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基于学习分析视角,文章从学习行为投入与认知投入两个方面对开放学习环境中的学习者进行描述,并以学习行为投入评测框架和认知投入编码框架为研究工具,利用定性、定量研究方法对408名课程学习者产生的数据进行分析,结果表明:行为投入呈现成绩导向特征,且存在5种类型;中等认知投入水平学习者占比大、类型多为总结型;与同伴交互会促进认知投入水平提高;行为投入、认知投入与期末成绩存在显著正相关的线性关系。探究开放学习环境中的学习行为投入和认知投入,旨在从学习者层面为开放学习环境建设提供新思路。  相似文献   

同伴互评能够促进学习者高阶认知能力的发展。文章采用认知网络分析法,以课程进程中四次作业的同伴互评评语为分析对象,从时间序列视角探索同伴互评对学习者知识建构的过程影响与差异影响,剖析出在高校课程教育中"以评促学"的作用机理。研究发现:同伴互评能有效提高学习者深层次的知识建构,帮助学习者在更高阶认知结构上进行知识构建;在同伴互评策略支持下,高、低元认知自我调节能力水平学习者与整体学习者的知识建构过程趋同,即都经历了从浅层学习到深度学习的发展过程;但是,对于高水平元认知自我调节能力组学习者而言,同伴互评在提升学习者认知结构的综合性和深层次的建构方面,有更加明显的作用。  相似文献   

研究表明,在线学习投入是影响学习绩效的关键要素,开展在线学习投入研究可以为学习者提供针对性的教学干预和过程性的学习支持.研究通过对不同维度进行分析,构建了在线学习投入分析模型,并以中国大学MOOC"教育传播学"为例探究在线学习投入与学习绩效之间的关系.研究结果显示,在线学习投入中的认知投入、情感投入和社交投入与学习绩效呈显著正相关关系;在线学习普遍存在浅层的认知投入和无效的行为投入;积极的情感投入和社交投入能够有效提升学习绩效.  相似文献   

同伴互评作为一种形成性评价策略,已经成为现阶段网络学习评价领域研究的热点。本研究将同伴互评策略应用于高校混合式教学之中,设计同伴互评学习活动。研究整体采用行动研究法设计、修改同伴互评活动,并分析学习者对活动的改进意见。研究一方面分析互评活动对在线学习效果的影响以及活动对于两类学习风格学习者影响的差异;另一方面深入分析学习者对于活动的态度及改进意见。主要研究结论认为:(1)研究设计的同伴互评活动能够促进学习者深入理解学习内容,并提升最终成果的质量。(2)相对综合型学习风格的学习者而言,同伴互评更加有助于提升序列型学习者对知识运用的水平。最后,研究总结了同伴互评活动设计的改进方案及后续设计要点。  相似文献   

同伴互评是培养高阶思维、提升学习绩效的重要学习策略。然而在教学实践中,同伴互评存在严重的低信任问题,即学习者对同伴的评价存在质疑或漠视,整体接受度不高。究其缘由,学习者的认知差异性是导致低信任问题的关键诱因:客观上,学习者的认知差异性导致同伴评价的不一致现象;主观上,学习者面对评价不一致现象时会产生确认偏误。人工智能赋能的可信同伴互评模型,使用可信系数标明评价的有效性,引导学习者建立正确的认同与信任,可以降低学习者的确认偏误。该模型的智能化实现过程分为4个阶段:评价及可信系数的表征、评分关系加权图构建、基于加权随机游走算法的同伴间认知水平关系挖掘、可信系数计算及评价反馈。基于该模型的教学实践表明:其能够依据评价者与被评者的相对认知水平为评价计算合理的可信系数;有助于提高学习者对同伴评价的接受度,在感知有用性、行为意愿2个维度上显著优于传统同伴互评模型;对学习者批判性思维倾向的培养具有显著的正向影响,在分析性、系统性、求知欲和思想开放性4个子维度上均有显著提升。  相似文献   

基于iWrite写作与评阅系统在线同伴互评与面对面课堂教学融合即线上与线下教学融合,调查与研究对大学生学习者投入(行为投入、情感投入和认知投入)现象的影响,在此基础上,分析相应的教学措施。试图使师生在英语教学过程中得到一定启发,加速大学英语写作多元化改革步伐。  相似文献   

以群体动力学理论为基础,以西部某新建师范院校在校本科生为研究对象,构建了在线学习投入对学习绩效的解释结构模型。研究表明:群体动力学理论的基本假设对开展在线学习行为研究具有一定的适用性和拓展性;大学生参加在线学习的内部动机越强,其情感投入、学习绩效越高;情感投入度越高,其行为投入、认知投入度越高;增强线上交互有助于强化情感投入;增强情感投入有助于强化内部动机对认知投入的影响和线上交互对行为投入的影响;增强认知投入和行为投入,有助于强化情感投入对学习绩效的影响。因此,高校应进一步规范课程引入、强化选课指导、优化学习空间,以增强大学生在线学习的内部动机,提升线上交互质量。  相似文献   

