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Mike 《阅读》2011,(12):44-45
同学们,在日常生活中,我们经常给他人提建议,同样也会经常接受别人的建议。怎样才能给别人委婉地提出建议呢?在英语中,提建议的方法很多,但都大同小异,可以互换使用。1Why don’t you...?你为何不……?也可以这样表达:Why not...?例如:a.-Dad,I’m tired.(爸爸,我累了。)-Why don’t you go to bed?(为什么不上床睡会呢?)b.Why not go out for a walk?(为什么不出去走走呢?)  相似文献   

杨琳娜  高怡 《阅读》2006,(10):40-41
Li Ming: Will you be free tonight? Smith: I'm afraid I have to attend a meeting tonight. Well, let me see. Ah, the meeting has been canceled.  相似文献   

在现代英语中,shall不用于第二人称,然而一个生活在维多利亚时代的人这样说过:“If you are a good girl you shall go to the zoo.”而一个生活在现代的人则说:“If you are a good girl I'll take you to the zoo.”或者  相似文献   

龚海平 《阅读》2008,(4):38-39
“How are you?”与“How do you do?”是同学们比较熟悉并经常使用的英语日常问候语,翻译成汉语时多被译成“你好!”或“你好吗?”。然而,准确地说,“How are you?”译为“你(近来)好吗?”“How do you do?”译为“你好!”则更为贴切一些。这是因为:  相似文献   

钱希洁 《阅读》2011,(4):37
Grandma: Tony? Tony: Yes? Grandma: What are you doing? Tony: I’m washing an apple for you.  相似文献   

郭锋 《阅读》2006,(12)
New Clothes Mother: Now these new clothes are expensive. I don‘t want you coming home from school that first week with a hole(洞)in the knee. Tom: Ok, Mom, where would you like the hole?Mother: Now these new clothes are ex- pensive. I don’t want you coming home fromschool that first week with a hole (洞)in the knee. Tom: Ok, Mom, where would you like the hole?难度系数: ☆☆☆Mother: If you don’t hurry, Tom, you’ll be late for school. Tom: Never mind, Mummy, the school is open all day long.小幽默(英文)@郭锋  相似文献   

It is one warm spring morning, two men are walking past ( 擦肩而 过)each other on a road. One says to the other, “ Oh, you’ve changed a lot. You used to(过去) have brown hair and now it’s gray. Your face used to be red and now it’s pale. You were thin and now you are fat. I can’t believe that it’s you, Mr. Smith.” The other man says,“But I’m not Mr. Smith.” The first man says,“Well, you’ve changed your name, too! ” ★想一想: 那个男人到底是不 是 Mr. Smith 呢?You've Changed a …  相似文献   

Dad and Mum     
顾一未 《阅读》2015,(Z3):76-77
I want to say“Thank you”first.Since I was born,you always accompany(陪伴)me.You are surely taking good care of me.I can grow so tall though I am only eleven years old.Dad,you’re my big tree.When I meet with setbacks(挫折),you always say to me,“Don’t worry.Failure is the  相似文献   

A: Hi, Helen. B: Hi, Daisy. A: You look nice in red. B: Thank you. A: You look beautiful in this new dress, May. B: Oh, thank you. A: You look lovely in this hat, Mrs Zhang. B: It's very kind of you to say so.* *谢谢你这么说?You look nice in red  相似文献   

木槿 《阅读》2005,(11)
当我们帮助了别人,他们会对我们说声“谢谢”。当我们接受了别人的帮助,也会笑着向他们道声“谢谢”。在生活中,我们都应该伸出友爱的双手,热心地帮助他人。那么,在英语中,我们如何感谢别人,又如何回答他们的感谢呢?表示感谢的方式有以下几种:1.Thank you!2.Thanks!3.Thank you for…4.That is very kind of you.5.It is very nice of you to…6.How can I ever thankyou?回答感谢的表达方式也有多种:1.You’re welcome.2.It’s OK.3.Don’t mention it.4.That’s all right.5.It is my pleasure.6.No need to thank me.熟悉这些表达…  相似文献   

