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人与自然的关系既是实践中的问题,又首先是一个理论的问题。把握马克思主义哲学视域下的人、自然及二者关系由来,才能自觉地运用马克思主义哲学的基本观点处理和解决人与自然的关系,促进人与自然的和谐发展。  相似文献   

人与自然的关系问题是人类面临的一个永恒主题,也是任何哲学都无法回避的重大理论问题.马克思以前的各派哲学都未能正确地解决这个问题.马克思从变革思维方式入手,在艰辛探索的基础上,确立了感性活动原则和实践思维方式,正确地解决了人与自然的关系,形成了科学的人与自然的理论.从历史发展的角度看,马克思关于人与自然理论的形成,大致经历了探索、建构、确立和展开四个阶段.马克思关于人与自然的理论,在当代仍具有重大的理论和实践意义.  相似文献   

基督教思想中的人与自然   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
人与自然的关系,是人类所面临且必须予以解决的最基本的基础性问题。基督教在人与自然关系问题上的基本观点,既存在着人与自然相互分离的二元论,也存在着以上帝为纽带的平等论,还存在着人替上帝管理自然的托管理论。它们都试图为环境保护和环境道德提供某种超越人类利益和价值根据的形上理由.曾深深地影响了西方人对大自然的基本态度和行为倾向。为现代人重建人与自然之间的新型伦理情谊关系提供某种借鉴。  相似文献   

人与自然的关系与人的自由张金钟人与自然的关系是当代人普遍关注的现实问题,关于人与自然关系的研究已成为跨越国界的哲学文化思潮。探讨和谋求人的自由是哲学的基本精神,而人的自由的全部规定,归根到底都是在人与自然的关系中获得的。因此,人与自然的关系问题也就成...  相似文献   

过度评价中国传统思想中的生态哲学特性和把人与自然关系的紧张和生态问题归因到主体性的张扬是围绕主体性问题来看待人与自然的关系时存在的两种流行误解.我们应站在马克思主义哲学的立场理性地看待这两种观点,从而理性地认识人与自然之间的关系.  相似文献   

关于传统哲学与现代化的关系,学术界主要有三种观点:一是复古主义,二是全盘西化,三是折衷主义。此三种观点均有偏颇。现代化首先是价值观和思维方式的现代化。解决传统哲学与现代化的关系,应从传统哲学的价值观和思维方式出发,把传统哲学与现代化需要解决的主要问题结合起来,在马克思主义指导下建立社会主义新文化。  相似文献   

人与自然的关系是人类所面临的一个永恒的主题,是每个哲学家都无法回避的一个重要问题。马克思主义哲学科学地理解了人与自然理论及其二者的关系问题,从而形成了一系列关于人与自然的理论。在人类的生存环境日益恶化的当今时代,重新思考他在处理人与自然以及人与人关系问题时所提出的解题方式和基本结论,无疑具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

自然观是马克思主义哲学的基本观点之一,这一基本观点的提出和论证始于马克思的《1844年经济学哲学手稿》。自然观是《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中的重要内容,马克思在这部手稿中阐明了自然界的先在性和客观性、自然界的实践性和人与自然的关系等马克思主义自然观的基本内容,奠定了新自然观的基调。  相似文献   

传统的“环境保护”观存在着一定的缺陷,因此有必要建立一种新的关于人与自然关系的哲学观点,即“环境支持”观。这种一半支持观把自然一半视为人类生存发展的唯一支持主体,它要求从接受自然环境作为支持主体的角度来考虑问题,通过人类的自觉行为来建立人与自然的真正平等、和谐的伙伴关系。  相似文献   

生态哲学的基本问题是人与自然的关系问题。马克思关于人与自然关系的思想十分丰富,同时在人与人之间的矛盾成为社套最突出问题的时代,马克思前瞻性地认识到了人与自然关系的异化,并指出资本主义生产是人与自然关系异化的社会根源,从而指明实现人与自然关系和谐的基本途径和方法——变革资本主义生产方式、建立人道主义与自然主义相结合的共产主义制度。  相似文献   

荀子人性思想既是其天人关系观在人自身的体现,又是其整个治国理论的基础。这一思想可以归结为“性恶善伪”四个字。荀子的人性论,与其说是人性恶,还不如说是人性不善。荀子的人性论必然导致对圣人或圣王政治的强调甚至崇拜,这是其人性思想的社会论意义。荀子人性思想自身矛盾的症结,则在于他对于圣人或圣王统治的强调。  相似文献   

以往关于教育理论与实践关系的研究主要是以静观的理论分析为思路,如逻辑分析、理论分层和哲学演绎。伴随人们对这一问题的深入思考和基础教育改革实践的不断推进,关于二者关系的新认识也得以形成。教育理论和实践的主体关系问题是二者关系的核心;二者的关系问题不仅是"理论"问题,更是"实践"问题,不仅是哲学、逻辑学问题,更是教育学问题。从方法论层面来看,从理论分析到实践创生的转换意味着前提预设、分析单位、思维方式和学科立场的转换。  相似文献   

