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As one of T.S.Eliot’s earliest and most famous poem,"The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock" is characterized by typical modernism.It reveals the psyche of the "modern man" in predicament represented by Prufrock who is trapped in a dilemma about whether to make a change of his life or not.Making use of various artistic techniques,the poet successfully explores the theme of the spiritual emptiness and frustration of people in modern western society via the protagonist’s melancholy debate with himself.  相似文献   

D.H.Lawrence believes that the root of the boredom is the suppression of people’s sensuality in a society which requires too much on people’s rationality and their abidance by conventions.  相似文献   

寓言这种文学体裁通过柳宗元等人的努力在唐代文学中占据了一席之地,得到了发展和完善.柳宗元的寓言继承并发展了前秦诸子寓言的传统,多用来讽喻的手法来抨击当时社会的丑恶现象.本文从两个角度来分析柳宗元的寓言写作特点:1.政治格局的变迁与“辅时及物”思想的产生;2.仕途受阻与“褒贬讽谕”写作风格的形成.  相似文献   

本文作者以《密尔顿的诗歌<莱希达斯>的文学渊源及主要修辞手法》为题,对该诗的体裁和风格进行了较为深入的探讨,对学习该诗的英语读者正确理解密尔顿这首名诗有所裨益,并对学习密尔顿的其他诗歌她有所启发。目前,外语读者面日益增广,而学报和社科杂志一般不发外语体文章,为了适应读者面发展趋势,本刊特发此文,以作尝试。《莱希达斯》是英国十七世纪著名诗人约翰.密尔顿(1608—1674)为不幸溺水而死的亡友爱德华·金写的一首挽诗。采用的是罗马的牧园挽歌诗体,并受意大利、法国、英国文艺复兴时期牧园诗歌及莎士比亚戏剧中诗歌的影响。诗中引语和典故比比皆是,修辞手法丰富多采,诗句艰涩难懂,寓意深刻。文学批评家常把该诗与著名现代诗人T·S·爱略特的杰作《荒原》一诗作此。它是英国文学乃至世界文学宝库中璀灿的明珠之一,对现代诗歌具有深远的影响。颇值得研究。作者杨香虎同志是我院外语系讲师,该文是他在北京大学进修期间所撰写,指导教师是北京大学英语系胡家峦教授。  相似文献   

Bearing the losses and inconveniences of our time as best we may, it is the part of men to labor persistently and patiently for the clarification and development of the positive creed of life implicit in democracy and in science, and to work for the transformation of all practical instrumentalities of education till they are in harmony with these ideas. Till these ends are further along than we can honestly claim them to be at present, it is better that our schools should do nothing than that they should do the wrong things. It is better for them to confine themselves to their obviously urgent tasks than that they should, under the name of spiritual culture, form habits of mind which are at war with the habits of mind congruous with democracy and with science. It is not laziness nor cynicism which calls for the laissez‐faire policy; it is honesty, courage, sobriety, and faith. (Dewey 1977,168)  相似文献   

Isolation of new bacterial strains and recognition of their metabolic activities are highly desirable for sustainability of natural ecosystems. Biodegradation of dimethyl phthalate (DMP) under anoxic conditions has been shown to occur as a series of sequential steps using strain CW-1 isolated from digested sludge of Sibao Wastewater Treatment Plant in Hangzhou,China. The microbial colony on LB medium was yellowish,3~5 mm in diameter,convex in the center,and embedded in mucous externally. The individual cells of strain CW-1 are irregular rods,measuring (0.6~0.7)×(0.9~1.0) μm,V-shaped,with clubbed ends,Gram positive and without any filaments. 16S rDNA (1438 bp) sequence analysis showed that the strain was related to Arthrobacter sp. CW-1 and can degrade PAEs utilizing nitrate as electron acceptor,but cannot mineralize DMP completely. The degradation pathway was recommended as: dimethyl phthalate (DMP)→monomethyl phthalate (MMP)→phthalic acid (PA). DMP biodeg-radation was a first order reaction with degradation rate constant of 0.3033 d-1 and half-life 2.25 d. The DMP conversion to PA by CW-1 could be described by using sequential kinetic model.  相似文献   

This article is concerned primarily with university‐related work‐based learning in the UK. The authors trace the development of work‐based learning from its early days to the wide variety of styles and scale currently being practised. In the wake of the Dearing Report, they review the experience of work experience and sandwich courses; the move from work experience to work‐based learning; work‐based learning for those in work; and work‐based learning through technological transfer. The authors identify key variables which appear to determine the nature of different styles of work‐based learning including the tension between the twin purposes of international competitiveness and student personal development, and the willingness of the universities to move from their traditional control of the curriculum to allow a greater variety of learning experiences. The authors focus on the emergence of learner‐managed three‐way partnerships between the learner, the university, and the employer based on real‐time, work‐based projects as a way of reconciling economic benefit with personal development as purposes for work‐based learning. The article concludes by identifying some of the key educational issues which such schemes raise and identifies possible future directions in which they might develop.  相似文献   

