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说明第(1)小题可由(0,0),(2,0),(1,-1)三点利用待定系数法求其解析式;第(2)小题实质上是解方程x^2-2x=3;第(3)小题可根据图象在x轴上方部分来确定x。的取值范围。  相似文献   

《共产党宣言》是世界上第一个共产主义政党的党纲。马克思、恩格斯认为,共产党人的理论原理,不能以已有的思想家、改革家在书本上阐发的思想、原则为根据,而要对“眼前的历史运动”所提出的任务和课题作出科学的概括和回答。中国共产党在解决近代中国两大历史任务的过程中,创造性地将马克思主义的基本原理和中国的具体实际相结合,实现了两次历史性飞跃,形成两大理论成果——毛泽东思想、邓小平理论。说明对马克思主义的科学原理,在运用时也必须“随时随地都要以当时的历史条件为转移”。共产党人理论原理所以能永葆青春的奥秘,就在于它深深扎根于实际生活的土壤中。  相似文献   

论文分为三个部分,第一、二部分回顾了中国系统科学和复杂性的哲学研究进展、路向、贡献和问题;第三部分分析了中外系统科学和复杂性研究的差异以及意义,提出了未来系统科学和复杂性研究的一些重要研究问题和可能的路向。  相似文献   

[说明 ]本文共四部分。第一部分元阅读的理论基础 ,第二部分元阅读能力 ,刊登在 1~ 2期合刊上 ;本期刊登第三部分元阅读能力训练 ;第四期刊登第四部分元阅读策略。三、元阅读能力的训练如何引导学生形成元阅读能力 ,在学校中通常有三种途径 :一是通过学生的自身阅读经验自发地获得。二是通过教师的阅读教学活动在无形中习得。阅读教学中 ,教师通过科学组织教学内容、安排教学程序、选择教学方法 ,使学生在接受知识、完成学习任务的同时 ,逐步地形成元阅读能力。三是通过专门训练使学生有意识地获得元阅读能力 ,教师或心理咨询工作者在通常…  相似文献   

在探索自然奥秘的科学思维中,溯因推理是一种不可或缺的思维形式,它以其独特的方式发挥着创建科学原理的助发现功能与确认理论可行性的评价功能。 1溯因推理是根据已观察现象去猜测其内在机理的思维形式。在逻辑结构上,它包括以下要素:(1)观察现象陈述,(2)导致观察现象的可能原因即作为猜测性的假说。如果我们用E表示观察现象陈述,用H表示猜测性的假说,那么溯因推理可用公式表示为:  相似文献   

历史唯物主义是马克思主义的历史观,是“唯一科学的历史观”和“‘唯一科学的’……说明历史的方法”。高等学校文科教材《辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义原理》第三版(以下简称“第三版”)的第八、九、十章,即“从自然界到人类社会”、“社会结构及其发展的基本动力”、“阶级、国家和社会革命”属于历史唯物主义部分,其核心是揭示历史的本质及其运行的一般规律。这三章的内容也是马克思主义哲学同现代资产阶级哲学斗争的焦点。因此,讲好这三章,对于帮助学生确立科学的人生观、历史观和世界观具有重要作用。  相似文献   

本论文主要分三部分介绍历史比较语言学,首先界定了比较和对比,然后对容易混淆的历史比较语言学和历史语言学进行了解释说明,最后着重介绍了历史比较语言学的研究方法,目的在于通过宏观的理论知识支撑,更好地进行语言学习,从而更好地认识和把握语言规律。  相似文献   

科学理论的形式与解释、科学解释与科学说明之间既相互区别又相互联系。“科学说明”是指以科学原理或规律为出发点 ,对现象的原因或根据的阐释 ;“科学解释”是指对用来说明现象的这些原理或规律的进一步理解的观点。从特定的原理或规律出发 ,对特定的现象总会给出同样的说明。然而 ,对特定的原理或规律却可以有不同的理解 ,从而形成不同的解释。因此 ,科学解释是一个依赖于语境的概念。理论的抽象化程度越高 ,理解与解释的语境依赖性就越强、越复杂  相似文献   

1.现象和本质辩证关系的原理 (一)原理内容:(见教材) (二)运用范围:根据这一原理,说明人的认识的根本任务是经过感性认识上升到理性认识,透过现象抓住事物的本质和规律,说明人们由认识事物的现象到认识事物的本质,必须发挥意识的能动作用,为把握事物的本质创造必要的条件,人们还必须学习逻辑思维知识,不断提高自己的逻辑思维能力。 2.人的认识不断深化和发展的原理 (一)原理内容:(见教材)  相似文献   

