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李建忠 《体育师友》2012,35(3):31-33
对韶关市第五中学体育考生近三年来立定三级跳远三跳之间的比例及其与立定跳远的关系进行理论分析和探讨,为有效提高体育高考考生的立定三级跳远成绩找到科学的依据。  相似文献   

张宏武  殷从建 《精武》2011,(A1):12-14
本文通过文献、行动研究等方法从立定三级跳远第一跳技术结构中上肢、躯干、下肢等层面进行分析和训练的实践,总结立定三级跳第一跳的训练案例和训练要点,为立定三级跳成绩的提高提供参考。  相似文献   

立定三级跳远是评价速度、力量的指标之一。是体育生参加专业考试的四项素质之一,但据调查,许多考生对此项技术动作理解尚存一定偏差,忽视了三跳之间的合理比例,从而影响了成绩的提高。本文主要对立定三级跳的三跳之间的比例展开研究,以期找出更合理的比例关系,对提高运动成绩能起到一定的作用。  相似文献   

广东省把立定三级跳远作为高考体育身体素质的考试项目,主要是检验考生的弹跳能力.从2012年的体育考试后,男生立定三级跳远满分从9.40变成了9.50,女生满分为7.90.既要设法提高学生成绩,又要让学生掌握立定三级跳远技术和提高技能.笔者根据多年的体育高考指导训练经验和心得,从立定三级跳远的动作构建以及参与工作的部分肌群工作形式进行分析研究,并对较常见的几束肌肉力量训练方法作了详细介绍,希望对提高成绩能起到抛砖引玉的作用.  相似文献   

原地立定三级跳远融合跳类项目(如立定跳、三级跳远、跳远、跳高等)的诸多技术特点,对广大体育考生来说,这就意味着,弹跳素质高低并非决定成绩的唯一因素,只要科学勤奋训练,解决好其各个技术环节,成绩必然理想。文章旨在阐述根据原地三级跳远的整体和局部的技术分析,总结出了平时有效训练的几种方法,以便于各考生和同行在训练中能有效地提高成绩。  相似文献   

部分省市将立定三级跳远列入"高考体育"的考试项目。在多年指导体育类考生的训练中,笔者总结在立定三级跳远技术学习中要遵循一个循序渐进的过程,首先教练员要合理地分解立定三级跳远的技术动作,再分段实施教学。一、立定三级跳远动作要领从原地开始做立定三级跳远,第一跳两手臂积极上摆带动身体,同时两脚用力蹬地后,一腿积极前摆,全脚掌落地,过渡到第二跳为跨步跳,第三跳要挺胸收腹双脚落地或沙坑里(参照教科书)。  相似文献   

孙善德 《精武》2012,(12):16-17
立定三级跳远是测试体育考生身体素质的一项重要指标,从2006年开始,我省正式确定立定三级跳远为体育类高考考生的素质测试项目之一,它主要考察学生的下肢爆发和协调能力。爆发力是决定立定三级跳远成绩的重要因纱之一,爆发力不仅克服了阻力,而且使物体产生巨大的位移速度从而发生位移。在立定三级跳远中,爆发力具有重要的意义。因此,研究发展爆发力的手段及其机制越来越被更多的教练员和科研人员所关注。笔者在对体育高考生几年的立定三级跳远训练实践中,特别针对学生的爆发力进行了探索研究,发现影响立定三级跳远成绩的几个因素,总结出了立定三级跳远训练的几点体会。实践发现,身体形态和体制基本相同的学生退步提高了立定三级跳远的成绩。  相似文献   

通过对立定跳远与纵跳的动力学比较分析,探讨采用纵跳或立定跳远来评价下肢爆发力的准确性与有效性。方法:运用三维测力台对10位普通大学男生进行立定跳远和纵跳的测试。每个受试者按要求进行三次立定跳远和三次纵跳,对于每一个受试者,取其最好的测试成绩进行比较分析。结果表明:纵跳中的地面反作用力比立定跳远的地面反作用力要大12.90%,最大功率更是相差49.30%。纵跳中最大功率与纵跳成绩相关系数高达0.83,而立定跳远中最大功率与立定跳远成绩相关系数仅0.29。结论:纵跳比立定跳远能更准确有效地评价普通学生的下肢爆发力。  相似文献   

