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曾国藩系统的读书治学教育思想主要体现在读书治学的态度上,他强调读书要先有志,贵有识,重有恒,虚心涵泳和切己体察;体现在读书治学的方法上,他强调看读写作四者缺一不可,读书要“专学一艺、专精一业”,“勿求强记、宜求明白”和分类做读书笔记;体现在诗文创作的主张及做法上,他主张文道分离、文尚雄奇、以气行文和谋篇布局之法、字句锻炼之法等。  相似文献   

不喜历史,疏于读书,对"曾国藩"这个名字一度只停留在政治人物的理解上,甚至更多的是从某些影视剧里获得的负面感觉。某日偶读报纸,发现伟人毛泽东曾与友人说过:"愚于近人,独服曾文正。"于是产生想了解曾国藩的极大兴趣。通过查阅资料方知,其不仅是中国近代史上一位重要的历史人物,他的著作和思想也同样影响深远、泽被后人,在教子弟读书、做学问、勤劳、  相似文献   

曾国藩可以说是中国近代史上的一个传奇人物,但是比起曾国藩在政治事业上所获得的成功,他在家庭教育上获得的成功明显更为人们所津津乐道。而曾国藩家庭教育的成功离不开一样东西,那便是"书"。曾国藩一生坚持读书,"读书"二字贯穿了其生命的始终,不但为子孙后代树立了一个好榜样,更为用为家族的繁盛打下了坚实的基础。曾国藩未曾写过读书方面的专著,但其读书理念在《曾国藩家书》中依稀可见,并随着家书流传后世。本文仅就曾国藩的读书理念进行分析研究,以探讨其现代启示。  相似文献   

1917年8月23日,毛泽东在给友人的一封信中写道:“愚于近人独服曾文正,观其收拾洪杨一役,完满无缺。从现有公开的资料看,从1913年至1917年间,毛泽东仔细阅读了《曾国藩家书》和曾国藩编纂的《经史百家杂钞》等书。在韶山纪念馆里藏有毛泽东当年读过的《曾国藩家书》的四、六、七、九卷。每卷的扉页上,毛泽东题了“咏芝珍藏”四个字。如此推崇珍惜,这在毛泽东的藏书中是少见的;可见曾国藩对青年毛泽东的影响非同一般。毛泽东特别佩服曾国藩的军事才能,对曾国藩镇压太平天国起义的经过有着详细的了解,所以才有“独服曾文正”的感叹。后来,毛泽东上了井冈山,领导武装斗争,由文人成为军事统帅。由于他与曾国藩具有相同的文化背景和相似的早期军事生涯,这就决定了两人的军事思想有许多观点是一致的;但两人不同的阶级立场和世界观又决定了其军事思想有着深刻的分歧,下面从两个方面进行比较。  相似文献   

忙,成为很多人不读书的理由。但有意思的是,一些极其繁忙的人,他们的阅读量同时也是惊人的。古之司马光、近之曾国藩,以及众所周知的毛泽东,都是如此。如果善于安排,调理得当,忙碌其实不该成为妨碍读书的借口。恰恰相反,有时忙碌会成为读书的推动力。怎么做呢?我以为有以下三个方法:其一,融读书与忙碌为一体,是所谓"挤"时读书。当把读书与工作和实践结合起来时,阅读  相似文献   

曾国藩是晚清"中兴名臣",是中国传统文化的忠实继承者和践行者。在长期的仕宦生涯中,他有关读书、修身和治家的言论与实践不仅在当时,而且对后世产生过深远影响。曾国藩认为,读书贵在立志,重在深造自得,即不把读书求学仅仅看作是与个人荣辱得失有关的事情,既当志存高远,又应脚踏实地、修身务本。慎独、主敬、求仁、习劳是曾国藩一生用以儆惕的修己之道,更是他一生学问、事业成功的基础。曾国藩的治家理念是:愿家族世代为耕读孝友之家,不愿为仕宦暴发之家;愿子孙个个为读书明理之君子、礼义之旗帜,不愿他们做大官、发大财;家勤则兴、人勤则健,能勤能俭,永不贫贱;世家子弟,门第过盛,万目所瞩,骄怠者败。所有这些,在《曾国藩日记》中都得到充分展现。  相似文献   

毛泽东喜欢读书甚至读书成瘾,这是大家都很熟悉的事情。毛泽东非常讲究读书方法,而且他的读书方法比较特别,于读书人很有启发。现介绍如下:1.读书先立志。毛泽东积极主张读书和学习要有崇高的理想和远大的目标。在湖南第一师范求学时,毛泽东就与同学相约“三不谈”,即不谈金钱,不谈男女之间的事,不谈家庭琐事,否则,就不能做朋友。毛泽东说:“我的朋友和我只乐意谈论大事──人的性质,人类社会的性质,中国的性质,世界,宇宙!”他在《讲堂录》中倡导:“高尚其理想”、“修身”、“奋斗”、“朝气”,并强调“实意做事,真心…  相似文献   

