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目的了解中山市东区中学生超重及肥胖现况,探讨影响中学生肥胖的因素,为相关卫生部门制定青少年卫生和学校卫生的工作规划提供参考。方法调查中山市东区所有在校中学生,对全校学生进行体检,问卷调查、测定身高、体重、血压,计算体质量指数(BMI),使用BMI法筛查超重及肥胖学生。结果共调查1879人,其中有男生1001人,有女生878,超重率及肥胖率分别为4.47%和8.99%,男生超重和肥胖率为3.90%和10.59%,女生超重和肥胖率为5.13%和7.18%,BMI指标总体随年龄增长呈上升趋势,男生BMI值均高于女生,中山市中学生BMI均值低于全国水平(p<0.05)有统计学意义。结论超重及肥胖目前在该区域中学生发生率低,应继续保持并大力开展卫生健康教育工作。  相似文献   

体重同伴效应研究对于厘清异常体重发生过程、推进青少年体质健康发展的社会治理具有重要意义。基于社会互动理论,本研究综合使用2013—2014及2014—2015学年中国教育追踪调查(CEPS)数据,考察班级单位内的青少年体重同伴效应,并探讨其间的作用机制。研究发现,班级单位内存在显著的体重同伴效应,同伴平均身体质量指数、同伴超重肥胖率均显著正向影响个体身体质量指数。依次控制情境效应和关联效应、进行工具变量处理、开展稳健性检验后,该结果始终成立。进一步的作用机制分析表明,体重感知在体重同伴效应的发生过程中起调节作用,高估自身体重会显著削弱体重同伴效应,而低估自身体重不会对其产生影响。据此,证明学校情境中的青少年异常体重防治对策具有良好的外部性,提出合理配置健康教育资源、丰富健康教育工作内容、密切关注学生群体社交体验等对策建议。  相似文献   

超重和肥胖学生在学校里是一个比较特殊的群体,超重和肥胖成了他们健康成长中的障碍,如何提高这部分人群的身心健康是增强我国学生健康水平的重要前提。本研究目的在于通过运动均衡营养辅以行为矫正来对超重和肥胖女生进行干预,预防超重向肥胖转化和对既成肥胖的女生进行运动与营养干预。  相似文献   

浅谈大学生体质状况调查与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依据对我校大学生《学生体质健康标准(试行方案)》的测试结果分析显示,我校男女生47%的属于非正常体重,其中低体重占总人数的15%,超重肥胖的占总人数的33%,女生超重肥胖略多于男生,肺活量体重指数较低,台阶试验和握力体重指数测试结果较高。通过对大学生的体质健康状况进行调查分析,从中找出当前体育教育中存在的问题,为推进素质教育的实施、深化体育教学改革提供理论依据。  相似文献   

教育期望是个体、父母或教师对学习者未来教育水平的预期,对学业表现与个体发展影响巨大。大量研究忽视了父母和子女之间教育期望差异的普遍存在,而相关差异极易造成个体欠佳的行为表现。本文基于2014—2015年“中国教育追踪调查”数据,采用最小二乘回归(OLS)、倾向得分匹配(PSM)和Bootstrap法中介效应检验,探究亲子教育期望偏差对青少年学业成绩的影响及作用机制。研究发现:亲子教育期望偏差显著负向影响青少年的学业成绩。以强烈的“望子成龙”心愿为典型表现的上偏型亲子教育期望偏差并不合理,对学业成绩有显著负向影响,而下偏型亲子教育期望偏差与学业成绩之间不存在显著关系。心理压力、学业负担和负向情绪在上偏型亲子教育期望偏差和学业成绩之间起部分中介作用。与女生相比,男生的学业成绩更易受到上偏型亲子教育期望偏差的负向冲击。基于此,提出形成适度教育期望、增进亲子沟通交流等对策建议。  相似文献   

目的比较襄樊职业技术学院2000年至2005年新生营养状况.为指导高职学生合理营养和健康教育工作提供依据。方法以2000年至2005年新生为研究对象.对6年间新生身高、体重和2000与2005两年体重指数为指标。采用《营养与膳食》体质指数(BMI)标准,对正常体重、营养不良、超重和肥胖等4种营养状态的检出率进行比较。结果襄樊职业技术学院男女新生平均身高和体重都有增加,经统计学处理,身高增加无显著性差异(P〉0.05),而体重增加有显著性差异(P〈0.05)。2005年新生中男生超重和肥胖的栓出率与2000年比较有显著性差异,分别为P〈0.05、P〈0.01;女生超重有极显著差异(P〈0.01),而肥胖增加无显著差异(P〉0.05)。女生的营养不良检出率高于男生(P〈0.01)。男生的超重和肥胖检出率高于女生(P〈0.01)。结论开展健康教育,提倡合理营养。加强体育锻炼,促进体格全面发育。  相似文献   

