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形作为一种造型语言,从某种意义上来讲,包孕着自然与人际环境等容体中的所有知觉对象,对形的观念理解,形的审美价值认定离不开造型语言及造型基础教育问题。  相似文献   

装饰绘画教学中的造型语言训练,表现为具象形和抽象形两大类别,具象形造型侧重表现概括夸张,移位重构,适形造型,形的平面化等内容,抽象形造型由偶然性造型和构成性抽象型两方面组成。  相似文献   

高师美术专业造型语言及造型基础教育问题直接关系到学生综合素质的培养问题。因此,我们对于造型的认识,对于造型语言的把握,要从对造型的再现性的思维定势,延伸到对形的抽象思维及对造型的纯粹性、逻辑性的思维,其目的就在于形成具有综合性的现代造型基础教育的思维观念。  相似文献   

李群英 《考试周刊》2010,(3):206-206
装饰绘画教学中的造型语言训练,表现为具象形和抽象形两大类别。具象形造型侧重表现概括夸张。移位重构,适形造型,形的平面化等内容。抽象形造型由偶然性造型和构成性抽象型两方面组成。  相似文献   

由于玄学的影响以及外来画风的渗透,六朝的文学批评开始重视文学语言的造型赋色之功能,此即所谓的"形文"、"形似"问题.形文、形似都是对语言造型赋色能力的一种阐发,是一个问题的两个方面.六朝人的这种追求,强化了文学作品的形象性与描绘性,拓宽了文学语言的表现范围,在中国文学批评史上颇具开创之功.  相似文献   

重新审视扎实的素描造型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扎实的画面效果是由多重因素构成的视觉语言,是素描造型实践教学中所追求的目标。通过重新审视准确的形、结构与明暗、个性与传统、素描技巧等四个方面,让学生从认识误区中走出来,经营出真正扎实的画面效果。  相似文献   

由汉字记录的汉语诗歌具有独特的语言造型之美.本文简略论述了汉字与诗歌语言造型之美的关系,并列举了前人的相关研究案例,在此基础上重点论述了汉语诗歌的语言造型之美的一系列实现方式,进而思考并总结了汉语诗歌的语言造型美感产生的原因,并表明了对待汉语诗歌语言造型之美的态度.  相似文献   

形态素描与混沌造型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
形态素描强调一种素描意识,要求在素描过程中既要考虑“形“的因素,更重要的是对“态“的表现,以追求形象意态特征的整体把握为宗旨。主张在素描阶段培养出一种整体取势、动态把握的观察方法和造型意识,这种造型意识正是混沌造型的精髓所在。在原始艺术和民间艺术中有大量的混沌造型,包括原始岩画、汉画像石刻、画像砖刻、民间剪纸和皮影等剪影式造型,还有原始雕塑、汉代陶俑、石雕以及民间面塑、布塑、石雕等立体造型。混沌造型为形态素描提供了有益的范例。  相似文献   

线描在中国画中具有独特的造型功能,因为线的直接性,人类最早的造型行为就选择了线这一种古老的人造造型语言形式,但西画的用线与中国画的线描用线有着本质的区别,在西画中,线主要用来界定轮廓,而中国画中的线除了界形功能外,还可以表现物体的质感、量感、空间感、层次感、肌理、节奏与韵律感、暗示形状的深度关系,以腻主表现黑白不同的色阶,中国画从其产生的那时起,到现在一直在使用线条这种造型手段,悠久的线条使用史,深厚的文化积淀,使线的使用带有了独特的文化感。  相似文献   

本文对各个时期一些油画作品的造型和色彩的运用作了分析,提出在油画创作中认识形与色的重要性.  相似文献   

While it is well known that reading is highly heritable, less has been understood about the bases of these genetic influences. In this paper, we review the research that we have been conducting in recent years to examine genetic and environmental influences on the particular reading processes specified in the dual‐route cognitive model of reading. We argue that a detailed understanding of the role of genetic factors in reading acquisition requires the delineation and measurement of precise phenotypes, derived from well‐articulated models of the reading process. We report evidence for independent genetic influences on the lexical and nonlexical reading processes represented in the dual‐route model, based on studies of children with particular subtypes of dyslexia, and on univariate and multivariate genetic modelling of reading performance in the normally reading population.  相似文献   

A review of some contemporary studies based on an individual-difference model of student learning is presented. The exploratory fitting of conceptual models of student learning to atypical individual-similarity data structures is discussed, and an experimental categorisation procedure for producing such structures is outlined. Insofar as the features of some established conceptual models of student learning do not fit such atypical structures, either by virtue of their conceptual parsimony, or their underlying conceptual assumptions, the fitting of a locus model to such structures is explored. It is argued that, within the student experience of learning framework, conceptual models of student learning need to incorporate such additional dimensions of variation if such models are to be employed in individual-difference studies of student learning.  相似文献   

Chaos is a type of complicated behaviour found in non-linear dynamical systems. Computers are playing an important role in the growth of this science.  相似文献   

Nowadays there is a huge demand for flexible, independent learning without the constraints of time and place. Various trends in the field of education and training are the bases for the development of new technologies for education. This article describes the development of a learning technology specification, which supports these new demands for learning challenging the new technological possibilities. This specification is named Educational Modelling Language (EML) and is developed by the Open University of the Netherlands.  相似文献   

一部动画是否成功,很大程度上取决于动画中人物的造型,人物造型不仅能够促进一部动画成功,还可以让动画展现出它不一样的地方,一个好的造型能够为动画增添色彩,一个出色的造型能够为动画加分,让动画超出原本所能达到的效果,尤其是教师在教学生时,教师应该让学生知道,造型对于动画也是非常重要的,锻炼学生的品味,和不一样的思维能力,同时还要锻炼学生的想象力,让学生头脑相出好的造型,大胆的设计符合该动画的造型,让观众感到该动画与其他动画与众不同之处,提高学生的专业知识,提高学生在动画造型中的造诣。  相似文献   

Ros Fisher 《Literacy》2002,36(2):63-67
This paper considers evidence from an ESRC funded study of twenty teachers, teaching the literacy hour. In 170 hours of observation only one instance of a teacher modelling her thinking about reading or writing was recorded: and this was unplanned. It is suggested here that, although there should be opportunities for metacognitive modelling within the literacy hour, teachers find it difficult to use these opportunities. Some ideas about the importance of metacognition are reviewed and an example of metacognitive modelling in shared writing is analysed. It is argued that concern for improved performance may cause more attention to be focused on what is to be achieved rather than how.  相似文献   

对于游戏原画画面的基调,光影造型是其中基本影响因素之一,但却是最直观的。光影常用于游戏原画创作中,光影对画面的影响比较大,影响着画面的细腻度、情绪、画面的感染力等等,光影对形体的塑造值得深入研究。另外,光影造型是游戏原画设计中经常容易被忽视的一个重要元素,它以明暗布局的形式来暗喻游戏中物体的体积感和画面强烈的空间感。  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the mathematical modelling components of the Open University second level course in applied mathematics called Mathematical Models and Methods. The teaching of mathematical modelling has been introduced in many British Universities and Poly technics. But teaching modelling at a distance is fraught with difficulties. What these are and how we overcame them is described by the authors. In doing so we,hope that other distance education institutes will find it attractive to offer components on mathematical modelling in some of their courses.  相似文献   

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