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Nonlinear models are effective tools for the analysis of longitudinal data. These models provide a flexible means for describing data that follow complex forms of change. Exponential and logistic functions that include a parameter to represent an asymptote, for instance, are useful for describing responses that tend to level off with time. There are forms of nonlinear latent curve models and nonlinear mixed-effects model that are equivalent, and so given the same set of data, growth function, distributional assumptions, and method of estimation, the 2 models yield equivalent results. There are also forms that are strikingly different and can yield different interpretations for a given set of data. This article discusses cases in which nonlinear mixed-effects models and nonlinear latent curve models are equivalent and those in which they are different and clarifies the estimation needs of the different models. Examples based on empirical data help to illustrate these points.  相似文献   

Latent growth curves within developmental structural equation models   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
This report uses structural equation modeling to combine traditional ideas from repeated-measures ANOVA with some traditional ideas from longitudinal factor analysis. A longitudinal model that includes correlations, variances, and means is described as a latent growth curve model (LGM). When merged with repeated-measures data, this technique permits the estimation of parameters representing both individual and group dynamics. The statistical basis of this model allows hypothesis testing of various developmental ideas, including models of alternative dynamic functions and models of the sources of individual differences in these functions. Aspects of these latent growth models are illustrated with a set of longitudinal WISC data from young children and by using the LISREL V computer program.  相似文献   

This study introduced various nonlinear growth models, including the quadratic conventional polynomial model, the fractional polynomial model, the Sigmoid model, the growth model with negative exponential functions, the multidimensional scaling technique, and the unstructured growth curve model. It investigated which growth models effectively describe student growth in math and reading using four-wave longitudinal achievement data. The objective of the study is to provide valuable information to researchers especially when they consider applying one of the nonlinear models to longitudinal studies. The results showed that the quadratic conventional polynomial model fit the data best. However, this model seemed to overfit the data and made statistical inference problematic concerning parameter estimates. Alternative nonlinear models with fewer parameters adequately fit the data and yielded consistent significance testing results under extreme multicollinearity. It indicates that the alternative models denoting somewhat simpler models would be selected over the conventional polynomial model with more fixed parameters. Other practical issues pertaining to these growth models are also discussed.  相似文献   

Popular longitudinal models allow for prediction of growth trajectories in alternative ways. In latent class growth models (LCGMs), person-level covariates predict membership in discrete latent classes that each holistically define an entire trajectory of change (e.g., a high-stable class vs. late-onset class vs. moderate-desisting class). In random coefficient growth models (RCGMs, also known as latent curve models), however, person-level covariates separately predict continuously distributed latent growth factors (e.g., an intercept vs. slope factor). This article first explains how complex and nonlinear interactions between predictors and time are recovered in different ways via LCGM versus RCGM specifications. Then a simulation comparison illustrates that, aside from some modest efficiency differences, such predictor relationships can be recovered approximately equally well by either model—regardless of which model generated the data. Our results also provide an empirical rationale for integrating findings about prediction of individual change across LCGMs and RCGMs in practice.  相似文献   

This article presents several longitudinal mediation models in the framework of latent growth curve modeling and provides a detailed account of how such models can be constructed. Logical and statistical challenges that might arise when such analyses are conducted are also discussed. Specifically, we discuss how the initial status (intercept) and change (slope) of the putative mediator variable can be appropriately included in the causal chain between the independent and dependent variables in longitudinal mediation models. We further address whether the slope of the dependent variable should be controlled for the dependent variable's intercept to improve the conceptual relevance of the mediation models. The models proposed are illustrated by analyzing a longitudinal data set. We conclude that for certain research questions in developmental science, a multiple mediation model where the dependent variable's slope is controlled for its intercept can be considered an adequate analytical model. However, such models also show several limitations.  相似文献   

Methods of latent curve analysis (latent growth modeling) have recently emerged as a versatile tool for investigating longitudinal change in measured variables. This article, using higher order factor models as suggested by McArdle (1988) and Tisak and Meredith (1990), illustrates latent curve analysis for the purpose of modeling longitudinal change directly in a latent construct. The construct of interest is assumed to be indicated by several measured variables, all of which are observed at the same multiple time points. Examples with simultaneous estimation of covariance and mean structures are provided for both a single group and a two-group scenario.  相似文献   

Growth models allow for the study of within-person change and between-person differences in within-person change. Typically, these models are applied to continuous variables where the residuals are assumed to be normally distributed. With normally distributed residuals there are a variety of residual structures that can be imposed and tested, which have been shown to affect model fit and parameter estimation. This article concerns residual structures in growth models with binary and ordered categorical outcomes using the probit link function. Different residual structures and their appropriateness for growth data are discussed and their use is illustrated with longitudinal data collected as part of Head Start’s Family and Child Experiences Survey 1997 Cohort. We close with recommendations for the specification and parameterization of growth models that use the probit link.  相似文献   

