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Glocalization describes the adaptation of international products around the particularities of a local culture, and extends to areas beyond political campaigns and cultural communication. Chinese continuing resources are effectively influenced by glocalization, which reflects the changing society in China and Chinese overseas communities, as well as the changing practice in Chinese studies all over the world. Glocalization brings unexpected challenges to a library's cataloging service, and a number of issues need to reach our awareness and be solved. We have to face squarely its influence, and look for an appropriate solution in handling Chinese continuing resources under glocalization.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the challenges faced by the serials cataloging staff at Texas A&M University Libraries following a decision to move materials to an off-site storage facility. The process of cataloging review developed by serials cataloging staff to address these challenges is described in detail. More specifically, the process that deals with the preparation of the collections for off-site storage, with emphasis on the unique problems created by serials that have been cataloged under pre–Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, Second Edition (AACR2) rules is described.  相似文献   


Cataloging digitized continuing resources is a challenging task for many libraries because of their complex cataloging rules and characteristics of format. As libraries provide their digitized content and catalog records in shared environments, like HathiTrust, and use them as an access point, libraries also have to work with holdings and item records created by each contributing institution's local practice. This article discusses common challenges imposed on libraries when creating and providing access to digitized continuing resources available in a shared environment, stresses the importance of having shareable holdings and items records, and suggests possible ways to work with those challenges.  相似文献   

This preconference was a presentation of the Electronic Serials Cataloging Workshop created by the Serials Cataloging Cooperative Training Program (SCCTP). The workshop assumed a general knowledge of print serials cataloging and focused on issues specific to cataloging electronic serials. Presenter Jeanne Baker followed the course content developed by SCCTP, while highlighting changes introduced by the new CONSER standard record where applicable.  相似文献   


The published literature specific to electronic serials cataloging over the decade of the 1990s and the work of CONSER, MARBI, the ALCTS Committee to Study Serials Cataloging, and others were reviewed to identify issues and developments. The proliferation and the changing nature of e-serials were challenges to catalogers throughout the period examined. Policies and procedures were offered by CONSER and its members. Multiple versions, revising AACR2, metadata, and aggregator databases were among the issues actively discussed at the close of the decade.  相似文献   


In recent years a number of surveys of cataloging education have been conducted, and each of those surveys has suggested changes in library education. This survey reviews the current state of cataloging education by evaluating courses taught by 47 ALA accredited programs and compares the results to previous studies. This study examined the types of cataloging courses offered in LIS programs to determine if the type of course taught has changed over time. Additionally, this study examined course offering frequencies to determine if LIS programs are making the kind of courses needed to train cataloging librarians available to their students. It is concluded that although LIS programs are continuing to offer and require introductory courses in cataloging and bibliographic control, they are relying more heavily on these introductory courses to provide the bulk of cataloging education.  相似文献   


Libraries face many challenges in making electronic resources accessible and discoverable. In particular, the exponentially incre-asing number of licensed and open access electronic resources and the dynamic nature of consortial collections (platform changes, title transference between packages, and package overlap) present challenges for cataloging and discovery. From March 21 to April 10, 2017, the authors performed a selected review of library literature and conducted a survey of library consortia worldwide to ascertain the cataloging models, strategies, and advanced technological tools used to ensure discovery of consortial collections. The findings from the literature review and survey are summarized in this article.  相似文献   


For the researcher, there has been an increase in the availability of electronic resources that includes electronic journals, databases and full-text resources. A Web OPAC is a powerful tool that links all of these electronic resources for easy access. Workshop presenters described their experience with establishing a Web OPAC and how systems, serials cataloging and reference dealt with it.  相似文献   

俄文连续出版物联机编目规则在我国尚没有统一的标准,只有少数图书馆按照自定规则实现了俄文连续出版物的计算机管理。黑龙江大学图书馆在俄文图书联机编目实践成功后,又对俄文连续出版物联机编目工作进行了探索。针对著录内容的简化以及编号项和附注项、受控检索点、统一题名的著录等方面出现的普遍问题以及特殊出版物、连续出版物的出版变化和分类等方面的特殊问题,图书馆应统一俄文连续出版物数据库建设标准,进行俄文连续出版物编目工作的培训,指定专人定期维护已建成的数据库并做好编目人员队伍梯队建设。  相似文献   