Mr.Knott has a job in a factor far from his home. So he was usu-ally quite tired when he got home.At nine o'clock one evening, when he was in bed, the telephone bell rang in the living room of his house. He went downstairs loathly,picked up the telephone and said, “This is  相似文献   

Mr. Tin , a fatand shortm an . He is fatand short like a large tin(缸). Mr. H ill is a strong and tall man .He is strong and tall like a hill . One m orning the two men meteach other in the street."If you give me an 'h'to me , I will become Thin (thin)."s…  相似文献   

M r.K nott lived in London.O ne evening, after traveling a long 1 ,he got 2 very tired. Just as he going to bed, the telephone rang, so hew entdow nstairs, 3 the telephone said,“This is W hite Bridge 3122.W ho’sthat 4 ,please ? ” “W att,” a m an answ ered. “W hat’s your 5 , please?” said M r.K nott again. “W att is 6nam e, ”w as the answ ered. “Y es, I 7 youthat.W …  相似文献   

Mr.Knottwasamiddleschoolteacher.HetaughtinabigschoolinLondon.Helivedalongwayfromschool,sohewasusuallyquitetiredwhenhegothome.Atnineo’clockonenight,whenhewasinbed,thetelephonebellranginthehall(厅)ofhishouse,sohewentdownstairs,pickedupthetelephoneandsaid,“ThisisWhitebridge3156.Who’sspeaking,please?”“Watt,”amananswered.“What’syourname,please?”saidMr.Knott.“Watt’smyname,”wastheanswer.“Yes,Iaskedyouthat,what’syourname?”Mr.Knottsaidagain.“Itoldyou,Watt’smyname,”saidtheotherma…  相似文献   

Mr. Knott has a job in a factory far from his home. So he was usually quite tired when he got home. At nine o‘clock one evening, when he was in bed, the telephone bell rang in the living room of his house. He went downstairs loathly, picked up the telephone and said, “This is Washington Street 165. Who‘s speaking, please?“  相似文献   

艾略特的《荒原》是现代人精神颓废的重要象征形式,是人类被上帝遗弃命运的写照,它既具有社会历史意义,也暗含诗人个人悲切的痛楚。皈依英国国教是艾略特走出“荒原”的思想支柱,提倡复兴基督教文化是他消解“荒原”主题的思想基础,建立基督教式的“玫瑰园”是他用来取代“荒原”的理想的社会模式。  相似文献   

Blacks, Hispanics, and American Indians/Alaskan Natives are underrepresented in science and engineering fields. A comparison of race–ethnic differences at key transition points was undertaken to better inform education policy. National data on high school graduation, college enrollment, choice of major, college graduation, graduate school enrollment, and doctoral degrees were used to quantify the degree of underrepresentation at each level of education and the rate of transition to the next stage. Disparities are found at every level, and their impact is cumulative. For the most part, differences in graduation rates, rather than differential matriculation rates, make the largest contribution to the underrepresentation. The size, scope, and persistence of the disparities suggest that small-scale, narrowly targeted remediation will be insufficient.Most scientists and engineers take great pride in their reliance on logic and empirical evidence in decision making, and they reject the use of emotional, parochial, and irrational criteria. Prejudices of any sort are abjured. The prevalence of laboratory personnel and research collaborators from diverse national origins is often cited as an example of this meritocratic ideal. Therefore, the U.S. biomedical research community was shocked when a study revealed that Black Americans and other groups were substantially underrepresented in the receipt of grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), even after other correlates of success were controlled (Ginther et al., 2011 ). This picture clashed dramatically with the standards the community claimed. In the wake of this revelation, NIH created a high-level advisory group to examine the situation and make recommendations to address it (NIH, 2012 ).Concern about underrepresentation of Black Americans and other race–ethnic groups in science is not new (Melnick and Hamilton, 1977 ), and many attempts have been made to ameliorate or eliminate the gaps. While there have been some gains—underrepresented racial minority (URM)1 students rose from 2% of the biomedical graduate students to more than 11% since 1980 (National Research Council, 2011 )—disparities remain in all fields of science and engineering at all education levels and career stages (National Academy of Science, 2011 ).Given the limited progress in correcting this situation, it is essential to have a better understanding of the origin and extent of the problem. Especially in the current fiscal climate, with insufficient funding for education programs, interventions must be accurately targeted and appropriate to reach their goals. How large are the race–ethnic differences in science enrollments at each level of education? Are there general patterns that can help guide policy? Using data from 2008 and 2009, a recent National Science Foundation (NSF) report illustrates the underrepresentation of Blacks, Hispanics, and American Indians/Alaskan Natives at various education levels (NSF, 2011a ). While informative and illustrative of the extent of the problem, this single-year, cross-sectional perspective does not capture the conditions encountered by recent doctorate earners as they progressed through earlier stages in their education. Looking at graduation rates in the life sciences, Ginther et al. (2009) found that minority participation is increasing in biology, but minority students are not transitioning between milestones in the same proportions as Whites.  相似文献   

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