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高烈 《语文知识》2012,(4):11-12,5
唐代安南文学的发展与唐代的文化政策有莫大关系,本文即以"南选"制与科举制为中心,简要探讨其与安南文学发展之关系,进而探讨唐代文化制度对安南文学发展的意义。  相似文献   

科举制对中国古代文化教育、官僚政治 和社会历史进程都产生过重大而深远的影 响,在1905年9月2日走到了生命的尽头。 随着科举制百年祭成为一个愈来愈近的话 题,学术界日益重视反思科举制的功过和废 科举的影响。100年来,众多中外学者从不 同学科角度对科举进行研究,并逐渐形成了 "科举学"这一国际性的专门学问。为纪念废 除科举这一重大历史事件100周年,总结科 举制的千秋功罪,从众多学科的角度探讨科 举制的废止与科举学的发展,为深刻认识中  相似文献   

唐代虽正式确立了科举制,选用官吏包含着学校育才、科举选才、铨选用才三个完整的环节,但荐举制仍盛行不衰,且又发扬光大,承前启后,形成了具有唐代特色的荐举制度。唐代荐举制形式多样,对象广泛,体现了“进贤受赏,为官择人”的宗旨,着重强调以求人才为主要目的,使大批有识之士、有实践经验之才循用荐举之途,迅速跻身于官僚集团的上层,根据不同时期的荐举对象,唐代主要有以下几种荇举形式。  相似文献   

唐代制举是皇帝亲诏临时设置的唯策取士的制度,经历了沿袭传统的问对口试到定型为分科笔试的演变过程,于高宗显庆时完全纳入科举取士体制。《唐会要》有关制举的记载,比较全面地反映了制举年代、科目和登科者三个要素,对于了解唐代制举主要科目的设置情况和考试结果,最为直观可据。唐代制举考试的方式,有别于科举取士的其他考试,突现了选拔非常人才的广泛性和特殊性。唐代制举既是整个科举取士体制的一部分,又自成相对独立的系统,皇帝亲临主考、唯令试策和举选合一,乃是三个最为显著的特点。  相似文献   

唐代童子科举作为科举制中的一个子科目,是唐朝政府为推行崇圣尊儒政策针对少年儿童设置的一种考试,属于"岁举之常选"的科目。它自唐朝设置以来经历了一个由创立、发展到完善的过程,并且以宋朝为临界点,唐五代的童子科属于常科,之后的童子科则成为一种临时设置的考试科目。唐朝虽然规定童子科为常科,但在具体实行过程中与制举有很大的相似性。  相似文献   

唐代送别诗兴盛的原因很多,章阐述了送别诗兴盛和用人制度改革的密切关系,即唐代用人制度的改革在很大程度上导致了送别诗的兴盛,其中着重从用人制度中的科举制,军功授官制,茬引制三个方面阐述。  相似文献   

唐代制举的常科化及其政治意涵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制举与常科同为唐代科举制度的重要组成部分,二者有不同的职权归属,其一般规制为:皇帝主制举,政府主常科。考察唐代制举的实际运行情况,作者发现,这个制度呈现了常科化的发展趋向。唐代制举的常科化,说明皇帝通过制举的扩张,来压缩常科的领地;与此同步发生的是,皇帝通过各种途径干涉常科考试,渐渐把常科变成了制科。制举的常科化与常科的制科化,具有同样的政治背景,即皇权对行政权力的侵夺。  相似文献   

唐代贡举体系中的荐举,主要有两种形式:一是荐举的一般形式,即在政府行为规范下乡贡和馆监举送科举人才的形式。“公荐”作为荐举的另一种形式,是官员(也包括少数布衣名士)个人推荐举子的行为方式。对唐代贡举中“荐举”的评价,有一个“度”的把握问题。如从“荐举”各类形式的运作过程和举荐标准来看,唐代贡举仍是一种以考为主,以举为辅的选才制度,仍未脱离科举制时代取士的规范要求,考试并非徒具形式。取士不公和不实只能从局部和阶段的角度去理解,并不具有普遍性  相似文献   

一些论唐代科举制以及唐代律赋的史学或文学著述,都认为以试赋取士始于唐代。其实,唐代试赋取士是沿隋制,并非唐统治者的创举。无论是从献赋与纳赋的制度来看,还是从隋唐取±考文的实例,以及此期杂文与文之关系来看,唐以前就存在以试赋取士的情况。  相似文献   

甲历的由来所谓甲历,是唐代在科举选人和任用官员过程中形成的一种专门档案。甲,指文书档案的外封;历,指以履历为主的案卷内容。甲历制的建立与科举制的兴起密切相关。从隋炀帝开科取士到唐太宗时,已发展成为有“常举”和“制举”两种考试形式的科举制度。当时,在地方每年都举行以明经、进士两科为主的考试,应试者多是州县的乡贡或国子监的学生,考中之后,才能选送中央参加吏部考试,  相似文献   

Test performance and reported anxiety levels of high and low test-anxious subjects taking either a regular exam or an exam containing brief, written relaxation instructions were compared. A consistent main effect for test anxiety was found; high test-anxious subjects performed more poorly and reported greater worry and emotionality than did low test-anxious subjects. Effects for the relaxation manipulation were found only on the second of three exams where the high anxious subjects receiving the relaxation exam format reported less worry than the high anxiety-regular exam group. Results provide greater external validity for the Test Anxiety Scale (TAS).  相似文献   