The availability and use of electronic cartographic resources is growing rapidly and has affected all aspects of map librarianship: acquisitions, reference and information services, and cataloging. Map librarians are questioning current practices, juggling priorities, shifting focus, and changing procedures as electronic cartographic materials become a larger part of their map collections. Cataloging practices are no exception to this transformation. This paper presents a preliminary examination of current cataloging rules, guidelines, and practices for electronic cartographic material, focusing on access points.  相似文献   


Many aspects of electronic serials cataloging have not yet developed standard practice, or are still in transition. This article will explore some problematic issues in electronic serials cataloging first by presenting current CONSER policy in these areas and then by examining the practices of three institutions who are cataloging electronic serials. For brevity, the term “electronic serial” will be used to mean “remote access computer file serial” unless the more specific term is needed for clarity. The five topics covered in this discussion are: Access and Location Information, Multiple Versions, Definition of Electronic Serial, Bibliographic Access Points and Display of Computer File Characteristics.  相似文献   


This paper examines the addition of “asexuality” to the Library of Congress Subject Headings as a case study from which to examine the critical cataloging movement. Beginning with a review of some of the theoretical and practical issues around subject access for minoritized and marginalized sexualities, this paper then contextualizes, historicizes, and introduces the critical cataloging movement to the literature, situating it within a larger and longer history of radical cataloging. It will define critical cataloging as a social justice-oriented style of radical cataloging that places an emphasis on radical empathy, outreach work, and recognizes the importance of information maintenance and care. This paper introduces the concept of “catalogic warrant” to characterize the process of “reading” the catalog to examine the harm or benefit of terms on users and the wider library community.  相似文献   


This article presents the results of a 2015 survey of librarians who catalog self-published items. The survey was conducted in response to the growing popularity of self-publishing and the increasing prevalence of self-published items in libraries. Survey respondents were asked to describe how they are cataloging these items and to provide representative examples of the records they have created. An analysis of both the survey responses and the records is presented, followed by suggestions for best practices for cataloging these items.  相似文献   


To determine the state of the cataloging job market, this study compares job advertisements from August 2016-August 2018 advertising for jobs with cataloging in the title, metadata in the title, and cataloging and metadata in the title. Given ongoing concerns about the impact of metadata jobs on the cataloging job market, this study asks the questions: Are cataloging jobs in fact “disappearing” and becoming metadata jobs? Are entry-level jobs disappearing, perhaps contributing to the idea that there is a lack of qualified catalogers? Is there a difference in position level between cataloging and metadata job advertisements that can account for a lack or perceived lack of available cataloging jobs? Are there more entry-level or mid/supervisory positions advertised? Are cataloging and metadata jobs really separate, or should they be considered one position called cataloging and metadata?  相似文献   


An overview of traditional methods of evaluating serials collections and serial titles is presented and applied to electronic resources. Traditional methods such as holdings, checklist, conspectus, availability studies, document delivery studies, citation studies and use studies used for the evaluation of serials collections in print can be modified for the evaluation of electronic serials collections. Issues, problems and challenges associated with electronic serials evaluation are then outlined, and conclusions that emphasize the continuing importance of serials evaluation in the electronic environment are drawn.  相似文献   


Catalogers often need to make ethical decisions about their daily work. What is the starting point for defining cataloging ethics and how do practitioners define the concept? In this paper, the authors explore definitions of ethics and cataloging ethics in the literature, and subsequently analyze responses to a question asking respondents to define cataloging ethics. Set against the existing backdrop of the American Library Association “Code of Ethics,” the authors propose that shared values create a framework for discussing cataloging ethics, rather than a single articulated definition.  相似文献   

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