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Mediatization of politics in the institutional perspective is commonly taken to refer to the interactions between political actors and media actors, where the first become increasingly governed by media logic and the latter become increasingly independent from other institutions. Even though we could picture the relations between the different constituents as a triangle with audience, media and political actors as equally important corners, the institutionalist perspective does not give equal attention to the audience as actor in the process. In this article, I ask to what extent audience participation in news production affects our understanding of the process of mediatization of politics. I discuss both how audience participation can be seen as a challenge to media's role in politics (challenging the current conceptualization of mediatization of politics) as well as how the theory of mediatization can be seen to be confirmed by currently dominant audience participation practices. In the first understanding, we can argue that audience participation challenges independence of institutional media actors (to give more power to both audiences and politicians). In the latter understanding, audience participation can be seen to be governed by the same commercial interests as other media production and in addition that both mainstream and alternative media are subject to search engine logic. This article then calls for a critical examination of our understanding of mediatization of politics to do justice to the multiplicity of logics informing media practices, the multiplicity of actors producing news and, crucially, the interaction between those logics and actors.  相似文献   

In 2009, the South Korean government reformed its communications sector through legislation that addresses convergence services. This study traces the policy-making process of the convergence in terms of politics and regulation, and it also examines how the stakeholders' interests are aligned and coordinated in the policymaking process of convergence in Korea. Using actor-network theory, this study relates the socio-political construction of Korea's strategy for convergence reform. Key research questions include: (1) what social and political factors influence strategy formulation and (2) how do different interests stabilize ideologies in which actors formulate their strategies based on their interests. Despite the dynamic interactions, the actor-network around convergence has yet not been effectively stabilized, as the politics of convergence is complex and marked by paradoxical features. This study suggests new intellectual perspectives and methodological heuristics that may assist researchers and practitioners analytical efforts in examining socio-technical change and the implications for policy development and implementation.  相似文献   

国外电子政务发展的经验及其对我国电子政务发展的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结国外电子政务发展在指导思想、战略原则、重点内容、系统建设模式、保障措施和前提条件等方面的先进经验,提出国外电子政务发展经验对我国电子政务发展的领导与规划、法规与安全、公众和企业作用的发挥、政务信息资源和门户网站建设、公务员培训和信息技术知识普及等方面的启示。  相似文献   

Information technologies are increasingly important for political and social activism. In particular, web 2.0 tools and social media applications have recently played a significant role in influencing government decision making and shaping the relationships between governments, citizens, politicians, and other social actors. After the Arab Spring and the uprisings that have led to significant political changes in Egypt, Tunisia, and Iran, commentators argue that information technologies have the potential to strengthen social movements and ultimately transform society. However, this influence is not new. There were movements in the 90s, using the new technologies of e-mail and websites, which were able to gather significant social attention and generate political pressure. Based on three Mexican social and political movements that span close to 20 years, this article identifies key similarities and differences in the use of information technologies and proposes a framework to understand the evolution of cyberactivism. Initially, activists used information technologies to promote a movement's main ideas and gain global support. More recently, a single tool or application, such as Twitter, has been the technological basis for certain social and political movements. However, there is a trend towards a more integrated use of social media tools and applications, generating what could be called cyberactivism 2.0. In addition, there are some distinguishable stages in the development of social protests using information technologies; this evolutionary model seems to be useful to understand very different social and political movements using very different levels of technological sophistication.  相似文献   

More and more public administration emphasizes how Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can be used to support transformational change in governmental functions globally to achieve efficiency and cost-effective service delivery to citizens. Bangladesh public administration employs energies to achieve this goal. Experience in some developing countries has shown that e-governance can improve transparency which leads to, among other things, corruption control and poverty reduction. This article examines the role that e-governance can play in the modernization of public administration for efficient and effective service delivery to the citizens of Bangladesh, as well as its potential to control corruption and reduce poverty. Based on the lessons learned from successful practices in developing countries and literature review, it suggests that e-governance can play a significant role for corruption control and poverty reduction, and thus offers opportunities to cost-effective service delivery to the citizens in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

