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The essay describes the development of Hugo de Vries's thinking on heredity from the publication of his Intracellulare Pangenesis in 1889 to the publication of Die Mutations-theorie, Volume 2, in 1903. De Vries's work in the 1890s can be characterized as an attempt to defend his theory of pangenes, especially the fundamental and controversial idea that different characters have different material hereditary carriers. Hybridization experiments served his goal. Recently discovered research notes on hybridization from 1896 suggest that, though he was unaware of Mendel's work, De Vries used the laws of dominance and recessiveness, segregation, and independent assortment to explain the 75:25 ratio in the second generation. He had discovered these laws by applying insights from probability theory to his research. In Die Mutationstheorie De Vries combined central concepts of intracellular pangenesis and his mutation theory by modifying the meanings of important terms and introducing new states of pangenes. In his attempts to describe Mendelian crossings in terms of pangenes and mutations, he became entangled in a number of contradictions. Some of his remarks suggest that he was aware that the Mendelian laws and his own theories of pangenes and mutations could not be made consistent.  相似文献   

张逢 《科学学研究》2007,25(2):239-244
分析吴有训在上世纪30年前后开展的X射线散射研究及这些研究的学术价值和背景,论证其与当时中国“学术独立”的关系,指出这些研究是中国物理学走向“学术独立”的第一步,并为中国科学的“学术独立”起到了很好的推动和示范作用。  相似文献   

This article argues that the art collection owned by Franciscus dele Bo?, Sylvius, a professor of practical medicine at the University of Leiden from 1658 to 1672, gives insight into some aspects of the character and significance of the new philosophy in the midseventeenth century. Through his teaching, his advocacy, and his practice of the new experimental philosophy, Sylvius played a role in shaping and institutionalizing the practices of the new philosophy that spread throughout Europe in the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Sylvius's house design and large painting collection also exemplified the consumption and taste of the northern Netherlands in the seventeenth century. An examination of both Sylvius's science and his taste can help us understand what was at stake for Sylvius and his contemporaries in their practice of the new philosophy. This article finds that Sylvius's taste and his science both involved practices of social distinction, demarcation, and control. Moreover, both were enmeshed in controversy about the epistemological status of knowledge gained through the senses and about the practices by which that knowledge was gathered.  相似文献   

布尼亚科夫斯基的《数学概率论基础》是第一部俄文版概率论著作,曾数十年作为俄罗斯的概率论标准教科书。该书构建了若干条俄文概率专业术语;诠释了某些概率论基本概念;介绍了大数定理理论;给出大量概率论应用实例等,其中不乏作者的创新性研究结果。因此,布尼亚科夫斯基的相关研究,对圣彼得堡概率学派产生了深远影响,极大地推动了概率论在俄罗斯的传播和发展。  相似文献   

As Einstein's portrait comes increasingly to resemble an icon, we lose more than detail--his writings and actions lose all reference. This is as true for his physics as it is for his philosophy and his politics; the best of recent work aims to remove Einstein's interventions from the abstract sphere of Delphic pronouncements and to insert them in the stream of real events, real arguments. Politically, this means attending to McCarthyism, Paul Robeson, the Arab-Israeli conflict. Philosophically, it means tying his concerns, for example, to late nineteenth-century neo-Kantian debates and to his own struggles inside science. And where physics is concerned, it means attending both in the narrow to his responses to others' work and his reactions to his own sometimes misfired early work on, for example, general relativity and to the wider context of technological developments. Einstein remains and will remain a magnet for historians, philosophers, and scientists; the essays assembled here represent a strong sampling--but only a sampling--of a fascinating new generation of work on this perennial figure.  相似文献   

This year marks the centenary of the death of W. H. Fox Talbot, the inventor of the negative/positive process of photography. This article reviews his contribution to the development of photography in relation to that of other pioneers, notably Niépce, Daguerre, and Archer. It also considers the consequences for the development of photography in Britain of Talbot's strict adherence to his patent rights.  相似文献   

通过黄万里的18封信,马力和张玉美回忆了他们的老师。黄万里不仅向他们传授了专业知识,而且也成为他们心目中真正的热爱祖国和人民的楷模。他的言论和行为均出自对国家和人民的忠诚和责任感,而非出自一己之私利。  相似文献   

