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This article examines federal student financial aid, with an emphasis on direct grant aid programs to serve needy students attending community colleges. It describes the economic, historical, and political assumptions and incentives to show how public community colleges and their students have been impacted by federal and state direct student aid policies. The article then presents recent data regarding how economic incentives inherent in federal and state direct student aid policies impact public community colleges and their students when compared to other types of institutions of postsecondary education. Data presented show that lower-income students attending public community colleges were likely to receive less direct grant aid from federal and state sources than those attending for-profit proprietary two-year institutions.  相似文献   


This article investigates how the intersections of gender, race, policy, and student differences at historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) can impact student experience. Such an environment can displace and penalize those who do not adhere to the uniformity of heteronormative gender roles or respectability politics. Using intersecting themes that have emerged from press coverage of HBCUs as a departure, this article illustrates the ways Black respectability and conservatism are maintained through campus policy and creates an exclusionary environment for students on the margins. Through the conceptual lenses of respectability and othermothering we deconstruct this environment and opine that HBCUs, in these specific cases, stand in opposition to their founding mission of inclusion by perpetuating heteronormativity, stringent gender roles, and reinforce White supremacy. Ultimately, we call for HBCUs to reimagine the capability of campus environments to embrace variations of Blackness and disrupt marginalizing practices rooted in politics of respectability.  相似文献   

This study explored how administrators at community colleges conceptualized change related to resource allocation and managing competing priorities to support targeted programming for Latino men. The study included the perspectives of 39 administrators from seven community colleges across Texas using concepts associated with institutional change to ground our analysis. Findings revealed that state and national initiatives, particularly those concerned with enhancing success for students of color, influenced how community college administrators approached change on their campuses. In addition, community college institutional mission, leadership, and a desire for data-informed resource management influenced the approach to resource allocation for Latino men.  相似文献   

In this paper, the author challenges stakeholders (i.e., administrators, educators, students) of historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) to examine how HBCUs can continue to serve as sites of resistance against the prevailing cultural norms of materialism, Western masculinity, and spiritual malefaction. The author traces his evaluation back to the crucible of the civil rights movement and the ??iconization?? of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., asserting that HBCUs must be intentional about accounting for the cultural and generational shifts in the Black community in order to continue to effectively produce students who are committed to service and social justice. Drawing on the narratives of personal resistance from six current students and graduates of an HBCU, the author contends that HBCUs can not only prepare a new generation of agents for what Bonilla-Silva (2006) describes as a ??new civil rights movement,?? but these vital institutions must account for the effects of the idolatrous, media-driven worship of civil rights icons, lest they indoctrinate the same individualistic ethos into a new generation that is already spellbound by the consumerist commodification of Barak Obama.  相似文献   

This article explores the distinctive mentoring experiences of social work doctoral students at historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). With a philosophical emphasis on social justice, self-determination, racial identity and pride, and social integration, social work faculty at HBCUs mentor African American and other students in PhD programs for academic achievement and successful leadership in the professoriate. The mentoring experiences at HBCUs are underpinned by tenets from relational/cultural theory and the Black feminist theory of “other mothering.” Using Howard University as a case study, this article examines relational mentoring experiences of PhD students in preparation for the academy and for leadership in social work education and practice.  相似文献   

Community college practitioners frequently bemoan negative or stereotypical representations of community college students and community college life in general in the popular media. Saturday Night Live skits and satirical news reports in The Onion enjoy poking fun at community colleges, while mainstream news outlets often fail to challenge stereotypes of community colleges as lacking academic rigor. Those frustrated by these portrayals should know that the press overwhelmingly lauded 2 year colleges during the early decades of the “junior college” movement. Such reporting celebrated the new institutions' missions, and praised their speedy growth as components of public education. In fact, the press often implied that these new campuses reflected an inevitable step in the evolution of American higher education. This paper analyzes media reports about public 2 year colleges (at the time called junior colleges) published during the 1920s and 1930s. The term junior college is used in this historical review since the term was common during the era in question.  相似文献   