马克思的自然观蕴含着非常丰富的生态伦理思想,对解决当代生态环境问题具有重要研究价值。人与自然的关系问题是生态伦理学的一项重要问题。马克思把人与自然的关系看作是一个较为复杂的统一对立的整体,同时也强调人类与自然之间相对的和谐关系的重要性,从而确立对当代生态环境伦理的价值取向。  相似文献   

作为可持续发展理论领域内长期被遮蔽的重要资源,马克思主义可持续发展观念实则具有丰厚的内涵。马克思对人与自然关系的探讨、关于物质交换的思想及通过社会制度变革来实现可持续发展等理念,具有巨大的时代价值,并成为支撑中国可持续发展观念的原理之一。马克思主义可持续发展思想的中国化及其在不同阶段产生的理论成果,又是马克思主义可持续发展思想时代价值的体现和实现。  相似文献   

In this paper, the relation between Lakatos' theory and issues about mathematics education — especially issues about mathematical problem solving — is reinvestigated by paying attention to Lakatos' methodology of a scientific research programme. By comparing the same findings about mathematical problem solving with the discussion in Lakatos' theory — e.g. research programmes' hard cores, their negative and positive heuristics, and their goals — we establish the correspondence between research programmes and solver's structures of a problem situation, i.e. structures given by a solver to a problem situation. After establishing this, the implications of Lakatos' theory, i.e. the nature of selection from competing programmes and the social origins of the cores of programmes, are applied to the discussion about mathematical problem-solving, with indications of the related evidence in the theory of mathematical problem solving which seems to support the application of those implications. Such an application leads to one view of mathematical problem solving, which reflects the irrational nature and social aspects of problem-solving activities, both in solving problems and in selecting better solutions.  相似文献   

This study offers a view on students’ technology-based problem solving activity through the lens of a theoretical model which accounts for the relationship between mathematical and technological knowledge in successful problem solving. This study takes a qualitative approach building on the work of a 13-year-old girl as an exemplary case of the nature of young students’ spontaneous mathematical problem solving with technology. The empirical data comprise digital records of her approaches to two problems from a web-based mathematical competition where she resorted to GeoGebra and an interview where she explains and describes her usual problem solving activity with this tool. Based on a proposed model for describing the processes of mathematical problem solving with technologies (MPST), the main results show that this student’s solving and expressing the solution are held from the early and continuing interplay between mathematical skills and the perception of the affordances of the tool. The analytical model offers a clear picture of the type of actions that lead to the solution of each problem, revealing the student’s ability to deal with mathematics and technology in problem solving. By acknowledging this as a case of a human-with-media in solving mathematical problems, the students’ efficient way of merging technological and mathematical knowledge is portrayed in terms of her techno-mathematical fluency.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the study of analogy and memory as viewed from the perspectives of both artificial intelligence (AI) and psychology. Its aim is to combine what seem to be two distinct and conflicting approaches to memory–the functional approach of AI and the empirical approach of psychology–and propose a unified view that does not compromise the nature of either field yet resolves the existing conflicts between them. To do this we propose a shift away from the narrow view of analogical reminding as an isolated memory behavior and toward a more general view of memory as a process that serves the needs of planning, problem solving, and understanding. This shift involves changes to both the functional arguments that have arisen in AI and a reexamination of the empirical evidence that has been presented in psychology.  相似文献   

在我国的哲学理念中,人性论和人生价值观有效的统一是一主要特点。我国的传统形式哲学人性论中,主要探讨的核心内容则是人的本性,对于价值观的有效形成,其理论形态是人应该如何做。人性来源于上天,这是一种自然性的形态,并且为人类未来的生活情况,或者是人们需要怎样的生活奠定了基础。在哲学的视野角度中,人性再一次的发现为人类的未来生活提供了可能。文章将张载和王夫之作为主要的研究对象,对他们所提出来的人性论思想进行比较,从理论依据、内涵认识以及成性路向三个方面着手,对张、王二人提出的人性论思想进行全方面对比。  相似文献   

The main objectives of this study are to: (a) to investigate students' and teachers' beliefs about the nature of science; (b) to explore the relationship among the students' and teachers' beliefs; and (c) to carry out a rational reconstruction of students' and teachers' beliefs based on a Lakatosian perspective of the history and philosophy of science. Eighty-nine freshman students and 7 chemistry teachers at the Instituto Universitario de Tecnología, El Tigre (Venezuela) were asked to respond to a 4-item questionnaire. Students' and teachers' responses were classified as positivist, transitional or Lakatosian. Most of the students and teachers responded with a very similar positivist approach. Epistemological beliefs of students and teachers in this study can be summarized as follows: a scientific theory has not been proved in its totality, whereas a scientific law has not only been proved, but is also universal, and furthermore, a theory tells us about more complex and explicit things. In view of the Lakatosian interpretation that the conflict is not between theories and laws, but rather between an interpretative and an explanatory theory, it is concluded that science teachers reconsider the dichotomous presentation of scientific progress found in most text books, in terms of theories and laws.  相似文献   

部分大学生受各种社会思潮影响容易把人的本质错误地归纳为自私人性。他们在界定自私的概念、举证自私的根源、分析自私与无私的关系以及评析自私的功用等方面均存在诸多误区。对此进行正确分析有助于大学生树立马克思主义科学人性观。  相似文献   

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