论电子政务信息资源的共享与保密   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
网络技术和计算机技术的飞速发展推动了电子政务的发展,在电子政务的建设过程中,电子政务信息资源的建设至关重要,文章从电子政务信息资源的概念入手,探讨了电子政务信息资源的共享与保密的问题.  相似文献   

当今世界正以前所未有的速度发生着各种各样的变化。一些大的趋向,即所谓的世界大趋势,在一定程度上影响每个人的生活。科学、技术和创新在这个不断变化的世界中发挥着重要作用。科学素养比以往任何时候都更加重要。科技博物馆和科学中心作为公众参与科学技术的重要角色,面临着一系列的机遇和挑战。在不断变化的世界里,它们在提高公众科学素养方面能发挥什么作用?如何使它们在提高科学素养方面更具相关性和影响力?本文通过分析当前世界在全球化、人口变化、技术变革、信息爆炸、可持续发展等方面的现实,论述科学素养的必要性以及科技博物馆和科学中心在变化的世界中应该如何发挥作用。  相似文献   

Public value creation is traditionally considered as the citizens' collective expectations with respect to government and public services. Recent e-government literature indicates that what exactly constitutes public value in digital government is still debated. Whereas previous research acknowledges aspects such as co-production and the orchestration role of government in the context of public value creation, there is only a limited understanding of how public value is created by the interactions between government and business actors, and the role digital technologies play in that process. Furthermore, so far, research into public value creation processes is limited to specific services that aim to meet a specific goal; for a more complete view, an integrative perspective is required to address the multiplicity of goals. Societal challenges including climate change, sustainability, and the transition towards circularity will require governments to play a crucial role. Businesses are also transforming their vision by adding societal goals to their economic objectives and contributing to these societal challenges. This necessitates even more the need to explicitly consider the role of business in public value creation processes. In this paper we argue that there is a need to understand public value creation as an interactive process, involving both government and business actors. In this process, voluntary information sharing enabled by digital infrastructures has the potential to contribute to the value creation processes, but the increased complexity of digital technologies obscures the effects they can have on value creation. Therefore, we develop a framework that allows to reason about public value creation as an interactive process, involving government and businesses, facilitated by voluntary information sharing. The framework also allows to reason about how the technological design choices of the underlying digital infrastructure influence this value creation process. For the framework development, we use an in-depth case study from the domain of international trade. We analyze the interactions between customs authorities and supply chain actors for jointly creating public value related to revenue collection, as well as safety and security of goods entering the European Union, using business data made available via a global blockchain-enabled infrastructure. In future research, the framework that we developed can be used to analyze more complex cases with additional public value aspects, such as sustainability and circularity.  相似文献   

One aspect of the mediatization of politics is the idea that political actors adapt to the communication logic of news media to gain, for example, news media attention. Currently, this process may be influenced by the diffusion of the internet as a political communication channel, especially because online communication provides a new opportunity for political actors to communicate directly with citizens. Thus far, the adaptation to media logic by political parties has mainly been examined in the context of election campaigns. In order to transfer these findings to regular political communication, this study compares the use of media logic in the mass media and in direct political communication channels online and offline about the United Nations Climate Change Conferences 2011 and 2012. A quantitative content analysis of the conference protocols (input) and the presentation of the conference results in the seven most frequently used German offline news outlets (print and TV) and their online counterparts, as well as political offline and online communication channels like parliamentary speeches and websites of the six parties represented in the German parliament (output), was conducted. Results show that in the context of regular political communication, political actors seem to follow media logic to a lesser extent than in the context of election campaigns. Thus far, the influence of online communication on the mediatization of politics seems to be rather marginal. The causes and consequences of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Casual games disrupted the games industry, but not in ways commonly believed. What if we left behind the hardcore vs. casual games dichotomy to reveal that casual gameplay and casual game development have extended the neoliberal and neocolonial logic of the industry? Casual games, in terms of design and industry practices, remind us that there is nothing inherently liberating about play. Rather, the design and development practices of casual games should be understood as an extension and acceleration of neoliberal and neocolonial logics. Casual gameplay and casual game development pull us within processes of cruel optimism. These deeply political economic processes endanger free play and creativity and therefore are obstacles to the flourishing of gamers and game developers as free subjects. In this neoliberal and neocolonial game market, cruel optimism is enticing because casual gameplay and game development emerge as powerful actors and practices in a context where the state has globally failed in the distribution of hope.  相似文献   

