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The Constitution is of supreme legal force. It is a common sense knowledge that any law and administrative regulations contrary to it are not valid legally. To be frank, however, it is an arduous and gradual process to build up a nation under the rule of law. Some typical events or cases often play a tremendous role in laying the foundation of the rule of law in the law-making process in various nations. As a case in point, Marbury v. Madison, a precedent of judicial review, in the 19th century, has contributed greatly to the promotion of the rule of law in the U.S.. In 2003, three Ph.D. scholars wrote to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress because of the "Sun Zhigang Event", which resulted in the abolishment of the Measures for Housing and Sending Back Tramps/Vagrants and Beggars in Urban Areas. This event will be kept in the history of the governance under the rule of law in China. For this writer, exploration in the issue relating to the validity of duration of patent referred to in the State Intellectual Property Office's (SIPO) Gazette No.80 (hereinafter referred to as Gazette No. 80) involves an issue within the Patent Law, and, as well, of great significance to the entire legal system. These writers hope to clarify the issue of duration of the patent right by exploring the validity of Gazette No. 80. They also hope to promote the amplification of the mechanism for review of unconsttutional actions in China.  相似文献   

It is one of the fundamental principles of the patent sys- tem to prohibit doubt patenting.As for the design patent,the law provisions relating to this principle are Articles 23 and 9 of the Patent Law and Rule 13,paragraph one of the Imple- menting Regulations of the Patent Law.However,whether the above principle is applicable to associated designs is yet to be explicated in the Chinese law provisions.By way of analysis of a series of cases,this article is meant to present  相似文献   

This year, 2011 is a very important and meaningful year for chemists.The United Nations has declared 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry (IYC 2011), which is the year for the worldwide celebration of the achievements of Chemistry and its contributions to the well-being of mankind.The goals of IYC 2011 are to increase the public appreciation of chemistry in meeting world needs, to encourage interest in chemistry amongst young people, and to generate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry.The year 2011 also coincides with the 100th anniversary of the International Women's Day on March 8 as well as the 100th anniversary of the Nobel Prize awarded to Madame Marie Curie -a great opportunity to celebrate and to highlight the contributions and achievements of women in science.  相似文献   

In the solar system,oldhamite(CaS) is generally considered to be formed by the condensation of solar nebula gas.Enstatite chondrites,one of the most important repositories of oldhamite,are believed to be representative of the material that formed Earth.Thus,the formation mechanism and the evolution process of oldhamite are of great significance to the deep understanding of the solar nebula,meteorites,the origin of Earth,and the C-O-S-Ca cycles of Earth.Until now,oldhamite has not been reported t...  相似文献   

大众传播信息合理使用原则分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The principle of the rational use of the copyright of mass communication is an importamt legal system to protect the right of the social public and individuals to use information. However, this system is facing severe challenges both in technology and in benefit. This paper attempts to analyzes the problems in the principle of rational use, such as the principle of judgement, abuse restriction and the principle of rational use under the network communication conditions.  相似文献   

Prof. MENG Anming, a geneticist from Tsinghua University, has been named the executive vice director-general of the CAS Institute of Zoology (IOZ) in Beijing. He is to succeed Prof. ZHANG Zhibin, who is leaving to head the CAS Bureau of Life Science and Biotechnology, to take the helm of the institute with a history that could be traced back to the 1920s.  相似文献   

The act of indirect/contributory infringement of patent is relative to the act of direct infringement of patent.The con- ception of indirect/contributory infringement of patent is,to a large extent,to meet the practical need for the protection of the patent right.In practice,to avoid liability for patent in- fringement,one sometimes does not exploit all,but only some,technical features defined in a claim of a patent,or several people jointly exploit all the technical features of the claim.According to the All Elements Rule in determination of patent infringement,if an accused article does not cover all  相似文献   

Opioid analgesics such as morphine are the most powerful and widely-used drugs to relieve pain in clinical treatment. They largely work through the μ-opioid receptors in the central nervous system, alleviating the perception of pain. But repeated application of the drugs within a certain period of time could lead to side-effects, like addiction and tolerance. In order to develop new effective painkillers with less side-effects, researchers strive to have a deeper understanding of the mechanism responsible for the analgesic efficacy of the drugs and the formation of their adverse effects.  相似文献   

One of the major achievements in the study of deep geodynamics over the past two decades is the finding that the subcontinental lithosphere isnot immutable. The instability of the lithosphere may be closely related to the tremendous change in its structure, composition and rheology. The trigger and mechanism of lithospheric destabilization are the key to understanding the generation of intraplate magmatism, ore-forming processes and tectonic evolution. Therefore, along with the development of the research in this direction, the plate tectonic theory can be improved to more successfully cover the tectonics of continental plate.  相似文献   

On 27 October 2001, the Standing Committee of the People's Congress reviewed and passed the Amendment to the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China. In Article 10 of the amended Copyright Law as of 2001 has been incorporated a new subject matter under the copyright protection: the right of communication through information network, that is, the right to make a work available to the public by wire or by wireless means, so that people may have access to the work from a place and at a time individually chosen by them. This is the first time to have put the right of communication through information network in place in the law in China. But, the legislators did not make any specific provisions concerning this right in the Copyright Law.  相似文献   

张米尔  国伟  曲宁 《科研管理》2018,39(1):135-142
近年来,专利陷阱及后续的专利诉讼对技术创新的影响日益凸显,应对这一态势的重要手段是专利预警。专利申请书是最早公开的专利文献,以此为突破口,对申请书的特征字段进行分析,构建申请特征与专利诉讼的回归模型;研究表明,权利要求数、引用专利数和技术宽度与专利诉讼发生概率有显著的正向关系,是与专利诉讼密切相关的关键特征。因此,针对目标技术领域的相关专利,可以此回归模型为定量分析工具,筛选出易引发诉讼的高风险专利,从而利用最早公开的申请信息开展专利预警。  相似文献   