新形势下高校推进马克思主义大众化就是用中国特色社会主义理论体系武装大学生的头脑,提高大学生的理论认同,坚定马克思主义信仰。高校推动马克思主义大众化教育对于完成"培养什么人,怎样培养人"的战略任务有重大的现实意义和历史意义。要从澄清大学生对马克思主义的误解、把马克思主义打造成为大学生的主导信仰、坚持教育主体行为一致性三个方面端正大学生的思想认识;要以社会主义核心价值体系引领大学生的价值观:坚持以科学的理论武装大学生的政治头脑,坚持以共同的理想引领大学生的责任意识,坚持以高尚的榜样带动大学生的道德修养;要思想政治教育内容和形式双管齐下:一是重视语言的通俗性,二是增强教材的逻辑性,三是注重方式的多样化,四是提高教育的实效性。要从五个方面,运用多种有效载体优化马克思主义大众化教育环境,真正让学生把马克思主义中国化的最新理论成果内化为价值追求。  相似文献   

Complexion privilege and color bias have long acted in concert with racism to foster intraracial forms of stratification among African Americans such as the tendency for educational levels and other measureable outcomes (e.g., income) to correspond with skin tone. In this article, we examine the salience of color prejudice at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), including its historical origins, manifestations, and damaging results. We begin with a brief history of Black colleges and then present a historical perspective on colorism in the United States. Based on our synthesis, we offer recommendations for how institutional stakeholders may counter and dismantle colorist issues that commonly arise in HBCU contexts. Last, recommendations for future research and practice are presented.  相似文献   

In perhaps the first empirical investigation of the impact of global forces upon U.S. and Canadian community colleges, I examine their missions and structures, noting alterations associated with globalization. In my examination of Canadian colleges, I find that global forces, such as international economies, international political struggles and their consequences, and global communication systems, do affect these institutions. These forces are influential in altering college behaviors, including changes to institutional mission and institutional structures. That is, colleges are increasingly oriented to the marketplace, more responsive to public demands and preferences, and increasingly more directed by provincial governments to serve both political and economic priorities.This paper is based upon a multi-case, qualitative, longitudinal study of seven (7) community colleges, four (4) of which are Canadian colleges. The purpose of the study was two-fold: first, to identify and analyze actual institutional behaviors of community colleges as they adjust to demands inherent in the globalization process; and second, to identify the evolving development of the community college as a social institution, specifically by focusing upon the actions and conditions that have led to mission alteration.  相似文献   


This article focuses on how Chicana college students draw from what they learn in their homes and how living a mestiza consciousness may be one way by which they have navigated their way around educational obstacles and into college. More specifically, Delgado Bernal draws on the work of Anzaldua (1987) to define the concept of a mestiza consciousness as the way a student balances, negotiates, and draws from her biculturalism, bilingualism, commitment to communities, and spiritualities in relationship to her education. Using this concept, Delgado Bernal offer a unique way to understand and analyze Chicana's educational experiences. Her analysis of life history and focus-group interviews indicates that the communication, practices, and learning that occur in the home and community - pedagogies of the home - often serve as a cultural knowledge base that helps students survive and succeed within an educational system that often excludes and silences them.  相似文献   

Providing a brief history of historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs)??including how and why they were founded, funding sources and needs over time, and an examination of mission statements??the author considers the relevance of HBCUs in the current twenty-first century context. He makes an argument that the educational opportunities HBCUs offer continue to be strongly needed in the contemporary U.S. economic and sociopolitical climate. Finally, he offers HBCU faculty and administrators some suggestions for consideration as they face significant challenges ahead.  相似文献   

The concept of the leader's need to leave a record so that others know that she was present at a community college at a given point in time, working on behalf of the communities she served, is the theme of this article, which consists of stories from the lives of seven current and former community college chief executive officers, Vivian B. Blevins, Pamila Fisher, Sylvia Ramos, Carol Tatsey-Murray, Jerry Sue Thornton, Carolyn G. Williams, and Parker Williams give accounts of how they came to their positions as chief executive officers, the challenges and joys of that work, and the legacies they hope to leave. Their accounts as academic laborers are important tools for exploring the meaning of their roles and the roles of those they serve, for educating the uninitiated in the mission of the community college, and for reinforcing the value of that mission to the lives of community college students past, present, and future.  相似文献   


