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The first goal of this study was to look at the representation of educational and school psychology in introductory psychology textbooks. Research into the representation of other sub‐fields of psychology has been conducted but no research has looked specifically at educational or school psychology. The second goal was to compare the representation of educational and school psychology in introductory psychology textbooks to see if one or the other is receiving more coverage. Third, the textbooks with the most coverage were listed in order to aid educational and school psychologists teaching introductory psychology courses in selecting textbooks that adequately cover material from their sub‐fields. A total of 57 introductory psychology textbooks were content analyzed: 65% of the introductory psychology textbooks had educational psychology material and 65% had school psychology material. However, in the textbooks containing this material the educational and school psychology material made up only .29% and .19% of the textbooks’ total content.  相似文献   

This paper is a study of textbooks in chemical technology in Sweden during the industrialisation in the 19th century. In this period, teaching in technological education in general became more and more founded on science. However, there existed very few textbooks in chemical technology, and it is argued that the reason was that the essentials of the knowledge used for developing chemical industry were of a tacit and local character. Such knowledge could only with difficulty be transferred through textbooks with scientific ambitions. Thus the textbooks written or translated by scientists were not as widely used as the ones written or translated by chemical engineers. The usefulness of the latter group can be explained by the fact that they had been adapted to local circumstances, and expressed generalisations, not as scientific laws, but as rules of thumb. Finally, a model for the diffusion of knowledge is suggested, by which the role of textbooks in chemical technology better can be understood.  相似文献   

19世纪中后期兴起的“洋务运动”是中国封建统治集团的一个应变、自救运动。奕新、曾国藩、李鸿章等洋务官僚把教育内容作为教育改革的重要方面。在他们的领导下,改革者们设置新式课程,翻译西学书籍。这时期教材种类日益增多,内容渐趋丰富。从此,科技方面的教育内容在中国学校中得到承认,所编译西学教材在与一统天下的传统教材的抗争中争得了一席之住,并日渐被重视。  相似文献   

The treatment of four issues related to aging was examined in this study: Social Security, civil rights, political power, and population trends in 19 secondary schools’ U.S. history and government textbooks. In these texts, only Social Security was given adequate treatment. The weakest area was “population trends.” The study concluded that for such a vital topic the coverage of aging issues in secondary textbooks was generally weak and insufficient. We recommend that the role of the aged throughout U.S. history should be addressed and that the rapid changes in demographics, particularly the “graying” of our population, should not be ignored in either history or government textbooks. Even with an expansion in texts of the four topics above, teachers will have to rely on supplementary materials as their primary sources of information.  相似文献   

During the first half of the 19th century mathematics textbooks for lower and middle class education were often used to confront the pupil with middle class values. Attitude towards study, general knowledge and morals made their appearance in mathematics textbooks. This form of mathematics education gradually disappeared by the middle of the century. Three hypothesis will be formulated which could explain the disappearance of the phenomenon.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the representation of social values and their ontogenetic development in English as a foreign language textbooks in Hong Kong. Adopting a social semiotic approach, it considers social values in textbooks as semantic categories which are constructed by complex semiotic discursive resources, and develops an explicit framework to model what values are selected and how the values are constructed. Analysis of 19 textbooks from Primary 1 to Secondary 4–6 shows that the social values change from the personal domain (e.g. good hygiene and healthy lifestyle), through the interpersonal domain (e.g. politeness and respect), to the altruistic concern for all mankind. The result also suggests that the textbooks are more concerned with the didactic education of good citizens than with cultivating children’s critical thinking. The analytical framework and the findings can be used for the explicit instruction and critical analysis of social values in English language teaching.  相似文献   

The different and contrasting versions of the etymology of the term ‘electricity’ in Modern Greek textbooks of Physics of the 18th and 19th century, which are influenced by French and German textbooks, are not mere (re)constructions that serve the didactic purposes and objectives of their authors. They are (in)directly related to the social and cultural framework within and through which Physics were taught at the time, and this is something to be considered seriously by active instructors of Physics.  相似文献   

通过对123名来自19个省市79所中学的某211、985大学英语专业本科新生关于高中英语教学的问卷调查,我们发现,在新课程改革大背景下,高中英语师资力量总体较好;教材使用一纲多本;教材课文完成情况良好,课后练习完成情况欠佳;学生课外做模拟练习投入时间较多,对课外阅读和听力投入时间相对较少;新课标省市比非新课标省市更注重实践、输入和学习内容的优化。  相似文献   

