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Although it is commonly assumed that Paulo Freire was widely influential in the field of education in the United States immediately upon publication of his classic work, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, in 1970, the historical evidence indicates otherwise. In fact, Freire's work only began to gain wide reception in the field in the mid- and late 1980s. In the process of charting a new history of the reception of Freire's work in the field, this historical article illuminates contemporary issues with the use of Freire's ideas in educational conversations about social structure and agency. In particular, the article seeks to renew a close, contextual read of Freire's texts, especially Pedagogy of the Oppressed, and invigorate discussion about Freire's primary claim—that education must be the central feature of building movements for radical social change. Similarly, the article seeks to renew attention to the structural concerns that initiated the turn towards critical Marxist scholarship in the field—concerns about the relationship between school and society in the United States that the initial wave of critical scholars knew must be addressed before fully engaging ideas about the ways in which schools may participate in the push for social change.  相似文献   

In this essay, Amy Voss Farris and Pratim Sengupta argue that a democratic approach to children's computing education in a science class must focus on the aesthetics of children's experience. In Democracy and Education, Dewey links “democracy” with a distinctive understanding of “experience.” For Dewey, the value of educational experiences lies in “the unity or integrity of experience.” In Art as Experience, Dewey presents aesthetic experience as the fundamental form of human experience that undergirds all other forms of experiences and that can bring together multiple forms of experiences, locating this form of experience in the work of artists. Particularly relevant to the focus of this essay, computational literacy, Dewey calls the process through which a person transforms a material into an expressive medium an aesthetic experience. Farris and Sengupta argue that the kind of experience that is appropriate for a democratic education in the context of children's computational science is essentially aesthetic in nature. Given that aesthetics has received relatively little attention in STEM education research, the authors' purpose here is to highlight the power of Deweyan aesthetic experience in making computational thinking available and attractive to all children, including those who are disinterested in computing, and especially those who are likely to be discounted by virtue of location, gender, or race.  相似文献   

As many of you know, this is my final issue as editor of Scientific Studies of Reading. The new editor, Charles Hulme, has the work well in hand and has actually completed the editing of two articles which appeared in Issue 3 of this volume. The journal will be in good hands. I want to thank the many board members, reviewers, and authors for their energy, talents, and enthusiasm in the cause of advancing the journal. It's been a great privilege to be able to work with you and to guide the journal for 5 years. The current issue is a special issue, which had its inception in an idea of Mike Pressley's to have authors assess the present and future of key areas of literacy research. The first three articles in this issue are part of the special issue. The fourth article is a rewritten version of Charles Perfetti's Distinguished Scientific Contribution presentation at the July 2006 SSSR meeting. I append comments about Mike Pressley, written by Joanna Williams, who appropriately was the first editor of Scientific Studies of Reading and who had a hand in this special issue.  相似文献   

提高大学生党员的党性修养,关系着国家的未来、民族的希望。当代大学生党员在党性修养方面存在的问题,是社会政治、经济、文化变迁的折射,也是高校党务教育工作与当前大学生党员教育需求存在一定差距。在全球化、信息化时代,要尊重大学生党员个性与时代特色,创新教育手段,用共产党员的核心价值理念和知识体系来引导大学生党员的理想信念由“无序”向“有序”发展、由“盲目”向“成熟”转向。  相似文献   

一些研究表明,表现出"双性化"人格的个体具备男女两性都具有的优秀气质特征,如自信、独立、沉稳、成熟等。文章从"双性同体"角度探讨儿童文学翻译中的性别气质,并通过对《绿野仙踪》两个译本的对比分析,说明儿童文学译者应充分合理地展现原作所体现的女性和男性气质,以便对儿童的"双性化"气质培养产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

