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The number of computer‐illiterate older adults in the workplace in expected to increase as the number in that age group grows, creating a need for computer training. Negative stereotypes of the incompetent older adult have not been supported by research. Older adults’ attitudes toward the computer do improve with positive experiences with the computer. Also, training studies show that older adults can learn how to use the computer, but need approximately twice as long to complete training as young adults. Factors that are important for computer training in this population are discussed.  相似文献   

Twenty‐two teachers were asked to give their opinion as to the ability being tested by each item in two multiple‐choice examination papers. Agreement appeared to be rather low, particularly from one of the papers, but a rigid statistical analysis was impossible because of the difficulty of deciding upon acceptable criteria. The opinions of the teachers were correlated with the facility values for the items and the coefficients obtained appear to support the Bloom taxonomy.  相似文献   

Scientific and technical progress is inconceivable without engineers, and the development and improvement of their training is considered as one of the most important prerequisites of the scientific and technological revolution. This is a precondition on which the training of engineers in the USSR is organized. In this context we present an abbreviated Version of an article written by Aleksey Chernichenko.

Planning the development of higher technical education.  相似文献   

Silence needs to be shown to be taught. This is because the nonverbal, which is a different way of referencing the world than symbols, cannot be translated into words. Teaching silence is of special importance today because of the connection between silence and the creation of existential meaning, as well as the functioning of the creative process itself. The loss of silence in our culture will result in the loss of religious meaning and the impairment of creativity. Without deep meaning and the creative process the human species is at risk.  相似文献   

本文从七个方面论证了政府投资或者提供培训的正当理由,其中五个方面涉及受过培训的工人可能供给不足的问题,另外两个社会方面的理由是关注的不公平和经济学所疏忽的部分。除了对私人培训机构能力不足的补充外,这些论点中没有政府提供培训的成功案例。在培训表现出外部效益和为弱势群体提供技能发展项目时,对培训的公共资助理由是很充分的。单从经济学基本原理出发,提供尽可能多的公共培训是需要的,公共培训有效率且市场回应迅速是最为理想的。  相似文献   

A great number of specialists in the fields of education and science are being trained in the USSR due to the developments taking place in science and the economy, as well as to the creation of new scientific cadres and educational establishments. We give below information on recent developments in this context.  相似文献   

高校竞技运动是高校体育活动的一个重要组成部分。高校搞好运动队的训练对高校体育运动水平的提高,对扩大学校影响和群体活动的开展有重要意义。作者通过对大学足球运动队的训练,提出了训练效果的评价标准,狠抓思想教育,系统地进行科学训练,根据足球运动比赛特点,运用独特的训练方法和措施,取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

What is described in this article is a project for the training of para‐professionals for adult education programmes (AE), namely, people who will be able to lead adult education without having previously acquired the necessary professional background. The project is being carried out on an experimental basis by means of an agreement between the Ministry of Education (MEC) of Spain and the Universities of Val‐ladolid and Salamanca. Community development, the basic idea underlying adult education programmes, revolves around four themes: vocational training; education directed at fostering the awareness of students of their rights and responsibilities as citizens; personal growth; and the acquisition of basic literacy. This programme is conducted in three stages: acquisition of basic knowledge via courses on theory; practical classes and workshops; and monitored practical training classes. By means of this experimental course programme, the Spanish university system is opening itself up to the training of educators of adults as a new if still minor area in the field of social education.  相似文献   

A national sample of 246 Directors of Pupil Personnel Services and Directors of Special Education were surveyed to assess the importance they place on training, degrees, and credentials in the hiring of school psychologists. High, but varying, levels of importance were found for the content knowledge and skill areas in the National Association of School Psychologists Standards for Graduate Preparation of School Psychologists. Participants indicated that the specialist degree with less than 10 years of experience was the preferred qualification for school psychologist applicants. Greater importance was placed on the Nationally Certified School Psychologist credential than State Board of Examiners in Psychology (SBEP) licensure, with variations in importance for SBEP licensure between states that do versus do not allow independent practice for nondoctoral school psychologists. Implications of this research for school psychologists and training, as well as limitations of the study, are discussed.  相似文献   

In 1970 teachers in 39 schools reported how they organized their classrooms. Seven years later teachers in these same schools were invited to take part in a follow‐up survey. The results showed that no dramatic shifts in classroom organizational policy had occurred. Overall there was no evidence of further innovation nor of a swing back to traditional methods. However, there were a number of small changes which hinted at various subtle shifts and counterbalances in teachers' organizational strategies.  相似文献   

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