慕课同伴互评模型设计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2011年以来,慕课热潮席卷全球,成为高等教育领域的变革力量。随着慕课教学理念和实践的流行和深入发展,如何对慕课学习者进行学习测评成为大规模、开放式、在线教学活动环境下教师、研究人员和慕课学习者关注重点之一。同伴互评作为学习测评的一种方式被认为能够有效应对慕课环境下大规模学习者学习测评需求。基于此,本文在文献研究的基础上详述了同伴互评的研究发展,并结合本人在美国访学期间参与佛罗里达州立大学慕课教学实践分析了其优点和不足,从教学法和教育技术应用的角度提出慕课学习环境下五种不同的同伴互评模型,即同伴评分模型、专家扮演同伴互评模型、社交网络同伴互评模型、跨文化同伴互评模型和批判性同伴互评模型,指出慕课环境下进行同伴互评模型设计应关注的设计原则、标准和未来研究方向。  相似文献   

高校在智能时代的背景下需要更加重视深度学习人才的培养和学生深度学习能力的训练,基于同伴对话反馈的讨论式学习是高校课堂中激发学生高阶思维、加深学习投入度的重要实现途径。研究通过自然状态下的探索性实验探究了基于小组在线讨论活动的同伴对话反馈策略对大学生深度学习的促进作用以及学生在同伴对话反馈过程中存在的表现特征与规律。研究发现:(1)基于小组在线讨论活动的同伴对话反馈策略可以显著促进学生的学习方法从浅表学习转向策略学习和深度学习,尤其对浅表学习者作用较明显,对深度学习者可能存在负面效果;(2)此类活动可以显著促进学生的认知层次从单一或低级多元结构到中高级多元结构的转变,但尚不能激发学生的思维水平发展到更高层次的关联结构和抽象拓展结构;(3)更积极参与活动的深度学习者的认知层次并没有比浅表学习者提升更佳,尽管他们在带动浅表学习者参与和学习方法深化方面有着较为积极的作用。以上发现为高校教师更好地设计混合教学情境下的深度学习活动提供了建议。  相似文献   

从浅层学习走向深度学习,仍面临着干预方面的挑战。智能同伴互评作为一种强化双向互动交流的元认知学习方法,为促进深度学习有效发生提供了新的可能。文章以Peerceptiv智能互评系统为例,从智能同伴互评视角解析了深度学习过程中的干预机制及作用。研究发现,经智能同伴互评干预后,学习者的认知水平得到显著提升,且整体具有更积极的情感体验,同时激活了更多深层次的学习行为投入,有效促进学习者的深度学习,并在此基础上提出了智能同伴互评对促进深度学习的发展路径。研究成果对实现深度学习的研究具有重要的理论贡献,为强化深度学习可持续、高质量发展提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

As the number of participants in online distance learning courses increases, peer assessment is becoming a popular strategy for evaluating open assignments and for breaking the social isolation surrounding distance education. Yet, the quality and characteristics of peer assessment in massive online courses has received little attention. Hence, this study was set to examine peer feedback quality and grading accuracy in a project-based course. The study applied a sequential exploratory mixed methods design. It included 339 participants who studied the same engineering course, but in three different modes: on-campus (n = 77), small private online course (n = 110), and massive open online course (MOOC) (n = 152). Content analysis of feedback comments identified four categories: reinforcement, statement, verification and elaboration, arranged in an ascending scale of cognitive ability. The findings indicated that the MOOC participants provided more feedback comments and volunteered to assess more projects than their counterparts did. However, the on-campus students provided higher quality feedback and their peer grading was better correlated with the grades assigned by the teaching assistants.  相似文献   

Various forms of peer, collaborative or cooperative learning, particularly small group activities, are increasingly used within university courses to assist students meet a variety of learning outcomes. These include working collaboratively with others, taking responsibility for their own learning and deepening their understanding of specific course content. The potential benefits of peer learning have long been recognised and are especially relevant today. However, many existing assessment practices act to undermine the goals of peer learning and lead students to reject learning cooperatively. If assessment gives students the message that only individual achievement is valued, and that collaborative effort is akin to cheating, then the potential of peer learning will not be realised. Inappropriate assessment practices may also lead to unhelpful forms of competition within and between groups that prevent groups functioning effectively. This paper examines some of the main assessment issues in connection with peer learning and suggests ways in which the benefits of this approach can be maintained while still meeting the formal assessment requirements of the course. It discusses the use of group assessment, peer feedback and self‐assessment, assessment of participation and negotiated assessment and concludes with the identification of a number of issues which remain to be addressed.  相似文献   

This study evaluated students' affective learning in an introductory computing course that was taught in Hong Kong once in a lecture format and twice in a rich interactive multimedia online format to 414 college students in all. A simplified experience sampling method was used to assess affective learning at the midterm and end of each course in terms of intrinsic engagement (positive affect, perceived challenges, perceived skills in course activities), extrinsic engagement (performance expectations, performance goals, performance self‐efficacy), and negative affect in course activities. Controlling for students' computing background and pre‐enrollment academic ability, multivariate analysis of covariance indicated that, compared to lectures, e‐learning modules fostered more intrinsic engagement, comparable extrinsic engagement, and more negative affect. Findings suggest directions for developing online courses that optimise both cognitive learning and affective learning.  相似文献   


