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漫谈"版画教育"   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
版画作为造型表现艺术手段,除了具备所有的绘画艺术都共有的最基本的机制和约束之外,更具有它自身独有的特殊机制和规律,其中的大部分与“教育”功能有关。日本中小教学对版画“教育”功能的重视,对我们“综合运用能力”的培养还是有一定的借鉴和启发。  相似文献   

版画以其独特的审美特色成为世界绘画艺术的灿烂奇葩。纸版画是版画的一种,属于造型艺术之一。纸版画的制作具有随意性、游戏性,它不仅培养学生的动手能力,还充分发挥学生的想象能力,既有创作的乐趣,又有教育的功能,让学生的思想在艺术熏陶中得到升华,启迪智慧,提升人格,这也是美术教育的最终目的。  相似文献   

版画是发展幼儿综合能力的极好手段.在版画活动中,幼儿通过双手将自己对美好事物的认知用画、刻、剪、撕、折、贴、印的方法再现出来,它不仅能够培养幼儿手脑并用的能力,发展幼儿的观察力、创造力和想象力.而且对幼儿表达、自理、合作、交往等能力的提高起着重要作用.对幼儿进行版画教育,还有利于提高他们的审美能力.使他们通过版画创作表达对美的认识和创造.下面谈谈我在版画教学中的做法:  相似文献   

版画作为美术课程的一个重要分类,应该得到足够的重视与传承。中学美术课程中的版画课题材料简单便捷,易制作、可操作性强。通过版画教学有助于中学生锻炼和提高敏锐的艺术观察能力、准确的造型能力、丰富的想象能力及灵活的应变能力和高雅的艺术鉴赏能力。可是,在以往的初中学美术教学中,版画作为小画种,因为受到材料和纸张的限制,往往不被重视。在初中开展版画教育,可以陶冶学生情操、开发学生智力。我在版画教学中不断摸索,尝试纸版画教学,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

小学美术教学的目标是提升孩子们的艺术审美能力,促进孩子们的个性培养。紧跟新课程标准的不断优化,小学美术教育一直包含版画内容,这也是孩子们的必修课。版画教育重点是提高孩子们体验美、欣赏美和创造美的能力。联系自身的工作体会,分析在新课程标准改革基础上,通过小学美术版画教育中的许多教育措施,来提升孩子们整体艺术素质的重要性与详细的实践策略,希望和同行一起探讨。  相似文献   

杨明倩  钟锦玉 《新疆教育》2013,(15):164-165
儿童与版画存在着某种天然的联系,在幼儿美术教育中,儿童版画教育有着重要的意义,是培养学生实践能力和创造力的重要途径,是其他艺术形式所替代不了的。目前,我国许多地方重视运用版画培养孩子的艺术表现能力,他们的实践证明版画是一种非常好的美术教育方式。如何开展儿童版画教学,是一个需要我们好好研究的课题。  相似文献   

版画在我国有悠久的历史,最早出现的版画是木刻。宗教版画、文学名著插图版画、年画等广泛运用,至今仍是人民群众喜闻乐见的形式。当前日本、韩国都非常重视运用版画培养孩子的艺术表现能力。我国南京、重庆少儿版画在美术教育界都很有名,他们的实践证明版画是一种非常好的美术教育方式。在《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》(以下简称《纲要》)理念的指导下,根据自己的亲身体会,努力探索适合幼儿版画学习的策略并提出自己的教学理念和实践方法。  相似文献   

版画,是一门高雅的艺术。在当代儿童美术教育中,它又成为促进儿童动手动脑,培养审美、创造能力的重要形式。一些发达国家,十分重视儿童版画活动的开展。在我国中小学美术教学大纲规定的教学内容中,版画占有一席之地。近些年,版画教育活动在我国逐渐兴起,且初见成效。尤其是黑白版画,以它简便易行、工艺性强、可多次拓印的特点,受到儿童喜爱,引起实践兴趣。如何开展儿童黑白版画教学,如何利用版画形式对儿童实施美育?一、突出版画特点,建立黑白观念。儿童普遍喜爱绘画,但是否能领略版画艺术的黑白之美,关键在于教师怎样引导。…  相似文献   

