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时间估计方法学的困境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪初期,时间心理学逐渐兴起,时间估计研究得到心理学家的重视。然而,随着研究的深入,时间估计走入了方法学的困境。其具体表现包括:(1)时距长度的选取困难;(2)估计方法的缺陷;(3)估计范式的局限性;(4)反应延迟带来的问题;(5)估计任务结构和内容的选择。  相似文献   

目击记忆中的检索问题在国外应用心理学,特别是证人心理学中早有研究。目击记忆的信息检索受多种因素的影响。目击取证中影响事件检索的主要因素是特征编码效应,干扰效应,检索策略效应。具体而言,特征编码效应是指:(1)原来的场景以物理或心理的形式恢复目击应能回忆出更多的细节;(2)某条线索不能提取的细节可由另一线索提取;(3)事件编码依赖个体的特性。干扰效应则主要包括:(1)相关事件对靶事件检索的干扰;(2)社会反应偏向的干扰影响。检索策略效应是指:(1)考虑情境内容和来源有助于恢复记忆;(2)细节的记忆促进靶事件的提取;(3)元记忆控制策略;(4)系统组织化有利于检索信息。  相似文献   

考察不同时期教育改革运动的主导思想,分析教育心理学发展与教育改革运动的相互作用,可以看到教育改革在一定程度上丰富了教育心理学的理论和内容体系,拓展了教育心理学的研究领域,提升了人们对教育心理学价值的认识,同时对教育心理学的发展有如下启示:教与学是教育心理学研究的基本内容;理论与实践结合是教育心理学发展的根基;科学思想与人文思想结合是教育心理学发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

进化心理学是近年来在西方心理学中出现的一种新的研究取向。本文简要介绍了进化心理学产生的思想渊源,说明了该思想研究的基本原理,分析水平,然后讲述了该理论的几个研究取向,同时对该理论的局限性和发展前景进行了小结。  相似文献   

研究证实,现代心理学中存在着“科学”与“人文”两种文化之间的分裂与冲突。科学主义研究方法的局限性受到了批评,首先,实证主义的研究方法抹杀了“人”的存在,割裂了人性;其次,它忽视心理现象与人的存在的社会历史性;另外,科学主义的研究方法所提倡的“价值中立”说,既在操作上不可行,同时也压制与扼杀了弱势群体的观点、愿望和呼声。人文主义的研究方法也因片面夸大情绪、需要与非理性体验的作用,具有神秘主义色彩而受到批评。总的说来,片面强调科学或片面强调人文的研究方法,对心理学的发展都会产生消极作用。基于此认识,当代心理学研究方法的发展,有三个主要趋向:整合两种文化,实现心理学中两种文化的统一;将人文与社会科学的一些研究方法引入心理学研究领域,重视文化、历史与社会环境因素在心理学研究中的重要意义;心理学的本土化。  相似文献   

高等师范院校心理学教学人文化刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁晓松 《集宁师专学报》2004,26(1):48-51,57
心理学本是一门极富人文性的科学,但在目前的高校课堂教学中,它却日益被教材过于浓重的实证性所掩盖,失去了人文关怀的精神和人文精神气息。在心理学的整合视野下,心理学要求对人性的回归,与此同时,在教学中我们也提出心理学的人文化问题,并提供了可进行操作的实施方略:(1)帮助学生初步建立心理学的世界观;(2)鼓励学生个体经验对教学的介入;(3)鼓励教师人格对教学的参与;(4)鼓励师生经验的分享;(5)心理教育应走进课堂。  相似文献   

中国古人的心理学思想值得学习和研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国古人的心理学思想仍值得今人学习和研究。理由主要有三:(1)偏向于人社会科学的心理学思想主要是层层累积起来的,而不是层层进化的,这就没理由说中国古人的心理学思想全都比今人的心理学思想落后;(2)当代中国人的心理与行为带有深深的化烙印,只有认真研究中国古人的心理学思想,才能更好地研究当代中国人的心理与行为;(3)古人并不比今人笨,中国古人的心理学思想中有一部分内容是既来源于实践。又经过实践和历史的反复检验,能经得起实践和历史双重检验的心理学思想,其中必有其合理的硬核。  相似文献   

生命存在着某种既定的模式,即经历着永无休止的矛盾性运动。本文借用心理学、哲学等学科的知识,从基源层:本我的矛盾运动;表现层:自我的现实历练;整合层:超我的矛盾性终结三个层面对小说《西游记》中生命存在的既定模式进行了剖析。  相似文献   

本文探讨了心理学中儿童社会化问题研究的发展和趋势。儿童社会化研究自30年代兴起至今的发展进程主要受社会历史环境和心理学理论思潮的影响。其中人本主义思潮、急剧变化的社会生活条件、心理学中的“综合、整体观点”和“生态学运动”对儿童社会化研究的发展起了主要作用。近年来儿童社会化研究有如下特点:研究方法综合化、大量采用现代化的研究硬件和软件、强调研究工作的生态化倾向、跨文化研究越来越被重视、社会化的生命全程研究开始出现。从整个研究领域的发展趋势来看,研究者更深入地认识到儿童社会化过程的复杂性;把儿童看作是自身社会化过程的积极主动的参与者;更加重视认知因素在社会化过程中的作用;在教育和行为干预中的应用研究受到更多的关注;社会化研究的方法更趋于多样化;出现了将多种研究手段和方法综合运用的倾向。  相似文献   