This article offers different examples of how to fit latent growth curve (LGC) models to longitudinal data using a variety of different software programs (i.e., LISREL, Mx, Mplus, AMOS, SAS). The article shows how the same model can be fitted using both structural equation modeling and multilevel software, with nearly identical results, even in the case of models of latent growth fitted to incomplete data. The general purpose of this article is to provide a demonstration that integrates programming features from different software. The most immediate goal is to help researchers implement these LGC models as a useful way to test hypotheses of growth.  相似文献   

Latent curve models offer a flexible approach to the study of longitudinal data when the form of change in a response is nonlinear. This article considers such models that are conditionally linear with regard to the random coefficients at the 2nd level. This framework allows fixed parameters to enter a model linearly or nonlinearly, and random coefficients at the 2nd level may only enter linearly. Beginning with LISREL 8.80 for Windows, such models can be fitted, giving users greater flexibility in model specification. An example with LISREL syntax is provided.  相似文献   

Applying item response theory models to repeated observations has demonstrated great promise in developmental research. By allowing the researcher to take account of the characteristics of both item response and measurement error in longitudinal trajectory analysis, it improves the reliability and validity of latent growth curve analysis. This has enabled the study, to differentially weigh individual items and examine developmental stability and change over time, to propose a comprehensive modeling framework, combining a measurement model with a structural model. Despite a large number of components requiring attention, this study focuses on model formulation, evaluates the performance of the estimators of model parameters, incorporates prior knowledge from Bayesian analysis, and applies the model using an illustrative example. It is hoped that this fundamental study can demonstrate the breadth of this unified latent growth curve model.  相似文献   

Piecewise latent trajectory models for longitudinal data are useful in a wide variety of situations, such as when a simple model is needed to describe nonlinear change, or when the purpose of the analysis is to evaluate hypotheses about change occurring during a particular period of time within a model for a longer overall time frame, such as change that occurs following onset of a treatment or some other event. However, the specification of various forms of piecewise models has not been fully explicated for the structural equation modeling (SEM) framework. This article describes piecewise models as a straightforward extension of the basic SEM model for linear growth, which makes them relatively easy both to specify and to interpret. After presenting models for 2 linear slopes (or pieces) in detail, the article discusses extensions that include additional linear slopes (i.e., a 3-piece model) or a quadratic factor (i.e., a hybrid linear-quadratic model).  相似文献   

This article introduces developmentalists to methods for estimating individual developmental functions from longitudinal data in a multilevel analysis. Quantitative growth curve models for estimating the developmental functions from various types of longitudinal data are discussed in the context of both an investigator's assumptions about individual development on the attribute and the design characteristics of the prospective study. General linear and inherently nonlinear models that estimate population, individual, and prototypic growth curves are illustrated and contrasted when they are fit to speech development data.  相似文献   

When conducting longitudinal research, the investigation of between-individual differences in patterns of within-individual change can provide important insights. In this article, we use simulation methods to investigate the performance of a model-based exploratory data mining technique—structural equation model trees (SEM trees; Brandmaier, Oertzen, McArdle, & Lindenberger, 2013)—as a tool for detecting population heterogeneity. We use a latent-change score model as a data generation model and manipulate the precision of the information provided by a covariate about the true latent profile as well as other factors, including sample size, under the possible influences of model misspecifications. Simulation results show that, compared with latent growth curve mixture models, SEM trees might be very sensitive to model misspecification in estimating the number of classes. This can be attributed to the lower statistical power in identifying classes, resulting from smaller differences of parameters prescribed by the template model between classes.  相似文献   

This article investigates three types of stage-sequential growth mixture models in the structural equation modeling framework for the analysis of multiple-phase longitudinal data. These models can be important tools for situations in which a single-phase growth mixture model produces distorted results and can allow researchers to better understand population heterogeneity and growth over multiple phases. Through theoretical and empirical comparisons of the models, the authors discuss strategies with respect to model selection and interpreting outcomes. The unique attributes of each approach are illustrated using ecological momentary assessment data from a tobacco cessation study. Transitional discrepancy between phases as well as growth factors are examined to see whether they can give us useful information related to a distal outcome, abstinence at 6 months postquit. It is argued that these statistical models are powerful and flexible tools for the analysis of complex and detailed longitudinal data.  相似文献   