前文已对霍尔丹的身世和早年教育,他在生物科学领域的贡献,以及《代达罗斯》的内容及其引起的若干争论作了介绍和评述。在这一部分里,笔者将更多地关注《代达罗斯》在文化和伦理层面的意义;也将由此进入霍尔丹的精神世界,讨论他的政治立场和他所倾心的意识形态,以及这些同20世纪英国社会与国际局势变迁的关系;最后,笔者将根据手头掌握的一些零散材料,尝试摹画霍尔丹这位人物在中国政治与文化舞台上的投影。  相似文献   

托马斯·库恩是20世纪最伟大的科学哲学家和科学史学家。由他划时代著作《科学革命的结构》产生出来的"范式"和"范式转换"已经成为我们的日常生活用语。一方面,库恩自认在哲学上的最大贡献是"不可通约性",但这一点遭到多方非议。另一方面,当他被认为是"科学知识社会学"(SSK)强纲领的思想先驱时,他却拒绝承认SSK的主张;他在学术上的同路人少得可怜,与他在思想界的巨大影响完全不成比例。库恩从登上学术舞台开始,就遭到不同程度的误解,他一直在寻找自己的身份定位。本文试图通过梳理矛盾的库恩形象,他与学生的关系以及影响他的思想形成的几大事件,从"误解"与"被误解"的角度来阐释库恩的心路历程。我们的目的不是"去魅",更不想树立新的偶像,而是试图还原一个真实的库恩。  相似文献   

The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, awards the 2008 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Chemistry to Professor Albert Eschenmoser for his seminal efforts in the chemical etiology of nucleic acid structure, which through systematic exploration employing chemical synthesis of potentially natural structural alternatives to DNA, demonstrated that Watson-Crick base pairing is not unique to the ribofuranosyl system, and that DNA’s structure represents an optimization of several factors rather than a maximization of base-pairing strength.In his early scientific career, Professor Albert Eschenmoser established himself as one of the premier synthetic organic chemists in the world, with the monumental achievement of two total syntheses of Vitamin B12, the first in collaboration with Professor Robert B. Woodward of Harvard University.However, since the 1980s, Professor Eschenmoser has concentrated his research interest in establishing the area of chemical etiology of nucleic acid structures to understand better the structural and functional uniqueness of the molecular basis of nature’s genetic information carrier—DNA and RNA. This systematic investigation of potential natural nucleic acid alternatives has demonstrated experimentally that Watson-Crick base pairing is not a unique property of DNA and RNA. Moreover, his research on homo-DNA revealed that the helicality of the famous double-stranded DNA is a direct outcome of the 5-membered ring nature of the deoxyribofuranose structure unit, while the study on p-RNA demonstrated that nature did not choose her genetic system by the standard of maximal base pairing strength, but instead optimization. Of equal significance, his recent design and synthesis of TNA (α-threofuranosyl nucleic acid), found to possess extraordinary base-paring properties, led to the hypothesis suggesting TNA as a possible precursor to the “RNA World”. Finally, his research on the correlation between the differences in the pKa of nucleic bases and their base-pairing strength led to a novel principal for the selection of nucleic base alternatives with proper bonding strength.  相似文献   

池仁勇  李盼盼 《未来与发展》2010,(7):100-103,64
钢铁行业作为美国经济的三大支柱产业之一,在国民经济发展的各个阶段都发挥着重要作用。钢铁发展,则经济发展;钢铁衰退,则经济不振。文章通过分析美国钢铁行业一个多世纪兴衰的因素,兼并重组过程,揭示钢铁行业发展的规律性,可以为我国钢铁行业的发展概括出一些宝贵的经验和教训。  相似文献   

The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, awards the 2011 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Chemistry to Professor Kyriacos C. Nicolaou for his extraordinary contributions to chemistry, biology, and medicine through the advancement of the art of synthesis as exemplified by the elegant total syntheses of some of nature's most complex biologically active molecules. Nicolaou is recognized as a world leader in the field of total synthesis for his work in chemical synthesis and chemical biology. His total syntheses are legendary, distinguished for their elegance and practicality. Among his most celebrated achievements are the total syntheses of calicheamicin γ1I, Taxol®, brevetoxin B, vancomycin, and thiostrepton. The impact of his work transcends total synthesis, for it often leads to the discovery and invention of new synthetic strategies and technologies as well as biological tools and drug candidates, thereby facilitating discoveries in biology and medicine. Nicolaou's influence on science and society extends beyond his research discoveries. Through his didactic lectures and writings, he motivates and inspires students into the sciences and informs the public about the importance of science and education to society.  相似文献   

