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研究性学习的选题主要指对某些数学问题的深入探讨,或者从数学角度对某些日常生活中和其他学科中出现的问题进行研究,充分体现学生的自主活动和合作活动。研究性学习的选题往往关注当地社会发展和生活环境的热点、焦点,关注社会生活和社会发展的问题,关注科学研究的前沿课题,站在理论和实践研究的最前沿,具有一定的超前意识。它不拘泥于形式,每个学生都可以根据实际,根据研究性学习课题的综合程度和研究方式,灵活选择适合于自己的研究性学习类型。“问题是数学的心脏”,数学活动是从问题开始的,没有问题就没有数学活动。问题是研究性学习的载体,学生能提出问题,特别是提出具有挑战性的问题,是研究性学习的关键。因此,教师要注意把数学问题活化,注重创设问题的情境,  相似文献   

"数学情境与提出问题"教学模式的研究性学习因素及体现   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
“ 数学情境与提出问题” 教学是在数学学科教学中实施研究性学习的重要教学模式,在“ 创设数学情境——提出数学问题——解决数学问题——注重数学应用” 的全过程中充分体现了研究性学习的因素.  相似文献   

问题是数学研究性学习的核心,问题探究是数学研究性学习内容的主要呈现方式,数学知识应以各种有待探索研究的形式与学生头脑中已有的经验发生联系和作用.创设好的问题情境,充分体现研究性学习的功能和价值,既是研究性学习有效进行的关键,也是研究性学习中教师主导作用发挥的本质要求.好问题就是研究性学习中的"范例",它应当体现"范例教学"的主要原则,即:"三个性"——基  相似文献   

研究性学习法倡导的是让学生有意识的进行学习,在发现问题、提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的过程中逐步培养数学逻辑思维能力,提高数学知识水平.1.初中数学研究性学习法的概述初中数学研究性学习法是在研究性学习法基础之上发展起来的一种创新的教学理念,主要是指老师带领学生像研究科学发明一样去探索数学知识、学习数学知识,将整个数学知识的发展过程向学生进行还原,  相似文献   

研究性学习,通过开展多种数学活动,让学生勤动手,勤思考,亲参与,在学习中培养学生数学素养,本人借此问题的提出来阐述研究性学习对于数学素养的意义,同时提出借研究性学习培养数学素养的策略。  相似文献   

<正>研究性学习的开展需要有合适的载体,即使是学生提出的问题,也要加以整理归类。作为研究性学习的载体应有利于调动学生学习数学的积极性,有利于学生创造潜能的发挥。实践证明,数学开放题用于研究性学习是合适的。  相似文献   

浅谈"情境——问题"的数学教学模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顺应新一轮教学改革的理念,研究性学习作为一种新的学习方式教师指导下学生自主探究知识,并重视实际问题解决的主动积极学习方式。研究性学习成为教学改革关注的热点,它需落实到学科教学中来,培养学生的研究性学习能力,着实促进教师教学方式和学生学习方式的改革,“教学情境与提出问题”教学是数学学科教学中实施研究性学习的重要教学模式。  相似文献   

研究性学习是以培养学生永不满足、追求卓越的态度,发现问题、提出问题、从而解决问题的能力为基本目标的一种全新的学习方式。作为综合实践活动课程的一个学习领域,小学数学的研究性学习在整个小学数学教学体系中,有的重要的地位和作用。  相似文献   

研究性学习是一种新的教育理念和方式.要在高中数学教学中实施研究性学习,需要教师结合目前的教育形式和研究性学习的特点,确定正确的教学方向,寓研究性学习于日常教学之中,将研究性学习渗透到数学问题之中,并更多注重开放性学习.  相似文献   

目前以“研究性学习”为特征的数学课堂教学的具体操作模式,是近几年国外较为盛行的数学教学模式,其根本目的在于“使学生在自主参与数学活动过程中学习数学,培养其创新精神和实践能力”。由于大大小小的数学问题是构成数学课堂教学的基本成分,而并不是所有的数学问题都能生成一次有效的“研究性学习”,因此,要想高质量地开展数学研究性学习活动,有必要对“课堂数学问题的设计分析”作更多的了解。  相似文献   

关于数学问题提出的若干思考   总被引:7,自引:8,他引:7  
问题提出是数学活动的显著特点,是提高学生问题解决能力和改进学生对数学的态度的有效手段,是促进学生理解数学的一个窗口.对问题提出的研究可基于以下几个方面:作为促进问题解决的一种手段,问题提出与问题解决的互动,作为一种相对独立的数学活动。培养学生问题提出能力,应关注影响该能力的认知和情感的因素,鼓励学生大胆地给出自己的问题,培养他们提出问题的兴趣与自信心.  相似文献   

