion what it means to be a "good teacher". In this article, we examine extracts from course documentation produced by a UK university through which the professional standards of those working in higher education are being constituted. Our focus is not the quality of these particular materials but the work the documentation performs in building up a particular notion of what characterises a professional teacher in higher education.  相似文献   

In this article we argue that understanding the identities that teacher educators construct for themselves is central to effecting innovation within a changing policy environment. The article begins with a theoretical perspective on the nexus of change and identity. It then discusses the central features of identity amongst a group of teacher college educators who have been incorporated into a higher education institution in South Africa. The discussion focuses in particular on their new roles as researchers. We argue that the promotion of research needs to be based on what teacher educators already perceive to be their particular strengths and roles. The paper ends with some examples of strategies for research promotion in this particular setting.  相似文献   

麻省理工学院培养创新人才特色做法的分析研究   总被引:7,自引:19,他引:7  
在出国实地考察研究的基础上,以美国麻省理工学院(MIT)为例,分析研究国际一流大学在培养创新人才的管理体制和管理方法等方面的特色做法,如建立国家级的中心实验室——研究中心等,解剖MIT最大的一个研究中心——材料科学与工程中心(CMSE),分析了SMSE取得大量高水平创新成果的内在原因。  相似文献   

The paper sets out a discussion on the theme of eldership in the context of schools, with particular reference to implications for school eldership and pastoral care. The author provides a commentary on the decline of available support for school leaders in terms of informal eldership networks and the changing demographic of the teaching profession. The discussion considers specific consequences of this changing demographic, and a subsequent shift in focus amongst new entrants to teaching, with particular attention to the impact for delivering pastoral care. The author presents a perspective on eldership, suggesting a range of qualities and expertise that constitute the role of the elder, raising questions and challenges for re-establishing eldership in education.  相似文献   

The field of education has become comfortable in its use of the construct urban to describe particular schools in particular metropolitan places. This article argues that the construct has come to signify not just place but also to denote particular meanings of ‘urban’ populations. It analyzes how literary and social-scientific practices converged to anchor this construct paradigmatically in the registers of educational practitioners and researchers. Drawing from cultural geography, the article then demonstrates why the framework of the urban, and its other implicit pole the suburban, is no longer satisfactory for conceptualizing empirical questions about metropolitan schools. Lastly, the author identifies and discusses exemplars within the field of educational research that help us to remap our theoretical and empirical work.  相似文献   

In the field of early childhood education, dominant discourse is premised on assumptions and values that privilege uniformity, generality, and even the "essential" nature of children and programs that should then be judged according to common criteria. In this article, we focus not on common factors that vary but on particular social practices that have very different meanings for people in two social settings (Taylor, 1979). Specifically, we describe how parent involvement- and parents themselves-were socially constructed within Head Start programs located in different communities, and we suggest how these social practices made particular forms of involvement possible and even necessary. We argue that discourses do not merely represent; they constitute, and different discourses construct both subjects and social relations in particular ways. Finally, we suggest how alternative ways of structuring knowledge and social practice in early childhood might become "communal tools" for exploring yet to be realized possibilities.  相似文献   

In the field of early childhood education, dominant discourse is premised on assumptions and values that privilege uniformity, generality, and even the “essential” nature of children and programs that should then be judged according to common criteria. In this article, we focus not on common factors that vary but on particular social practices that have very different meanings for people in two social settings (Taylor, 1979). Specifically, we describe how parent involvement- and parents themselves-were socially constructed within Head Start programs located in different communities, and we suggest how these social practices made particular forms of involvement possible and even necessary. We argue that discourses do not merely represent; they constitute, and different discourses construct both subjects and social relations in particular ways. Finally, we suggest how alternative ways of structuring knowledge and social practice in early childhood might become “communal tools” for exploring yet to be realized possibilities.  相似文献   

In our previous work documenting benefits of both mastery and performance-approach goals, we assessed achievement goals for a particular type of student (specifically, the college student) in a particular type of classroom environment (specifically, the large introductory lecture). The current study sought to extend our initial work by testing college students in a different classroom environment (specifically, the small advanced seminar). Contrary to predictions that mastery goals may prove more advantageous in this context and performance goals less advantageous, we continued to find positive effects for both mastery and performance-approach goals. Implications for achievement goal theory are discussed.  相似文献   

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