The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, awarded the Benjamin Franklin Medal in Engineering to Robert E. Newnham for his invention of multiphase piezoelectric transducers and their spatial architecture which revolutionized the field of acoustic imaging. The background and significance of his research is presented. Attention is focused on the impact his research prompted in the field of medical imaging, in particular non-invasive, real-time visualization of internal tissue and organs of human body using ultrasound energy. Societal impact of Dr. Newnham's work is also pointed out.  相似文献   

Prof. Wu Zhengyi (Wu Cheng-yih, C. Y. Wu), a plant taxonomist and floristic geographer, is the founder of the Chinese school of floristic geography. Now in his eighties, he is still full of energy and working hard at his research.  相似文献   

The influential Berkeley theoretical physicist Geoffrey Chew renounced the reigning approach to the study of subatomic particles in the early 1960s. The standard approach relied on a rigid division between elementary and composite particles. Partly on the basis of his new interpretation of Feynman diagrams, Chew called instead for a "nuclear democracy" that would erase this division, treating all nuclear particles on an equal footing. In developing his rival approach, which came to dominate studies of the strong nuclear force throughout the 1960s, Chew drew on intellectual resources culled from his own political activities and his attempts to reform how graduate students in physics would be trained.  相似文献   

A distinct British approach to disease in the tropics has been identified in the recent historiography of colonial medicine: Mansonian tropical medicine, named after Sir Patrick Manson (1844-1922), the founder of the London School of Tropical Medicine. This essay examines Manson's study of filariasis (infection with the filarial nematode worm) and argues that his conceptual tools and research framework were derived from contemporary natural history. It investigates Manson's training in natural history at the University of Aberdeen, where some of his teachers were closely associated with transcendental biology. The concepts of perfect adaptation and the harmony of nature were crucial to the formulation of his research problematic. This essay demonstrates that biogeographical concepts played an important part in Manson's research methodology. It also investigates how Manson's natural historical approach contributed to the making of so-called Mansonian tropical medicine.  相似文献   

华莱士与达尔文在性别二态性、杂交与杂种不育及人类的起源问题上存有分歧:达尔文采取多元论,在自然选择学说中引入性选择与相关律的解释,华莱士则坚持适应主义的自然选择一元论,但在人类进化问题上引入了唯灵论的超自然解释。分歧反映出达尔文主义在“非达尔文革命”中的困境:遗传学的不足与进步主义的盛行使神学进化论与科学进化论妥协的可能依然存在。,  相似文献   

Gordon Moore was honored for his pioneering role and continuing contributions to the semiconductor industry, and for his generous commitment to community service. Moore's technical and entrepreneurial leadership as founder of Intel is characterized by the sorts of innovations that have led to enhanced microprocessor speed, miniaturization and reduced cost, which have transformed the modern world.  相似文献   

Abraham TH 《Endeavour》2003,27(1):32-36
Recently, historians have focused on Warren S. McCulloch's role in the cybernetics movement during the 1940s and 1950s, and his contributions to the development of computer science and communication theory. What has received less attention is McCulloch's early work in neurophysiology, and its relationship to his philosophical quest for an 'experimental epistemology' - a physiological theory of knowledge. McCulloch's early laboratory work during the 1930s addressed the problem of cerebral localization: localizing aspects of behaviour in the cerebral cortex of the brain. Most of this research was done with the Dutch neurophysiologist J.G. Dusser de Barenne at Yale University. The connection between McCulloch's philosophical interests and his experimental work can be expressed as a search for a physiological a priori, an integrated mechanism of sensation.  相似文献   

The second half of the twentieth century marked the emergence of metal casting, also known as solidification processing, as a field for scientific and engineering inquiry. Merton C. Flemings is recognized internationally for his pioneering work in this field resulting in the development of fundamental understanding and novel processes of commercial importance. Amongst his work is semi-solid metalworking (SSM), an environmentally friendly process, which has led to the development of a new world-wide industry providing lightweight, affordable metallic castings for applications ranging from aerospace, to sporting goods, to consumer electronics.  相似文献   

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