Learning to pose mathematical tasks is one of the challenges of learning to teach mathematics. How and when preservice teachers may learn this essential practice,however, is not at all clear. This paper reports on a study that examined the changes in the problem posing strategies of a group of elementary preservice teachers as they posed problems to pupils. It reports that their later problem posing practices significantly differed from their earlier ones. Rather than posing traditional single steps and computational problems, these preservice teachers ventured into posing problems that had multiple approaches and solutions, were open-ended and exploratory, and were cognitively more complex. Their problem posing style also changed. Rather than making adaptations that made students' work easier or narrowed the mathematical scope of the problem, their adaptations became less leading and less focused on avoiding pupils' errors. Posing problems to an authentic audience, engaging in collaborative posing, and having access and opportunities to explore new kinds of problems are highlighted as important factors in promoting and supporting the reported changes. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In the present study, which is a part of a research project about realistic word problem solving and problem posing in Chinese elementary schools, a problem solving and a problem posing test were administered to 128 pre-service and in-service elementary school teachers from Tianjin City in China, wherein the teachers were asked to solve 3 contextually challenging division-with-remainder (DWR) word problems and pose word problems according to 3 symbolic expressions. Afterwards, they were also given 2 questionnaires wherein they had to evaluate 3 different pupil reactions to, respectively, 1 problem solving item and 1 problem posing item about DWR. First, our results revealed that teachers behaved quite ‘realistically’ not only when solving and posing DWR problems themselves but also when evaluating elementary school pupils’ DWR problem solving and problem posing performance. Second, we found a correspondence between teachers’ own performance on the tests and their evaluations of pupils’ reactions. Third, the present study provides some further insight into the role of one of the instructional factors that is generally considered responsible for the strong and worldwide tendency among elementary school children to neglect real-world knowledge and realistic considerations in their endeavours to solve and pose mathematical word problems, namely the teachers’ conceptions and beliefs about this topic.  相似文献   

Although official curriculum documents make cursory mention of the need for problem posing in school mathematics, problem posing rarely becomes part of the implemented or assessed curriculum. This paper provides examples of how problem posing can be made an integral part of mathematics teacher education programs. It is argued that such programs are a good place to start the process of redesigning mathematics curricula so that school mathematics will pay more than lip service to problem posing. Data are presented and analyzed showing that teacher education students can recognize the need for problem posing both in their own programs and in school mathematics curricula. Examples of problems posed by teacher education students are presented and discussed. An active learning framework for interpreting the role of problem posing in mathematics classrooms is presented.  相似文献   

School students of all ages, including those who subsequently become teachers, have limited experience posing their own mathematical problems. Yet problem posing, both as an act of mathematical inquiry and of mathematics teaching, is part of the mathematics education reform vision that seeks to promote mathematics as an worthy intellectual activity. In this study, the authors explored the problem-posing behavior of elementary prospective teachers, which entailed analyzing the kinds of problems they posed as a result of two interventions. The interventions were designed to probe the effects of (a) exploration of a mathematical situation as a precursor to mathematical problem posing, and (b) development of aesthetic criteria to judge the mathematical quality of the problems posed. Results show that both interventions led to improved problem posing and mathematically richer understandings of what makes a problem ‘good.’  相似文献   

中小学数学课程标准(教学大纲)中对“问题提出”的相关要求影响教科书的编写、教师的教和学生的学。采用内容分析法,对10份涉及“问题提出”的中小学数学课程标准(教学大纲)进行编码,通过定量、定性统计分析发现,中小学数学课程文件中对“问题提出”重视程度逐渐提高,建构起了从宏观到微观的“问题提出”体系;内容表述由单一逐步转向综合;目标要求由模糊笼统趋向于明确具体。未来还需要提高数学课程标准中“问题提出”的实践性;增强课程标准和教科书中“问题提出”的一致性;促进教师成为好的“问题提出”者。  相似文献   

问题提出与数学教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
问题提出具有数学教学中的创新基础。本文就问题提出在数学教学中的作用和数学教学中问题提出能力的培养进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of problem posing on the pre-service primary teachers' understanding of fraction concepts enrolled in two different versions of a methods course at a university in Turkey. In the experimental version, problem posing was used as a teaching strategy. At the beginning of the study, the pre-service teachers' knowledge of symbols and algorithms was adequate in both groups, but they were unable to provide appropriate representations and explanations for the given fraction situations. Results showed that problem posing had a positive impact on the pre-service teachers' knowledge and views about what it means to know mathematics.  相似文献   

初中生"提出数学问题"的现状与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育观念的偏差、教学方式的单一、教育评价的片面、问题意识的淡薄,造成了我国初中学生提出数学问题能力的欠缺.在数学教学中,应探讨培养初中学生提出数学问题能力的具体对策,比如:营造宽松和谐的问题环境;精心创设问题情境;培养学生的问题意识;开展合作交流学习;教给学生提出数学问题的具体方法.  相似文献   

In this study, we used problem posing as a measure of the effect of middle-school curriculum on students' learning in high school. Students who had used a standards-based curriculum in middle school performed equally well or better in high school than students who had used more traditional curricula. The findings from this study not only show evidence of strengths one might expect of students who used the standards-based reform curriculum but also bolster the feasibility and validity of problem posing as a measure of curriculum effect on student learning. In addition, the findings of this study demonstrate the usefulness of employing a qualitative rubric to assess different characteristics of students' responses to the posing tasks. Instructional and methodological implications of this study, as well as future directions for research, are discussed.  相似文献   

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