导言笔者连续撰写了三篇论文探讨测验等值和连接的概念、程序、应用以及存在的问题。第一篇文章(发表在《考试研究》2011年第1期)探讨了效度的核心问题,以及在命制试题和组卷过程中构建等值测试版本的重要意义。同时,介绍了等值和连接的主要概念和基本术语,概述了经典测量理论(CTT)和项目反应理论(IRT)。第二篇文章(发表在《考  相似文献   

The teleological bias, a major learning obstacle, involves explaining biological phenomena in terms of purposes and goals. To probe the teleological bias, researchers have used acceptance judgement tasks and preference judgement tasks. In the present study, such tasks were used with German high school students (N?=?353) for 10 phenomena from human biology, that were explained both teleologically and causally. A sub-sample (n?=?26) was interviewed about the reasons for their preferences. The results showed that the students favoured teleological explanations over causal explanations. Although the students explained their preference judgements etiologically (i.e. teleologically and causally), they also referred to a wide range of non-etiological criteria (i.e. familiarity, complexity, relevance and five more criteria). When elaborating on their preference for causal explanations, the students often focused not on the causality of the phenomenon, but on mechanisms whose complexity they found attractive. When explaining their preference for teleological explanations, they often focused not teleologically on purposes and goals, but rather on functions, which they found familiar and relevant. Generally, students’ preference judgements rarely allowed for making inferences about causal reasoning and teleological reasoning, an issue that is controversial in the literature. Given that students were largely unaware of causality and teleology, their attention must be directed towards distinguishing between etiological and non-etiological reasoning. Implications for educational practice as well as for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

There is a significant body of research on children’s preconceptions concerning scientific concepts and the impact this has upon their science education. One active issue concerns the extent to which young children’s explanations for the existence of natural kinds rely on a teleological rationale: for example, rain is for watering the grass, or tigers’ stripes are for camouflage. It has been argued that this teleological tendency hampers children’s ability to learn about causality in the natural world. This paper investigates two factors (question wording and topic) which it is argued have led to a misestimation of children’s teleological tendencies within the area natural phenomena: i.e. those that are time-constrained, natural events or process such as snow, clouds or night. Sixty-six (5–8 years old) children took part in a repeated-measures experiment, answering both open and leading questions across 10 topics of natural phenomena. The findings indicate that children’s teleological reasoning may have been overestimated as open-question forms significantly reduced their tendency to answer teleologically. Moreover, the concept of teleology is more nuanced than often suggested. Consequently, young children may be more able to learn about causal explanations for the existence of natural phenomena than the literature implies.  相似文献   

Research has shown that children usually provide teleological explanations for the features of organisms from a very early age (3?C4?years old). However, it is not clear if teleology is applied selectively for organisms, or if it is generally applied to other objects as well (artifacts and non-living natural objects). The present study examined whether 7?C8?year old students provided teleological explanations for particular organisms, artifacts and natural objects. We investigated whether children's familiarity with these objects influenced the types of explanations they gave. Finally, we also investigated correlations between 'teleology' and 'usefulness' in children's explanations. The results indicate that 7?C8?year olds are able to distinguish between living and non-living entities, as well as that they provide teleological explanations mostly for organisms and artifacts. This may have important implications for biological education, since teleological explanations in classrooms are likely to pose important conceptual obstacles to the development of a scientific understanding of evolution.  相似文献   

It has been commonly assumed that teleological explanations are unnecessary and have no place in the physical sciences. However, there are indications that teleology is fairly common in the instructional explanations of teachers and students in chemistry classrooms. In this study we explore the role and nature of teleological explanations and the conditions that seem to warrant their use in chemistry education. We also analyse the learning implications of developing explanations of chemical phenomena within a teleological stance. Our study is based on the qualitative analysis of the instructional explanations presented in traditional chemistry textbooks used in the United States. Our results indicate that teleological explanations are in fact present in these textbooks and help provide an explanatory reason for the occurrence of chemical transformations. Their use is tightly linked to the existence of a rule, principle, or law that governs the behaviour of a chemical system, and that explicitly or implicitly implies the minimisation or maximisation of some intrinsic property. This law or principle tends to provide a sense of preferred direction in the evolution of a transformation. Although teleological explanations seem to have heuristic pedagogical value in chemistry education, they may also lead students to develop alternative conceptions and unwarranted overgeneralisations.  相似文献   