在高师公共心理学教材体系和内容改革的研究中,安徽师范大学的李铮教授、姚本先教授编写了一部全新的属于高师院校公共心理学课程的教材-《心理学新论》。该书有三个方面的特色:重新构建了高师心理学的学科体系;比较注意反映心理科学研究的新成果;注重了未来教师心理学应用能力的培养。  相似文献   

采用专家访谈法、网上查询法和文献资料法对2006年我国田径投掷项目竞技科研进展进行了全面的分析研究,得出以下结论:技术、体能与竞技能力论文数量占绝大多数,技术、体能与竞技能力、项目特征这3大类科研成果多,训练监控、心理研究力度不够,战术科研甚至处于空白状态,具体项目上铁饼、标枪心理,训练监控除标枪外,链球项目特征研究也都是空白。建议要加大战术、训练监控、心理科研投入力度,不断提高论文的数量和质量。  相似文献   

One of the most significant aspects of current sport psychology research is the trend toward developing the relationship between theoretical concepts and practical applications. There have been many recent calls for the development of specific experimental paradigms closely linked to critical features of movement control and social interaction within specific frames of reference such as competitive sport (e.g., Lee & Young, 1985; Martens, 1979). The concept of ecological validity has been proposed as a crucial element of this current research thrust, and this paper attempts to identify and define some of the more important criteria underpinning ecologically valid research in sport psychology. Vision and sport performance is used as an exemplary area of investigation in which problematic and specific issues are examined. The basis of this critique has important implications for other areas of interest in the application of the behavioral sciences to sport. It is concluded that much greater debate must be stimulated concerning this important methodological principle, and a preliminary definition is provided for this purpose as well as to aid in the process of research evaluation in sport psychology.  相似文献   

The direction of graduate education in sport psychology has changed considerably since its emergence as a recognizable subdiscipline within exercise and sport science in the late 1960s. This paper describes (a) the structure of current sport psychology specializations within graduate programs based on a survey of 33 programs with sport psychology specializations in the United States, (b) trends in sport psychology graduate education, and (c) concerns regarding the future of graduate education in sport psychology in terms of coursework, research, and applied service provision.  相似文献   

以1995~2005年17种国内体育类刊物上发表的有关排球运动心理学的科研论文为研究对象,采用文献资料法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法,针对这10年间排球运动心理学研究的主要领域及方向、各领域研究的进程及内容等做了系统的整理与分析。这对今后的排球运动研究有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Application of physiological methods, in particular electroencephalography (EEG), offers new and promising approaches to educational psychology research. EEG is identified as a physiological index that can serve as an online, continuous measure of cognitive load detecting subtle fluctuations in instantaneous load, which can help explain effects of instructional interventions when measures of overall cognitive load fail to reflect such differences in cognitive processing. This paper presents a review of seminal literature on the use of continuous EEG to measure cognitive load and describes two case studies on learning from hypertext and multimedia that employed EEG methodology to collect and analyze cognitive load data.  相似文献   

The application of theories to understand concepts and issues in sport and physical education is viewed as a useful research strategy. Two theories addressing subjective phenomena relevant to sport experiences are presented. Concepts proposed in Martin Buber's I-Thou philosophy of relationship and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's flow model exploring the psychology of enjoyment are delineated and compared. Sportrelated research using these constructs is then presented. It is concluded that careful application of theories is a viable and valuable approach for studying complex, elusive phenomena in sport. Further, knowledge derived from such research facilitates understanding and awareness of subjective meaning in sport, and therefore opens individuals to the potential of relationship and flow.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to describe the historical development of sport and exercise psychology, with a particular emphasis on the construction and evolution of the “box” through history. The box represents the dominant paradigm that serves as the model for research and application as it evolves through successive historical eras (Kuhn, 1962). Seven historical eras related to the development of sport and exercise psychology are discussed. Of particular interest for this review were individuals whose curiosity and motivation established the roots for the study of sport and exercise psychology, as well as the controversies and tensions in both kinesiology and psychology that shaped the fi eld. Suggestions for the future include a problem-based approach to scholarship and a cultural praxis version of sport and exercise psychology to enhance relevancy and social impact.  相似文献   

The current attacks upon traditional evaluation procedures have motivated seatches for nonbiased testing procedures. Recent advances in computer technology, combined with research findings on electrophysiological (EEG) correlates of brain function, suggest that the large scale use of various computer scored EEG measures in evaluation of children with school learning problems soon may become feasible. The nature of the EEG and of the averaged evoked potential is described, and research relating these to learning disabilities is reviewed. Special attention is given to the Neurometric Test Battery developed by E. Roy John. Implications of electrophysiological measures for the field of school psychology are speculated upon.  相似文献   

Researchers in sport psychology have devoted much energy to understanding the elusive relationship between anxiety and athletic performance. As new theories are being forwarded in the sport anxiety literature, it is important that they be tested in conceptually and methodologically sound environments. The present review examines conceptual and methodological issues in sport anxiety research, especially focusing on the inverted-U hypothesis, multidimensional anxiety theory, and catastrophe theory. Issues discussed include the correlational versus causal nature of the inverted-U hypothesis; the lack of differentiation among anxiety-related terms such as anxiety, arousal, and stress; the need for a multidimensional conception of anxiety; the assumption that perceived physiological arousal is typically considered negative affect by researchers; the need to utilize appropriate measurement and operational definitions of performance; and the use of intraindividual anxiety scores. Statistical issues related to investigation of multidimensional anxiety and catastrophe theories are also addressed.  相似文献   

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