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前工业化时期,佛兰德尔和英国城市的毛纺织业都很繁荣,都产生过资本主义萌芽,毛纺织业对双方的经济都产生了重要影响。在中世纪晚期,它们都遭遇了经济危机,城市经济都面临着乡村工业的冲击,但由于两者采取了不同的态度来对待城乡关系,最终使双方走上了不同的发展道路。  相似文献   

你能辨别清楚吗?□周俊明●法拉第——英国科学家。1981年发现电流。●达拉第——法国总理。1938年参加慕尼黑会议。○佛兰德尔——法兰西地名。英法百年战争争夺的目标。○弗兰格尔——苏俄国内战争时期的反革命头子。参与协约国的第三次进攻。○弗兰克尔——匈...  相似文献   

尼德兰是“低地国”的意思.在16世纪中叶,它包括南北两大部分.前者指佛兰德尔、那幕尔、亨奈尔特和亚都亚洲,布拉奔特、卢森堡和灵堡公国,马林尼领地,列日和坎布里主教区等十个地区;后者则指荷兰、西兰、佛里西亚、乌特勒支、哥罗宁根、盖尔德、德兰特和奥维赖塞尔等七个省.①这里是莱茵河、些耳德河和卖士河下游及北海沿岸地势极低下地区,包括了今天的荷兰、比利时、卢森堡及法兰西东北部地方.尼德兰  相似文献   

布鲁日地处比利时西北部西佛兰德省,距北海16公里。有史记载她源于7世纪,13至15世纪时曾是西欧重要的贸易中心之一。14世纪时,布鲁日甚至一度成为国际金融与交易市场,对外交往频繁,这个时期,一栋栋豪华的商贸大楼拔地而起,街上有不同肤色、不同装束的人说着不同的语言。欧洲文艺复兴时期,布鲁日也异常活跃,热烈追求新生活气象。  相似文献   

特尼尔斯是十七世纪佛兰德斯画坛知名的风俗画家 ,他在当时的绘画活动中占有一定的特殊地位。佛兰德斯地处比利时西北部 ,是富饶的地方。佛兰德斯的重镇安特卫普是当时世界上重要的商业中心之一 ,经济很发达 ,安特卫普是佛兰德斯的美术活动中心。这里不仅聚集着大批佛兰德斯的艺术家 ,而且西欧各国的艺术家也常来这里进行各种艺术活动。佛兰德斯绘画这一提法因此而来。十七世纪的佛兰德斯处于西班牙封建专制和天主教会的控制之下 ,佛兰德斯的美术也带有明显的贵族性和宗教性。但是 ,佛兰德斯的市民们并没有妥协 ,优秀的民族文化艺术传统并没…  相似文献   

百年战争是英法两国历史上的重要事件。英法两国隔海相望,发生规模如此巨大、影响如此深远的战争,原因是多方面的,既有政治原因也有经济原因,而其中经济利益的争夺是两国爆发战争的根本性原因。在众多的经济原因中,两国对加斯科尼和佛兰德尔的争夺则是其中的主要原因。但从英国国王来说,领地之争并不是唯一的目的,控制关税从而增加王室财政收入也是其重要目标。  相似文献   

十七世纪的佛兰德斯 ,人称是“鲁本斯的时代”。但就在鲁本斯享誉当时的安特卫普时 ,雅可布·约丹斯 ( 1 593— 1 6 78)以其独树一帜的、具有鲜明的民族艺术传统的风格 ,成为中产阶级和农民朋友最欢迎的风俗画家。约丹斯是阿达姆·凡·奴尔特的学生 ,与鲁本斯先后同学 ,而且是鲁本斯的终生挚友。有意义的是 ,约丹斯几乎不受鲁本斯的影响 ,也不受另一位佛兰德斯大画家凡·代克的影响 ,在约丹斯的笔下 ,没有鲁本斯豪华奔放的色彩 ,也没有凡·代克的纤丽和秀美。他只在自己的民族艺术传统中吸取营养 ,忠实于佛兰德斯朴素的写实传统 ,走自己的艺…  相似文献   