张弛 《教师》2020,(10):105-106
儿童版画教育在世界各地早已得到各国儿童美术教育家的重视,很多国家都根据本国的实际,在中小学及幼儿园开设版画课现行的小学美术教材中虽然出现了关于版画的教学内容,但没有根据学生的年龄段来实现由简到难的教学,且版画的教学内容相对比较零碎,学生无法通过系统的版画学习获得对美术学习的持久兴趣.通过对“儿童化”版画教学的思考和探究,分层制定目标序列,开展三位一体的“儿童化”版画教学,能较好地解决以上问题,使不同层次的学生的动脑(思维)、动手(操作)、动眼(观察)的能力得以发展。  相似文献   

教育学家苏姆林斯基说:“儿童的智力在他的手指尖上。”可见培养幼儿的动手能力,特别是培养幼儿手的精细动作能力,是加强幼儿脑功能锻炼,发展幼儿智力的极为有效的手段之一。而版画正是图画和手工劳作结合的绘画。小学教材中的版画,特别是纸版画拙朴而自然的造型、灵活的构图、  相似文献   

Literacy for a 21st century context is far more complex than reading and writing print. As society and information and communication technology (ICT) has changed, so what counts as literacy and how a person is deemed to be literate has changed. Students from low socio-economic backgrounds in the later years of schooling require access to multiple literacies mediated through ICT and to teachers who are willing to provide opportunities for them to be taught explicitly. ICT can promote the learning of the content as well as learning the literacies associated with specific subject areas. This paper will focus on how three teachers in the later years of schooling (years 9–12) used technology to enhance learning and engagement of students in learning the literacies associated with their subject. They challenged the hegemony of print literacy by providing opportunities to develop students understanding, critique and creation of multimodal texts, but also supported students in achieving more effective print literacy. These teachers provided appropriate teaching for students from low socio-economic backgrounds, engaging them in thinking, feeling and acting at high levels while simultaneously providing positive messages about their knowledge, ability, control, place and voice. Their pedagogical approach supported the development of cultural and social capital that will enhance their students’ life options.  相似文献   

The present paper synthesizes the international research literature on the educational achievement of immigrant and minority language students by articulating three propositions for which there is strong empirical evidence: (a) print access and literacy engagement play a key role in promoting reading comprehension; (b) the development of bilingual students?? L1 proficiency plays a positive role in L2 academic development; and (c) societal power relations play a direct causal role in promoting school failure among students from subordinated communities. This interpretation of the empirical evidence is contrasted with the conclusions of recent North American and European reviews. For example, the comprehensive review of literacy development among minority students conducted in the United States by the National Literacy Panel on Language-Minority Children and Youth acknowledged the legitimacy of bilingual education as a policy option but said very little about the role of literacy engagement in promoting reading comprehension. By contrast, various reports of the Programme for International Student Achievement (PISA) conducted by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) highlighted the importance of reading engagement for reading achievement but discounted bilingual education as a feasible or realistic policy option. The instructional implications of the present review include the need for educators to promote print access and literacy engagement, teach for cross-lingual transfer, and affirm students?? identities in classroom interactions.  相似文献   

Print exposure is an important causal factor in reading development. Little is known, however, of the mechanisms through which print exposure exerts an effect onto reading. To address this gap, we examined the direct and indirect effects of print exposure on silent reading fluency among college students (n = 52). More specifically, we focused on phonetic decoding and sight word reading efficiency as potential mediators of the indirect effects of print exposure on silent reading fluency. Silent reading fluency was chosen as the outcome given that the natural reading experience occurs predominately in the silent mode. Results showed that the direct effect of print exposure on silent reading fluency was significant. Sight word reading efficiency partially mediated the indirect effect of print exposure on silent reading fluency. Phonetic decoding efficiency also partially mediated the indirect effect of print exposure on silent reading fluency, but only when followed by sight word reading efficiency to form a serial and joint mechanism (i.e., print exposure → phonetic decoding → sight word reading → silent reading fluency). Present findings highlight two mechanisms through which print exposure exerts an effect onto silent reading fluency, both of which involve sight word reading efficiency.  相似文献   

For postsecondary students with disabilities influencing reading performance, printed class materials pose a substantial barrier and have a negative impact on academic achievement. Digital technologies offer alternative ways of accessing print materials for students with print‐related disabilities. Alternative media is a broad term that encompasses a variety of formats into which printed text is converted. Alternative media, together with assistive computer technologies designed to read aloud the text, provide a means to access textual information and bypass the difficult reading process. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of model programs and pertinent research on the use of alternative media by postsecondary students with print disabilities; we will identify promising practices for students whose disabilities negatively influence reading performance.  相似文献   


