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梁娜 《时代教育》2010,(4):79-79
It is universally acknowledged that Macbeth is the most vivid tragedy as a psychoanalysis of the state of humanity’s development of a sense of sexual self.In the play,the inherent cruelty in masculinity is ironically represented best by the corrupted feminine characters,the three witches and Lady Macbeth.Undoubtedly,they finally push Macbeth over the brink into dramatic tragedy,tragedy of his country,his ambition and his own self as well.  相似文献   

Sympathy is one of the essential themes that George Eliot discusses in her novels. She uses various effective narrative strategies for the emergence of that theme. This paper, based on a close reading on the passage from Middlemarch, explores one of them——the incarnation of the narrator as a character. In Middlemarch, the narrator, as a character, both shows sympathy to the characters and asks for sympathy from the readers. To show his sympathy to the characters, he provides his comprehensive analysis of the characters and authorizes his characters to present their opinions. To ask for the sympathy, he directly addresses to the readers, uses free indirect speech in the narration, and expresses his own emotions. By the strategy of incarnation of the narrator as a character, Eliot clearly presents the readers her purpose of writing.  相似文献   

Long ago in a small, faraway villas;e, there was a place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors. A small, happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit. When he arrived, he bounced happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could.  相似文献   

Bryan Adams     
Bryan Adams was one of the most popular mainstream rock & rollers to emerge in the '80s,producing a series of platinum albums and Top Ten hits. Adams wasn't an Innovator on the level of Bruce Springsteen,or even John Cougar Mellencamp. He followed in their footsteps.smoothing out their rougher edges while retalning a down-to-earth earnestness in both his straightforward rock & roll and his husky voice.At the beginning of his career.he relied more on rock than pop,but as his career progressed, he became known for his ballads.But both his rockers and his slow numbers were the result of his craftsmanship, both as a writer and a performer-Adams never let anything obscure a good hook.  相似文献   

许瑾 《海外英语》2012,(15):191-192,194
In this paper,Joseph,kind to his brothers whom had once nearly killed him before will be discussed.Years of terrible suffering when Joseph has been sold to Egypt as a slave,from the bottom towards the top,he finally became the prime minister to help the Egyptian pharaohs with seven years of abundant and famine.When his brothers came to Egypt to buy coin to get alive,as a prime minister,Joseph did not use his power to punish them but forgive all after identifying their repentance.Forgiving all and asking his brothers to reunite the whole family and relatives,Joseph also settles his father and brothers in the best of the land,dwell in the land of Goshen admitted by Egyp tian pharaohs.Conclusion:Every one of us shall be as kind as Joseph,forget the evil things treated to us before,and forgive the persons,who betrayed or framed before:a disposition to be lenient in pardoning others.  相似文献   

Lying comfortably upon a sofa, Marker Bray-ton smiled as he read old Morryster's book:Marvels of Science. He unconciously(无意识的)1 the book without changing the 2 of his eyes. As soon as the book had gone 3 the line of sight,something in a 4 of the room attracted his 5 In the shadow underthe 6 he noticed two points of light about  相似文献   

杨恒波 《海外英语》2012,(5):13-14,24
The Libido for the Ugly is an impressionistic essay written by H.L Mencken.In this writing,the author has strongly expressed his impression on the town he witnessed in his tour by using a lot of rhetoric words.The paper is aimed at analysing the text from the perspec tive of both impressionism and rhetoric devices in order to present a clear picture of writer’s intention and purpose in his writing to the readers as well as to point out the importance of the style and discoure employed by the writer.  相似文献   

When we read Shake speare's tragedies,we can not help feeling thatthe most painful and the most pathetic one might be Othello.For inHamlet,the hero knows his rival olearly to be his uncle clandius,themost vicious,incestus villain,thus he is on guard;in King Lear,theold king is the only victim of human ingratitude;only in othello,thenoble hearted hero is completely in the darkness,unaware of his enemy,and mislays his trust upon the most incomparably ingenious and unscru-pulous villain.He is led by the nose.to believe that his newly weddedwife is not as pure as he has thought before and finally to strangle thesublimely innocent and pure angel upon her wedding sheet,conceiving ofhimself as the agent not of vengeance but of divine justice.This mightbe the cruelest act that has ever happened inhuman history.This tragedyis partly due to the intrigues of the shameless villain Iago,partly dueto the vunerableness of the hero's character.  相似文献   

One of my favorite things to do is watch my sonAndrew play at the park near our Baltimorehome.Andrew is not as fast or as talkative asother children of his age,but he’s just as sweet andbeautiful as they are.And I know that in his own way,hehas just as much to give to the world as they do.  相似文献   