郦波 《中华家教》2011,(8):39-40
"人之气质,由于天生,很难改变,唯读书则可以变其气质。古之精于相法者,并言读书可以变换骨相。"曾国藩写给儿子的家信不仅表达了读书改变一个人情操和价值观的道理,也指明了读书要读经典,读懂、读透的读书方法。书,要怎么读才对呢?曾国藩教给孩子的读书方法主要有3条。  相似文献   

《敢为天下先》等论著和文章,毫不掩饰地亮出了人们对曾国藩的全面肯定论。但问题之真正所在是,把毛泽东旱年和晚年评价曾国藩的两句话“愚于近人,独服曾文正”和“曾国藩是地主阶级最厉害的人物”理解为对曾国藩的全面肯定,不仅同毛泽东这两句话的真谛和实质相差极远,甚至还有曲解和篡改之嫌:  相似文献   

曾国藩教给孩子的读书方法主要有3条。第一,要读经典。因为曾国藩自己就是儒家标准的知识分子,所以他教曾纪泽读书,从小就很有规划,主要是以《十三经》和《二十三史》为根本。  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to investigate the correlates of hyperlexia in Brazilian Portuguese-speaking children with the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Study 1 involved 3 groups of school age children individually matched for word reading ability: 6 ASD hyperlexic children, 6 ASD non-hyperlexic children, and 6 typically developing children. Study 2 involved 2 ASD preschool hyperlexic boys, and a group of 21 typical children of similar word reading ability. In both studies, participants were administered several reading measures as well as measures of cognitive and linguistic abilities that have been associated with variations in typical and dyslexic reading, namely, vocabulary, phonological processes, and rapid naming. Results suggest that ASD hyperlexic reading differs from both typical and ASD non-hyperlexic reading. In particular, they suggest that hyperlexics learn to compute letter-sound relations implicitly, on the basis of statistical learning. Although the hyperlexic children could read nonwords as well as the typical and the ASD non-hyperlexic children, they performed significantly worse than these groups of children on a letter-sound knowledge task. They also performed relatively poorly on a phonological awareness task. It is suggested that hyperlexics’ indifference to language as a meaningful, communicative device may be the key to their exceptionally good and precocious development of word reading ability.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the various nuanced dimensions of adolescents' dispositions towards reading in one secondary school in Singapore, where a high‐stakes examination culture often threatens to colonise the practices of leisure reading. Our focus is on the better and more avid readers as they were the ones that developed the more negative attitudes towards reading at the end of their first year in secondary school. Our analysis found that there were no significant differences between boys and girls in their declining attitudes, and that for both ‘intrinsic motivation’ saw the greatest decline. However, attitudes related to learning orientation remained stable, suggesting both the impact of constraints in an exam‐oriented educational structure as well as possibilities for developing reading pedagogy and adolescent reading programmes. We argue that the more educators are aware of the multidimensionality and complexity of the attitudes and values that students bring to their reading, the more effectively they will be able to design and implement programmes and pedagogy to foster positive attitudes and promote a lifelong love for reading.  相似文献   

The role of spelling recognition was examined in word reading skills and reading comprehension for dyslexic and nondyslexic children. Dyslexic and nondyslexic children were matched on their raw word reading proficiency. Relationships between spelling recognition and the following were examined for both groups of children: verbal ability, working memory, phonological measures, rapid naming, word reading, and reading comprehension. Children’s performance in spelling recognition was significantly associated with their skills in word reading and reading comprehension regardless of their reading disability status. Furthermore, spelling recognition contributed significant variance to reading comprehension for both dyslexic and nondyslexic children after the effects of phonological awareness, rapid naming, and word reading proficiency had been accounted for. The results support the role of spelling recognition in reading development for both groups of children and they are discussed using a componential reading fluency framework.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper reports recent findings from a national survey of the reading habits of boys and girls aged 10, 12 and 14. Boys' reading habits are considered in the light of concerns about boys' underachievement in school, and in relation to girls' reading and changing patterns of literacy over time. The authors argue that helping boys develop as critical readers involves taking their voluntary reading seriously and rejecting deficit models. The paper argues that boys need to be encouraged to understand how they have been socially constructed as readers; they need to be engaged in discussion about their reading and the implications of the choices they make. It is only by taking differences seriously that critical and discerning readers will bedeveloped, and critical readers are necessary to undermine current highly gendered reading practices which potentially disadvantage both sexes.  相似文献   

The primary goal of this research is to better understand my students' reading orientations – what they believe it means to be a successful reader. I also seek to identify the relationship between those beliefs and my teaching. The data come primarily from six focal students in my second-grade classroom in an urban public charter elementary school in Oakland, California. Focal students were observed, interviewed, and asked to discuss and rank vignettes of readers with varying reading behaviors, skills, and habits. In addition, I drew on systematic reflections about my own teaching and students. Results showed that focal students shared reading orientations toward aspects of fluency, such as accuracy, and knowledge-level comprehension skills, such as retelling events from a story. Results also showed that students' responses correlated closely with teaching points emphasized both within my classroom and around the school. These results, in combination with data from observations, led me to discover that students' reading orientations may have both public and private aspects. In other words, their stated preferences might differ from their private inclinations. These findings suggest that teachers need to be organized and intentional around the messages that they send to students about successful reading. They also suggest that teachers create environments in which various purposes and reading behaviors are valued.  相似文献   