Using the badged open course, Taking your first steps into Higher Education, this case study examines how assessment on online open courses draws on concepts of assessment used within formal and informal learning. Our experience was that assessment used within open courses, such as massive open online courses, is primarily determined by the requirements of quality assurance processes to award a digital badge or statement of participation as well as what is technologically possible. However, this disregards much recent work in universities that use assessment in support of learning. We suggest that designers of online open courses should pay greater attention to the relationship of assessment and learning to improve participant course completion.  相似文献   

Many aspects of higher education must be reconceptualised for massive open online courses (MOOCs). Formative and summative assessment of qualitative work in particular requires novel approaches to cope with the numbers involved. Peer review has been proposed as one solution, and has been widely adopted by major MOOC providers, but there is currently little evidence about whether it is appropriate or under what conditions. Here, we examine student participation, performance and opinions of a peer review task in a biomedical science MOOC. We evaluate data from approximately 200 student topic summaries and 300 qualitative peer reviews of those summaries, and compare these to student demographic data (gender, age, employment status, education, national language) and to performance in multiple choice tests. We show that higher performance in the written topic summary correlated with both higher participation in the peer review task and with writing higher quality peer reviews. Qualitative analysis of student comments revealed that student opinion on the usefulness of the peer review task was mixed: some strongly believed it benefitted their learning, while others did not find it useful or did not participate. We suggest instructional design strategies to improve student participation and increase learning gain from peer review in the MOOC context.  相似文献   

Despite the rapid growth of online learning in higher education, the dropout rates for online courses has reached 50 percent. Lack of student engagement rank as a critical reason for frequent online course dropout. This article discusses autonomy support as a strategy to enhance online students’ intrinsic motivation and engagement. Drawing from current theories and research, three guidelines are offered to provide choices, rationale behind why assignments are designed in particular ways, and flexibility in completing more personally meaningful assignments. Each guideline is accompanied with examples from existing higher education courses. This article is intended for educators and designers of online learning to employ autonomy support strategies to engage students in active participation and successful completion of the course.  相似文献   


The current study seeks to analyze university students’ perceptions of online peer assessment (PA) with regard to its effectiveness as a learning tool and as a contributing factor to motivation and interaction. Participants also responded to questions about self-perceived writing strength, attitudes toward peer review, and experiences with peer review. The survey was administered via link online for students who report having completed peer review in online courses. Results from participants revealed that students generally believe peer review to be effective, helpful to learning, increasing communication skills, and as contributing to a stronger written end product. Students also agreed that peer review increases interaction, participation, and a sense of community. Attitudes toward peer review indicate that female students are more intimidated by giving peer reviews than their male classmates, but they felt less intimidated online as compared to face-to-face. More experienced students and students farther along in their college careers are less likely to give peer reviews that are affected by the ones they receive. The results indicate that peer review is an important teaching and learning tool that merits more research with particular attention to gender and other demographic data.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between social interaction patterns and cognitive engagement levels has critical implications on collaborative learning theory, pedagogy, and technology. This study used a multi-method approach to examine the relationship between students' social participatory roles and cognitive engagement levels within asynchronous online discussions. Results showed that students' social participatory role was a critical indicator of cognitive engagement level. Socially active students made more cognitive contributions to knowledge inquiry and knowledge construction. But there were exceptions: after taking leadership roles (i.e., discussion designers and facilitators), some students moved from peripheral participation to active participation. Second, there was a progressive development process: individual students' deep-level knowledge inquiry could trigger peer interaction, which could further advance group knowledge construction. Third, students had a tendency to keeping social-cognitive engagement patterns throughout discussions. Based on the result, this study proposed implications for collaborative learning theory, pedagogy support, and tool development.  相似文献   

The introduction of online delivery platforms such as learning management systems (LMS) in tertiary education has changed the methods and modes of curriculum delivery and communication. While course evaluation methods have also changed from paper-based in-class-administered methods to largely online-administered methods, the data collection instruments have remained unchanged. This paper reports on a small exploratory study of two tertiary-level courses. The study investigated why design of the instruments and methods to administer surveys in the courses are ineffective measures against the intrinsic characteristics of online learning. It reviewed the students' response rates of the conventional evaluations for the courses over an eight-year period. It then compared a newly developed online evaluation and the conventional methods over a two-year period. The results showed the response rates with the new evaluation method increased by more than 80% from the average of the conventional evaluations (below 30%), and the students' written feedback was more detailed and comprehensive than in the conventional evaluations. The study demonstrated the possibility that the LMS-based learning evaluation can be effective and efficient in terms of the quality of students' participation and engagement in their learning, and for an integrated pedagogical approach in an online learning environment.  相似文献   

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