We are recently witnessing a radical shift towards digitisation in many aspects of our daily life, including law, public administration and governance. This has sometimes been done with the aim of reducing costs and human errors by improving data analysis and management, but not without raising major technological challenges. One of these challenges is certainly the need to cope with relatively small amounts of data, without sacrificing performance. Indeed, cutting-edge approaches to (natural) language processing and understanding are often data-hungry, especially those based on deep learning. With this paper we seek to address the problem of data scarcity in automatic Legalese (or legal English) processing and understanding. What we propose is an ensemble of shallow and deep learning techniques called SyntagmTuner, designed to combine the accuracy of deep learning with the ability of shallow learning to work with little data. Our contribution is based on the assumption that Legalese differs from its spoken language in the way the meaning is encoded by the structure of the text and the co-occurrence of words. As result, we show with SyntagmTuner how we can perform important tasks for e-governance, as multi-label classification of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Resolutions or legal question answering, with data-sets of roughly 100 samples or even less.  相似文献   

以布迪厄的场域理论为出发点,基于对南方Z市政务微信编辑的深度访谈,本文研究认为,政务微信生产实践宜理解为新闻场域与政治场域两种文化逻辑之间的融合与冲突,理解为其间各行动主体之间的博弈。具体地,政务微信的融合形态有四,即,"忠"且"传","忠"而不"传","不忠"而"传","不忠"且"不传"。融合中的冲突性元素源于各自相异的场域逻辑,显现为融合中的行动主体--行政领导与微信编辑--在投入与效果、有为与无为、代际差异三方面的博弈。不过,两大场域在目标上可能的一致性,即,政治安全前提下的市场致效,使得政务新媒体仍存在有机融合的空间。基于此,本文尝试性地将我国政务新媒体实践概括为"博弈性融合"。  相似文献   

目前,农民政治参与存在参与意识缺乏、经济基础薄弱、综合素质低下、环境冲突无序、方式方法匮乏等问题。农村图书馆建设不仅能够解决这些问题,而且具有激发农民政治参与意识、夯实农民政治参与的经济基础、提高农民政治参与的综合素质、构建农民政治参与的和谐环境、丰富农民政治参与的方式方法等功能价值。因此,应切实加强农村图书馆建设,充分发挥农村图书馆在农民权益维护和利益保障方面的重要作用。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 将行动者网络理论引入嵌入式信息素养教育研究中,全面分析嵌入式信息素养教育运行机制。[方法/过程] 采用访谈方法,通过行动者网络转译的4个步骤进行嵌入式信息素养教学过程分析。[结果/结论] 研究发现嵌入式信息素养教育现存障碍在于各行动者的认知差异、高层管理机制和相关规章制度的缺乏、各行动者参与的激励不足、馆藏资源亟须整合等方面,提出通过强调高校的核心行动者地位,赋予各行动者利益,完善嵌入式信息素养教育理论。  相似文献   

Significant changes in the Indonesian political system have affected most aspects of its government and community. First, there is an effort to implement democracy in terms of ideology as well as political practices. Second, the government system is transforming from centralization to decentralization, as the development process is delegated to regional governments (cities and kabupatens). Third, there is an effort to build community consciousness through community participation in national and regional development.

Participating in the development process, citizens should be supported with relevant public information. It is the government's task to provide information regarding governmental issues and public interests. As communication and information have been delegated to regional governments, they should execute this task based on good governance principles.

However, providing fair and balanced information is not simple. Large populations and regions separated by water and mountains make the task harder. Therefore, regional governments must adopt advanced information technology systems, which functioned to transfer information to the public as well as to receive public feedback medium in an efficient and effective way. To meet those qualifications, regional governments endeavor to implement e-government as a tool for democratizing communication and information.

After almost 3 years, there are indications that e-government has not been properly implemented by regional governments. They have faced many problems, including lack of financing, poor technical skill, lack of human resources and infrastructure, and the political will of the government elite itself.