Ideas as Historical Events: On J. G. A. Pocock's Historiography
Abstract:J. G. A. Pocock is a famous member of the "Cambridge School", but the concerned review and research about him is still very rare in China. Taking one of his important works Virtue, Commerce and History as an example of his scholarship, the paper offers a general examination of his methodology and historical study of politieal ideas. The paper is divided into five sections.  相似文献   

王安石词传情达意、吞吐心曲,不仅反映了作者忧怀国事、渴望君臣遇合的思想及其淡视政治穷达的操守,更深刻反映了他晚年遭罢相后的痛苦复杂的心境。  相似文献   

由于对道家文化的接近与体贴,戴望舒在他一生的处世、为人、诗歌创作、择取西学的路径等方面有鲜明的独异性特征。戴望舒与道家文化的关联很深,老庄哲学、诗学、美学思想对他影响极大,并内化为潜在心理机制,影响着诗人的人生选择与诗艺追求。他在爱情生活中选择逃避、他的悲天悯人的忧郁气质、他钟情于死亡书写、独特的诗歌写作的运思方式、诗歌经典意象的营造等等,都具有鲜明的道家文化特色。  相似文献   

严羽以诗论闻名于世,其诗歌则不大为人所重视。一般以为他的诗宗法盛唐,偏重于妙远。其实,作为一位杰出的理论家和诗人,作为一名爱国忧民的志士,严羽的诗歌是其心灵史的主要载体,比较集中地反映了他的思想和所处时代的风云。探讨其诗歌创作,对于理解严羽的诗学理论是有裨益的。  相似文献   

张大千以其晚年独创的泼彩技艺,卓立于现代中国画坛,成为开创型的中国画大师。对于他的山水画表现力而言,他的泼彩主要起了如下四种作用:以彩当墨,以笔当泼;以墨作底,以彩醒墨;以色作泼,晕染天趣;以笔运彩,抽象天成。这几种泼彩效果的使用,也体现了张大千在泼彩山水画中对泼彩利用上的三种境界。特别是张大千泼彩山水画中的一些作品,已经达到了以形为形、以色为色的最高境界,从而使张大千山水画开始了由传统形态走向现代形态的转换。  相似文献   

王阳明谪龙场道经湖南,作诗七首,反映了作者对自己凶险处境的认识,对胜利的可能性的评估,摆脱凶险的对策,以及作者的信仰和追求。  相似文献   

“恶魔性”作为潜藏于人的心理和情感世界的内在物质构成人的内在局限性,它经常通过各种途径转换为人的外在行动。文章试图通过对《假面舞会》主人公阿尔别宁在误信妻子出轨的谣言之后行动的分析,来阐释其人身上“恶魔性因素”的三个方面:第一,往往自觉地边缘化于中心,因而极其孤独;第二,对世界持有一种全面怀疑乃至怨恨,特别看重个人意志的自由,甚至颇为自私;第三,在正常情况下,既具创造性,更有毁灭性。  相似文献   

朱元璋不同时期嗜杀的心理动因多有不同,或缘于自卑、或缘于猜忌、或缘于为子孙"削刺"的初衷、或缘于理想主义者作"救世主"的浪漫理想、或只是在社会教化下无意识的从众。探讨其嗜杀缘由,我们既要分析其在不同事件上的个性心理,又不能忽视其所处的时代背景。  相似文献   

白沙诗展现出陈白沙特有的人格风采。它体现在:崇尚道义、安贫乐道的人生理想;济世救民的仁爱胸怀;深沉的爱国情思;自然、自得的精神境界;咏物诗浓厚的人格内涵。卓立特行的人格追求是形成白沙诗人格风采的内在动力,明代的理学文化土壤是孕育它的社会温床。白沙的人格风采通过江门学派传人在岭南发扬光大,泽惠来者。  相似文献   

顾炎武在山西的诗作,有对山川形胜进行的实际考察,有与友人交往、相互酬唱的应答之作,有日常抒怀中作为明遗民的黍离之悲。诗作内容源于顾炎武对遗民身份的坚持,也源于其经世致用学术理念的实地考察,同时受到清初山西的特殊地理环境的影响。  相似文献   

嵇康玄学循形名学角度切入,辨名而非名,建立了一个以自然为体的理论的统系.自然在名号之外,体合自然唯有无哀无乐,但在现实人生中,他并不能自免于哀乐.玄思与诗情构成了一对矛盾,逼显出嵇康自然观的缺失,所谓清峻之志,反映着他的执着,也反映着他的困惑.  相似文献   

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