目的:通过对中外优秀男子三级跳远运动员的跳远技术与成绩进行分析,以期能为我国的教练员和运动员提供参考。方法:运用文献资料和灰色关联分析法,对世界优秀男子三级跳远运动员的三跳各跳远度与专项成绩进行综合分析。得出世界优秀男子三级跳远运动员的三跳各跳远度与专项成绩的关联度,并进行排序,分析各跳对专项成绩的影响程度。研究结果表明:第3跳远度是影响三级跳远成绩的最重要的因素,其次是第1跳,最后是第2跳;发现我国运动员在三跳比例、速度利用率多方面都与国外运动员有着一定的差距。建议:我国运动员在三跳中应充分利用水平速度,并获得较好的垂直速度,将速度利用率能力作为突破口,调整好三跳比例。  相似文献   

立定三级跳远是广东省高考体育术科多年来的必考项目之一;教学中通常出现“第一跳跳不起来”“动作不协调,三跳节奏乱”“腾空重心过低”“三跳距离分配不合理”“三跳距离太短”等问题,成绩不理想.在此,笔者把自己多年的教学经验与大家分享、交流、学习,探讨训练立定三级跳远“五要素”及原则.  相似文献   

通过对第29届北京奥运会男子三级跳远前12名运动员的跳远成绩、踏板成绩及三跳成绩(单足跳、跨步跳、跳跃)进行探索研究,揭示运动员在比赛过程中成绩创造的变化规律。为今后运动员和教练员更好地掌握三级跳远运动训练和比赛的技术技巧提供科学依据。  相似文献   

现代三级跳远的最佳三跳比例的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以具有当今世界水平的三级跳远选手的30组测试成绩为依据,运用二次响应面回归模型,研究了三级跳远成绩与三跳远度的关系。并用冷嵴分析的方法,给出了使三级跳远成绩达到最大值的最佳三跳组合(比例)模式。  相似文献   

影响三级跳远成绩的若干因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过阅读、整理国内外有关三级跳远方面的献资料,阐明三级跳远中助跑速度、起跳技术、三跳比例、力量以及平衡对三级跳远成绩的影响,为三级跳远的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

北京奥运会女子三级跳远决赛运动员的竞技能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对第29届北京奥运会女子三级跳远决赛运动员的基本情况、前后3跳成绩、成功率、速度变化特征等进行研究。结果表明:32~33岁是女子三级跳远运动员展示最佳竞技能力的成熟期,及格赛成绩平均比值约为97.03%。决赛成绩均达到个人最好成绩的,平均比值约99.8%。第2、3跳是决赛阶段出现最佳成绩的关键跳次,第2跳成功率最高,达100%;其次是第1跳的成功率也达到75%;第3、4跳次的成功率相等。前3名运动员中有两人的助跑速度达到8.16m/s以上,后3跳的成功率有所降低。  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to: (1) assess the reliability of various kinetic and temporal variables for unilateral vertical, horizontal, and lateral countermovement jumps; (2) determine whether there are differences in vertical ground reaction force production between the three types of jumps; (3) quantify the magnitude of asymmetry between limbs for variables that were established as reliable in a healthy population and whether asymmetries were consistent across jumps of different direction; and (4) establish the best kinetic predictor(s) of jump performance in the vertical, horizontal, and lateral planes of motion. Thirty team sport athletes performed three trials of the various countermovement jumps on both legs on two separate occasions. Eccentric and concentric peak force and concentric peak power were the only variables with acceptable reliability (coefficient of variation = 3.3–15.1%; intra-class correlation coefficient = 0.70–0.96). Eccentric and concentric peak vertical ground reaction force (14–16%) and concentric peak power (45–51%) were significantly (P < 0.01) greater in the vertical countermovement jump than in the horizontal countermovement jump and lateral countermovement jump, but no significant difference was found between the latter two jumps. No significant leg asymmetries (–2.1% to 9.3%) were found in any of the kinetic variables but significant differences were observed in jump height and distance. The best single predictors of vertical countermovement jump, horizontal countermovement jump, and lateral countermovement jump performance were concentric peak vertical power/body weight (79%), horizontal concentric peak power/body weight (42.6%), and eccentric peak vertical ground reaction force/body weight (14.9%) respectively. These findings are discussed in relation to monitoring and developing direction-specific jump performance.  相似文献   