The National Curriculum for Initial Teacher Education in English is specific and detailed about the knowledge expected of primary teachers. Shulman (1987) argued that teachers transform this sort of subject content knowledge into something accessible and meaningful to their pupils and this knowledge is described as ‘pedagogic content knowledge’. Medwell et al. (1998) found that effective literacy teachers only knew literacy in the way that they taught it. The research project underpinning this article aimed to explore student teachers' conceptions of the teaching of reading in order to find out what they thought they were teaching when they taught reading. It was thought that the personal reading histories of the students would impact on their developing conceptions of teaching reading. This article traces one student, Gordon, through the year of his PGCE course. In the form of dialogue between Gordon and the researcher developing understanding is articulated. Three different types of reading are described: decoding, making meaning and engaging. Reading is seen as a transformative process, where the reader is both within and outside the text. This has implications both for the conception of reading contained within the curriculum and the way it is implemented within the classroom. A teacher can only introduce children to experiences and ways of reading that are known to herself. It is argued, therefore, that student teachers need to extend the boundaries of their own reading and so appreciate the wide range of ways in which meaning is constructed and readers are created.  相似文献   

This study investigated effects of reading medium (print vs. digital) on integrative processing and integrated understanding of an illustrated text on human sexuality, as well as whether reading medium indirectly affected integrated understanding via integrative processing. Participants were 100 undergraduate and graduate students in educational sciences. Integrative processing was indicated by participants’ gaze transitions between complementary textual and pictorial parts of the document during reading, and integrated understanding was indicated by participants’ integration of textual and pictorial information in post-reading written responses. Results showed that participants who read the illustrated text on paper displayed more integrative processing during reading than did participants who read exactly the same text on a computer. In turn, integrative processing positively affected comprehension performance, resulting in a mediated effect of reading medium on comprehension via integrative processing. There was no main effect of reading medium on integrated understanding, however. Also, prompting participants to pay attention to both text and illustration as well as their relationship did not have any main effects on integrative processing or integrated understanding; nor were there any interaction effects of reading medium with instructional prompt on integrative processing or integrated understanding. These results are discussed in terms of the insights they offer into reading medium effects on processing and comprehension, as well as in terms of the directions they suggest for future research in this area.  相似文献   

How Individual Differences Interact With Task Demands in Text Processing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reading is affected by both situational requirements and one’s cognitive skills. The current study investigated how individual differences interacted with task requirements to determine reading behavior and outcome. We recorded the eye movements of college students, who differed in reading efficiency, while they completed a multiple-choice (MC) comprehension test in two within-subject conditions: one in which they read passages and answered MC questions as in a typical reading test and one in which they wrote a summary before answering the MC questions. We found students spent longer time reading the text in the summary-writing condition, resulting in a benefit in the time they spent when answering MC questions. This time benefit was larger for students who had relatively low reading efficiency. These results demonstrated that both task requirements and individual differences can interact to affect reading behavior and performance. Implications for reading practice and assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

Metacognition has become a popular term in theories of cognitive development and reading. What children know about the goals, tasks, and strategies of reading can influence how well they plan and monitor their own reading. Despite the appeal of metacognition and the emphasis on executive management of reading, there have been relatively few empirical studies that measure or promote children's metacognition about reading. This article briefly reviews some key studies of children's knowledge about reading and identifies some difficulties in defining and measuring metacognition. An Index of Reading Awareness (IRA) is offered as an informal assessment of metacognition derived from both theory and empirical data that can be used to measure children's understanding of reading comprehension processes. Data are presented illustrating that the instrument is sensitive to developmental and instructional differences in children's metacognition about reading. It is argued that the usefulness of the term metacognition depends on the development of both formal and informal tests of children's knowledge about reading and effective instruction that promotes metacognition.  相似文献   

The reading test performances of 60 hearing and 60 hearing-impaired children of similar measured reading ages on the Southgate reading test were analysed. As in an earlier study using the Brimer Wide-span test it was shown that the performances of the two groups were quite different. Deaf children tackled significantly more test items than the hearing and made significantly more errors in achieving similar reading scores. A detailed examination of both correct and incorrect answers showed that the deaf children were not simply providing answers to questions at random. Even where they produced incorrect responses they tended, as a group, to select the same answer. Unlike the hearing group, who did not converge on the same incorrect solution to difficult test items, the deaf were systematic in their choices, indicating that they were using a consistent strategy. A post hoc examination of individual test items indicated that the deaf children were selecting answers on the basis of word associations in each test item. On some items these produced a correct response, on others the same (incorrect) response. The implications of these findings are discussed to argue that reading tests based on hearing norms are of little value in the assessment of reading abilities and reading problems in hearing-impaired children.  相似文献   

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