Students often are overconfident when they predict their performance on classroom examinations, and their accuracy often does not improve across exams. One contributor to overconfidence may be that students did not have enough experience, and another is that students may under-use their knowledge of prior exam performance to predict performance on their upcoming exams. To evaluate the former, we examined student prediction accuracy across 13 exams in an introductory course on educational psychology. For the latter, we computed measures that estimate the extent to which students use the prior exam score when predicting performance and whether students should use the prior exam scores. Several outcomes are noteworthy. First, students were overconfident, and contrary to expectations, this overconfidence did not decline across exams. Second, students’ prior exam scores were not related to subsequent predictions, even though prior exam performance showed little bias with respect to predicting future performance. Thus, students appear to under-use prior performance despite its utility for improving prediction accuracy about future exam performance.  相似文献   

The positive association between central exams and student achievement is well documented, but little is known about the long-term effects of central exams on labor market outcomes. This study exploits variation in exam systems across German states and educational tracks to investigate potential long-term effects of central exams on labor market earnings and unemployment probabilities. Results show that central exams are associated with higher earnings among pupils from the lowest educational track and with lower unemployment among pupils from the lowest and highest educational tracks. We also show that the association between earnings and exam grades is higher when grades are obtained in central exams, which should increase students’ incentives to study in states with central exams. In summary, we provide first evidence that central exams may have long-term impacts on the labor market.  相似文献   

The outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 inhibited face-to-face education and constrained exam taking. In many countries worldwide, high-stakes exams happening at the end of the school year determine college admissions. This paper investigates the impact of using historical data of school and high-stakes exams results to train a model to predict high-stakes exams given the available data in the Spring. The most transparent and accurate model turns out to be a linear regression model with high school GPA as the main predictor. Further analysis of the predictions reflect how high-stakes exams relate to GPA in high school for different subgroups in the population. Predicted scores slightly advantage females and low SES individuals, who perform relatively worse in high-stakes exams than in high school. Our preferred model accounts for about 50% of the out-of-sample variation in the high-stakes exam. On average, the student rank using predicted scores differs from the actual rank by almost 17 percentiles. This suggests that either high-stakes exams capture individual skills that are not measured by high school grades or that high-stakes exams are a noisy measure of the same skill.  相似文献   

2003年一个小的高考试卷失窃事件,因为担心造成全国性的公共安全事件,引发分省命题这项重大的高考命题管理体制改革,影响到中国高考史上一个非常重大的变动。唐代也曾出现一个考场上的偶然事件,引起一个考试管理权限的重大变革。高考分省命题利弊兼具,建议对那些自我评估不想继续自主命题、且自动愿意退出自主命题的省份,应允许其做出选择,最终形成以统为主、以分为辅、统分并用的高考命题模式。  相似文献   

关于遏制高校学生考试作弊现象的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校学生考试作弊的方式和原因较多,管理中应着重从加强对学生的教育引导,努力打造他们诚信、自立的人品;实施教考分离,建立合理的考试模式;加强考务管理,严抓考场纪律等方面入手,最大限度地遏制考试作弊现象,提高考试的信度和效度,让考试发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   

检校官制度出现于北周,隋唐时期进一步发展.宋承李唐成制,实行假借官资的检校官制度,并制订十九阶检校官的阶等名号,用以表示官员地位之尊崇和升迁之资.自元丰改制及政和改革后,检校官阶等及除授对象明显减少,使这一制度在实施700余年后,进入了一个消亡、寝废的阶段,并随着南宋政权的灭亡而基本被废除了.  相似文献   

Testing aids, including student-prepared testing aids (a.k.a., cheat sheets or crib notes) and open-textbook exams, are common practice in post-secondary assessment. There is a considerable amount of published research that discusses and investigates the impact of these testing aids. However, the findings of this research are contradictory and inconclusive. The current meta-analytic investigation provides a general measure of the impact of both student-prepared testing aids and the use of open-textbook exams on student exam performance in post-secondary education, while examining variables that may moderate the effects of testing aids on student exam performance. The results indicate that, overall, testing aids can produce a moderate impact on student exam performance, with student-prepared testing aids associated with a larger effect (d=.402) relative to open-textbook exams (d = 0.257). The results are discussed in terms of their implications for college course instructors and for informing the broader debate about the role of testing aids in long-term student learning and mastery of course material.  相似文献   

《青云梯》为元人选录本朝赋家的赋集,编撰此书的目的是为了配合元代科举考赋制度而指导试子取法。《青云梯》共抄录了元代辞赋作家102人的111篇赋作,均为考赋或习作,故这本选集对于研究元代辞赋创作与发展、元代科举考赋的特点和内涵等方面具有极为重要的文献价值。《青云梯》考赋表现出两个值得关注的特点:一是考赋“变律为古”带动向古赋特质的回归;二是辞赋评判标准取法程朱,表现出对理学的张扬。  相似文献   

While enrollment in online courses has tripled in ten years, little is known about the impact of different exam-taking environments on learning. A recent study of economics students found that online students taking un-proctored exams scored one letter grade higher than online students taking proctored exams. However, there were no apparent systematic safeguards against cheating in the un-proctored section. This study adds to the literature by comparing student’s performance in online classes with proctored exams to the performance of online students in a carefully controlled online testing environment (Respondus Lockdown Browser [RLB]). Methods: Data refer to 287 students enrolled in a criminology course at a Carnegie research-extensive university. The experimental group consisted of students in online sections who were called back to campus to take exams in a proctored environment. The control group took exams off campus using RLB. All sections were taught by the same instructor. The dependent variable is the score on the standardized final examination. The central independent variable is the type of exam environment: proctored vs. the RLB environment. Results: Controlling for other constructs, there was no significant difference between student exam scores in the proctored sections and the sections employing RLB. Conclusion: The results suggest that the judicious use of RLB can level the playing field between exam scores in proctored vs. nonproctored online sections. Technology such as RLB, which minimizes opportunities for cheating online, may provide tools for fairness in grading. Future work is needed for other courses, other fields, and other types of academic institutions.  相似文献   

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