Growth curve modeling provides a general framework for analyzing longitudinal data from social, behavioral, and educational sciences. Bayesian methods have been used to estimate growth curve models, in which priors need to be specified for unknown parameters. For the covariance parameter matrix, the inverse Wishart prior is most commonly used due to its proper and conjugate properties. However, many researchers have pointed out that the inverse Wishart prior might not work as expected. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of the inverse Wishart prior and compare it with a class of separation-strategy priors on the parameter estimates of growth curve models. In this article, we illustrate the use of different types of priors with 2 real data analyses, and then conduct simulation studies to evaluate and compare these priors in estimating both linear and nonlinear growth curve models. For the linear model, the simulation study shows that both the inverse Wishart and the separation-strategy priors work well for the fixed effects parameters. For the Level 1 residual variance estimate, the separation-strategy prior performs better than the inverse Wishart prior. For the covariance matrix, the results are mixed. Overall, the inverse Wishart prior is suggested if the population correlation coefficient and at least 1 of the 2 marginal variances are large. Otherwise, the separation-strategy prior is preferred. For the nonlinear growth curve model, the separation-strategy priors work better than the inverse Wishart prior.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the robustness of estimated growth curve models when there is stationary autocorrelation among manifest variable errors. The results suggest that when, in practice, growth curve models are fitted to longitudinal data, alternative rival hypotheses to consider would include growth models that also specify autoregressive (AR), moving average (MA), and autoregressive moving average (ARMA) processes. AR (i.e., simplex) processes are commonly found in longitudinal data and may diminish the ability of a researcher to detect growth if not explicitly modeled. MA and ARMA processes do not affect the fit of growth models, but do notably bias some of the parameters.  相似文献   

Models of change typically assume longitudinal measurement invariance. Key constructs are often measured by ordered-categorical indicators (e.g., Likert scale items). If tests based on such indicators do not support longitudinal measurement invariance, it would be useful to gauge the practical significance of the detected non-invariance. The authors focus on the commonly used second-order latent growth curve model, proposing a sensitivity analysis that compares the growth parameter estimates from a model assuming the highest achieved level of measurement invariance to those from a model assuming a higher, incorrect level of measurement invariance as a measure of practical significance. A simulation study investigated the practical significance of non-invariance in different locations (loadings, thresholds, uniquenesses) in second-order latent linear growth models. The mean linear slope was affected by non-invariance in the loadings and thresholds, the intercept variance was affected by non-invariance in the uniquenesses, and the linear slope variance and intercept–slope covariance were affected by non-invariance in all three locations.  相似文献   

Adolescent physical inactivity has risen to an alarming rate. Several theoretical frameworks (models) have been proposed and tested in school-based interventions. The results are mixed, indicating a similar weakness as that observed in community-based physical activity interventions (Baranowski, Lin, Wetter, Resnicow, & Hearn, 1997). The theoretical models were decontextualized, thus are unable to address issues central to adolescents' physical activity behavior. In this article, we propose using a theoretical model derived from school-based research on learning behavior change. We review related research on adolescents' physical activity to demonstrate the relevance of using the model to study the dynamic impact of personal, school curriculum, and community variables on adolescent physical activity. We also translate the conceptual model into empirically testable cross-sectional and longitudinal latent growth models and propose concrete steps researchers can take to design empirical studies to examine them. We believe that research studies guided by the proposed conceptual and empirical models will provide useful data for us to better understand the mechanisms of adolescent physical activity motivation and behavior change.  相似文献   

In longitudinal design, investigating interindividual differences of intraindividual changes enables researchers to better understand the potential variety of development and growth. Although latent growth curve mixture models have been widely used, unstructured finite mixture models (uFMMs) are also useful as a preliminary tool and are expected to be more robust in identifying classes under the influence of possible model misspecifications, which are very common in actual practice. In this study, large-scale simulations were performed in which various normal uFMMs and nonnormal uFMMs were fit to evaluate their utility and the performance of each model selection procedure for estimating the number of classes in longitudinal designs. Results show that normal uFMMs assuming invariance of variance–covariance structures among classes perform better on average. Among model selection procedures, the Calinski–Harabasz statistic, which has a nonparametric nature, performed better on average than information criteria, including the Bayesian information criterion.  相似文献   

Latent growth modeling allows social behavioral researchers to investigate within-person change and between-person differences in within-person change. Typically, conventional latent growth curve models are applied to continuous variables, where the residuals are assumed to be normally distributed, whereas categorical variables (i.e., binary and ordinal variables), which do not hold to normal distribution assumptions, have rarely been used. This article describes the latent growth curve model with categorical variables, and illustrates applications using Mplus software that are applicable to social behavioral research. The illustrations use marital instability data from the Iowa Youth and Family Project. We close with recommendations for the specification and parameterization of growth models that use both logit and probit link functions.  相似文献   

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