Since the time of the party's Third Plenum of the Eleventh Central Committee, the fulcrum of the entire party's work has shifted to economic construction. The "Resolution of the CCP Central Committee Regarding the Reform of the Educational System" pointed out: "Education must serve the interests of socialist construction; socialist construction, in its turn, must rely on education." The basic question of whether education, in Haicheng, will and can serve to reinvigorate the economy, and particularly the economy of Haicheng, and of how this can be done is one that remains to be answered by our municipal party committee and government. Through the practice of the last few years, we believe that if the education in Haicheng is to serve the interests of invigorating the local economy, the guiding thought behind running the educational enterprise would have to be rectified. In the following, I will briefly discuss my ideas about this question from two aspects.  相似文献   

改革开放之初,邓小平、陈云强调执政党的作风关系党的生死存亡.在新的历史条件下,胡锦涛提出“脱离群众的危险”“消极腐败的危险”,表现出强烈的党建关怀和鲜明的忧党意识.从“存亡”论到“危险”论,显示了党中央领导在加强党的作风建设上思想的继承和创新的统一.实事求是、群众路线等党的作风建设老话题,在新的历史条件下具有了时代新涵义.党的作风表现在很多方面,但其中最根本的是由马克思主义群众观决定的紧密联系人民群众的作风.“以保持党同人民群众的血肉联系为重点加强作风建设”,是新的历史条件下马克思主义政党作风建设的战略聚焦.保持和发展党同人民群众的血肉联系,必须从新的历史条件出发,增强党的作风建设路径的科学化.  相似文献   


Kohlberg's system of moral judgment development has some important links with Piaget's work on moral judgment, though Piaget's work is not the only influence on Kohlberg's ideas. Piaget's system of moral growth is briefly examined, and the extent to which subsequent research has validated it, is noted, thus placing Kohlberg in a historical context. The ways in which Kohlberg extends or departs from Piaget's system of moral growth are examined. The concept of stages and the nature and processes of stage development are discussed, and in this context the relationship between Kohlberg's moral development and Piaget's cognitive development is examined. It is concluded on the basis both of logic and evidence that the relationship, although complex rather than isomorphic, is likely to hold considerable potential for future research.  相似文献   

回顾了中国共产党作风建设的优良传统,认为作风建设是党的传家宝,党历来高度重视作风建设,在长期的革命和建设实践中,形成并坚持了优良的作风。新时期,党要团结和带领全国人民全面建设小康社会,加快推进社会主义现代化,就必须继承和发扬优良传统作风,大力加强作风建设。提出了新时期加强党风建设的路径。  相似文献   

We present a case example of a school leader whose understanding of both in- and out-of-school policies and issues supported 2 students who experienced severe trauma. We describe some of the principal's key beliefs and practices that led to the development of a justice-oriented school, and then contextualize her work in a “social frontiers” perspective. We conclude by suggesting that, especially in contexts where poverty affects many students, school leaders must go beyond school walls to cultivate appropriately responsive systems of practice that allow all students to thrive.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to explore the pedagogical implications of Ronald Barnett's claim that teaching in higher education must confront, celebrate and augment a world of radical unknowability. In examining Barnett's body of work, significant reference is made to the insights of Martin Buber and Paulo Freire in relation to Barnett's conceptualisation of potentiality and dialogue. It is argued that a consideration of these ideas in the former philosophers' work extends and clarifies the challenges inherent for tertiary teachers who are dedicated to transform students' understanding of and capacity to change their relationships within the world. The fusion of these theorists elicits a powerful and motivating challenge for those working in higher learning to engage with diverse forms of thought, action and reflection in a rigorous and dialogical process, a process necessarily underpinned by the qualities of risk, strength and courage.  相似文献   

高校思想政治教育工作在贯彻党的十八大精神中应着重从以下几个方面入手:要让学生充分认识十八大是党的历史上一次十分重要的会议,要让学生充分认识中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜是当代中国发展进步的旗帜,要让学生充分认识夺取中国特色社会主义新胜利要做到八个"必须",要让学生充分认识科学发展观是中国共产党在社会主义建设过程中必须坚持的指导思想;高等院校思想政治教育工作中贯彻党的十八大精神还应处理好三个关系:学术研究与政治工作的关系,继承发扬与开拓创新的关系,深入研究与广泛宣传的关系。  相似文献   