2019年秋季学期开始使用的新的统编高中思想政治教材旨在培育堪当民族复兴大任的时代新人。党的十八大以来中央历次全会决定和习近平同志的系列重要讲话精神,特别是党的十九大精神和习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,是最重要的编写依据。教师应充分理解新教材的主要内容和特点,充分认识使用新教材的重要意义,加强学习和培训,发挥好思想政治课在立德树人根本任务中的关键作用。  相似文献   

在新冠肺炎重大疫情面前,战斗在教材建设一线的研究和编写人员认识到,在中小学教材中加强疾病防控、开展生命安全与健康教育的重要性,因此开展了现行中小学教材相关教育内容的系统研究,发现中小学教材较好地融入了有关疾病防控、生命安全与健康教育的内容。总体来看,传染及非传染性疾病防控与治疗、环境安全、健身锻炼以及心理、社交和社会适应性等方面的内容较为丰富,反映教材建设已认识到传染或非传染性疾病是危害生命安全的最重要原因,同时较为妥善地处理了学生身体与心理健康的平衡。下一步中小学教材应在加强基础研究顶层设计、呈现形式、课程协同等方面加以改进。  相似文献   

国内的文学史著作分别将毛姆列入自然主义或现实主义两个不同的阵营。毛姆的创作本质上应属于现实主义,但是又不同于19世纪的经典现实主义。他是一个有法国特色的英国现实主义作家。  相似文献   

In this study we investigate students’ ability to discern conceptual variation and the use of multiple models in genetics when reading content-specific excerpts from biology textbooks. Using the history and philosophy of science as our reference, we were able to develop a research instrument allowing students themselves to investigate the occurrence of multiple models and conceptual variation in Swedish upper secondary textbooks. Two excerpts using different models of gene function were selected from authentic textbooks. Students were given the same questionnaire-instrument after reading the two texts, and the results were compared. In this way the students themselves made a classification of the texts which could then be compared with the researchers’ classification of the texts. Forty-one upper secondary students aged 18–19 participated in the study. Nine of the students also participated in semi-structured interviews. Students recognized the existence of multiple models in a general way, but had difficulty discerning the different models and the conceptual variation that occurs between them in the texts. Further they did not recognize the occurrence of incommensurability between multiple models. Students had difficulty in transforming their general knowledge of multiple models into an understanding of content specific models of gene function in the textbooks. These findings may have implications for students’ understanding of conceptual knowledge because research has established textbooks as one of the most influential aspects in the planning and execution of biology lessons, and teachers commonly assign reading passages to their students without further explanation.  相似文献   

This article examines 10 textbooks used in Jewish religion classes in Russian high schools in the final decades of the 19th century. The textbooks reveal an expectation of a low level of Hebrew background, an interest in promoting the practice of prayer, and two distinct approaches to teaching Judaism. While some of the books introduce students to their religion through Biblical or later Jewish history, others present the religion as a systematic set of beliefs and practices. Although it is difficult to ascertain exactly how the books were utilized in classrooms, they certainly provide a sense of the priorities of a group of educators, as well as of the relative freedom they had in defining Judaism for the next generation.  相似文献   

毕苑 《教育学报》2007,3(1):79-81
教科书是近代中国社会文化变迁的诞生物。基督教在华传教士于1877年成立学校教科书委员会(School and Textbook Series Committee),他们的工作对中国教科书的产生起到了很大作用。1897年,南洋公学外院使用的几种教科书是可考的“教科书”第一次在中国出现的时间。“教科书”在官方文牍中出现的时间稍晚一些。最早大约在1901年初,刘坤一、张之洞在其著名的《江楚会奏变法三折》中,在“教科书”的意义上使用了“教科之书”的说法。1904年初的《奏定学务纲要》中,对“教科书”的编纂使用作了详细的规定。教科书与近代文化的关系主要表现在:教科书作为一种重要的知识传播载体,担当了近代中国教育转型的重任;教科书的编审制度与教育行政体制相关联,在近代逐渐走向成熟。教科书的发展折射了近代文化的转移。教科书展示了近代中国人的知识结构转换历程。教科书承担了近代国族认同和国民塑形的教育使命。  相似文献   