依托义务教育阶段大规模学业质量监测数据,采用交叉分类多水平模型深入分析学生性别、教师性别对语文、数学学业成绩的影响。结果表明小学生性别、教师性别分别对五年级语文、数学学业成绩有显著影响,且均表现为女生的学业成绩高于男生,女教师所教学生学业成绩高于男教师。小学生性别和教师性别对五年级语文学科大部分领域学业成绩的影响存在交互作用,表现为女教师所教女学生的学业成绩最高;而对五年级数学学科各领域学业成绩的影响基本不存在交互作用。此为教师教育政策制定以及性别差异教学实施提供了实证依据。  相似文献   

为了解广西罗城仫佬族自治县仫佬族学生营养状况,对仫佬族7~15岁学生的营养状况进行统计分析。结果显示,仫佬族女生营养过剩出现的高峰年龄为12岁,比男生提前2岁,营养不良和低体重检出率女生高于男生,并随年龄增加呈逐年增长趋势;初中生营养不良和低体重检出率高于小学生;仫佬族超重和肥胖的检出率明显低于壮族和瑶族学生群体水平。因此,应根据仫佬族学生的营养状况,采取切实可行的干预措施,以促进仫佬族地区学生营养状况的改善。  相似文献   

目的探讨初中生学业拖延的特征及其与学业成绩的关系。方法采用学业拖延问卷对264名初中生进行了测量,运用SPSS15.0对数据进行统计分析。结果初中生学业拖延总体上处于中等偏下水平;男生的学业拖延水平显著高于女生;学业拖延存在显著的年级差异,其中初二年级拖延水平较高;学业拖延与学业成绩呈显著负相关,低拖延者的学业成绩显著高于高拖延者,学业成绩高的学生其拖延水平低。结论初中生的学业拖延在性别和年级上有显著差异,初中生学业拖延对其学业成绩有显著影响。  相似文献   

研究表明:肥胖女大学生心肺机能低于正常体重女大学生,体重超重女大学生心肺机能呈现下降趋势.应采取积极的措施纠正肥胖并预防超重女生进一步发展成肥胖女生.  相似文献   

学校是否会形塑学生身体?为回答这一问题,基于"中小学生学习情况及学习环境调查(2020)"数据,通过"以个体为中心"的研究视角,运用潜在剖面分析、多层次次序Logistic回归,探讨基础教育阶段学校层面的校际差异与个体层面的时间分配模式是否对中小学生的肥胖程度产生影响。研究发现:(1)在小学阶段和初中阶段,学校评级与学校性质分别会对小学生与初中生的肥胖程度造成影响;高中阶段学校因素的影响不显著。(2)肥胖程度在时间分配模式上呈现出两种不同表征并随学段发生变化。在小学与初中阶段,作业型、均衡型与游戏型3种较多静态时间分配模式的学生更容易发胖。(3)中小学生肥胖的时间分配随着校际差异存在异质性表征,初中阶段尤为明显。相较于民办初中,公办初中的学生更容易因时间分配的不均衡而"致胖"。因此,在学校及学生健康政策制定中应当充分考虑中小学生肥胖的结构性特征,通过对作业、手机(游戏)、运动以及睡眠的时间进行政策性干预,进而从影响肥胖的外部因素角度有效遏制超重、肥胖现象的发生。  相似文献   



The aims of this study of predominately racial/ethnic minority children in foster care (N = 360, birth to 19 years old) in Los Angeles, CA were to examine the (1) prevalence of obesity (≥95 percentile) and overweight/obese (≥85 percentile) upon entrance to foster care (T1) and after 1 year in foster care (T2); (2) comparison of high weight categories to national statistics; (3) relationship of changes in weight status to age, reason for entry into foster care, and placement.


Chi-square test and McNemar test comparing paired proportions were used to determine whether there were significant changes in the proportion of high weight categories between T1 and T2. Chi-square test or Fisher's exact test were used to evaluate the association between age, placement, and reason for foster care with the change in weight category. Changes in weight were categorized as (1) decreased in weight, (2) remained at overweight or obese, (3) increased in weight, or (4) remained normal.


The proportion of obese and obese/overweight children between ages 2 and 5 were significantly lower at T2 than T1. There were no significant changes in the prevalence of obesity for the total population at T2. Children age 6 or older had a higher prevalence of obesity and overweight/obesity compared to national statistics. Of children at all ages, 64.7% of children of all ages entered foster care with a normal weight and stayed in the normal range during their first year in foster care, 12.2% decreased their weight, 15.4% remained overweight or obese, and 7.7% increased their weight. Age and parental substance use was related to change in weight category from T1 to T2.