刘桂锋  李伟  刘红光 《情报杂志》2012,31(5):12-17,22
专利地图是实施企业专利预警的基础性工具。本文首先从三个层面、九大模块的角度构建了基于专利地图的企业专利预警模式。随后以美的微波炉为例展开实证研究,对实证企业从行业、企业自身和竞争对手进行专利地图绘制与分析,探寻专利地图对于预警机制的具体效用,为我国企业开展专利预警工作提供参考和借鉴模式。  相似文献   

专利检索网站比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
专利检索网站可以为公众提供专利服务功能,在总结现有文献的基础上,介绍了智慧芽、佰腾网、Ipexl、Pri-orsmart、SIPO、CNIPR、Soopat、Patentics和DII这九个网站的基本情况,对其检索功能、检索结果和分析功能进行了深入比较研究,并对其特色功能进行了总结,为专利用户和公众选择专利检索网站提供帮助。  相似文献   

毛昊 《科学学研究》2016,33(8):1169-1176
立足于国际比较和制度实践,本文从专利研发周期与成本、专利实施与运用现状、创新主体专利保护强度诉求、专利诉讼机制运转等方面对我国专利制度实践进行了综述。同时在专利动机改变与制度异化,专利价值多元属性与质量评价,强弱专利诉讼机制等问题中进行了国际比较。进而提出借助专利调查平台拓展专利研究的思路,阐释了从专利制度、市场规律、政策绩效层面发掘中国专利调查学术价值的方法。本研究的政策指向在于呼吁政府开放基础调查资源,加强问卷设计科学性,优化组织管理流程,提升中国专利调查在学术研究中的基础性作用。  相似文献   

垄断与创新,这个专利系统不得不面临的悖论难题使专利的专用权存在时空范围.这一特征在以复杂产品系统和累积创新为特征的高科技产业里造成专利丛林现象和互补性问题,从而限制了竞争和创新.为弥补单个专利专有权有限性的缺陷,应对“专利丛林现象”,避免侵权诉讼,确保专利设计自由,越来越多的企业将关注的焦点从单个专利转移到专利群上,积极实施专利组合战略和专利联盟战略.  相似文献   

黄国群 《情报杂志》2012,31(8):62-67
专利鲨鱼用于形容某些特定的个人或企业以极具攻击性的方式,向被其视为侵权的个人或企业、公司等发起诉讼攻击,以谋取高额利益的现象.专利鲨鱼具有针对性强、隐蔽性高、凶猛性等特点.近年有案件数量迅速上升、技术涵盖领域集中、地域范围扩大等趋势.专利鲨鱼的挟持策略主要有临时禁令、损害赔偿、转换成本等三种.为遏制专利鲨鱼的专利挟持,预防专利鲨鱼现象的泛滥,应从专利法的制度层面、专利行政部门审查程序层面和企业专利管理层面做出相应调整.徽观层面的应对策略包含短期策略和长期策略两类.  相似文献   

论专利间引用关系分析中存在的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
专利文献与科学文献不同,它既是技术文献又是法律文献.对专利间引用关系的分析不能机械地承袭科学引文分析法.不少学者认为,专利技术的领先性与该专利的被引频次正相关,但笔者从专利法视角指出了由这一观点所导出的悖论.专利引用包括审查员引用和申请人引用,二者在引用动机、引用对象、引用方式等方面都存在根本区别.审查员提供的引用信息应该是该专利新颖性的正面证据,而申请人提供的引用信息通常是被引专利领先性的负面证据.  相似文献   

首先,梳理并总结国内外核心专利识别方法的研究进展。国外学者主要通过专利引文、同族专利大小、权利要求数及专利诉讼4个指标来识别核心专利,国内学者主要通过专利引文、同族专利大小、布拉德福德定律和综合指标来识别核心专利;国外学者未给出核心专利的定义,国内学者给出了核心专利的定义。然后,在现有研究的基础上重新定义核心专利的概念,将一定时期某技术领域内具备一定竞争力和/或市场价值的专利称为核心专利;并假设这些专利与其他专利相比具有某种特殊属性,可以从专利文献信息中分离出来,称这种分离方法为核心专利识别。最后,提出采用综合指标识别核心专利,采用客观方法确定核心专利指标权重,并基于时域和技术领域开展核心专利指标效力研究是今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

孟奇勋  张一凡  范思远 《科学学研究》2016,34(11):1655-1622
近年来,日本、韩国和法国政府相继设立主权专利基金,预示着专利交易市场的竞争模式进入全新的发展阶段。主权专利基金在扶持国内产业参与国际竞争方面具有积极意义,但也可能演变为一种潜在的贸易防御措施,并激发新一轮的全球专利竞赛。实践中,我国政府也开启了主权专利基金运营的初步探索。从完善路径来看,需要对主权专利基金的市场运营予以应对:一是优化我国专利交易运营市场体系;二是加强政府与社会资本合作;三是提高专利诉讼风险防范能力;四是深化各国主权专利基金之间的合作交流。  相似文献   

专利转化中的"专利沉睡"及其治理分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
专利转化率低是阻碍中国技术创新的一个重要因素,“专利沉睡”是专利转化率低的重要体现。本文分析认为“专利沉睡”现象产生的根本原因是由于各种制度条件的限制使专利持有人和专利需求方无法形成有效的专利转化收益预期,而且专利市场信息不完全、跨国公司的专利滥用和专利申请中的“泡沫”则进一步加剧了“专利沉睡”现象的出现。在此基础上,本文对解决中国“专利沉睡”问题给出了政策建议。  相似文献   

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