《格致须知》与中国近代新式教科书   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1882年开始出版的《格致须知》是中国近代史上第一套由专设教科书机构专为学堂学生教学而编撰的新式教科书。这套教科书作为中国近代新式教科书的先导,按照西方近代学科门类分科设编,使得近代科学知识系统地成为学堂教学的主要内容。这套教科书没有以科学证明宗教,而是关注科学实验和方法、强调儿童的认知规律,对于学童认识和理解近代科学,成为新型知识分子奠定了基础作用。但其存在基本要素不全,科目难称齐全,内容也较为偏深等不足。  相似文献   

This paper explores the occurrence of conceptual incoherence in upper secondary school textbooks resulting from the use of multiple historical models. Swedish biology and chemistry textbooks, as well as a selection of books from English speaking countries, were examined. The purpose of the study was to identify which models are used to represent the phenomenon of gene function in textbooks and to investigate how these models relate to historical scientific models and subject matter contexts. Models constructed for specific use in textbooks were identified using concept mapping. The data were further analyzed by content analysis. The study shows that several different historical models are used in parallel in textbooks to describe gene function. Certain historical models were used more often then others and the most recent scientific views were rarely referred to in the textbooks. Hybrid models were used frequently, i.e. most of the models in the textbooks consisted of a number of components of several historical models. Since the various historical models were developed as part of different scientific frameworks, hybrid models exhibit conceptual incoherence, which may be a source of confusion for students. Furthermore, the use of different historical models was linked to particular subject contexts in the textbooks studied. The results from Swedish and international textbooks were similar, indicating the general applicability of our conclusions.  相似文献   

Textbooks play an important part in the instructional process. The purposes of this study were to develop an instrument to identify the characteristics of high school physics textbooks, and examine how appropriate the currently used textbooks were for teaching and learning physics. The criteria were identified and the instrument was developed with the pre-service physics teachers to evaluate the physics textbooks approved by the Turkish Ministry of Education. This study described some problems in the content and design of the physics textbooks that might be caused by the narrow criteria used by the Ministry to approve science textbooks. The criteria in this evaluation instrument would provide an empirical base in analysis of high school physics textbooks and be used by not only the Turkish Ministry but also by physics teachers and textbook evaluators from other countries. Moreover, these criteria can be modified and used in selection of appropriate textbooks of other science disciplines.  相似文献   

Previous studies on electronic textbooks were all survey studies of college students in the U.S.A. Their main findings revealed that using electronic textbooks and using print textbooks showed no statistical differences in learning achievements. As mobile devices became popular in classrooms, the present study was intended to confirm the competitive nature of electronic textbooks on mobile devices in an experiment. The differences of the present experiment from previous survey studies included its involving teenage learners of English and its examining their learning with electronic textbooks on mobile devices. This experimental study recruited adolescent learners to participate in a mobile-assisted English learning program requiring them to study with their electronic textbooks on mobile devices exclusively. Their counterparts used print textbooks as usual. The findings presented no significant differences in various achievements between the two groups. The mobile group furthermore approved their studying English on their mobile devices with satisfaction and perceived its usefulness and ease of use. Endorsing the competitiveness of electronic textbooks on mobile devices, the teenage English learners also highlighted the strengths characterized by mobile technologies.  相似文献   

教科书审定是晚清政府控制国民意识形态的重要工具。清政府规定了教科书的审定范围,确定了教科书的审定程序,采取了多种保障措施。清廷希望以此来规范意识形态,有效控制各种思想,强固思想文化秩序。晚清政府的教科书审定政策尽管遭到了不少非议,但客观上为当时的从教者和受教者提供了较好的教学用书和知识课本,并促进了我国近代新式教育的规范发展和体制建设,在清末的新式教育中发挥了无可替代的作用。  相似文献   

数字教材概念界定不清的问题长期存在,究其根源是由数字教材的边界模糊导致的。数字教材可以通过教科书的概念和教材管理的要求来确定边界原则,数字教材的边界是由其教科书的本质特征所决定的。在实践上,数字教材的边界模糊主要归因于数字形态在客观上带来的模糊性、教育信息化的多样性教学需求以及数字教材设计者的意识偏差。对此,通过加强设计者的教材意识,开展技术攻关,提升标准化水平和提倡整合应用的思路,可以在明确数字教材边界、价值的基础上推进数字教材的进一步发展。  相似文献   

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