Children did not become more overweight or obese in foster care; however 28% of the children were obese or overweight upon entry into foster care. Children who are 6 years or older and obese upon entering foster care should be targeted for weight reduction. The pediatric community and child welfare system need to work together by including weight percentiles in the foster care file and training/monitoring child welfare caregivers in weight reduction interventions.  相似文献   

Previous research shows that there are individual differences in academic achievement associated with gender and race. Research also suggests that student engagement is an important determinant of student outcomes/achievement. The present study explored student engagement at an extra-large community college. It specifically investigated possible individual differences in student engagement and explored how it maps on to student achievement. As predicted, the results indicate that there are gender and race differences in student engagement—females show greater engagement than males, and African-American students show greater engagement than students of other races. The results are discussed in the context of student achievement as indicated by students’ self-reported GPAs.  相似文献   

This study used a hierarchical linear model (HLM) to estimate direct and indirect effects of instructional practices recommended by the National Science Education Standards on individual achievement. Three pedagogical reforms—namely, providing more opportunities for laboratory inquiry, increasing emphasis on critical thinking, and reducing the amount of teacher‐centered instruction—were expected to account for variability in school mean achievement and explain why gender, racial‐ethnic status, and socioeconomic status have more influence on achievement of students in some schools than in others. Results suggest that whereas the instructional policies recommended by the authors of the Standards may be associated with higher achievement overall, they are equally likely to have the unintended consequence of contributing to greater achievement gaps among students with different demographic profiles. Theoretical expectations about the impact of instructional practices on academic excellence and equity require further evaluation. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 36: 1110–1126, 1999  相似文献   

There are three dimensions through which to measure university support for students’ transition to university life: academic adjustment, social adjustment and psychological adjustment. Previous research studies show that there are relationships among those adjustments. However, less is known about gender differences in these relationships. The purpose of this study is to examine the perceived gender differences in perception of the relationships among these adjustments during the first year undergraduate transition period. The study is based on a survey of 114 first year undergraduate students from a Hong Kong local university. The findings show that (1) female students perceive social adjustment to have more influence on academic adjustment than male students, (2) female students perceive psychological adjustment to have more influence on academic adjustment than male students, and (3) there is no significant difference in the relationship between social and academic adjustments for female and male students.  相似文献   



To describe health-related problems across placement types (unrelated foster, kin foster, in-home with birth parent); to examine the association of placement and demographic/child welfare variables (child gender, age, race/ethnicity; caregiver language; type of maltreatment, and length of time receiving services from child welfare) with health-related problems.


This study utilized a retrospective medical chart review of children less than 6 years old (n = 449) seen at an outpatient child welfare pediatric clinic. Logistic regression modeling was used to estimate odds of having a weight, medical, or provisional developmental delay problem by placement and demographic/child welfare characteristics.


Almost 13% of children in the sample were obese (≥95% age-gender specific percentile) and more than a quarter were overweight/obese (≥85%) while only 7% were underweight (≤5%). Most children (78%) had a physical health diagnosis and 25% were provisionally identified with a developmental delay. No differences between weight diagnoses, type of medical diagnoses, and provisional developmental delay by placement type were found, although children with 3 or more medical diagnoses were more likely to be with kin (p < .05). Children 2 years old or older were more likely to be overweight/obese than children under 2 years old (p < .05) and Hispanic children were more likely to be overweight/obese than non-Hispanic children (p < .01). Length of stay in child welfare was positively related with a medical diagnosis or provisional developmental delay (p < .01).


Results argue for careful assessment of weight, medical, and developmental problems in children active to child welfare, whether residing in their home of origin, with kin, or with unrelated foster parents. The increasing problem of obesity among young children in child welfare warrants further investigation and intervention.

Practice implications

The comprehensive health examination and enhanced health maintenance schedule for children in foster care should be extended to children who remain at home with child welfare services as child welfare involvement rather than placement is related to health-related problems.  相似文献   

超重肥胖大学生的健心效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨维护超重肥胖大学生心理健康的有效途径.我们得出:超重肥胖大学生心理问题高于一般大学生,实施健身运动处方有助于提高超重肥胖大学生的心身健康水平.  相似文献   

采用文献资料、教学实验、数理统计、逻辑分析等研究方法,探索地掷球有氧运动对超重与肥胖学生体质和心理健康状况的影响,研究结果表明,地掷球运动具有明显地控制体重、改善形体和心理健康状况及提高学生身体素质的作用,是一项适合在学校广泛开展的减肥运动项目.  相似文献   

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