Recent research has shown that African-Americans at historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) have increasingly selected criminal justice/criminology as their field of study and career choice (Gabbidon and Penn 1999). To explore this trend, the authors replicated the work of Krimmel and Tartaro (1999) by surveying 284 undergraduate criminal justice majors at several HBCUs; the study was designed to investigate whether the students' reasons for selecting criminal justice as a major and career choice were in line with those of the earlier study conducted at predominantly white institutions. Our findings show that, while students at the two types of universities seem to select criminal justice as a major for the same reasons-including the interesting nature of the subject matter and its relevance to the real world-undergraduates at HBCUs reported stronger attitudes towards entering the career for economic as well as for altruistic reasons such as protecting the Constitution, fighting oppression, and helping people solve problems.  相似文献   

The economic, educational and social environments of the students served by a community college are important factors in college performance accountability, policy analysis, program evaluation, and strategic planning. For example, previous research shows that income per county is a significant predictor of transfer rates for community colleges. However, conditions for the actual geographic area of the students served by a community college may differ, for various reasons, from the economic conditions for the county in which the college is located. This article describes the development of institutional or college-level indices as an enhancement to county-level data, their use as adjustment variables for California's Accountability Reporting for the Community Colleges (ARCC), and their applicability to other research and planning studies. The service area indices are created by combining the enrollment patterns of students by ZIP Code of residence with ZCTA (ZIP Code Tabulation Area) level economic and educational data from Census 2000.  相似文献   

Community colleges act as the gateway for students to higher education. Many of these colleges realize this mission through open-door policies where students lacking in basic reading, writing, and mathematics skills can enroll. But, this open-access policy often creates challenges when meeting academic standards. Based on data collected from selected community colleges in the United States, this article examines the balancing of open access with academic standards. The article reviews open-door admission policies, describes methods used to maintain academic standards, and it balances this with open admission and implications for community college faculty.  相似文献   

近几年来,高校学生与学校之间的诉讼不断出现,学生规则应引起人们的思考与关注。从道德与法的角度分析学生规则的两难处境,以及制定学生规则应注意的问题,以使学生规则更好地伴随学生成长,维护校园秩序。  相似文献   

The contribution of HBCUs as “colleges of origin,” i.e., where Black doctorates earned their bachelors’ degrees, remains of interest, given the historical role of HBCUs and the current desire to increase the percentage of doctorates awarded to African Americans in all fields. Using national survey data from multiple sources, we estimated which college characteristics predicted later doctoral degree attainment in all fields. We took into account the large number of Black graduates from HBCUs, which make them likely to be colleges of origin, and controlled for standardized test scores, Carnegie classification, and student/faculty ratio. HBCUs were associated with doctorate production more than twice the expected level based on their other average characteristics. In addition, colleges with low student/faculty ratios, higher SAT scores, and historical Carnegie classifications of research universities and selective liberal arts colleges were also associated with a higher percentage of Black graduates later earning doctoral degrees.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about the extent of marijuana use and related risk‐taking behavior by college students on historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). Undergraduate students (N = 212) from an HBCU in the southern region of the United States completed anonymous questionnaires that assessed their marijuana‐related behaviors and perceptions. Logistic regression analysis revealed risk factor profiles that provide college counselors with greater insight into prevention and treatment on HBCU campuses.  相似文献   

The utilization of loans by community college students is a contentious issue. In this article we broadly examine issues related to borrowing by community college students, giving attention to how loans can help, as well as hinder, borrowers at these institutions. Despite increased rhetoric about the perceived student loan crisis, caution is warranted before jettisoning student loans as a tool for access and completion at community colleges. Instead, we suggest that a more nuanced approach, aimed at helping students understand and manage their loans, is in the best interest of students and the college. Our recommendations are intended to help community colleges increase the number of borrowers who earn a credential and reduce the number who default.  相似文献   

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