孙赛男 《阅读》2023,(29):22-27
<正>从前,有一个可爱的小姑娘,她十分喜欢戴一顶红帽子,因此大家都叫她“小红帽”。小红帽的奶奶是位优雅、可爱的女士,平时待人谦和有礼,大家都很喜欢她。小红帽的奶奶平时是怎么说话的呢?我们一起去看看吧。奶奶:My lovely girl,can you give me that spoon?小红帽:Yes,I can.Here you are.  相似文献   

任存金 《阅读》2015,(14):38-39
Amy和Tony正在用英语打电话呢,我们一起来听一听吧。A:Hello,may I speak to Tony?T:Hello,I’m Tony.Who are you?A:Hello,I’m Amy.Can you come to my birthday party tomorrow?T:I’d love to.A:See you tomorrow.T:See you.由于没有很好地掌握英语中关于打电话的相关用语,Amy和T ony犯了很多错误。为了不再犯A my和Tony类似的错误,下面就让我们一起来学习一些电话用语吧!常用的电话问候语有H ello/Hi,有时也根据时间来说Good  相似文献   

允儿 《阅读》2014,(15):46-46
<正>妈妈:Listen to the music carefully.What instrument do you hear?孩子:Hmm...It is a piano.妈妈:Right.What kind of musical instrument do you want to play?孩子:I want to learn how to play the violin.  相似文献   

A CarFather:!I’ve promised(许诺 ) to buy you a car if youpassed your exam, and youhave failed( 失败). What wereyou doing last term?Son: I was learning todrive a car.A Set of DrumsFather:!I tell you, son, I’m not going to buyyou a set of drums(一套鼓).Son:!But, Dad, I promise I’ll only playthem when you are sleeping.父子对话(英文)@毛国锋…  相似文献   

吕乐阳 《阅读》2007,(6):45-45
It is no trouble.没问题。表示答应、同意做某事,而且把握十足。如:A:Tom,do me a favor!B:OK,Mum.A:After school,you go to buy some milk home.B:It is no trouble.I kid you not.我不骗你。  相似文献   

Who Am I?     
Hello, boys and girls. We all know summer is coming and days become long and nights become short. It’ssohot!Comeon, baby! I can make you cool. I am white. I am sweet, cool and soft. I live in a colorful paper box. I’m made from milk, chocolate and water. Many children like me very much. But if you eat too much, you will have got a stomachache(肚子疼). Guess! Who am I? Yes, you are very clever. I am an ice cream.★指导老师: 施俊亚 难度系数: ☆☆☆☆Who Am I?$海门实验学校小学部五(1)班@仇…  相似文献   

小朋友们,大家好,小书虫又与你们见面啦!在前面的故事中,好多小朋友为妈妈们准备了礼物。他们在送礼物的时候是这样表达的:This carnation is for you.这朵康乃馨是给你的。This cake isfor you.这个蛋糕是给你的。This card is for you.这个卡片是给你的。  相似文献   

Who Am I?     
Hello, boys and girls. We all know summer is coming and days become long and nights become short. It’ssohot!Comeon, baby! I can make you cool. I am white. I am sweet, cool and soft. I live in a colorful paper box. I’m made from milk, chocolate and water. Many children like me very much. But if you eat too much, you will have got a stomachache(肚子疼). Guess! Who am I? Yes, you are very clever. I am an ice cream.★指导老师: 施俊亚 难度系数: ☆☆☆☆Who Am I?$海门实验学校小学部五(1)班@仇福燕  相似文献   

上课时,如果你有什么问题或请求,先举手(raise yourhand)。■提问题时说:Ihave a question.■回答问题时说:Iknow the answer.■听不懂时说:Ican’tfollow you.■看不见黑板时说:Ican’tread the board.■没有听清楚时说:I begyourpardon.或者:Pardon.■请老师再讲解一遍时说:W ould you please explain itagain?■万一坚持不住要上厕所,怎么办呢?M ay Igo to the bathroom?■It’s time for class.上课了。■Is everyone here?都来了吗?■Who’s on duty today?今天谁值日?■Have you worked out the problem?你解出这道题了吗?■Wha…  相似文献   

阮正军 《阅读》2011,(9):44-45
很多小朋友都喜欢go shopping(购物),今天就让我们来了解一些关于购物的英语吧!一、服务员会很客气地对你说:1Can I help you?/What can I do for you?/What would youlike?您要些什么呢?  相似文献   

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