建国以来,我国高校党建工作经过了初建核心、混乱停滞、拔乱反正、削弱淡化、重树核心、继承创新六个时期,并取得了显著成效。实践证明高校党建工作必须坚持马克思主义中国化理论成果的指导地位,以改革创新的精神开展高校党建工作,高校党组织才能始终保持蓬勃的生机和旺盛的活力,才能造就中国特色社会主义事业的合格建设者和可靠接班人。  相似文献   

高校党建工作是我国社会主义高等教育事业的重要组成部分。在我国高等教育的改革和发展过程中,高校必须要不断地加强和改进高校党建工作,同时,高校党建工作也必须要紧紧地围绕高等教育的整体发展方向来进行。只有努力领会我党教育方针政策、明确高校总体发展战略和体察师生基本愿望诉求,才能高校实现党建工作的顺利开展。  相似文献   

随着越来越多"90后"学生进入大学深造,"90后"学生党员的发展工作已经成为基础党建工作的重点。阐述"90后"学生党员的自身特点,分析他们身上存在的问题和高职院校党员发展工作的不足,提出部分可行性对策,使之与新形势发展的要求相适应。  相似文献   

无产阶级政党的规律是客观的。中国共产党既有无产阶级政党规律的共性 ,又有自己的特殊规律 ,最基本的就是不断推动马克思主义中国化 ,密切与人民群众的联系 ,造就一大批既忠于马克思主义有丰富的实践经验的优秀分子。  相似文献   

新闻工作是党的生命的一部分,党报是党的喉舌,中国共产党自成立时起,就十分重视新闻宣传工作,特别重视党报在思想政治宣传中的主力军作用.土地革命时期以《红色中华》为代表的党报宣传,对当前党的宣传工作具有重要的启示作用.第一,必须充分发挥党报在思想宣传阵地中的引领作用;第二,新闻报道要具有目标性;第三,必须加强新闻媒体的舆论监督作用.  相似文献   

In this essay, I briefly outline Nietzsche's doctrine of the eternal recurrence that has implications for education, and life in general; and, lastly, I argue that from an educational point of view, Nietzsche's doctrine of the eternal recurrence is best viewed as the great cultivating thought that has radical ramifications for any project of character education. Indeed, Nietzsche's concern with self‐cultivation (Bildung) to a large degree brings together the central tenets of his thinking to emphasise an ethics of character that is meant to serve as an alternative approach to cultivating character or the self in such a way that it reveals ‘what one is’ now (being), and who they could become (becoming). In order to bring this about, Nietzsche does not conceive the eternal recurrence as a theoretical doctrine, but as an exercise that we incorporate into our lives as a habitual practice, vis‐à‐vis, through repeated and prolonged meditation, reflection, thought and dialogue on the significance of the idea in such a way that it transforms the individual for the better. Subsequently, the idea of the eternal recurrence only becomes cultivating and truly educational if it transforms our lives in such a way that we come to revalue the self as a work of art to a point where we are able to educate ourselves against our age.  相似文献   

In addition to its regular offerings, our department started a correspondence course in 1956 in accordance with the party directive of "walking on both legs." The action was intended to meet the need of the developing library services throughout the country and to serve more effectively the interest of socialist revolution and socialist reconstruction. In twelve large and middle-sized cities, cadres working in libraries can avail themselves of this specialized professional education. Since then much has been accomplished as a result of the leadership of the school party committee and the department's party branch, the efforts of all the faculty and the student body, and the support of the party and administrative organizations of various libraries. The students who enrolled in the first correspondence class in 1956 have successfully completed three and a half years of studies. Of these, 64 have graduated and 80% have achieved high honors. The initial enrollment in 1956 was 118. Of this total, 67 graduated, while 32 joined the next class because their study was interrupted by a period of labor work in the countryside. Three withdrew voluntarily. The balance left the course because of sickness, separation from their work, or transfer of jobs.  相似文献   

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