影响我国男子三级跳远成绩的主要因素及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对中外优秀男子三级眺远运动员有关参数的比较分析显示.影响我国男子三级跳远成绩的主要因素是运动员绝对速度水平低、助跑速度慢,三跳中速度利用率差,第三跳比例偏小。相应的对策是加强教练员队伍建设,研究适合我国运动员的三跳结构参数和确立以速度为核心的训练指导思想。  相似文献   

An increase in the period over which a muscle generates force can lead to the generation of greater force and, therefore, for example in jumping, to greater jump height. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of squat depth on maximum vertical jump performance. We hypothesized that jump height would increase with increasing depth of squat due to the greater time available for the generation of muscular force. Ten participants performed jumps from preferred and deep squat positions. A computer model simulated jumps from the different starting postures. The participants showed no difference in jump height in jumps from deep and preferred positions. Simulated jumps produced similar kinematics to the participants' jumps. The optimal squat depth for the simulated jumps was the lowest position the model was able to jump from. Because jumping from a deep squat is rarely practised, it is unlikely that these jumps were optimally coordinated by the participants. Differences in experimental vertical ground reaction force patterns also suggest that jumps from a deep squat are not optimally coordinated. These results suggest there is the potential for athletes to increase jump performance by exploiting a greater range of motion.  相似文献   

重新审度“三级跳远的极值与各跳最佳组合”的研究方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王炳彝  李实 《体育科学》1993,13(4):83-86
本文根据三级跳远的技术和三跳相互间的约束特点,运用逐步回归方法建立了世界水平三级跳远成绩与三跳远度的非线性最佳数学模型,并得出不同水平的三跳最佳组合与最大远度的关系。同时,分析了各跳对三级跳远成绩的影响,为指导不同水平的三级跳远训练制定了控制模式。  相似文献   

The current study aimed to assess the validity and test–retest reliability of a linear position transducer when compared to a force plate through a counter-movement jump in female participants. Twenty-seven female recreational athletes (19 ± 2 years) performed three counter-movement jumps simultaneously using the linear position transducer and force plate for validity. In addition, 11 elite female athletes (23 ± 6 years) performed 3 counter-movement jumps with the linear position transducer on three separate days for test–retest reliability. Pearson correlations for jump height between the devices were at a high level (= .90), with the linear position transducer overestimating jump height by 7.0 ± 2.8 cm. The reliability measured by the linear position transducer resulted in a mean intraclass correlation of .70 for jump height, .90 for peak velocity, and .91 for mean velocity. The linear position transducer was reliable for measuring counter-movement jumps in elite female athletes; however, caution should be taken for one-off jump measures as it may over-estimate jump height.  相似文献   


An increase in the period over which a muscle generates force can lead to the generation of greater force and, therefore, for example in jumping, to greater jump height. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of squat depth on maximum vertical jump performance. We hypothesized that jump height would increase with increasing depth of squat due to the greater time available for the generation of muscular force. Ten participants performed jumps from preferred and deep squat positions. A computer model simulated jumps from the different starting postures. The participants showed no difference in jump height in jumps from deep and preferred positions. Simulated jumps produced similar kinematics to the participants' jumps. The optimal squat depth for the simulated jumps was the lowest position the model was able to jump from. Because jumping from a deep squat is rarely practised, it is unlikely that these jumps were optimally coordinated by the participants. Differences in experimental vertical ground reaction force patterns also suggest that jumps from a deep squat are not optimally coordinated. These results suggest there is the potential for athletes to increase jump performance by exploiting a greater range of motion.  相似文献   

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