Digital and print readings differ in their affordances. Past research supports a print advantage, but few studies have used within-subjects approaches or compared handheld devices and multiple reading genres. We compared college students’ reading of several excerpts on paper, a laptop, and an e-reader. Students read on all platforms, completed comprehension tasks, and answered questions on their perceptions and preferences. Results indicated that students’ learning experience with print was superior, with the laptop a close second. In contrast, students’ learning from and perceptions of the e-reader were lower. There was no interaction with reading genre. This research suggests that students’ preference for print remains strong. When digital materials are used, e-readers appear to be a less viable option for academics relative to laptops.  相似文献   

Research Findings: The purpose of this paper is to explore the association between maternal reading beliefs and children's emergent literacy outcomes in light of maternal education. Furthermore, I consider whether maternal reading beliefs may mediate the association between maternal education level and children's print knowledge and phonological awareness while classroom quality, maternal literacy practices, gender, and ethnicity are controlled. Data were collected from a socioeconomically diverse population of 92 mothers and their preschool children from 2 demographically different counties in a Mid-Atlantic state. Correlations among all measures were moderate and positive, with higher levels of maternal education associated with higher scores on a maternal beliefs measure and higher child scores on a print knowledge and phonological awareness measure. Maternal reading beliefs mediated the effects of maternal education level on children's print knowledge and phonological awareness. This pathway remained in the presence of the 4 covariates for print knowledge only. Practice or Policy: These findings have important implications for practitioners as they work to involve parents in students’ literacy development by creating parent training programs that not only integrate but also highlight and even shape maternal reading beliefs.  相似文献   

A classroom-based study with eight- and nine-year-old students included the participants having many opportunities to engage with multimodal print and digital texts, and various technological tools. The data presented in this article focus on one of the specific purposes of the research: to investigate students’ opinions of the affordances of designing print and digital graphic narratives. The content analysis of the students’ reflections about working with a software programme to compose a multimodal ensemble in the medium of comics revealed evidence of critical thinking as they analysed and critiqued the possibilities and constraints for meaning-making. The conclusion features a consideration of the importance of students and teachers developing metalevel knowledge about and a critical stance toward the meaning-making affordances of all texts and compositional tools and devices.  相似文献   

This study explored relations of print exposure, academic achievement, and reading habits among 100 deaf and 100 hearing college students. As in earlier studies, recognition tests for book titles and magazine titles were used as measures of print exposure, college entrance test scores were used as measures of academic achievement, and students provided self-reports of reading habits. Deaf students recognized fewer magazine titles and fewer book titles appropriate for reading levels from kindergarten through Grade 12 while reporting more weekly hours of reading. As in previous studies with hearing college students, the title recognition test proved a better predictor of deaf and hearing students' English achievement than how many hours they reported reading. The finding that the recognition tests were relatively more potent predictors of achievement for deaf students than hearing students may reflect the fact that deaf students often obtain less information through incidental learning and classroom presentations.  相似文献   

This goal of this study was to examine the differences between lecturers and students’ perceptions of the accessibility of instructional materials. The perceptions of 12 mature computing distance education students and 12 computing lecturers were examined using the knowledge elicitation techniques of card sorting and laddering. The study showed that lecturers had pedagogical views while students tended to concentrate on surface attributes such as appearance. Students perceived instructional materials containing visual representations as most accessible. This has two implications for the professional development of computing lecturers designing instructional materials. First, lecturers need to appreciate the differences between expert and novice views of accessibility and how students will engage with the materials. Second, lecturers need to understand that learners perceive instructional materials containing visual representations as more accessible compared to ‘text only’ versions. Hence greater use of these may enable students to engage more readily in learning. Given that print is the ubiquitous teaching medium this is likely to have implications for students and lecturers in other disciplines.  相似文献   

This study set out to develop a Chinese Author Recognition Test (CART) that might be used as a measure of objective print exposure for college students in Taiwan. We found that there is a linkage between print exposure and general reading achievement for college students. We also found that, among self‐reported reading habits, comparative reading habits and CART, primary print knowledge scores within the CART family have the strongest prediction power for both the ‘General Scholastic Ability Test‐Chinese’ and the ‘Department Required Test‐Chinese’ beyond the joint contributions of vocabulary size and reading comprehension. By sharing the process of developing the instrument, we shed some light for researchers from regions other than English‐speaking countries on how they might move forward in future investigations.  相似文献   

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