1688年噶尔丹领兵挺进喀尔喀,喀尔喀人一部分南下投诚清朝,另一部分则奔向青藏地区。18世纪20年代喀尔喀人在清军入藏和管理青海的过程中扮演了重要角色。  相似文献   

问:乌鲁卡基那改革的具体经过如何?答:乌鲁卡基那是公元前二十四世纪时苏美尔城市国家拉伽什的拍达西(拍达西原是被选出的最高僧侣,后成为拥有统治权力的王).现在从流传下来的两块乌鲁卡基那本人的泥园锥铭  相似文献   

彼得·保罗·鲁本斯(Peter Paul Rubens,1577—1640)是17世纪佛兰德斯画坛的一代宗师,是巴洛克风格大师的主要代表,也是继文艺复兴诸大师之后,为欧洲近代绘画开辟道路的巨匠之一。联合国为了表彰他在艺术上的伟大成就和卓越贡献,曾于1977年隆重纪念他的400周年诞辰。 佛兰德斯,即今日的比利时一带。公元16世纪,它和北方的荷兰,统称为尼德兰,当时都是西班牙的领地。16世纪下半叶,尼德兰爆发了反对西班牙封建专制统治的资产阶级革命,尼德兰北部地区宣告独立,建立了荷兰共和国。尼德兰南部的佛兰德斯的革  相似文献   

Teaching quality has been observed in large representative samples from Flanders (Belgium), Lower Saxony (Germany), the Slovak Republic, and The Netherlands. This study reveals that measures of “creating a safe and stimulating climate”, “clear and activating instruction”, and “teaching learning strategies” were reliable and fully or at least partially scalar equivalent across these countries. Flemish teachers score higher, on average, on measures related to creating a safe and stimulating learning climate than do teachers in Lower Saxony, the Slovak Republic, or The Netherlands. With regard to the provision of clear and activating instruction, no significant differences arose in average scores across the 4 countries. Dutch teachers scored significantly higher on teaching learning strategies than teachers in Flanders and Lower Saxony but did not differ significantly from teachers in the Slovak Republic. Flemish and Slovak teachers earned higher average scores on teaching learning strategies than teachers in Lower Saxony.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the implementation of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Flanders, a sub-national entity of Belgium. Our analysis shows how the policy-making process in Flanders is inextricably intertwined with three developments in environmental and educational policy: the increasing impact of ESD policy and discourse on environmental education, the framing of social and political problems as learning problems, and ecological modernisation. These trends give shape to a post-ecologist and post-political policy regime and, thus, affect what is possible and acceptable within Flemish ESD policy. However, this case study also revealed that these developments do not completely determine ESD policy-making in Flanders. Our examination thus allowed us to understand how the actual policy translation in a particular local setting brings about powers that legitimise and maintain as well as counteract the bounds of the policy regime that emerged in the context of the UN Decade.  相似文献   

从世纪开始,法国社会经济进入了一个新时期。法国北部的城市也随之开始繁荣起来,10因此促使法国北部地区不仅成为当时法国的中心,也成为了当时欧洲新的经济世界的中心。这篇文章主要从内外两方面探讨—世纪法国北部城市繁荣的原因,以加深对当时法国北部城市繁荣的认识和理1015解。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the way the 19th century language situation in Brussels was rooted in processes of modernization and migration. At the same time it aims to be the framework for interpreting the 19th century educational developments in Brussels.

After a short overview of economic, social and demographic developments in the 19th century Belgian capital, the author argues that this developments, the linguistic policy and the uneven social status of French and Dutch resulted in a socially separated language use. The language barrier between the Dutch‐speaking working class and the French‐speaking bourgeoisie only became transparent for the social subtop and certain parts of the middle class. Finally the author shows that only from the end of the 19th century onwards linguistic and social barriers started to break down, while in the same period a new Flemish elite emerged and fought against the Frenchification. 1 1Dieser Artikel wurde Juli 1991 geschrieben.


