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艾利斯·沃克是当代美国著名的黑人女性作家,在她的作品中饱含着对黑人女性的关怀,以及探索解决黑人妇女现实生活中的白人压迫和黑人家庭束缚。作品通过描写西丽在失去自我的漫长岁月中找寻自我的历程,探讨黑人女性妇女主义意识觉醒,这也是体现出黑人妇女解放的深刻内涵。作品中西丽的形象塑造,提出的“妇女主义”的思想,实际上是想通过此种方式可以达成妇女解放的宏伟愿望,为黑人群体解放提供了新的思路和发展道路。  相似文献   

艾丽斯·沃克是20世纪五六十年代杰出的美国女性文学及黑人文学作家之一,她提出了“女性主义”的理论,重视文学创作中的黑人女性话语。她的短篇小说《日常使用》(Everyday Use,1913)中描写了围绕着旧百衲被(黑人传统文化遗产的象征)发生的冲突,揭示了女主人公自我意识的觉醒,体现黑人妇女寻求自我个性与在逆境中保持人的尊严的主题。  相似文献   

《他们仰望上苍》是哈莱姆文艺复兴时期著名作家赫斯顿的代表作。作者在作品中引入话语概念,解析了女主人公——黑人妇女简妮从"失语状态"到"发出声音",最终争取到话语权力,达到自我成长的过程。从一个侧面描绘了一个黑人女性争取生存权、反对种族歧视、男权主义的曲折成长过程,从而开启了探索黑人女性生存状态的先河。  相似文献   

艾丽斯·沃克是当代美国文坛一颗耀眼的明星,作为黑人女作家,沃克提倡妇女主义。小说《紫色》就是表现她妇女主义的极好作品。女主人公西丽经历了固守黑人女性传统思想到积极探索、追求妇女主义的巨大转变。呼吁女性要自我觉醒,团结起来走独立、自强之路。  相似文献   

爱丽丝·沃克是美国当代著名的黑人女作家,其代表作《紫色》向读者描述了一个深受旧思想束缚的美国黑人妇女的悲惨成长历程及其女性自我主义意识不断觉醒的过程,歌颂了黑人妇女在性别及种族的双重压迫下,仍然不屈不挠地反抗及自我解放的精神,深刻地反映了作者的生态女性主义。  相似文献   

著名当代美国黑人女作家艾丽斯·沃克的长篇书信体小说<紫颜色>已成为当代西方女性主义文学经典.从黑人女性主义的立场出发探讨沃克在<紫颜色>中的黑人女性主义生存观,即黑人妇女以追求女性自我身份为精神内核,以写信,缝纫,唱布鲁斯民歌等创造力活动及黑人妇女内部的姐妹情谊为物质保障实现性别压迫和种族压迫下的自我解放和生存,并最终促使黑人男性改善自我,迈向自然,健康的人格.  相似文献   

尝试用福柯的规训权力理论,分析美国当代黑人女作家艾丽斯&#183;沃克的代表作《紫颜色》中家庭权力的建构方式,揭示黑人妇女在种族和性别双重歧视重压下的生存状态,探讨黑人女性解构权力规训、实现自我的有效途径。  相似文献   

赫斯顿是当代美国文学史上最有争议的人物之一。她的一生构成了一串没有答案的谜。事实上,赫斯顿着力表现的是黑人文化语境下的黑人经验。在《他们眼望上苍》里,她让一位黑人妇女而不是男人独领风骚,使被遮蔽的女性自信与自强重新成为社会的关注点,一改美国黑人文学的性别模式,塑造出一个寻找自我、表现自我、肯定自我的黑人女性。这部小说不仅打破了传统美国文学禁区,也为后来黑人文学整体振兴铺平了道路。  相似文献   

美国黑人女性文学自诞生之日起,很长时间里被排斥在以男性文学为中心的所谓主流文学之外,一直处于弱势话语的地位.在经历了以自我描述为主的早期文学阶段和寻找黑人妇女身份的文艺复兴阶段之后,黑人女性文学终于在20世纪下半叶迎来了其发展过程中的黄金时期,并涌现出了一大批杰出的黑人女性作家,她们的作品完美地实现了思想性和艺术性的统一,预示了21世纪黑人女性文学的更加繁荣.  相似文献   

著名当代美国黑人女作家托尼·莫里森小说<爱>自2003年发表以来引起了国内外学术界和广大读者的广泛关注.本文从黑人女性主义的立场出发探讨小说中的黑人女性主义生存观,即黑人妇女以追求女性自我身份为精神内核,为实现性别压迫和种族压迫下的自我解放和生存而斗争,并最终改善自我,迈向自然、健康的人格.  相似文献   