The central goal of our study was to explore the nature of the explanations generated by science and engineering majors with basic training in chemistry to account for the colligative properties of solutions. The work was motivated by our broader interest in the characterisation of the dominant types of explanations that science college students use to make sense of phenomena under conditions of limited time and limited explicit knowledge about a topic. Explanations were collected in written form using two different quizzes that students completed under time constraints at the end of a two‐semester general chemistry course. Our study revealed that students’ ability to generate causal/mechanical explanations depended on the nature of the task. In general, students were more inclined or able to generate mechanistic explanations to account for boiling‐point elevation and freezing‐point depression than to make sense of osmotic flow. The analysis of the types of causal explanations built by the study participants suggests that students may be biased towards some causal models or explanatory modes characterised as causal‐additive and causal‐static in our work. A large proportion of the students built non‐causal teleological explanations to account for osmotic flow. None of the participants in our study used a dynamic model of matter as the basis for their explanations of any of the relevant phenomena; the idea of an underlying random process that is taking place at all times giving rise to emergent properties and behaviours was completely absent from their intuitive reasoning under conditions of limited time and knowledge.  相似文献   

Teleology has been described as an intuitive cognitive bias and as a major type of student conception. There is controversy regarding whether teleological explanations are a central obstacle to, are legitimate in, or are even supportive of science learning. However, interaction in science classrooms has not yet been investigated with regard to teleology. Consequently, this study addresses the question of how teleological explanations emerge in science classroom interactions about evolution and how teachers and students address emerging teleology. In this article, we introduce a theoretical and methodological framework drawing from the sociology of knowledge and systems theory, suggesting that this framework may enrich the understanding of knowledge construction and of social practices in the science classroom because it enables distinguishing between explicit and tacit knowledge. We investigated seven secondary school units about evolution and present data from four grade-12 classes in Germany, a country with very few creationists, to contrast two ways in which teleology is addressed. In the first type, the teachers combine intentional and need-based teleological explanations with aspects of scientific theories in an ambiguous way. Contrastingly, in the second type, the teachers construct a duality between correct mechanistic and incorrect teleological explanations by discrediting preceding scientific theories. In the discussion, we argue that the presented sociological approach can also be valuable in other science education contexts, such as creationism, the nature of science and socio-scientific issues, because classroom interaction involves tacit communication, such as a tacit epistemology, which are essential grounds for the students' knowledge construction.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络发展迅速,但还不能区分数据流的优先级.针对这一问题,基于802.11 MAC协议提出了一种有效的改进机制.为了保证高优先级业务获得较快的处理优势,提出引入新的控制组方法,对于优先级的判断通过目的节点来实现.为了证实该机制的效果和对于高优先级的响应效率,该文利用数学分析方法进行了验证.  相似文献   

在不同类型的村庄,农民进行人情往来的规则大有区别,从请帖与人情往来的进入规则、礼账与人情往来的平衡规则等方面进行分析,发现人情往来的规则具有不同的性质,公共性和私人性是区分其不同性质的根本。公共性和私人性的分析框架可以作为分析众多人情社会现象的基础。  相似文献   

While Kant's pedagogical lectures present an account of moral education, his theory of freedom and morality seems to leave no room for the possibility of an education for freedom and morality. In this paper, it is first shown that Kant's moral philosophy and his educational philosophy are developed within different theoretical paradigms: whereas the former is situated within a transcendentalist framework, the latter relies on a teleological notion of human nature. The second part of this paper demonstrates that the core ideas of Kant's moral philosophy are also present in his pedagogy. This means that the problem of moral education must be solved within the transcendentalist framework. It is finally claimed that Kant himself outlines a solution to this problem in his pedagogical lectures.  相似文献   

Do children believe that “everything happens for a reason?” That is, do children endorse purpose‐based, teleological explanations for significant life events, as they do for social behavior, artifacts, biological properties, and natural kinds? Across three experiments, 5‐ to 7‐year‐olds (= 80), 8‐ to 10‐year‐olds (= 72), and adults (= 91) chose between teleological and nonteleological accounts of significant life events and judged how helpful those accounts were for understanding an event's cause. Five‐ to 7‐year‐olds favored teleological explanations, but this preference diminished with age. Five‐ to 7‐year‐olds and 8‐ to 10‐year‐olds also found teleological explanations more helpful than did adults. Perceiving purpose in life events may therefore have roots in childhood, potentially reflecting a more general sensitivity to purpose in the social and natural worlds.  相似文献   

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