After the Belgian revolution in 1830 French became the official language, although the majority of the Belgians were unilingual Flemish (i.e. Dutch) speaking. The Flemish movement succeeded in emancipating Flanders. The ransom was a high degree of frenchification in the capital Brussels, situated in Flemish‐Brabant.

Socio‐psychological pressure and sabotage of the language laws resulted in an astonishing process of language shift in the Brussels agglomeration. Primary education played a leading role. In consequence of both the political and sociological emancipation of Flanders and the fact that the region was becoming economically the strongest area, an evolution took place in the 1970s. For the first time a satisfactory Dutch language educational infrastructure was established in Brussels, controlled by the Flemish authorities and focusing on multilinguality. In the 1980s there was an increasing linguistic effect of the international migration to Brussels in its new role of capital of Europe: on the one hand there was the influence of financially strong groups, on the other hand there was the concentration of poor migrants mainly from Morocco and Turkey who had been attracted in the golden sixties. These processes not only endanger the linguistic balance in Brussels, but also challenge the Dutch educational system. 1 1Dieser Artikel wurde Juli 1991 geschrieben.


This article reports on a study of the professional learning of Flemish teacher educators. In the first part, an exemplary survey was conducted in order to compile an inventory of the existing types of education initiatives for teacher educators in Flanders. An electronic survey was then conducted in order to identify the professional needs of teacher educators in Flanders. The third part of the study focused on how the professional learning of teacher educators can evolve throughout their careers. This topic was examined by organising focus groups with teacher educators at two international conferences for teacher educators. Flemish teacher educators devote considerable attention to professional learning, and they are able to meet their needs through the broad range of existing courses and programmes offered within the educational system. Nevertheless, there is still room for improvement in the alignment of professional learning with the needs and career stages of teacher educators.  相似文献   

美国内战结束后至19世纪末,自由放任思想成为政治思想主流。在这种思想指导下,美国经济走向辉煌,但也带来了一系列严重的社会经济问题,威胁到了资产阶级的统治。自由放任思想受到了严峻的挑战,新的国家干预思想应运而生,并在19末20世纪初取代自由放任思想成为美国政治思想主流,从而为政府干预社会经济和20世纪初美国社会的全面变革奠定了坚实的理论基础。  相似文献   

本文以制度理论为视角分析比利时弗莱芒大区高等教育治理权的特点,充分考量组织的治理结构、治理逻辑中的社会约责、治理结构下的组织过程以及相关活动。研究认为,弗莱芒大区的高等教育治理呈现出政府放权力度大、法律治理、精英治理等特点。具体来说,制度设计与财权的掌控是弗莱芒大区政府调控高等教育宏观治理的主要手段;鉴于弗莱芒大区高等教育管理机构和大学内部具有界限明确的社会约责,大区政府无法强制干预大学的内部治理;而在大学内部治理中,精致的官僚机器、精英教师是大学内部组织活动的主要力量。据此,本文在高等教育治理权的一般来源、组织与分配逻辑方面获得了诸多启示。  相似文献   

Although there is a tendency to develop policy plans on adult education at a European level, there are still large differences between the various EU countries. These national policy contexts depend on historical, cultural, economic and political factors and can have a profound impact on the way adult education is shaped and developed within a country. Two examples of such policies are presented to clarify this point. In the Netherlands, there is a strong emphasis on the vocational side of adult education. This is for a large part the result of the introduction of the Law on Adult and Vocational Education ( Wet Educatie en Beroepsonderwijs ) in 1996. The non vocational branch of the sector was rather marginalised by this new law. In Belgium, there has been a great effort to support, develop and streamline non vocational adult education. The special Flemish government decree ( Decreet betreffende het sociaal-cultureel volwassenenwerk ) of 2003 was very important in that regard. This decree regulates all aspects of non vocational education or socio-cultural work, including funding and quality assurance. Although the Flemish decree could be seen as a good practice of upgrading non-formal adult education through legislation, it could also be considered a typical Flemish case, rooted in the traditions of adult education in Flanders.  相似文献   

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