In our small scale, exploratory study of four black supplementary schools, we adopted a genealogical approach. By uncovering the subjugated knowledges and hidden histories of black supplementary schools we found evidence of a female centred new social movement. Our analysis of black female agency in these organic grassroots organisations enabled us to interrogate the normative mainstream discourse on ‘race’ and education. The narratives of black women educators consistently decentred assumptions of mainstream schooling. Supplementary schools provided a context in which whiteness is displaced as central and blackness is seen as normative. Parental involvement showed the effectiveness of black working class agency, in a discourse which assumes their passivity. We conclude by arguing that women's work within black supplementary schools embrace strategies for inclusion ‐‐ such as emphasis on the formal 3Rs, and dialogue with the mainstream ‐‐ which though appearing on the surface to be conservative and contradictory, in effect subverts the mainstream discourse on black underachievement and offer transformative possibilities from the margins.  相似文献   

This paper explores how opposite sides of the abortion debate employ a discourse of endangerment to mobilise political support for their ideologies about black women’s bodies. I examine the role of black women within that rhetorical strategy through various rhetorical artefacts. To analyse these artefacts, I employ the theoretical framework of ideological or ideographic criticism. This framework helps us see how the artefacts used by both pro and anti-choice movements ‘condition’ the audience not merely to adopt a set of ‘beliefs and behavior, but a vocabulary of concepts that function as guides, warrants, reasons, or excuses for behavior and belief’. Though the two sides of the abortion debate differ in their overt political views, they turn out to share an implicit ideology about black women. This ideology prevents the voices of black women from being heard and valued in a debate that is nonetheless focused on black women’s bodies.  相似文献   

艾丽丝·沃克将追求实现叙事话语的权威贯穿于《紫颜色》之中,使作品体现出独具特色的艺术风格和美学意蕴.通过“百衲被”叙事结构、多声部的叙事聚焦及其独特的叙事语言三个方面展开论述沃克为处于社会最底层的黑人女性实现叙事话语权威的独树一帜的叙事艺术.  相似文献   

抵抗表征:美国黑人女性主义的形象批评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国黑人女性主义批评采用知识考古的方法,从种族、性别、阶级共时性压迫的现实入手,分析和揭示了美国主流话语表征系统所建构的种种支配性黑人女性形象及其合法化、制度化压迫的意识形态意义。美国黑人女性批评对表征的抵抗,旨在认识与揭示表征在知识的再生产中所行使的话语权力,进而使黑人女性摆脱客体化的他者形象,成为自我表述的主体,进行自己的文化诉求。  相似文献   

小说《黑暗的心》讲述了马洛非洲之旅伴随下的精神之旅,在东方主义和殖民地权力话语理论考察下,该小说透露出后殖民主义意识。通过马洛的所见所闻,作者康拉德呈现了被西方殖民者丑化后的非洲殖民地——东方世界——的一个影子,以及当地黑人妇女被剥夺话语权的境况,同时,康拉德还通过马洛的所思所感,进一步消解了西方对东方的种种谬误,并展现了失语的殖民地妇女寻求走出沉默的渴望。  相似文献   

本文从后殖民主义的福柯的话语权力理论角度来解读南非作家J.M.库切的小说《耻》,通过"白人话语的丧失"、"黑人话语的重现"这两个主要层面,深刻揭示了南非后殖民时代白人与黑人社会角色的转换,展示了南非黑人的逐步崛起与各色人种趋向和谐的社会倾向。  相似文献   

This paper explores the issues of what would constitute a positive organizational climate for women and minorities within the community college setting and ways in which such a climate might be achieved. It first describes some traditional or standard measures of a positive organizational climate for women and minorities and then evaluates how well the community college is doing when examined against these measures. Next, it describes some structural manifestations of a negative climate, including negative discourse about minorities and women. In doing so, it traces the development of some discourse patterns about these groups and provides some illustrative cultural assumptions that reflect these discourse patterns. The paper concludes with implications for the community college, including some steps to be taken to improve the organizational climate for minorities and women.  相似文献   

Since the mid‐1970s studies of language and gender have been increasingly concerned with social justice issues. One aim of these studies has been to identify the role that language plays in the location and maintenance of women in a disadvantageous position in society. This article looks at the role that education plays in creating unjust gender arrangements in society through its language policies and the discursive practices that it legitimates. It begins by critically reviewing many of the studies that have found differences in the respective discourses of men and women. It then reviews the smaller corpus of studies that describe differences in the discourse of preschool and school‐age girls and boys. It then reviews the language policies and discourse practices that schools often adopt which seem to create and reinforce disadvantages for girls and women, suggesting how unjust power is exercised through the medium of school discourse and through taken‐for‐granted school language policies. The article concludes with recommendations for school language policy action.  相似文献   

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