Nevertheless, there are many ways to overcome these problems. Standardizing the application of e-government, establishing the regulation of e-government, involving other stakeholders, and developing human resources may aid in the implementation of e-government. In addition, lessons learned from other regions, for example, Kutai Timur or Gorontalo, are also recommended.  相似文献   

[目的 /意义]科技档案是科技成果的重要组成部分,研究新时期科技档案资源的特点及其对科技档案工作带来的挑战与问题,对科技档案工作发展具有重要的理论和实践意义.[方法/过程]调研科技档案工作的研究现状,回顾我国和中国科学院科技档案工作的发展历程,梳理新时期科技档案资源的新特点、科技档案工作的新变化,分析当前科技档案工作亟...  相似文献   

Recent communication scholarship emphasizes national and technological analyses of the relationship between politicians and media actors. However, this qualitative analysis uses interviews and observations to find that U.S. state legislative offices still draw on an institutional understanding of the press as the primary information provider to the electorate. In a more diverse information environment with broader definitions of media, this study finds that legislators relied on professionalism to signal a media organization's understanding of their institutional role—and it is this institutional role that allows for information to flow between media actors and legislators. Professionalism also became the language used to draw boundaries in the relationships. When behavioral norms were violated, the press became viewed as antagonistic because it stepped out of its institutional role as information provider and interrupted functions of the political institution. Recurring discomfort with “information correction” suggests legislators and their staffs find themselves increasingly in the position of fact arbiters in the changing media landscape.  相似文献   

Big data promises to transform public decision-making for the better by making it more responsive to actual needs and policy effects. However, much recent work on big data in public decision-making assumes a rational view of decision-making, which has been much criticized in the public administration debate. In this paper, we apply this view, and a more political one, to the context of big data and offer a qualitative study. We question the impact of big data on decision-making, realizing that big data – including its new methods and functions – must inevitably encounter existing political and managerial institutions. By studying two illustrative cases of big data use processes, we explore how these two worlds meet. Specifically, we look at the interaction between data analysts and decision makers. In this we distinguish between a rational view and a political view, and between an information logic and a decision logic. We find that big data provides ample opportunities for both analysts and decision makers to do a better job, but this doesn't necessarily imply better decision-making, because big data also provides opportunities for actors to pursue their own interests. Big data enables both data analysts and decision makers to act as autonomous agents rather than as links in a functional chain. Therefore, big data's impact cannot be interpreted only in terms of its functional promise; it must also be acknowledged as a phenomenon set to impact our policymaking institutions, including their legitimacy.  相似文献   

The paper defines and explains e-governance. It also discusses an e-governance initiative Lokvani (which means voice of the masses) which has been taken in the small district of Sitapur; it is located in Uttar Pradesh, northern part of India. Highlights the upsides and downsides of Lokvani. This paper also dwells upon the challenges which must be overcome before implementing e-governance projects across the length and breadth of the country. It offers suggestions for successfully implementing e-governance in the country.  相似文献   

An attempt is made in this paper to gain an understanding of the current and potential impact of the new information and communication technologies (ICTs) on the Small Island Sates of the Caribbean, in particular those populations living in rural communities. The introduction briefly examines the impact of ICTs on society and calls for alternative channels for government to serve rural communities through the use of Multi-Community Access Centres (MCACs) or information kiosks available at libraries, police stations, tourist information centres and post offices, as an e-governance initiative in the creation of “smart communities” and as a grassroots effort. No analysis of ICTs on government's functions would be complete if we did not address the growing debate on the digital divide. In this paper a section is devoted to this and it summarily addresses the growing divide between the developed and the developing world and the potential of these islands to leap–frog barriers to information flows and access. The heart of the paper examines the impact of the Internet on small island economies and the growing use of the Internet in key sectors of each economy. Since this paper is about governments’ use of ICTs to transfer business transactions onto the Internet to service their populace, some discussion is undertaken and considers ways in which innovation has impacted on governments’ services and the early attempts by some Caribbean administrations to implement e-governance. E-Voices illustrates how certain government measures affect some vulnerable groups in society and ways in which they can broker power to participate in the process. Some key policy directions are proposed for Caribbean states and other developing countries to pursue.  相似文献   

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